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Limbaugh gets Fluke(d) again

The only way Rush would go off the air is if he adotped all the Liberal talking points
There is a left wing nut ambulance chaser here in Orlando by the name of John Morgan. He's a rich 1%er and major paracite who loves obama so much that he hosted a $30,000 a plate fundraiser at his spacious palace here.

This guy, this left wing nut dirt bag, advertises during the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

I have to point and laugh my ass off at you nutcases.

Thank you. This is a perfect illustration of the fallacy some of you clowns addict yourself to, i.e. that ratings measure some kind of assent.

Of course, they don't; they measure attention, i.e. how many ears are available to the advertiser. That many of y'all don't seem to grasp this is sickeningly evident every time you start crowing about Lush Rimjob's ratings as if they're some kind of award.
What is this like the 3,024,834,087,560,348th time liberals have predicted the demise of the Rush Limbaugh radio show?

Bunch of left wing idiots if you'll pardon the redundancy.

No, that's the amount of tax payer money the pubs have wasted in their phony "repeal ObamaCare" dog and pony act.

Don't worry about old lardass. As was already pointed out, he's the boss of the pub party and backed by the cock bros.

Got a link to that shithead?

No you don't. You're just a dumbass.
Rush will be fine. He speaks the truth and the liberals hyperventilate. Nothing new here, folks.

Yes, he refuses to go PC and the left really fears that. Rush has been in the truth about government shenanigans for 25 years and his future looks bright. He can pick and choose his destiny.

Hmm-- not so much. His future, like anyone in broadcasting, is determined by ratings. And Lush's have been fading for four years now. Plus he's got a corporate bloc of 40 stations ready to drop his show at the end of the year when their contract is up.

If Lush were a stock, I'd be selling.
What is this like the 3,024,834,087,560,348th time liberals have predicted the demise of the Rush Limbaugh radio show?

Bunch of left wing idiots if you'll pardon the redundancy.

No, that's the amount of tax payer money the pubs have wasted in their phony "repeal ObamaCare" dog and pony act.

Don't worry about old lardass. As was already pointed out, he's the boss of the pub party and backed by the cock bros.


Few are more butthurt than Luddley.
There is a left wing nut ambulance chaser here in Orlando by the name of John Morgan. He's a rich 1%er and major paracite who loves obama so much that he hosted a $30,000 a plate fundraiser at his spacious palace here.

This guy, this left wing nut dirt bag, advertises during the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

I have to point and laugh my ass off at you nutcases.

Thank you. This is a perfect illustration of the fallacy some of you clowns addict yourself to, i.e. that ratings measure some kind of assent.

Of course, they don't; they measure attention, i.e. how many ears are available to the advertiser. That many of y'all don't seem to grasp this is sickeningly evident every time you start crowing about Lush Rimjob's ratings as if they're some kind of award.

I'm not talking about ratings. The thrust of this thread is about advertizers. John Morgan is an advertizer during Rush's show. He is also an obama fluffer.

Please try to keep up.
There is a left wing nut ambulance chaser here in Orlando by the name of John Morgan. He's a rich 1%er and major paracite who loves obama so much that he hosted a $30,000 a plate fundraiser at his spacious palace here.

This guy, this left wing nut dirt bag, advertises during the Rush Limbaugh radio show.

I have to point and laugh my ass off at you nutcases.

Thank you. This is a perfect illustration of the fallacy some of you clowns addict yourself to, i.e. that ratings measure some kind of assent.

Of course, they don't; they measure attention, i.e. how many ears are available to the advertiser. That many of y'all don't seem to grasp this is sickeningly evident every time you start crowing about Lush Rimjob's ratings as if they're some kind of award.

I'm not talking about ratings. The thrust of this thread is about advertizers. John Morgan is an advertizer during Rush's show. He is also an obama fluffer.

Please try to keep up.

Of course you are. Advertising and ratings cannot be separated. ADVERTISING IS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF RATINGS. They determine how much a slot of time is worth, in terms of how many eyes or ears the advertisers can reach. That is the sole and entire purpose of audience ratings systems!

TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

An 11% increase in the last year alone. :D


Rush MUST be all worried by pogo's propaganda.

I don't have any propaganda, but I can note, and I'm not the first, that a controversial move like a three-day SlutFest is created to boost sagging ratings, because as the saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and controversy always draws attention like flies. See also Stern, Howard. See also WWE. See also Springer, Jerry. See also Povich, Maury. Etc etc etc. It's Spectacle, and people flock to see Spectacle.

