Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

"Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower"

"the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October"

" a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president"

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"

Where did he say Obama "ordered" it? :dunno:

You people read things into what others say. Bad habit.

Obviously, he means Obama requested it and it was done. He doesn't have to request it directly, he can privately instruct his Attorney General or NSA Director to do it. And they don't have to request it directly, they can privately order an underling to do it. What do you think people just fell off the turnip truck yesterday and this is all new?

But I can tell you this... in Government, when stuff like this happens, there's a paper trail. Nothing happens in government without a paper trail. What they thought was, Hillary was going to win the election and all of this blows away in the wind. Nobody finds out anything about it for years and years, by then it's too late to punish anybody. They had no idea Hillary would lose.

Now Trump is in office and his people have access to the paperwork. You notice how all of a sudden the IRS found nearly 7k documents regarding their targeting of Conservatives... that wouldn't have happened had Hillary won. And lots more things are going to shake out of the trees in the coming days. You're gonna be surprised how corrupt the last administration was... or maybe you won't be?
Lets not lose sight of the bottom line, Trump made a baseless accusation that he can't (and hasn't) prove. That is the issue, not Obama.

I'll say this.. you better hope Trump finds something else to think about. AND... you all better close your yappers about Trump and Russia, hacking the elections and whatnot. Because, if you keep this up, he's going to lower the hammer on the Obama administration. The only thing saving your bacon right now is that Trump doesn't hate you the way the right does. He doesn't want to have to shame Obama and the Democrats, but if you don't leave the man alone he's going to. He's already given you fair warning and you're not smart enough to heed the warning, you get what you deserve.
Why is a voice on the radio such a threat to the radical left?
Because people believe his lies.

People believed that they could keep their doctor AND that their annual costs would go down by $2,500. The opposite happened and yet you people had no problem with those lies. Why, then, are you people shitting yourselves over who you people have deemed an entertainer?
You answered your own question.
I'll say this.. you better hope Trump finds something else to think about. AND... you all better close your yappers about Trump and Russia, hacking the elections and whatnot. Because, if you keep this up, he's going to lower the hammer on the Obama administration. The only thing saving your bacon right now is that Trump doesn't hate you the way the right does. He doesn't want to have to shame Obama and the Democrats, but if you don't leave the man alone he's going to. He's already given you fair warning and you're not smart enough to heed the warning, you get what you deserve.
Trump made a baseless accusation and today is the day for him to pony up the evidence to prove it. If Trump keeps this up, he will be heading for impeachment.

BTW, this has nothing to do with Obama, you fucking racist.
Trump made a baseless accusation and today is the day for him to pony up the evidence to prove it. If Trump keeps this up, he will be heading for impeachment.

BTW, this has nothing to do with Obama, you fucking racist.

The accusations WASN'T baseless, there is evidence reported in numerous media publications dating back to 10/16 regarding FISA warrants on the Trump campaign, mentioning "wiretap communications" specifically. This was happening IN the Obama administration in the middle of a presidential campaign. It is a factual matter that President Obama issued an EO in the closing days of his presidency to allow cross-agency sharing of intelligence information and following this EO, there are at least a dozen felonious "leaks" of classified intelligence to the media on Trump and associates.

You best stop screaming "racist" and fucking lawyer up... this is about to blow wide fucking open on you in a very bad way. Today, you can sit here and be smug and condescending. When the sun shines on all this, you're going to be looking for a hole to crawl in. I can't wait!
Pathological liar Limbaugh pats himself on back and takes credit for getting the NY Times to remove the word "wiretap" from their headline, which the Times DIDN'T do!!!!! It is just more Limbaugh Fake News.

Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

RUSH: — remember the headline that we and a lot of other people showed you from the New York Times on January 20th, which was — in fact, I’ve got it here in the desktop. Find this thing and — oops. I moved it. I’ll have to get it later. It was a headline from January 20th, Trump’s Inauguration Day, and it actually said: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

And all week long, you know, we put it at, a lot of other people did, people had been focusing on it because it used the word “wiretapped.” And the reason it became interesting is because Trump volleyed back. Trump tweeted that Obama had ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. And that caused the media and the deep state and the Democrat Party, “Wuh, wuh, wuh, we’re not investigating you. You’re stupid! You’re silly! Show us the FISA warrant. We don’t have any –” And then they had to stop themselves. Because if there’s no investigation of Trump, then what have all these stories the past six months been?

If there’s no investigation of Trump, if Trump’s not under investigation, then what the hell have all these stories been about the last six months with unnamed sources, intelligence agency officials? And every story, as I have pointed out ’til I’m blue in the face, every story has made it plain as day that they do not have any evidence yet. But the trend is looking like it happened and we’re continuing to track this story down.

