Limbaugh: It’s Now Racist to Say “Chicago, PGA, Birth Certificate”


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Democrats are the hate party. They hate all white people and have set race relations back 100 years.

» Limbaugh: It’s Now Racist to Say “Chicago, PGA, Birth Certificate” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

MSNBC characterizes all criticism of Obama as racist - Friday, August 31, 2012

Radio host Rush Limbaugh slammed the “racism” and bigotry” of MSNBC during his show yesterday, pointing out that the network has embarked on a “hysterical” campaign to label any criticism of Obama whatsoever as a racist slur.

The primary target of Limbaugh’s ire was MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell, who reacted to Mitch McConnell’s speech in which the Kentucky Senator joked that Obama had spent so much time playing golf he should try for the PGA tour, by claiming the jibe was a racist effort to connect Obama with Tiger Woods and his notorious lifestyle.

“They’re going to find a link between whatever any speaker says, to racism. They are a political operation. MSNBC is not a news network. They’re not a cable network. They are a political network,” remarked Limbaugh.

Limbaugh’s next example was a recent panel discussion on MSNBC during which the participants, notably Touré Neblett, claimed that using the word “angry” in a negative context when criticizing Obama was also racist.

Limbaugh also made reference to a segment on Hardball where Christ Matthews and his guests attempted to claim that merely using the word “Chicago” to describe the President’s roots was also a racist slur.

“We can’t say “Hussein,” can’t say “birth certificate,” can’t say “Barack,” can’t say “Obama,” can’t say “Chicago,” can’t say “PGA,” can’t say “golf.” It’s all racist,” chided Limbaugh.
I see a new party game coming. Instead of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon we can all play Six Degrees to Obama Racists.

The PC Police can turn anything into racism. Anything.

Practice makes perfect, ay?

MSNBC should scrap Lean Forward for All Racism, All The Time. It's been strange watching them the last few nights finding racism everywhere. Sure it fires up the nitwits in Barry's base but they have no idea the number of good Democrats and others who find it disgusting in lieu of real issues. Gonna be a big eyeopener come Nov. 6.
Reagan defeated the USSR so completely he left them no choice but to complete their takeover of the Democrat Party

The PC Police can turn anything into racism. Anything.

Practice makes perfect, ay?


:eusa_shhh: :eusa_shhh: :eusa_shhh:

Watch your mouth -- everyday phrases like "hold down the fort" and "rule of thumb" are potentially offensive bombshells.

At least according to the State Department.

A list of up and coming no-nos by Robinson also serves as the director of the Office of Civil Rights and an adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on diversity issues. He earlier worked as chief diversity officer with the IRS.

Chief Diversity Officer John Robinson penned a column in the department's latest edition of "State Magazine" advising readers on some rather obscure Ps and Qs.

Robinson ticked off several common phrases and went on to explain why their roots are racially or culturally insensitive. The result was a list of no-nos that could easily result in some tongue-tied U.S. diplomats, particularly in an administration that swaps "war on terror" for "overseas contingency operation" and once shied away from using the word "terrorism."

For instance, Robinson warned, "hold down the fort" is a potentially insulting reference to American Indian stereotypes.

Read more: State Department: 'Hold down the fort,' other common phrases could be offensive | Fox News
Sounds like Newspeak, right out of 1984.

Principles of Newspeak

To give a single example - The word free still existed in Newspeak, but could only be used in such statements as "The dog is free from lice" or "This field is free from weeds." It could not be used in its old sense of "politically free" or "intellectually free," since political and intellectual freedom no longer existed even as concepts, and were therefore of necessity nameless. Quite apart from the suppression of definitely heretical words, reduction of vocabulary was regarded as an end in itself, and no word that could be dispenses with was allowed to survive. Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought, and this purpose was indirectly assisted by cutting the choice of words down to a minimum.

The PC Police can turn anything into racism. Anything.

Practice makes perfect, ay?


:eusa_shhh: :eusa_shhh: :eusa_shhh:

Watch your mouth -- everyday phrases like "hold down the fort" and "rule of thumb" are potentially offensive bombshells.

At least according to the State Department.

A list of up and coming no-nos by Robinson also serves as the director of the Office of Civil Rights and an adviser to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on diversity issues. He earlier worked as chief diversity officer with the IRS.

Chief Diversity Officer John Robinson penned a column in the department's latest edition of "State Magazine" advising readers on some rather obscure Ps and Qs.

Robinson ticked off several common phrases and went on to explain why their roots are racially or culturally insensitive. The result was a list of no-nos that could easily result in some tongue-tied U.S. diplomats, particularly in an administration that swaps "war on terror" for "overseas contingency operation" and once shied away from using the word "terrorism."

For instance, Robinson warned, "hold down the fort" is a potentially insulting reference to American Indian stereotypes.

Read more: State Department: 'Hold down the fort,' other common phrases could be offensive | Fox News

This is what happens when everyone gets ‘offended’ at everything that they hear and there is some sort of created right to not be offended. The PC crowd is insane and need to disappear.
you people are sitting here mocking our overlords (the liberals) and upsetting our muslims, i wont stand for this, i will not have people having freedom of speech OR dare i say it before im cuffed and rightly so and sent to my special camp, how dare you folks have opinions or thoughts of your own, shame on you. i and your duly elected overlords are shocked and dismayed and probably not in that order.

No personal opinions.
Fact is obozo has been not the victim but the beneficiary of racism. A white man with his past wouldn't have stood a chance in american politics.
lets behonest here white people do have a bad record of racism. white people have worse record of racism in america
Puleeze repubs are the biggest whiners on earth when it comes to victomhood.
lets behonest here white people do have a bad record of racism. white people have worse record of racism in america

'the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) shows that the majority of offenders perceived to be motivated in their criminal activity by racial animus are black. That there are 2.5 times as many black perp haters as there are white haters, and that there are nearly six times as many whites (Hispanics included) in the US as there are blacks means that blacks are over 14 times as likely to engage in a hate crime as whites are from the perspetive of the nation's crime victims. '

The Audacious Epigone: Blacks more likely to commit hate crimes than whites are
lets behonest here white people do have a bad record of racism. white people have worse record of racism in america

'the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) shows that the majority of offenders perceived to be motivated in their criminal activity by racial animus are black. That there are 2.5 times as many black perp haters as there are white haters, and that there are nearly six times as many whites (Hispanics included) in the US as there are blacks means that blacks are over 14 times as likely to engage in a hate crime as whites are from the perspetive of the nation's crime victims. '

The Audacious Epigone: Blacks more likely to commit hate crimes than whites are

are you really that crazy..... trying to compare the racist history of blacks vs whites lol in america.

you cant be this far gone

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