Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

Pathological liar Limbaugh pats himself on back and takes credit for getting the NY Times to remove the word "wiretap" from their headline, which the Times DIDN'T do!!!!! It is just more Limbaugh Fake News.

Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

RUSH: — remember the headline that we and a lot of other people showed you from the New York Times on January 20th, which was — in fact, I’ve got it here in the desktop. Find this thing and — oops. I moved it. I’ll have to get it later. It was a headline from January 20th, Trump’s Inauguration Day, and it actually said: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

And all week long, you know, we put it at, a lot of other people did, people had been focusing on it because it used the word “wiretapped.” And the reason it became interesting is because Trump volleyed back. Trump tweeted that Obama had ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. And that caused the media and the deep state and the Democrat Party, “Wuh, wuh, wuh, we’re not investigating you. You’re stupid! You’re silly! Show us the FISA warrant. We don’t have any –” And then they had to stop themselves. Because if there’s no investigation of Trump, then what have all these stories the past six months been?

If there’s no investigation of Trump, if Trump’s not under investigation, then what the hell have all these stories been about the last six months with unnamed sources, intelligence agency officials? And every story, as I have pointed out ’til I’m blue in the face, every story has made it plain as day that they do not have any evidence yet. But the trend is looking like it happened and we’re continuing to track this story down.

Well, if you look, if you go back, you will find that the New York Times has changed the headline. You might say, “What does it matter, Rush?” January 20th. Well, these things are kept as archives now. The stories are always on the website. The pictures of the New York Times front page are always cached. A bunch of people do it. They’ve actually gone in and changed the headline. And instead of saying, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” The headline now is: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”
You must really admire the guy to be this invested in promoting him & his show.
Anyone who challenges Rush is destined to be pwnd. Rush is literally 95% correct on just about everything he discusses. He is a genius and is often quite hilarious when he presents the facts. Sorry retarded, leftist, butthurt loons!

At one time he was. He has since sold out and become a part of the state run media. He is a part of the Trump Davidians. I used to listen to him but he is dishonest and part of Liars for Trump. He is as bad as The NY Times.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
It's underlined in Red. Right there. Looks like YOU need a new "fact-checker".. Yours appears to be fake..
No, the date underlined in red is what pathological liar Limbaugh claims is the OLD headline that got changed to a NEW headline only a few days ago after he spewed his lies shaming the Times into changing it..
This is why lying scum like Limbaugh and Trump lie with impunity to their suckers, they know they lack the intelligence to follow even the simplest conversation!!!!
Pathological liar Limbaugh pats himself on back and takes credit for getting the NY Times to remove the word "wiretap" from their headline, which the Times DIDN'T do!!!!! It is just more Limbaugh Fake News.

Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.


RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

RUSH: — remember the headline that we and a lot of other people showed you from the New York Times on January 20th, which was — in fact, I’ve got it here in the desktop. Find this thing and — oops. I moved it. I’ll have to get it later. It was a headline from January 20th, Trump’s Inauguration Day, and it actually said: “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.”

And all week long, you know, we put it at, a lot of other people did, people had been focusing on it because it used the word “wiretapped.” And the reason it became interesting is because Trump volleyed back. Trump tweeted that Obama had ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower. And that caused the media and the deep state and the Democrat Party, “Wuh, wuh, wuh, we’re not investigating you. You’re stupid! You’re silly! Show us the FISA warrant. We don’t have any –” And then they had to stop themselves. Because if there’s no investigation of Trump, then what have all these stories the past six months been?

If there’s no investigation of Trump, if Trump’s not under investigation, then what the hell have all these stories been about the last six months with unnamed sources, intelligence agency officials? And every story, as I have pointed out ’til I’m blue in the face, every story has made it plain as day that they do not have any evidence yet. But the trend is looking like it happened and we’re continuing to track this story down.

Well, if you look, if you go back, you will find that the New York Times has changed the headline. You might say, “What does it matter, Rush?” January 20th. Well, these things are kept as archives now. The stories are always on the website. The pictures of the New York Times front page are always cached. A bunch of people do it. They’ve actually gone in and changed the headline. And instead of saying, “Wiretapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides.” The headline now is: “Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”
You must really admire the guy to be this invested in promoting him & his show.
Only DittoTards believe exposing their MessiahRushie's lies is a promotion for his show, proving that they know the best thing about his show is his lying!!!!!!
Thank you.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????

Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..


Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
I COULD go on the Internet Way Back Machine and check how the ELECTRONIC version looked. But I already know the NY Times is trusted LESS than your fact-checkers.

So the truth PROBABLY IS that all those "leaked" intel products were NOT from a wiretap. They are a product of that massive domestic spying operation that BOTH PARTIES want to keep in that huge new NSA building in Utah. That's WHY -- everyone is dancing about the LEGALITY of tapping that awesome resource for political pranks. THAT'S the story I AM interested. The NYTimes is totally fucked at this point anyway.

So I ask YOU ----- WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times? Were they lying THEN -- or are they lying NOW?

No wonder the media and politicians that have TAKEN those powerful tools to ABUSE THEM --- want you to be confused...
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
It's underlined in Red. Right there. Looks like YOU need a new "fact-checker".. Yours appears to be fake..
No, the date underlined in red is what pathological liar Limbaugh claims is the OLD headline that got changed to a NEW headline only a few days ago after he spewed his lies shaming the Times into changing it..
This is why lying scum like Limbaugh and Trump lie with impunity to their suckers, they know they lack the intelligence to follow even the simplest conversation!!!!

Settle down --- wipe the spittle -- read my last post. It's significant knowledge that Limbaugh conveyed. It shows a pattern of general public deception by the media in collusion with politicians to COVER-UP traitorous abuses of our OWN intel services in collecting and spying on EVERY American. TinyDancer and I just gave you the 2 different Titles on the story. It is NOT a lie.

These "leaks" came from General Collection at NSA -- not separate wiretaps. Just like this post will appear in an archive in the Utah. The politicians ALL love that power (minus a couple dozen in leadership) and don't want you to know WHERE they came from.. Because they don't want to lose their "toys"...
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

That's a pretty trivial problem since those 2 different headlines have the SAME FUCKING ARTICLE in them.
They wrote it on the 19th. It went into the STREET edition on the 20th. You're being a bean counter with a bad case of the runs and ignoring the HUMONGOUS cluster fuck result of such UNRELIABLE journalism from the NYT on the MOST serious abuse of Intel powers in your lifetime.

If you're gonna nit-pick -- I'm not interested princess.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
It's underlined in Red. Right there. Looks like YOU need a new "fact-checker".. Yours appears to be fake..
No, the date underlined in red is what pathological liar Limbaugh claims is the OLD headline that got changed to a NEW headline only a few days ago after he spewed his lies shaming the Times into changing it..
This is why lying scum like Limbaugh and Trump lie with impunity to their suckers, they know they lack the intelligence to follow even the simplest conversation!!!!

Settle down --- wipe the spittle -- read my last post. It's significant knowledge that Limbaugh conveyed. It shows a pattern of general public deception by the media in collusion with politicians to COVER-UP traitorous abuses of our OWN intel services in collecting and spying on EVERY American. TinyDancer and I just gave you the 2 different Titles on the story. It is NOT a lie.
Again we see the utter stupidity of Trumpist DittoTards, even after I point out that you have the "old" headline confused with the "new" you STILL can't figure out how your MessiahRushie lied to you!!! :cuckoo::rofl::lmao:
They CHANGED THE HEADLINE from the original way it was filed for the Street edition. AND -- if you were sane -- you'd realize the whole PERCEPTION of the article changes with that different headline.

YOU CANNOT CHANGE A HEADLINE in a Print Edition.. Don't you don't know that???
I lost all respect for Lush when he got busted with a bottle of viagra in his pocket on his way home from the Dominican Republic.

I mean seriously who comes back from the Dominican Republic with left over instant wood ?
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
It's underlined in Red. Right there. Looks like YOU need a new "fact-checker".. Yours appears to be fake..
No, the date underlined in red is what pathological liar Limbaugh claims is the OLD headline that got changed to a NEW headline only a few days ago after he spewed his lies shaming the Times into changing it..
This is why lying scum like Limbaugh and Trump lie with impunity to their suckers, they know they lack the intelligence to follow even the simplest conversation!!!!