Put out the same old tired tirade every day and audiences fatigue.... start yelling "slut" for three days, and get your name in the news, and the ratings reverse their slide. Because as I've said 500 times, ratings measure attention, not assent. Listeners start paying attention not because they too think Sandra Fluke is talking about sex; rather, they tune in for Rush, to see the Spectacle he's created and where he'll go next. Because if you can watch a meltdown happen live, it's more special.

Drive a semi on I-55 and nobody particularly notices; jackknife that truck in the oncoming lane, and everybody wants to see it. Doesn't mean they "agree" with overturning trucks. However the cargo in that truck doesn't fare so well, any more than the advertisers who suddenly find themselves associated with SlutFest.

So this becomes a case where the attention strategy worked on the surface, yet doesn't translate to its desired result. Ironically considering the terminology, it was Limblob's own prostituting to ratings that undermined his plan.

-- Which might be taken as a lesson in ethics.

Nah, probably not.
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When I compare the main conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh to the liberal's main proud radio personality, I have to ask:

who is the main liberal radio personality again?

I mean, sure: the libs have almost ALL of the main stream media's news anchors and "reporters" [sic] (i.e., their new readers) on the left side. But, that's just the old propaganda outlets.

Yet libs, like the author of the blithering blathering OP, do tend to hyperventilate that conservative talk radio is a success.

They worry about having ANY competing thoughts being disseminated. Their need for group think and rigid orthodoxy is disturbing.

Bad news for the lunatic libs who tend to oppose alternative views being tolerated: Rush Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. If the ABC radio network and the syndicate that puts out the Rush radio show allows him and his EIB network to move on, then move on Rush will. He won't go away, he'll just start up on different outlets: that's only going to give Rush a wider audience in the long run.

The orchestrated effort of the leftist wannabe censors will not succeed.

Like him or not, Rush offers something the leftist radio talking heads could never provide: informative and entertaining radio.

You bring up a relevant point, Ilya. There is no one on the left who is the equivalent of Limbaugh, or Beck for that matter. Which raises the question as to why there is such a huge market for this on the right but it is virtually non existent on the left.

Perhaps the OP provides a clue when it mentioned Limbaugh's misogynist remarks about Fluke. There really doesn't seem to be any audience on the left for that kind of language. Granted there is a sense of outrage on the left but it is a reaction to what is stemming from the right rather than originating from the left. There just doesn't seem to be any need for someone on the left to demean women when the right is doing such a thorough job of it. And to be fair it isn't only Limbaugh. Just look at all the GOP candidates remarks about women, rape and abortion.

Between them all they have the misogyny market locked down so it looks like you are right that Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. He amply fills the niche that he has created for himself.
TALKERS.COM - "The Bible of Talk Radio and the New Talk Media"

An 11% increase in the last year alone. :D


Rush MUST be all worried by pogo's propaganda.

I don't have any propaganda, but I can note, and I'm not the first, that a controversial move like a three-day SlutFest is created to boost sagging ratings, because as the saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and controversy always draws attention like flies. See also Stern, Howard. See also WWE. See also Springer, Jerry. See also Povich, Maury. Etc etc etc. It's Spectacle, and people flock to see Spectacle.

Put out the same old tired tirade every day and audiences fatigue.... start yelling "slut" for three days, and get your name in the news, and the ratings reverse their slide. Because as I've said 500 times, ratings measure attention, not assent. Listeners start paying attention not because they too think Sandra Fluke is talking about sex; rather, they tune in for Rush, to see the Spectacle he's created and where he'll go next. Because if you can watch a meltdown happen live, it's more special.

Drive a semi on I-55 and nobody particularly notices; jackknife that truck in the oncoming lane, and everybody wants to see it. Doesn't mean they "agree" with overturning trucks. However the cargo in that truck doesn't fare so well, any more than the advertisers who suddenly find themselves associated with SlutFest.

So this becomes a case where the attention strategy worked on the surface, yet doesn't translate to its desired result. Ironically considering the terminology, it was Limblob's own prostituting to ratings that undermined his plan.

-- Which might be taken as a lesson in ethics.

Nah, probably not.

