Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

There is no lie, the story has been out since October 2016. It was reported by the NY Times as well as several other outlets. You didn't even dispute the content of the online story mentions wiretaps, you were just having a conniption over the headline on the web version... which Trump never mentioned.

At this point, it's a little sketchy to vehemently deny wiretaps took place. If it didn't happen, why was it so widely reported and how the hell did transcripts of phone conversations get leaked to the media? To me, you look like the kid with chocolate all over his face, denying you've been in the candy drawer.... accusing others of telling lies about you.
It is interesting that the issue here is the alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower, not the possible fact he may have had communications with the Russians.

If it was wiretapping and intercepted transmissions show contact with the Russians, will the issue still be wiretapping? Or would it be the right voting a traitor in to the office of the President, then continuing to defend this traitor after his Benedict Arnold act became known.
“Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”[/URL][/QUOTE]
/---- Keep listening to Rush. You might actually learn somethings not found on CNN like the TRUTH. Thanks for promoting his show as well.
It is interesting that the issue here is the alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower, not the possible fact he may have had communications with the Russians.

If it was wiretapping and intercepted transmissions show contact with the Russians, will the issue still be wiretapping? Or would it be the right voting a traitor in to the office of the President, then continuing to defend this traitor after his Benedict Arnold act became known.

I'm sorry but the FBI has already said, they investigated any possible ties between Russia and Trump and found NO EVIDENCE! NOTHING!

Trump cracked a joke on the campaign trail, when Wikileaks released the DNC emails and everyone was speculating about Russian involvement... that maybe the Russians could find her 33,000 missing emails? Since then, all the Democrats have been doing is perpetrating this meme and myth that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians to throw the election.

Now... it LOOKS like what happened is, when the FBI came up with nothing, someone in the Obama administration signed off on requesting FISA warrants to do some deeper probing in hopes of uncovering something through the CIA. That's where the wiretapping came in because you need a FISA warrant for that. This is a serious breach of power if that's what happened. It should alarm ANY American, left or right, because IF this can be done to a Republican it can certainly be done against a Democrat.... or are you just too stupid to understand that?

We cannot allow the Executive branch to ABUSE the tools we've given them to protect national security in order to go after their political enemies! What part of that are you not understanding? Do we need coloring books?
It is interesting that the issue here is the alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower, not the possible fact he may have had communications with the Russians.

If it was wiretapping and intercepted transmissions show contact with the Russians, will the issue still be wiretapping? Or would it be the right voting a traitor in to the office of the President, then continuing to defend this traitor after his Benedict Arnold act became known.

I'm sorry but the FBI has already said, they investigated any possible ties between Russia and Trump and found NO EVIDENCE! NOTHING!

Trump cracked a joke on the campaign trail, when Wikileaks released the DNC emails and everyone was speculating about Russian involvement... that maybe the Russians could find her 33,000 missing emails? Since then, all the Democrats have been doing is perpetrating this meme and myth that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians to throw the election.

Now... it LOOKS like what happened is, when the FBI came up with nothing, someone in the Obama administration signed off on requesting FISA warrants to do some deeper probing in hopes of uncovering something through the CIA. That's where the wiretapping came in because you need a FISA warrant for that. This is a serious breach of power if that's what happened. It should alarm ANY American, left or right, because IF this can be done to a Republican it can certainly be done against a Democrat.... or are you just too stupid to understand that?

We cannot allow the Executive branch to ABUSE the tools we've given them to protect national security in order to go after their political enemies! What part of that are you not understanding? Do we need coloring books?
All HOGWASH! Turn off Fox News! :eek:
All HOGWASH! Turn off Fox News! :eek:

Why don't you stop it with the hyperbole and address the topic?

I don't watch any cable television news or network news. I get most of my generic news from the AP or Reuters. Sometimes I will hear headlines from CBS Radio or someone similar but I read a lot of stuff online from a VARIETY of sources so I can make an informed judgement on things. Unlike libtards like you who suck at the teat of MSNBC and HuffPo all fucking day.
Trump cracked a joke on the campaign trail, when Wikileaks released the DNC emails and everyone was speculating about Russian involvement... that maybe the Russians could find her 33,000 missing emails?

They also have Roger Stone tweeting to the Russian hacker guccifer 2.0 and saying that Podesta e-mails would be released days before they were released.
I'm sorry but the FBI has already said, they investigated any possible ties between Russia and Trump and found NO EVIDENCE! NOTHING!

