Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

He needed to do what got him there. Kick the Black guy who was President who is a much better man than Trump could ever be.

Being black isn't going to save the Magic Negro this time. If he or his administration used our national security apparatus to spy on political adversaries, your party is toast. You won't win an election for dog catcher.
Boss, post: 16788233
Being black isn't going to save the Magic Negro this time. If he or his administration used our national security apparatus to spy on political adversaries, your party is toast. You won't win an election for dog catcher.

Trump has already backed off his lie laden Tweetstorm.

Your "IF" is a huuuuuge grasp. You can't kick the black guy anymore to boost Trump.
Are you a denial-bot. Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done.
Trump said something that's total bullshit and you believe it. He hasn't provided any proof that it happened, yet you believe it. Just when you think the right has hit the bottom of stupidity, whoops, we found another rock layer, lets dig a little deeper.
No one is making anything up, idiot, just because you dont like it and is triggering you into a meltdown, poor Snowflake.
If you can't provide any evidence that it happened, then yes, you made it up.
I have provided evidence enough for a person with an IQ over 90, which I guess leaves you out.

And even if I did not it would not mean that I made anything up, doofus.
I have provided evidence enough for a person with an IQ over 90, which I guess leaves you out.

And even if I did not it would not mean that I made anything up, doofus.
All I've seen are newspaper articles and that's not evidence. And until you do, anyone who treats this issue as a real event, is an idiot.
I have provided evidence enough for a person with an IQ over 90, which I guess leaves you out.

And even if I did not it would not mean that I made anything up, doofus.
All I've seen are newspaper articles and that's not evidence. And until you do, anyone who treats this issue as a real event, is an idiot.
The newspaper articles, even the New York Times, has something behind their stories on occasion and this is one of those occasions.
The newspaper articles, even the New York Times, has something behind their stories on occasion and this is one of those occasions.
No it is not. You fuckers have been making shit up about Obama for the last 8 years. This is no different.
The newspaper articles, even the New York Times, has something behind their stories on occasion and this is one of those occasions.
No it is not. You fuckers have been making shit up about Obama for the last 8 years. This is no different.
No one has to make anything up on Obama and I gave three articles as to why.

So if they doesnt suit you then go fuck yourself.
No one has to make anything up on Obama and I gave three articles as to why.

So if they doesnt suit you then go fuck yourself.
You fuckers made everything up about Obama. From not being born here, to he's a marxist, to he's trying to take your guns, to he pals around with terrorists and now he wiretaps Trump Tower. It's all bullshit.

What post is your 3 articles?
No one has to make anything up on Obama and I gave three articles as to why.

So if they doesnt suit you then go fuck yourself.
You fuckers made everything up about Obama. From not being born here, to he's a marxist, to he's trying to take your guns, to he pals around with terrorists and now he wiretaps Trump Tower. It's all bullshit.

What post is your 3 articles?

Post #150 and the next three following it.

Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

I think Obama was born in Hawaii, he has Marxist influence to his politicial, economic and social views, he would like to reduce gun rights to something similar to what is held in England, he does not pal around with terrorists, but he d=id associate with old terrorists from the 1960s like Bill Ayers.

And yes, he allowed Trump Tower to be put under electronic surveillance by the FBI during the election as the FISA warrant proves.
JimBowie1958, post: 16788643
And yes, he allowed Trump Tower to be put under electronic surveillance by the FBI during the election as the FISA warrant proves.

Your ridiculous hate based opinions are worthless. The above is a lie. Lies are never right. Obama didn't 'allow' anything whether the FBI surveilled the Trump campaign or not.

If the FBI was watching foreign goings on and Flynn was caught up in it, Flynn gave up certain civil rights when he got top level security clearances.

Americans with security clearances are not immune from this type of search as millions of Americans are.
JimBowie1958, post: 16788643
And yes, he allowed Trump Tower to be put under electronic surveillance by the FBI during the election as the FISA warrant proves.

Your ridiculous hate based opinions are worthless. The above is a lie. Lies are never right. Obama didn't 'allow' anything whether the FBI surveilled the Trump campaign or not.

If the FBI was watching foreign goings on and Flynn was caught up in it, Flynn gave up certain civil rights when he got top level security clearances.

Americans with security clearances are not immune from this type of search as millions of Americans are.

ROFLMAO, you are an imbecile.

OF course Obama could have put a stop on any electronic surveillance the FBI put on Trump and his staff.

Jeebus, what planet do you live on?
JimBowie1958, post: 16788878
It is not racist to ask POTUS candidates to provide documentation that they meet the criteria to be POTUS, dumbass

No white president was asked to provide their birth certificate and after Obama mistakenly released his, Trump said it was fake.

That is using race for political motivation. Trump did that and you are shamefully ok with that.
No white president was asked to provide their birth certificate and after Obama mistakenly released his, Trump said it was fake.
That is using race for political motivation. Trump did that and you are shamefully ok with that.
And yet if Nixon, Reagan or Bush had any problems with their birth record, some Dimmocrat would have brought it up, doofus.

You are the racist of our time; a race baiting huckster using race to shoe horn your idiotic ideology.
I never bought into the Kenyan shit. But what worried me more was his mothers influence on him. Talk about a left wing whack job. THEN and you can go back on Hannity I went wild out of my mind when I found out who his mentor was and then holy toledo after sexy black and getting to fuck a young kid wasn't good enough you find out all the other mentors of the President were.

Sheesh. Domestic terrorists were tame compared to the rest of the crew who brought up Obama.

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