Well, if you look, if you go back, you will find that the New York Times has changed the headline. You might say, “What does it matter, Rush?” January 20th. Well, these things are kept as archives now. The stories are always on the website. The pictures of the New York Times front page are always cached. A bunch of people do it. They’ve actually gone in and changed the headline. And instead of saying, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” The headline now is: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”
Thanks for promoting Rush. Not sure where you proved he was wrong here.
Well Rush claimed The NY Times altered a headline and the OP provided a link showing they didn't. What part of that is too tough for you to understand?
Trump made a baseless accusation and today is the day for him to pony up the evidence to prove it. If Trump keeps this up, he will be heading for impeachment.

BTW, this has nothing to do with Obama, you fucking racist.

The accusations WASN'T baseless, there is evidence reported in numerous media publications dating back to 10/16 regarding FISA warrants on the Trump campaign, mentioning "wiretap communications" specifically. This was happening IN the Obama administration in the middle of a presidential campaign. It is a factual matter that President Obama issued an EO in the closing days of his presidency to allow cross-agency sharing of intelligence information and following this EO, there are at least a dozen felonious "leaks" of classified intelligence to the media on Trump and associates.

You best stop screaming "racist" and fucking lawyer up... this is about to blow wide fucking open on you in a very bad way. Today, you can sit here and be smug and condescending. When the sun shines on all this, you're going to be looking for a hole to crawl in. I can't wait!
No, there was one new website that claimed it and then a couple of rightwing media outlets pointed to that one uncorroborated claim.
The New York Times, The BBC, The Guardian and McClatchy are hardly "right wing" sources. But here's the thing... you can't hide from the facts. IF there was ever a FISA warrant issued, it's going to come out. Now, it's entirely possible these left-wing hack "news organizations" have completely misled the public for the past 5 months with some wild unsubstantiated LIES of a Federal investigation of Trump's ties to Russia. If that's the case, we can dismiss them as legitimate news sources from now on and they may as well turn in their media credentials... they're done. OR.... We're going to discover there WERE warrants issued and who did the requesting and on what basis.

This isn't going away. I don't blame you hacks for trying to run cover here... I would probably do the same if the shoe were on the other foot... but the truth is going to come out sooner or later. There is too much at stake for this to be swept under the rug and forgotten. The Senate has requested information to be submitted by March 17th.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????

It's underlined in Red. Right there. Looks like YOU need a new "fact-checker".. Yours appears to be fake..

Thanks TD... It's pretty slimy to "stretch" the truth or lie when you want to -- and then get caught being a citation for Trump's claims later on and having to LITERALLY -- change your story. You usually learn how to lie better at age 6 or 7...
Not really. What the NY Times is actually guilty of is using 2 different headlines. One for thei paper edition and another for their online edition. Their online edition has always read, "Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates"
The New York Times, The BBC, The Guardian and McClatchy are hardly "right wing" sources. But here's the thing... you can't hide from the facts. IF there was ever a FISA warrant issued, it's going to come out. Now, it's entirely possible these left-wing hack "news organizations" have completely misled the public for the past 5 months with some wild unsubstantiated LIES of a Federal investigation of Trump's ties to Russia. If that's the case, we can dismiss them as legitimate news sources from now on and they may as well turn in their media credentials... they're done. OR.... We're going to discover there WERE warrants issued and who did the requesting and on what basis.

This isn't going away. I don't blame you hacks for trying to run cover here... I would probably do the same if the shoe were on the other foot... but the truth is going to come out sooner or later. There is too much at stake for this to be swept under the rug and forgotten. The Senate has requested information to be submitted by March 17th.
The Trump Administration is not about truth, its about right wing Brietbart ragweed.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????

Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..


Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
I COULD go on the Internet Way Back Machine and check how the ELECTRONIC version looked. But I already know the NY Times is trusted LESS than your fact-checkers.

So the truth PROBABLY IS that all those "leaked" intel products were NOT from a wiretap. They are a product of that massive domestic spying operation that BOTH PARTIES want to keep in that huge new NSA building in Utah. That's WHY -- everyone is dancing about the LEGALITY of tapping that awesome resource for political pranks. THAT'S the story I AM interested. The NYTimes is totally fucked at this point anyway.

So I ask YOU ----- WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times? Were they lying THEN -- or are they lying NOW?

No wonder the media and politicians that have TAKEN those powerful tools to ABUSE THEM --- want you to be confused...
Great, use the wayback machine and produce a version of their online edition which had 'wiretapped' in the headline.
The New York Times, The BBC, The Guardian and McClatchy are hardly "right wing" sources. But here's the thing... you can't hide from the facts. IF there was ever a FISA warrant issued, it's going to come out. Now, it's entirely possible these left-wing hack "news organizations" have completely misled the public for the past 5 months with some wild unsubstantiated LIES of a Federal investigation of Trump's ties to Russia. If that's the case, we can dismiss them as legitimate news sources from now on and they may as well turn in their media credentials... they're done. OR.... We're going to discover there WERE warrants issued and who did the requesting and on what basis.