Trump cracked a joke on the campaign trail, when Wikileaks released the DNC emails and everyone was speculating about Russian involvement... that maybe the Russians could find her 33,000 missing emails? Since then, all the Democrats have been doing is perpetrating this meme and myth that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians to throw the election.

Now... it LOOKS like what happened is, when the FBI came up with nothing, someone in the Obama administration signed off on requesting FISA warrants to do some deeper probing in hopes of uncovering something through the CIA. That's where the wiretapping came in because you need a FISA warrant for that. This is a serious breach of power if that's what happened. It should alarm ANY American, left or right, because IF this can be done to a Republican it can certainly be done against a Democrat.... or are you just too stupid to understand that?

We cannot allow the Executive branch to ABUSE the tools we've given them to protect national security in order to go after their political enemies! What part of that are you not understanding? Do we need coloring books?
The President doesn't have the power to authorize a wiretap. That must come from a federal judge. And if a federal judge authorized a wiretap, that means there must be some evidence of a crime. Either way, Trump is fucked. The choices are:
  1. Trump made a baseless accusation against a former President
  2. Trump and his staff committed a crime
I'm sorry but the FBI has already said, they investigated any possible ties between Russia and Trump and found NO EVIDENCE! NOTHING!

Trump cracked a joke on the campaign trail, when Wikileaks released the DNC emails and everyone was speculating about Russian involvement... that maybe the Russians could find her 33,000 missing emails? Since then, all the Democrats have been doing is perpetrating this meme and myth that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians to throw the election.

Now... it LOOKS like what happened is, when the FBI came up with nothing, someone in the Obama administration signed off on requesting FISA warrants to do some deeper probing in hopes of uncovering something through the CIA. That's where the wiretapping came in because you need a FISA warrant for that. This is a serious breach of power if that's what happened. It should alarm ANY American, left or right, because IF this can be done to a Republican it can certainly be done against a Democrat.... or are you just too stupid to understand that?

We cannot allow the Executive branch to ABUSE the tools we've given them to protect national security in order to go after their political enemies! What part of that are you not understanding? Do we need coloring books?
The President doesn't have the power to authorize a wiretap. That must come from a federal judge. And if a federal judge authorized a wiretap, that means there must be some evidence of a crime. Either way, Trump is fucked. The choices are:
  1. Trump made a baseless accusation against a former President
  2. Trump and his staff committed a crime
well, not really on the ''committed a crime'', there would be probable cause showing a crime MAY HAVE BEEN committed, the wire tap would be to confirm it and/or the possibility of being a foreign operative or an agent of a foreign operative spying on us! :eek:
Boss, post: 16775417
There is no lie, the story has been out since October 2016.

Senator McCain sounds quite certain that Trumpty Dumpty lied.

“I have no reason to believe that the charge is true, but I also believe that the president of the United States could clear this up in a minute,” McCain told host Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “All he has to do is pick up the phone, call the director of the CIA, director of national intelligence and say, ‘OK, what happened?’ Because they certainly should know whether the former president of the United States was wiretapping Trump Tower.”

McCain said Trump should provide the American people with any evidence he has to support his claim, which seemingly emerged from right-wing media reports rather than any intelligence.

"The president has one of two choices: Either retract or to provide the information that the American people deserve,” the Arizona Republican said. “Because if his predecessor violated the law — President Obama violated the law — we’ve got a serious issue here, to say the least.”

McCain: Trump could clear up wiretapping claim 'in a minute'

Only fools would believe that Trump was capable of telling the truth that in a 4:00 dementia related paranoid tweet storm.
well, not really on the ''committed a crime'', there would be probable cause showing a crime MAY HAVE BEEN committed, the wire tap would be to confirm it and/or the possibility of being a foreign operative or an agent of a foreign operative spying on us! :eek:
Yeah, you're right there. Thanks for the correction!
I'm sorry but the FBI has already said, they investigated any possible ties between Russia and Trump and found NO EVIDENCE! NOTHING!

Trump cracked a joke on the campaign trail, when Wikileaks released the DNC emails and everyone was speculating about Russian involvement... that maybe the Russians could find her 33,000 missing emails? Since then, all the Democrats have been doing is perpetrating this meme and myth that Trump was somehow in cahoots with the Russians to throw the election.

Now... it LOOKS like what happened is, when the FBI came up with nothing, someone in the Obama administration signed off on requesting FISA warrants to do some deeper probing in hopes of uncovering something through the CIA. That's where the wiretapping came in because you need a FISA warrant for that. This is a serious breach of power if that's what happened. It should alarm ANY American, left or right, because IF this can be done to a Republican it can certainly be done against a Democrat.... or are you just too stupid to understand that?

