Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

And yet if Nixon, Reagan or Bush had any problems with their birth record, some Dimmocrat would have brought it up, doofus.

Obama didn't have any trouble with his birth record. The announcement of his birth was in the news paper just like every American born in a hospital does. What problem did the first president have with his birth.

Do you think he was born in a cotton field with no witnesses? Why did you say that if not for racism?
Post #150 and the next three following it.

Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

I think Obama was born in Hawaii, he has Marxist influence to his politicial, economic and social views, he would like to reduce gun rights to something similar to what is held in England, he does not pal around with terrorists, but he d=id associate with old terrorists from the 1960s like Bill Ayers.

And yes, he allowed Trump Tower to be put under electronic surveillance by the FBI during the election as the FISA warrant proves.
All 3 of your articles are nothing but conjecture. That's not proof of anything.

Your first article ended with...

"At this point, it’s hard to know for sure if Trump Tower was actually bugged..."

That's far from "we know he was bugged".

Your second articles stated this...

"This story has nothing to do with Barack Obama, no matter how desperately Donald Trump tries to drag him into it. "
None of these are a smoking guns and one of them supports my position that this has nothing to do with Obama.
JimBowie1958, post: 16786049
Donald Trump wiretapped? FBI did gain Russia-related Trump Tower FISA warrant in October

However, we believe we know what Trump is (inaccurately) referring to: the FBI was indeed granted a Russia-related FISA warrant which involved Donald Trump and Trump Tower in October.

Back on November 7th, the night before the election, a political news outlet named Heat Street reported that a judge had granted the FBI a FISA warrant in October to investigate the Russian ties of Donald Trump and his associates. The story specifically mentioned that the intelligence community believed the infamous Trump Tower “Russian email server” (first reported by Slate on October 31st) had a nefarious purpose. The Heat Street story did not make specific mention of any wiretaps, but such authority would likely have been included in the FISA warrant, as it appeared to be aimed specifically at things taking place inside Trump Tower.

The report went barely noticed at the time, both because Heat Street was still an up and coming news outlet, and because the next day Donald Trump’s shocking election win ended up more or less burying every other existing storyline. But since that time Heat Street has gone on to prove itself, and in hindsight its report about the FISA warrant was almost certainly correct. So where does that leave us?

This story has nothing to do with Barack Obama, no matter how desperately Donald Trump tries to drag him into it. FISA warrants against United States citizens can only be issued to an agency like the FBI by the Judicial Branch, and then only when there’s strong evidence that the target of the warrant is committing serious crimes. Even if Obama had been made aware of the warrant, he would have had no say in the matter.

But it turns out Donald Trump may be right when he claims that he was wiretapped in Trump Tower by the federal government shortly before the election. He just has the story entirely wrong.

This guy calls Trump's accusation that bad, sick, Obama committed a crime worse than Watergate was "entirely wrong".

And you posted this as a defense of Trump.

Trump should be given a straight jacket and carted out of the White House posted haste if he got this entirely wrong.

I prefer to believe he lied during a rabid fit of rage when he found out Sessions recused himself from the ongoing Russia Investigation that may or may not bring Trump directly into it.
Are you a denial-bot. Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done.

No, it doesn't "mean" that and he also didn't say "phones" ...he said "wires". According to numerous media sources he is correct.
Fucking liar...

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process."

"I'll bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to election!"

... never trust a rightie, all they do is lie.
He needed to do what got him there. Kick the Black guy who was President who is a much better man than Trump could ever be.

Being black isn't going to save the Magic Negro this time. If he or his administration used our national security apparatus to spy on political adversaries, your party is toast. You won't win an election for dog catcher.

Lying Donald was caught bullshitting again...

BREAKING: Sean Spicer Walks Back Trump's Claims About Obama and Wiretapping | RedState

So Trump and his team were being asked to provide evidence of his claims that President Obama wiretapped his phones. Trump never backed off his comments. His supporters attempted to “prove” he was right, but over and over they were asked the same thing: “What evidence do you have?”

They had no proof. It was nothing more than Trump reading something in Breitbart (instead of watching it on Fox and Friends) and reacting to it on a Saturday morning when he is free to tweet without Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump around to keep him lucid.

Now, Sean Spicer is saying, "Never mind."
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????

Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..


Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
I COULD go on the Internet Way Back Machine and check how the ELECTRONIC version looked. But I already know the NY Times is trusted LESS than your fact-checkers.

