Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

you keep being told that that doesn't mean that trump tower was tapped or that the orange sociopath was the subject.

lying loon

Considering everyone around him is undersurveillance, it would be natural to believe he was being wiretapped as well.

When the intel community was targeting his daughter and son in law AND Jared's freaking mother and crawling thru their bank accounts dollars to donuts one could conclude that the surveillance was widespread and Trump would be the main target.
Sounds like you're finally accepting the reality that Trump was not wiretapped and his claim that he was is pure unadulterated bullshit.
Boss, post: 1679025
No matter how many times you click your heels and wish it didn't happen, if it happened, it happened.

I don't care if a FISA warrant happened or not. That possibility has nothing to do with Obama. Trump lied whether it happened or not.

You are barking up the wrong tree.
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

Oh, that dried up?

6 months of wasting taxpayer money, and saturating the airwaves with it, and even Obama's Chief of National Intelligence said there was zero evidence of Russian collusion, cooperation, conversations with the Trump Team about affecting or impacting our elections.

However we do know that crimes were committed.

Illegal Wire Tap at Trump Tower, (Felony)
DNC mole leaked the transcript of The Wire Tap to WAPO, (Felony)
DNC rigging their own primaries and trying to manipulate the outcome of their elections for the nominee
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

Oh, that dried up?

6 months of wasting taxpayer money, and saturating the airwaves with it, and even Obama's Chief of National Intelligence said there was zero evidence of Russian collusion, cooperation, conversations with the Trump Team about affecting or impacting our elections.
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

Trump dominated the news cycles with his BS accusation.
Don't worry, the investigations are still in process.
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

Oh, that dried up?

6 months of wasting taxpayer money, and saturating the airwaves with it, and even Obama's Chief of National Intelligence said there was zero evidence of Russian collusion, cooperation, conversations with the Trump Team about affecting or impacting our elections.

However we do know that crimes were committed.

Illegal Wire Tap at Trump Tower, (Felony)
DNC mole leaked the transcript of The Wire Tap to WAPO, (Felony)
DNC rigging their own primaries and trying to manipulate the outcome of their elections for the nominee
Dried up? Are you nuts? With Roger Stone's confession the other day, it's just heating up.
The Original Tree, post: 16791053
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

They aren't lefty accusations. They are FBI and CIA investigations. They are not done. Trump just fired the attorney general in NYC who was likely involved or crimes found would be brought through him.

Trump made an unfounded accusation against Obama. Now Republicans cannot find anything to back Trump's lie.

McCain says lots of shoes are going to drop from the Russian election meddling centipede.

McCain FYI is not a lefty.

McCain wants Trump to fess up or shut up about Obama.
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What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

Oh, that dried up?

6 months of wasting taxpayer money, and saturating the airwaves with it, and even Obama's Chief of National Intelligence said there was zero evidence of Russian collusion, cooperation, conversations with the Trump Team about affecting or impacting our elections.

However we do know that crimes were committed.

Illegal Wire Tap at Trump Tower, (Felony)
DNC mole leaked the transcript of The Wire Tap to WAPO, (Felony)
DNC rigging their own primaries and trying to manipulate the outcome of their elections for the nominee
Dried up? Are you nuts? With Roger Stone's confession the other day, it's just heating up.

I think we've found the Trump point man in their collusion efforts.
/---- Keep listening to Rush. You might actually learn somethings not found on CNN like the TRUTH. Thanks for promoting his show as well.
Your MessiahRushie is incapable of ever telling the TRUTH, he would choke to death on it!
/---- Odd you don't post any of his lies with proof - after all it should be easy enough since you claim he never tells the truth.
Yo DittoTard dumbass, this very thread proves your MessiahRushie lied about the NY Times changing their headline! :asshole:
Are you a denial-bot. Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done.
No, it doesn't "mean" that and he also didn't say "phones" ...he said "wires". According to numerous media sources he is correct.
Why do you keep lying, especially when you are as bad at it as Tramp and your MessiahRushie?!?!
And yes, he allowed Trump Tower to be put under electronic surveillance by the FBI during the election as the FISA warrant proves.
Please post a copy this imaginary FISA warrant, and not a article SPECULATING on it existing!
And it's entirely possible the NY Times and others have been flat out lying in their reporting of this since October.
Possible, but not probable! What is most probable is you pathological liars have been lying about the NY Times to protect pathological liar Tramp!
Pathological liar Limbaugh pats himself on back and takes credit for getting the NY Times to remove the word "wiretap" from their headline, which the Times DIDN'T do!!!!! It is just more Limbaugh Fake News.

Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

RUSH: — remember the headline that we and a lot of other people showed you from the New York Times on January 20th, which was — in fact, I’ve got it here in the desktop. Find this thing and — oops. I moved it. I’ll have to get it later. It was a headline from January 20th, Trump’s Inauguration Day, and it actually said: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

And all week long, you know, we put it at, a lot of other people did, people had been focusing on it because it used the word “wiretapped.” And the reason it became interesting is because Trump volleyed back. Trump tweeted that Obama had ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. And that caused the media and the deep state and the Democrat Party, “Wuh, wuh, wuh, we’re not investigating you. You’re stupid! You’re silly! Show us the FISA warrant. We don’t have any –” And then they had to stop themselves. Because if there’s no investigation of Trump, then what have all these stories the past six months been?

If there’s no investigation of Trump, if Trump’s not under investigation, then what the hell have all these stories been about the last six months with unnamed sources, intelligence agency officials? And every story, as I have pointed out ’til I’m blue in the face, every story has made it plain as day that they do not have any evidence yet. But the trend is looking like it happened and we’re continuing to track this story down.

