Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times?

Has the story changed? It was foreign intercepts that captured the Trump associates talking with the target(s) of foreign surveillance.

I guess for people who draw conclusions from headlines a subtle change from WireTap to Intercepted Russian Communication, must be huge blow to the fantastical story they were feed that Obama tapped Trumps wires.

To a lot of people wire tapping is like what Nixon's CREEP operatives did by physically placing bug in the phones......
Especially when the Times story clearly says that the wiretaps were on business contacts in Russia and Ukraine. They need to focus attention on the headline only and away from the content of the article itself in order to defend Trump who is using the NY Times article as proof that Obama tapped his wires.

From the NY Times article:
The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-elect’s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said.

So now you're concerned about WHAT'S IN the article. Good for you.. You're making progress. I'll have Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome (LDS) cured by tomorrow if you keep this up.
Nice deflection. The article exposes both your MessiahRushie and Trump as the lying scum they are, which is why Limbaugh and Trump try to get everyone to focus on the title and not the content.
Nice deflection. The article exposes both your MessiahRushie and Trump as the lying scum they are, which is why Limbaugh and Trump try to get everyone to focus on the title and not the content.

I don't understand why you think someone is lying. The NY Times as well as other media sources have been reporting since 10/16 about NSA investigations, including FISA warrants and wiretaps, regarding Russians interfering with the elections as well as Trump's ties to the Russians.

This has CLEARLY been going on because how else would there be leaked transcripts of phone conversations between Flynn and the Russian ambassador? In order to leak a transcript, there has to be a transcript and in order to have a transcript, there has to be a wiretap.

Now let me explain why there is the scramble to CYA... There is no justification for leaking intelligence obtained through a FISA warrant. That's the first thing. Also, there is suspicion due to the fact the ONLY leaks seem to be on Trump administration members and no one else. We know for a fact they were investigating Trump associates ties to Russia, specifically, Paul Manafort. We know they found no evidence to suggest anything nefarious. What we DON'T know is whether the Obama administration exploited the use of FISA and our intelligence apparatus to spy on political enemies. It looks VERY suspicious at this point.

If this was done, and it doesn't have to be proven by some direct order paper trail to Obama, then it's a bigger scandal than Watergate ever was. Watergate was simply a clandestine group of operatives (the plumbers) who were caught trying to wiretap DNC headquarters in order to find out who was leaking information. Nixon wasn't using intelligence agencies under the guise of national security to wiretap private citizens who were political enemies. This is 10,000 times worse than anything Nixon was even TRYING to do.

So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
Except it is a Limbaugh lie that the NY Times changed the headline, so your rationalization is pure bullshit!
YOU can't unfuck your MessiahRushie's lie.
All Rush does it expose the left's lies and hypocrisy, most of the time using they very things they say and print. Naturally the left hates that and they hate him for doing it.
All Rush does it expose the left's lies and hypocrisy, most of the time using they very things they say and print. Naturally the left hates that and they hate him for doing it.
But that is what I just did to your MessiahRushie, expose his lie about the NY Times with his own words.
All Rush does it expose the left's lies and hypocrisy, most of the time using they very things they say and print. Naturally the left hates that and they hate him for doing it.
But that is what I just did to your MessiahRushie, expose his lie about the NY Times with his own words.

No you failed, poor lib you don't even read your own thread. :itsok:
Pathological liar Limbaugh pats himself on back and takes credit for getting the NY Times to remove the word "wiretap" from their headline, which the Times DIDN'T do!!!!! It is just more Limbaugh Fake News.

Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

RUSH: — remember the headline that we and a lot of other people showed you from the New York Times on January 20th, which was — in fact, I’ve got it here in the desktop. Find this thing and — oops. I moved it. I’ll have to get it later. It was a headline from January 20th, Trump’s Inauguration Day, and it actually said: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

And all week long, you know, we put it at, a lot of other people did, people had been focusing on it because it used the word “wiretapped.” And the reason it became interesting is because Trump volleyed back. Trump tweeted that Obama had ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. And that caused the media and the deep state and the Democrat Party, “Wuh, wuh, wuh, we’re not investigating you. You’re stupid! You’re silly! Show us the FISA warrant. We don’t have any –” And then they had to stop themselves. Because if there’s no investigation of Trump, then what have all these stories the past six months been?

If there’s no investigation of Trump, if Trump’s not under investigation, then what the hell have all these stories been about the last six months with unnamed sources, intelligence agency officials? And every story, as I have pointed out ’til I’m blue in the face, every story has made it plain as day that they do not have any evidence yet. But the trend is looking like it happened and we’re continuing to track this story down.

Well, if you look, if you go back, you will find that the New York Times has changed the headline. You might say, “What does it matter, Rush?” January 20th. Well, these things are kept as archives now. The stories are always on the website. The pictures of the New York Times front page are always cached. A bunch of people do it. They’ve actually gone in and changed the headline. And instead of saying, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” The headline now is: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”
Limbaugh lied? Tell me it isn't so.
So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
Except it is a Limbaugh lie that the NY Times changed the headline, so your rationalization is pure bullshit!
YOU can't unfuck your MessiahRushie's lie.

The only thing I see is you CLAIMING that Rush lied. I've not seen any proof of that. You're not the ordained arbiter of truth by any measure. We don't just go by what you claim... that's kind of stupid. Show me evidence the NY Times didn't change their online content! Oh, you can't show me that? Well then shut the fuck up!