To give Limbaugh credit he is really good at milking his audience. He gives them exactly what they want to hear each and every time they tune in. But as you point out, Pogo, there is a price to be paid for catering to the LCD. It sets up a conflict for the corporations that are advertising on his show. Will Limbaugh's remarks result in gaining or losing market share for their own products. That conflict has become more apparent as people push back against misogyny. It won't hurt Limbaugh and it won't hurt his base audience. But it does hurt his advertisers and they still have to survive in the real world. The advantage of capitalism is that it does give people the power to "vote with their dollars".

As far as ethics are concerned it made me think of the "family values" meme that used to be so popular with the right. All of those "family values" people who were so outraged about having to explain to their small children what a BJ means don't seem to have the same sense of outrage when it comes to explaining what "slut" means. There is a lesson in there somewhere too.
When I compare the main conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh to the liberal's main proud radio personality, I have to ask:

who is the main liberal radio personality again?

I mean, sure: the libs have almost ALL of the main stream media's news anchors and "reporters" [sic] (i.e., their new readers) on the left side. But, that's just the old propaganda outlets.

Yet libs, like the author of the blithering blathering OP, do tend to hyperventilate that conservative talk radio is a success.

They worry about having ANY competing thoughts being disseminated. Their need for group think and rigid orthodoxy is disturbing.

Bad news for the lunatic libs who tend to oppose alternative views being tolerated: Rush Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. If the ABC radio network and the syndicate that puts out the Rush radio show allows him and his EIB network to move on, then move on Rush will. He won't go away, he'll just start up on different outlets: that's only going to give Rush a wider audience in the long run.

The orchestrated effort of the leftist wannabe censors will not succeed.

Like him or not, Rush offers something the leftist radio talking heads could never provide: informative and entertaining radio.

You bring up a relevant point, Ilya. There is no one on the left who is the equivalent of Limbaugh, or Beck for that matter. Which raises the question as to why there is such a huge market for this on the right but it is virtually non existent on the left.

Perhaps the OP provides a clue when it mentioned Limbaugh's misogynist remarks about Fluke. There really doesn't seem to be any audience on the left for that kind of language. Granted there is a sense of outrage on the left but it is a reaction to what is stemming from the right rather than originating from the left. There just doesn't seem to be any need for someone on the left to demean women when the right is doing such a thorough job of it. And to be fair it isn't only Limbaugh. Just look at all the GOP candidates remarks about women, rape and abortion.

Between them all they have the misogyny market locked down so it looks like you are right that Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. He amply fills the niche that he has created for himself.

Damn. I'm out of rep but here's an IOU.

You've drilled into a deep psychological well here, a question I've been raising for years. Dittoes are so fond of bringing up AirAmerica and the various leftist radio talkers that tried to copycat Limblob's model and couldn't find the same ratings numbers.

Since we're talking about ratings (attention) we can see the leftists copying the model of mean-spirited demonization have not garnered the same degree of attention... yet the right wing talkers that copied the same model (Hannity, Boortz, Savage et al), have done so. We can conclude that the strategy of eliminationism works for the right but does not work for the left, which in turn indicates the two approaches are serving different audience hot buttons. It would appear the right's hot button is much more attuned to division and misogyny that the left's is.

On the other hand what works far better for audiences on the left is humor and satire (Stewart, Colbert, Maher, Carlin), an approach that seems to remain a mystery to the right.

It's got to say something about how the two groups tend to think.
When I compare the main conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh to the liberal's main proud radio personality, I have to ask:

who is the main liberal radio personality again?

I mean, sure: the libs have almost ALL of the main stream media's news anchors and "reporters" [sic] (i.e., their new readers) on the left side. But, that's just the old propaganda outlets.

Yet libs, like the author of the blithering blathering OP, do tend to hyperventilate that conservative talk radio is a success.

They worry about having ANY competing thoughts being disseminated. Their need for group think and rigid orthodoxy is disturbing.

Bad news for the lunatic libs who tend to oppose alternative views being tolerated: Rush Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. If the ABC radio network and the syndicate that puts out the Rush radio show allows him and his EIB network to move on, then move on Rush will. He won't go away, he'll just start up on different outlets: that's only going to give Rush a wider audience in the long run.

The orchestrated effort of the leftist wannabe censors will not succeed.

Like him or not, Rush offers something the leftist radio talking heads could never provide: informative and entertaining radio.

You bring up a relevant point, Ilya. There is no one on the left who is the equivalent of Limbaugh, or Beck for that matter. Which raises the question as to why there is such a huge market for this on the right but it is virtually non existent on the left.