Well, if you look, if you go back, you will find that the New York Times has changed the headline. You might say, “What does it matter, Rush?” January 20th. Well, these things are kept as archives now. The stories are always on the website. The pictures of the New York Times front page are always cached. A bunch of people do it. They’ve actually gone in and changed the headline. And instead of saying, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” The headline now is: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”
To clean up my screen and get your crap off it, you are going onto the ignore list.

Sorry but no choice.
Typical Trumpist COWARD.
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?
Oh, that dried up?
Trump dominated the news cycles with his BS accusation.
Don't worry, the investigations are still in process.
Their MessiahRuishie told them it dried up and no matter how much it is still in the news the DittoTards will mindlessly parrot that it dried up.

RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

Oh, that dried up?

6 months of wasting taxpayer money, and saturating the airwaves with it, and even Obama's Chief of National Intelligence said there was zero evidence of Russian collusion, cooperation, conversations with the Trump Team about affecting or impacting our elections.
What happened to all of Lefty's accusations about Russian Collusion?

Trump dominated the news cycles with his BS accusation.
Don't worry, the investigations are still in process.

If Obama who is a known Marxist, a Tyrant, Anti Semite, Conservative and Christian Hater, and doesn't give a phuck about the law, had it in his power for months to dig something up on Trump, and even wire tapped Trump Tower, & couldn't find anything, No one should hold their Breath for The Commie Dem version of Santa Clause to show up on Christmas Eve to make their wildest fantasies come true.

Just not happening.

The DNC is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas....only there is no tale of redemption for those crooked son of a bitches, just more wailing and gnashing of teeth and continual groaning about their menstrual cycles and shaking their fist at God for making them a woman!

BTW why is Obama Bin Lying still in hiding?

There will be no presents under the tree for the DNC this year kiddies.....just a well deserved lump of coal.
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I don't think Limbaugh lied.

He likely got his information from his close friend Andrew McCarthy, who has since retracted his claims, and apologized for his mistake. Here it is here:

My Error: The New York Times Did Not Change Its Headline – There Were Two Headlines from the Start

I owe the New York Times an apology, and am extending it in this post. It corrects my column from earlier today, which I have asked National Review to withdraw. I accused the Times of altering the headline of an important report (pertinent to the so-called FISAgate controversy) in order to revise history in light of a shifting political narrative. I was wrong. The Times did not change the headline. Instead, the report has always had two different headlines — one in the print version of the paper and one in the version that appears on the Times’ website. My column focused on a report originally published in the Times on the evening of January 19. In the last two days, people who know I have been following the story pointed out to me that the headline appeared to have changed. I did some research and discovered that the headline, on page one of the print edition of the newspaper read: “WIRETAPPED DATA USED IN INQUIRY OF TRUMP AIDES”; there were two sub-headlines: “EXAMINING RUSSIAN TIES” and “Business Dealings of Campaign Advisers Are Investigated.” I read the Times on-line and don’t believe I ever saw the print version of the story until my research. I had retrieved the report on the Times’ website for a column published by National Review on March 3 (my column linked to the report). I also linked to the report in my weekend National Review column, published on March 6. I cannot recall whether I paid much attention to the headline (as opposed to the substance of the report) in writing the March 3 column, but I certainly took note of it in writing the March 6 column, which quotes the headline from the report as it appears on the website: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.” I assumed, erroneously as it turns out, that the version of the Times that appears online mirrors the version that appears in print — except, perhaps, for the correction of any errors that may be discovered after the print edition appears. It did not occur to me that the Times would give the same report a different headline depending on whether it appears in the print or online edition. I simply assumed that the website version’s headline had been changed sometime between the original date of publication (on which I assumed it was as it appeared in the print edition) and March 6, when I quoted the headline of the website version. I confess that it did not occur to me to check whether this assumption was accurate. Frankly, I still do not understand why the same report would be assigned a different headline depending on the medium in which it is published. Of course, even if one finds that practice peculiar, I am still the one in the wrong.

Read more at: My Error: The New York Times Did Not Change Its Headline – There Were Two Headlines from the Start
BTW, McCain is a RINO, and his being a RINO is why the duffus could not beat Obama despite "The People" wanting a change.

The Grass Roots Conservatives do not want RINOs. The Blue Hairs in AZ are barely keeping him in office.

RINOs like McCain and Graham are corrupt insiders. They are part of the establishment and they are dishonest bought and paid for Son of a Bitches.

If I were the GOP I would revoke McCain's membership in the GOP and follow that right up with rejecting Graham. Both of them are slimy SOBs..
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And it's entirely possible the NY Times and others have been flat out lying in their reporting of this since October.
Possible, but not probable! What is most probable is you pathological liars have been lying about the NY Times to protect pathological liar Tramp!

Yeah, 'cuz it's not like we can actually read the NY Times article talking about FISA warrants and wiretapped conversations.... If only those articles were somehow made public through some sort of printing process or some kind of electronic medium. :dunno:
BTW, McCain is a RINO, and his being a RINO is why the duffus could not beat Obama despite "The People" wanting a change.

The Grass Roots Conservatives do not want RINOs. The Blue Hairs in AZ are barely keeping him in office. RINOs like McCain and Graham are corrupt insiders. They are part of the establishment and they are dishonest bought and paid for Son of a Bitches.

If I were the GOP I would revoke McCain's membership in the GOP and follow that right up with rejecting Graham. Both of them are slimy SOBs..
If you get rid of all the slimy SOBs in the GOP, there won't be anybody left.

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