So the truth PROBABLY IS that all those "leaked" intel products were NOT from a wiretap. They are a product of that massive domestic spying operation that BOTH PARTIES want to keep in that huge new NSA building in Utah. That's WHY -- everyone is dancing about the LEGALITY of tapping that awesome resource for political pranks. THAT'S the story I AM interested. The NYTimes is totally fucked at this point anyway.

So I ask YOU ----- WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times? Were they lying THEN -- or are they lying NOW?

No wonder the media and politicians that have TAKEN those powerful tools to ABUSE THEM --- want you to be confused...
Great, use the wayback machine and produce a version of their online edition which had 'wiretapped' in the headline.

Don't need a wayback machine. It the SAME DAMN article. Word for word EXCEPT the headline.

I posted BOTH. The early E- edition and the Street paper edition. The ARTICLE is all about the info coming from Intel Collections, And E-edition said NOTHING about wiretaps. Which are WAY different terms of art and meaning from "wiretap".

And SOMEONE didn't want to call attention to the actual report that implies the leaks came NOT thru a separate legal process, but thru general Intel sources and methods --- REQUESTED that headline be changed to imply all the stuff came from an investigation with separate judicial review.

This is ALL because the game being played is NO ONE wants to point out that traitors buried deep in the intel community are doing the leaking. And USING their massive power to spy on political opposition. Because virtually ALL politicians love the PATRIOT act and the Big Brother Domestic spying toys it bought for them. And THEY don't WANT to admit to the public that these have been GREATLY abused.
Pathological liar Limbaugh pats himself on back and takes credit for getting the NY Times to remove the word "wiretap" from their headline, which the Times DIDN'T do!!!!! It is just more Limbaugh Fake News.

Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

RUSH: — remember the headline that we and a lot of other people showed you from the New York Times on January 20th, which was — in fact, I’ve got it here in the desktop. Find this thing and — oops. I moved it. I’ll have to get it later. It was a headline from January 20th, Trump’s Inauguration Day, and it actually said: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

And all week long, you know, we put it at, a lot of other people did, people had been focusing on it because it used the word “wiretapped.” And the reason it became interesting is because Trump volleyed back. Trump tweeted that Obama had ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. And that caused the media and the deep state and the Democrat Party, “Wuh, wuh, wuh, we’re not investigating you. You’re stupid! You’re silly! Show us the FISA warrant. We don’t have any –” And then they had to stop themselves. Because if there’s no investigation of Trump, then what have all these stories the past six months been?

If there’s no investigation of Trump, if Trump’s not under investigation, then what the hell have all these stories been about the last six months with unnamed sources, intelligence agency officials? And every story, as I have pointed out ’til I’m blue in the face, every story has made it plain as day that they do not have any evidence yet. But the trend is looking like it happened and we’re continuing to track this story down.

Well, if you look, if you go back, you will find that the New York Times has changed the headline. You might say, “What does it matter, Rush?” January 20th. Well, these things are kept as archives now. The stories are always on the website. The pictures of the New York Times front page are always cached. A bunch of people do it. They’ve actually gone in and changed the headline. And instead of saying, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” The headline now is: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”
To clean up my screen and get your crap off it, you are going onto the ignore list.

Sorry but no choice.
He needed to do what got him there. Kick the Black guy who was President who is a much better man than Trump could ever be.

Being black isn't going to save the Magic Negro this time. If he or his administration used our national security apparatus to spy on political adversaries, your party is toast. You won't win an election for dog catcher.

It never happened.
Only the most foolish believe this is real in any way.
Pathological liar Limbaugh pats himself on back and takes credit for getting the NY Times to remove the word "wiretap" from their headline, which the Times DIDN'T do!!!!! It is just more Limbaugh Fake News.

Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

RUSH: — remember the headline that we and a lot of other people showed you from the New York Times on January 20th, which was — in fact, I’ve got it here in the desktop. Find this thing and — oops. I moved it. I’ll have to get it later. It was a headline from January 20th, Trump’s Inauguration Day, and it actually said: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

And all week long, you know, we put it at, a lot of other people did, people had been focusing on it because it used the word “wiretapped.” And the reason it became interesting is because Trump volleyed back. Trump tweeted that Obama had ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. And that caused the media and the deep state and the Democrat Party, “Wuh, wuh, wuh, we’re not investigating you. You’re stupid! You’re silly! Show us the FISA warrant. We don’t have any –” And then they had to stop themselves. Because if there’s no investigation of Trump, then what have all these stories the past six months been?