It's a idiotic argument to begin with... what difference does it make whether they changed something? This has been reported by them and others since October 2016. You can't erase history and pretend it didn't happen and everybody is lying about it! Unless, of course, you are totally unhinged from reality! That's beginning to be a REAL possibility with you.
So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
Except it is a Limbaugh lie that the NY Times changed the headline, so your rationalization is pure bullshit!
YOU can't unfuck your MessiahRushie's lie.

The only thing I see is you CLAIMING that Rush lied. I've not seen any proof of that. You're not the ordained arbiter of truth by any measure. We don't just go by what you claim... that's kind of stupid. Show me evidence the NY Times didn't change their online content! Oh, you can't show me that? Well then shut the fuck up!
Notice how the slick liar changes his MessiahRushie's lie from changing the HEADLINE to changing the CONTENT!!!!! The content wasn't changed, it always said the wiretaps were on Russian business contacts in Ukraine and Russia. Tramp lied and said the NY Times said the wiretaps were in Trump Tower on Trump's phones. Limbaugh said the NY Times changed the Jan 20th headline on March 9th removing "wiretap" from the online headline after his March 8th rant. No such thing happened, the online article published Jan 19th always had the same headline.
Now please explain how both Tramp and Limpboy are not both lying scum.
All Rush does it expose the left's lies and hypocrisy, most of the time using they very things they say and print. Naturally the left hates that and they hate him for doing it.
But that is what I just did to your MessiahRushie, expose his lie about the NY Times with his own words.
No you failed, poor lib you don't even read your own thread. :itsok:
Typical projection.
So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
Except it is a Limbaugh lie that the NY Times changed the headline, so your rationalization is pure bullshit!
YOU can't unfuck your MessiahRushie's lie.
Except, they did....
So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
Except it is a Limbaugh lie that the NY Times changed the headline, so your rationalization is pure bullshit!
YOU can't unfuck your MessiahRushie's lie.

The only thing I see is you CLAIMING that Rush lied. I've not seen any proof of that. You're not the ordained arbiter of truth by any measure. We don't just go by what you claim... that's kind of stupid. Show me evidence the NY Times didn't change their online content! Oh, you can't show me that? Well then shut the fuck up!
Notice how the slick liar changes his MessiahRushie's lie from changing the HEADLINE to changing the CONTENT!!!!! The content wasn't changed, it always said the wiretaps were on Russian business contacts in Ukraine and Russia. Tramp lied and said the NY Times said the wiretaps were in Trump Tower on Trump's phones. Limbaugh said the NY Times changed the Jan 20th headline on March 9th removing "wiretap" from the online headline after his March 8th rant. No such thing happened, the online article published Jan 19th always had the same headline.
Now please explain how both Tramp and Limpboy are not both lying scum.

Where is your evidence that ANYBODY has lied?

"Online content" includes the fucking headline, stupid! And you've been shown a copy of the actual PRINT version which DOES say "wiretap" in the headline. But again--- what is the big fucking deal with this? There have been a number of news sources reporting about wiretaps on Trump associates since October 2016. Whether the NYT changed headlines online or Rush lied about that has nothing to do with any fucking thing. It's just YOU trying to bluster up a bunch of NOISE to distract from what's going down. I don't know why... do you hope to tangle people up in this stupid little petty argument so they don't actually PAY ATTENTION to the real story? What's the deal? :dunno:
So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
Except it is a Limbaugh lie that the NY Times changed the headline, so your rationalization is pure bullshit!
YOU can't unfuck your MessiahRushie's lie.
Except, they did....
No they didn't. Your MessiahRushie lied to you and you are too stupid and lazy to check him.
So now, what you have are the media lapdogs trying to cover their tracks. Going back and changing their headlines of online content in order to "deny" saying what they clearly said. And here you are, trying to carry their water... but the ruse is over now. You can't unfuck this mess.
Except it is a Limbaugh lie that the NY Times changed the headline, so your rationalization is pure bullshit!
YOU can't unfuck your MessiahRushie's lie.

The only thing I see is you CLAIMING that Rush lied. I've not seen any proof of that. You're not the ordained arbiter of truth by any measure. We don't just go by what you claim... that's kind of stupid. Show me evidence the NY Times didn't change their online content! Oh, you can't show me that? Well then shut the fuck up!
Notice how the slick liar changes his MessiahRushie's lie from changing the HEADLINE to changing the CONTENT!!!!! The content wasn't changed, it always said the wiretaps were on Russian business contacts in Ukraine and Russia. Tramp lied and said the NY Times said the wiretaps were in Trump Tower on Trump's phones. Limbaugh said the NY Times changed the Jan 20th headline on March 9th removing "wiretap" from the online headline after his March 8th rant. No such thing happened, the online article published Jan 19th always had the same headline.
Now please explain how both Tramp and Limpboy are not both lying scum.

Where is your evidence that ANYBODY has lied?

"Online content" includes the fucking headline, stupid! And you've been shown a copy of the actual PRINT version which DOES say "wiretap" in the headline. But again--- what is the big fucking deal with this? There have been a number of news sources reporting about wiretaps on Trump associates since October 2016. Whether the NYT changed headlines online or Rush lied about that has nothing to do with any fucking thing. It's just YOU trying to bluster up a bunch of NOISE to distract from what's going down. I don't know why... do you hope to tangle people up in this stupid little petty argument so they don't actually PAY ATTENTION to the real story? What's the deal? :dunno:
It is obviously a big deal to you or you wouldn't be trying to defend your MessiahRushie's lies!!! Actions speak louder than words

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