We cannot allow the Executive branch to ABUSE the tools we've given them to protect national security in order to go after their political enemies! What part of that are you not understanding? Do we need coloring books?
The President doesn't have the power to authorize a wiretap. That must come from a federal judge. And if a federal judge authorized a wiretap, that means there must be some evidence of a crime. Either way, Trump is fucked. The choices are:
  1. Trump made a baseless accusation against a former President
  2. Trump and his staff committed a crime

He didn't say Obama ordered it.

Yes, one would presume evidence of a crime must've existed. Where is that?

I don't think Trump is the one fucked. I think there is some explaining to be done by the former administration. There has been no evidence of any crime or even any collusion between Trump and the Russian government. Nothing... Nadda... Zipolla!

Now maybe evidence exists that we don't know about. But I find that hard to believe because the people who would have that evidence would've surely leaked it long ago in order to bring Trump down. You can't tell me they are leaking stupid phone conversations by his NSA while sitting on a fucking political nuke like that. It makes no sense.

I think: 1) They thought they were going to uncover something on Trump. and 2) They though Hillary would win the election and all this would be covered up. Neither of those things happened and now they're in a pickle.
"Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower"

"the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October"

" a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president"

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"

Boss, post: 16779049
He didn't say Obama ordered it.

The hell he didn't. My god, didnt you pay attention to the actual tweetstorm?

So if Obama didn't order it why did Trump accuse President Obama of tapping his phones in October, just prior to Election?

"Terrible!" Trump tweeted. "Just found out that Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!"

"Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!"

@I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!"

"How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!"
Boss, post: 16779049
I don't think Trump is the one fucked. I think there is some explaining to be done by the former administration. There has been no evidence of any crime or even any collusion between Trump and the Russian government. Nothing... Nadda... Zipolla!

Obama did not make the accusation. You seem to be in denial of facts.

Trump accused Obama in a four tweet teeetsorm. Huuuuuuge difference.
Boss, post: 16779049
There has been no evidence of any crime or even any collusion between Trump and the Russian government. Nothing... Nadda... Zipolla!

How many years did Republicans investigate whether there was some kind of cover up on Benghazi? There was nothing.

Now you complain because an investigation started by the FBI and CIA is ongoing and now moving to a Republican controlled Congress.

We already have Flynn fired for lying on the issue and Sessions lying as well and when caught recused himself.

Trump lied about having nothing to do with the pro-Russian plank in The GOP platform. Now it's out that Trump requested it done.

Why all the lies?
Why is a voice on the radio such a threat to the radical left?
Because people believe his lies.

People believed that they could keep their doctor AND that their annual costs would go down by $2,500. The opposite happened and yet you people had no problem with those lies. Why, then, are you people shitting yourselves over who you people have deemed an entertainer?
He didn't say Obama ordered it.

Yes, one would presume evidence of a crime must've existed. Where is that?

I don't think Trump is the one fucked. I think there is some explaining to be done by the former administration. There has been no evidence of any crime or even any collusion between Trump and the Russian government. Nothing... Nadda... Zipolla!

Now maybe evidence exists that we don't know about. But I find that hard to believe because the people who would have that evidence would've surely leaked it long ago in order to bring Trump down. You can't tell me they are leaking stupid phone conversations by his NSA while sitting on a fucking political nuke like that. It makes no sense.

I think: 1) They thought they were going to uncover something on Trump. and 2) They though Hillary would win the election and all this would be covered up. Neither of those things happened and now they're in a pickle.
Lets not lose sight of the bottom line, Trump made a baseless accusation that he can't (and hasn't) prove. That is the issue, not Obama.
Lets not lose sight of the bottom line, Trump made a baseless accusation that he can't (and hasn't) prove. That is the issue, not Obama.
Lets not loose sight of Obama's long history of spying on his opponents and his use of LE to eavesdrop on his rivals too.

It is totally fucked up that you libtards give Obama a pass for all the abuse he has engaged in on citizens civil rights just because he is a Democrat.

That makes you a hack and a shill.

Congrats on becoming a bottom feeder.
Lets not loose sight of Obama's long history of spying on his opponents and his use of LE to eavesdrop on his rivals too.

It is totally fucked up that you libtards give Obama a pass for all the abuse he has engaged in on citizens civil rights just because he is a Democrat.

That makes you a hack and a shill.

Congrats on becoming a bottom feeder.
All the shit you fuckers make up about Obama gets old. Go find a new villain to make shit up about.

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