If there’s no investigation of Trump, if Trump’s not under investigation, then what the hell have all these stories been about the last six months with unnamed sources, intelligence agency officials? And every story, as I have pointed out ’til I’m blue in the face, every story has made it plain as day that they do not have any evidence yet. But the trend is looking like it happened and we’re continuing to track this story down.

Well, if you look, if you go back, you will find that the New York Times has changed the headline. You might say, “What does it matter, Rush?” January 20th. Well, these things are kept as archives now. The stories are always on the website. The pictures of the New York Times front page are always cached. A bunch of people do it. They’ve actually gone in and changed the headline. And instead of saying, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” The headline now is: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”

limbaugh lied?

Don't need a wayback machine. It the SAME DAMN article. Word for word EXCEPT the headline.

I posted BOTH. The early E- edition and the Street paper edition. The ARTICLE is all about the info coming from Intel Collections, And E-edition said NOTHING about wiretaps. Which are WAY different terms of art and meaning from "wiretap".

And SOMEONE didn't want to call attention to the actual report that implies the leaks came NOT thru a separate legal process, but thru general Intel sources and methods --- REQUESTED that headline be changed to imply all the stuff came from an investigation with separate judicial review.

This is ALL because the game being played is NO ONE wants to point out that traitors buried deep in the intel community are doing the leaking. And USING their massive power to spy on political opposition. Because virtually ALL politicians love the PATRIOT act and the Big Brother Domestic spying toys it bought for them. And THEY don't WANT to admit to the public that these have been GREATLY abused.
You go, mod, go! Represent! We're all behind you on the Patriot Act rant.

But hey, I'm no kiss-ass!
He needed to do what got him there. Kick the Black guy who was President who is a much better man than Trump could ever be.

Being black isn't going to save the Magic Negro this time. If he or his administration used our national security apparatus to spy on political adversaries, your party is toast. You won't win an election for dog catcher.

It never happened.
Only the most foolish believe this is real in any way.

I know you're hoping no one will be able to prove it happened. And it's entirely possible the NY Times and others have been flat out lying in their reporting of this since October. How you explain the myriad of "leaks" from private phone conversations over the past few months, I don't know.... maybe there's a plausible explanation?

But here's the thing... IF there was ever a FISA warrant issued, that's a matter of physical record and someone knows about it. No matter how many times you click your heels and wish it didn't happen, if it happened, it happened. In the meantime, your claims that none of this is valid and Trump is lying, is an admission there was never any serious concerns regarding Trump and a Russian connection and all of that story is Fake News.

you keep being told that that doesn't mean that trump tower was tapped or that the orange sociopath was the subject.

lying loon

Considering everyone around him is undersurveillance, it would be natural to believe he was being wiretapped as well.

When the intel community was targeting his daughter and son in law AND Jared's freaking mother and crawling thru their bank accounts dollars to donuts one could conclude that the surveillance was widespread and Trump would be the main target.
The depths of derangement have reached a new low with this thread. The Trumpers are clinging to a single word from a single headline from a single paper as some sort of "proof" of Obama nefariousness.

The reality, of course is that the headline in question and it's associated article don't even corroborate the narrative of a wiretap at TT. Not in any way. The entire premise of the article is that the information was gleaned through intercepted Russian communications. Yet they follow wild tangents of speculative folly as if this is was the much anticipated confirmation of their imagined Obama transgressions.

The foolishness of this posture is compounded by the fact that not a single govt official, agency, member of Congress or anyone with any capacity to lend credibility has or is backing Trump in this claim. Not even his staff or cabinet. Trump stands alone with this.

The suspension of disbelief that is required to follow the Trumper narrative on this issue is at a mind boggling new low.

you keep being told that that doesn't mean that trump tower was tapped or that the orange sociopath was the subject.

lying loon

Considering everyone around him is undersurveillance, it would be natural to believe he was being wiretapped as well.

When the intel community was targeting his daughter and son in law AND Jared's freaking mother and crawling thru their bank accounts dollars to donuts one could conclude that the surveillance was widespread and Trump would be the main target.

What is the point of continually posting the image of the headline when the associated article does not support your assertion?