This isn't going away. I don't blame you hacks for trying to run cover here... I would probably do the same if the shoe were on the other foot... but the truth is going to come out sooner or later. There is too much at stake for this to be swept under the rug and forgotten. The Senate has requested information to be submitted by March 17th.
You were talking about reports going back to October. There was one "news" source., a web site which didn't exist prior to last year. The New York Times & BBC never claimed the FISA warrant was on Trump or his campaign.

And you're right, this isn't going away. Trump leveled the false claim that Obama wiretapped his phones and there is still no evidence to prove he isn't casting more Trump bullshit.
There is no lie, the story has been out since October 2016. It was reported by the NY Times as well as several other outlets. You didn't even dispute the content of the online story mentions wiretaps, you were just having a conniption over the headline on the web version... which Trump never mentioned.

At this point, it's a little sketchy to vehemently deny wiretaps took place. If it didn't happen, why was it so widely reported and how the hell did transcripts of phone conversations get leaked to the media?
It was YOUR MessiahRushie who felt he needed to lie about the NY Times headline! Tramp's lie was that Tramp's Tower was wiretapped and he had his spokespeople lie and say that the NY Times reported that the wiretaps were in Tramp's Tower when the article clearly said that business contacts in UKRAINE and RUSSIA were tapped.

So no one is denying that wiretaps took place, that is YOUR Straw Man, they are denying Tramp's lie that HIS phones were tapped!!!!!
“Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”[/URL]
/---- Keep listening to Rush. You might actually learn somethings not found on CNN like the TRUTH. Thanks for promoting his show as well.[/QUOTE]
Your MessiahRushie is incapable of ever telling the TRUTH, he would choke to death on it!
You were talking about reports going back to October. There was one "news" source., a web site which didn't exist prior to last year. The New York Times & BBC never claimed the FISA warrant was on Trump or his campaign.
And even Mensch, the author of the HeatStreet article says Tramp is a liar when he says her article said his tower and phones were tapped!!!

He didn't say Obama ordered it.
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
Donald J Trump
The accusations WASN'T baseless, there is evidence reported in numerous media publications dating back to 10/16 regarding FISA warrants on the Trump campaign, mentioning "wiretap communications" specifically.
In UKRAINE and RUSSIA, not Tramp's Tower or his phones!!!!
How many times are you going to repeat Tramp's discredited lie???
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????

Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..


Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
I COULD go on the Internet Way Back Machine and check how the ELECTRONIC version looked. But I already know the NY Times is trusted LESS than your fact-checkers.

So the truth PROBABLY IS that all those "leaked" intel products were NOT from a wiretap. They are a product of that massive domestic spying operation that BOTH PARTIES want to keep in that huge new NSA building in Utah. That's WHY -- everyone is dancing about the LEGALITY of tapping that awesome resource for political pranks. THAT'S the story I AM interested. The NYTimes is totally fucked at this point anyway.

So I ask YOU ----- WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times? Were they lying THEN -- or are they lying NOW?

No wonder the media and politicians that have TAKEN those powerful tools to ABUSE THEM --- want you to be confused...
Great, use the wayback machine and produce a version of their online edition which had 'wiretapped' in the headline.
I already provided a link to the wayback machine, and none of them could produce one.
They are just parroting all the Right-wing fake news outlets who parroted the same Limbaugh Lie, only one, Nastional Review online apologized for telling the lie.

National Review columnist Andrew McCarthy has apologized for accusing The New York Times of changing a story's online headline for political reasons.

McCarthy initially charged that The New York Times had changed the headline of a web story related to President Trump's connections to Russia after the fact due to a "shifting political narrative."

The Times's front-page headline for the story in a mid-January print edition read, "Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides," with two sub-headlines: "Examining Russian ties" and "Business dealings of campaign advisers are investigated." Online, the same story was topped with a single headline, "Intercepted Russian communications part of inquiry into Trump associates."

McCarthy suggested that after Trump's allegation that President Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower, the media needed to downplay reporting about the Obama administration's investigation into Trump's possible connections with Russia.
"[D]uring the four months when the media-Democrat complex wanted you to believe there was a Trump–Putin conspiracy to hack the election, they needed you to believe that the Justice Department was targeting Trump associates for surveillance because they were Russian agents," McCarthy wrote in his column. "Now that they don’t want you to believe there was an investigation — because that would be an Obama abuse of power — they want to convince you that Trump associates were never targeted for surveillance."

However, The New York Times had not changed its online headline, but had originally run different headlines in its print paper and website.

"I owe the New York Times an apology, and am extending it in this post. It corrects my column from earlier today, which I have asked National Review to withdraw," McCarthy wrote Thursday.

"I accused the Times of altering the headline of an important report (pertinent to the so-called FISAgate controversy) in order to revise history in light of a shifting political narrative," he continued. "I was wrong. The Times did not change the headline. Instead, the report has always had two different headlines — one in the print version of the paper and one in the version that appears on the Times’ website.

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