Perhaps the OP provides a clue when it mentioned Limbaugh's misogynist remarks about Fluke. There really doesn't seem to be any audience on the left for that kind of language. Granted there is a sense of outrage on the left but it is a reaction to what is stemming from the right rather than originating from the left. There just doesn't seem to be any need for someone on the left to demean women when the right is doing such a thorough job of it. And to be fair it isn't only Limbaugh. Just look at all the GOP candidates remarks about women, rape and abortion.

Between them all they have the misogyny market locked down so it looks like you are right that Limbaugh isn't going anywhere. He amply fills the niche that he has created for himself.

Not unespectedly, you entirely missed the mark.

The lolberals already HAVE outlets for the expression of their political points of view. It's called the main stream media.

When it comes to intelligent and witty political discourse, however, they have nothing.

Rush is smart and funny and entertaining. Big head Ed is just a drooling idiot. I mean, for real: loberals have nothing other than a long standing propaganda outlet in the form of ABC, SeeBS, NBC, CNN, MSLSD, The New York Slimes, The Washington Compost and related crap like those institutions.
Thank you. This is a perfect illustration of the fallacy some of you clowns addict yourself to, i.e. that ratings measure some kind of assent.

Of course, they don't; they measure attention, i.e. how many ears are available to the advertiser. That many of y'all don't seem to grasp this is sickeningly evident every time you start crowing about Lush Rimjob's ratings as if they're some kind of award.

I'm not talking about ratings. The thrust of this thread is about advertizers. John Morgan is an advertizer during Rush's show. He is also an obama fluffer.

Please try to keep up.

Of course you are. Advertising and ratings cannot be separated. ADVERTISING IS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF RATINGS. They determine how much a slot of time is worth, in terms of how many eyes or ears the advertisers can reach. That is the sole and entire purpose of audience ratings systems!


I know you aren't stupid, so you simply must be dishonest. Stick to the discussion.
I'm not talking about ratings. The thrust of this thread is about advertizers. John Morgan is an advertizer during Rush's show. He is also an obama fluffer.

Please try to keep up.

Of course you are. Advertising and ratings cannot be separated. ADVERTISING IS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF RATINGS. They determine how much a slot of time is worth, in terms of how many eyes or ears the advertisers can reach. That is the sole and entire purpose of audience ratings systems!


I know you aren't stupid, so you simply must be dishonest. Stick to the discussion.

I disagree.

Pogo IS quite stupid.
I'm not talking about ratings. The thrust of this thread is about advertizers. John Morgan is an advertizer during Rush's show. He is also an obama fluffer.

Please try to keep up.

Of course you are. Advertising and ratings cannot be separated. ADVERTISING IS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF RATINGS. They determine how much a slot of time is worth, in terms of how many eyes or ears the advertisers can reach. That is the sole and entire purpose of audience ratings systems!


I know you aren't stupid, so you simply must be dishonest. Stick to the discussion.

This IS the discussion. Advertising and ratings are inseperable.
You've got no rebuttal, nothing but ad hominem and gainsaying. That means you're wrong.
Of course you are. Advertising and ratings cannot be separated. ADVERTISING IS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF RATINGS. They determine how much a slot of time is worth, in terms of how many eyes or ears the advertisers can reach. That is the sole and entire purpose of audience ratings systems!


I know you aren't stupid, so you simply must be dishonest. Stick to the discussion.

This IS the discussion. Advertising and ratings are inseperable.
You've got no rebuttal, nothing but ad hominem and gainsaying. That means you're wrong.

Here, let me help you.

The thread is about the sponsors that are leaving Limbaugh's show. The implication is that the things he says on the show are the reasons for their decision. It has nothing, at least according to the thrust of the thread, to do with any kind of ratings. I pointed out that even someone as liberal as John Morgan is still advertising on his show. You went off on a bull shit story about us placing too much relevance on ratings, which even if it was true, is irrelevant to my post that you quoted.

Now you're going even further off base with this stupidity.

Get back to a relevant discussion and then I can give you a rebuttal.
Amid all the serious scandals in the administration the pathetic left clings to the whining of a ditzy law student who thinks that taxpayers should pay for her birth control. She is by definition a slut and the fact that the mainstream media defends her and Huma and Hillary is an indication of the desperation on the left.

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