What do you believe you are presenting?
He needed to do what got him there. Kick the Black guy who was President who is a much better man than Trump could ever be.

Being black isn't going to save the Magic Negro this time. If he or his administration used our national security apparatus to spy on political adversaries, your party is toast. You won't win an election for dog catcher.

It never happened.
Only the most foolish believe this is real in any way.

I know you're hoping no one will be able to prove it happened. And it's entirely possible the NY Times and others have been flat out lying in their reporting of this since October. How you explain the myriad of "leaks" from private phone conversations over the past few months, I don't know.... maybe there's a plausible explanation?

But here's the thing... IF there was ever a FISA warrant issued, that's a matter of physical record and someone knows about it. No matter how many times you click your heels and wish it didn't happen, if it happened, it happened. In the meantime, your claims that none of this is valid and Trump is lying, is an admission there was never any serious concerns regarding Trump and a Russian connection and all of that story is Fake News.

Here's the thing.
Even if this were somehow true. If there was a warrant, it would have required solid probable cause to be properly adjudicated.

This would not be evidence of any overreach by Obama but rather the opposite. It would indicate a degree of misconduct on Trump's part that warranted further investigation.

By arguing for this to be true, you fools are actually arguing that Trump is indeed crooked to some degree. You would be better served by simply dismissing him as nuts.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????

Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..


Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
I COULD go on the Internet Way Back Machine and check how the ELECTRONIC version looked. But I already know the NY Times is trusted LESS than your fact-checkers.

So the truth PROBABLY IS that all those "leaked" intel products were NOT from a wiretap. They are a product of that massive domestic spying operation that BOTH PARTIES want to keep in that huge new NSA building in Utah. That's WHY -- everyone is dancing about the LEGALITY of tapping that awesome resource for political pranks. THAT'S the story I AM interested. The NYTimes is totally fucked at this point anyway.

So I ask YOU ----- WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times? Were they lying THEN -- or are they lying NOW?

No wonder the media and politicians that have TAKEN those powerful tools to ABUSE THEM --- want you to be confused...
Great, use the wayback machine and produce a version of their online edition which had 'wiretapped' in the headline.

Don't need a wayback machine. It the SAME DAMN article. Word for word EXCEPT the headline.

I posted BOTH. The early E- edition and the Street paper edition. The ARTICLE is all about the info coming from Intel Collections, And E-edition said NOTHING about wiretaps. Which are WAY different terms of art and meaning from "wiretap".

And SOMEONE didn't want to call attention to the actual report that implies the leaks came NOT thru a separate legal process, but thru general Intel sources and methods --- REQUESTED that headline be changed to imply all the stuff came from an investigation with separate judicial review.

This is ALL because the game being played is NO ONE wants to point out that traitors buried deep in the intel community are doing the leaking. And USING their massive power to spy on political opposition. Because virtually ALL politicians love the PATRIOT act and the Big Brother Domestic spying toys it bought for them. And THEY don't WANT to admit to the public that these have been GREATLY abused.
The headlines were different from day one. The NY Times never went back and changed the headline, like Rush and some others falsely claimed. Folks who promoted such a fallacy are either idiots, liars, or both; and those who fell for it are mindless dupes who accept everything they hear from talking heads as gospel. That's why American thinker issued a retraction along with an apology to their readers.

What part of that don't you understand?
He needed to do what got him there. Kick the Black guy who was President who is a much better man than Trump could ever be.

Being black isn't going to save the Magic Negro this time. If he or his administration used our national security apparatus to spy on political adversaries, your party is toast. You won't win an election for dog catcher.

It never happened.
Only the most foolish believe this is real in any way.

I know you're hoping no one will be able to prove it happened. And it's entirely possible the NY Times and others have been flat out lying in their reporting of this since October. How you explain the myriad of "leaks" from private phone conversations over the past few months, I don't know.... maybe there's a plausible explanation?

But here's the thing... IF there was ever a FISA warrant issued, that's a matter of physical record and someone knows about it. No matter how many times you click your heels and wish it didn't happen, if it happened, it happened. In the meantime, your claims that none of this is valid and Trump is lying, is an admission there was never any serious concerns regarding Trump and a Russian connection and all of that story is Fake News.
No, the Times is not flat out lying... you just can't comprehend they didn't say what you think they said. They never said a FISA warrant was issued to investigate Trump, his people, his phones, or his servers.

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