Settle down --- wipe the spittle -- read my last post. It's significant knowledge that Limbaugh conveyed. It shows a pattern of general public deception by the media in collusion with politicians to COVER-UP traitorous abuses of our OWN intel services in collecting and spying on EVERY American. TinyDancer and I just gave you the 2 different Titles on the story. It is NOT a lie.
Again we see the utter stupidity of Trumpist DittoTards, even after I point out that you have the "old" headline confused with the "new" you STILL can't figure out how your MessiahRushie lied to you!!! :cuckoo::rofl::lmao:

No I can't. Because the INFORMATION in that Limbaugh report was FAR MORE SIGNIFICANT than the nits you're left picking.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

That's a pretty trivial problem since those 2 different headlines have the SAME FUCKING ARTICLE in them.
They wrote it on the 19th. It went into the STREET edition on the 20th. You're being a bean counter with a bad case of the runs and ignoring the HUMONGOUS cluster fuck result of such UNRELIABLE journalism from the NYT on the MOST serious abuse of Intel powers in your lifetime.

If you're gonna nit-pick -- I'm not interested princess.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.
That's a pretty trivial problem since those 2 different headlines have the SAME FUCKING ARTICLE in them.
They wrote it on the 19th. It went into the STREET edition on the 20th.
And now the dumb act rather than admit your MessiahRushie is a pathological lying blowhard even after I reposted his quote from his own website links!!!

The non-wiretap headline was from the 19th of JANUARY and the wiretap headline was from the 20th of JANUARY, so obviously the non-wiretap headline cane FIRST. But your lying scum MessiahRushie said that his rant from MARCH 8th shamed the NY Times into changing the wiretap headline by removing the word wiretap from the headline and falsely accusing the Times of being "sneaky, sneaky, sneaky" for changing it.
March 9, 2017
RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.
WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times?

Has the story changed? It was foreign intercepts that captured the Trump associates talking with the target(s) of foreign surveillance.

I guess for people who draw conclusions from headlines a subtle change from WireTap to Intercepted Russian Communication, must be huge blow to the fantastical story they were feed that Obama tapped Trumps wires.

To a lot of people wire tapping is like what Nixon's CREEP operatives did by physically placing bug in the phones......
No I can't. Because the INFORMATION in that Limbaugh report was FAR MORE SIGNIFICANT than the nits you're left picking.
The LIES in your MessiahRushie's RANT are what the pathological liar bases his meme that the NY Times knew they were putting out fake news because they removed the word wiretap after he shamed then on March 8th!!!!! Lies are NOT "information" and a rant is NOT a "report."
WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times?

Has the story changed? It was foreign intercepts that captured the Trump associates talking with the target(s) of foreign surveillance.

I guess for people who draw conclusions from headlines a subtle change from WireTap to Intercepted Russian Communication, must be huge blow to the fantastical story they were feed that Obama tapped Trumps wires.

To a lot of people wire tapping is like what Nixon's CREEP operatives did by physically placing bug in the phones......
Especially when the Times story clearly says that the wiretaps were on business contacts in Russia and Ukraine. They need to focus attention on the headline only and away from the content of the article itself in order to defend Trump who is using the NY Times article as proof that Obama tapped his wires.

From the NY Times article:
The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-elect’s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

That's a pretty trivial problem since those 2 different headlines have the SAME FUCKING ARTICLE in them.
They wrote it on the 19th. It went into the STREET edition on the 20th. You're being a bean counter with a bad case of the runs and ignoring the HUMONGOUS cluster fuck result of such UNRELIABLE journalism from the NYT on the MOST serious abuse of Intel powers in your lifetime.

If you're gonna nit-pick -- I'm not interested princess.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.
That's a pretty trivial problem since those 2 different headlines have the SAME FUCKING ARTICLE in them.
They wrote it on the 19th. It went into the STREET edition on the 20th.
And now the dumb act rather than admit your MessiahRushie is a pathological lying blowhard even after I reposted his quote from his own website links!!!

The non-wiretap headline was from the 19th of JANUARY and the wiretap headline was from the 20th of JANUARY, so obviously the non-wiretap headline cane FIRST. But your lying scum MessiahRushie said that his rant from MARCH 8th shamed the NY Times into changing the wiretap headline by removing the word wiretap from the headline and falsely accusing the Times of being "sneaky, sneaky, sneaky" for changing it.
March 9, 2017
RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

You're so focused on Limbaugh -- you didn't hear a word I said about the SIGNIFICANCE of the leaks being from "wiretaps" or NSA collection. You're bitching about the messenger getting it RIGHT but not explaining it as well as I just did for you..

I'll tell you what happened. Maybe you'll drop Limbaugh and start worrying about COUNTRY !!!!

On the 19th, the article was written describing these leaks as coming from COLLECTIONS -- not wiretap. Either the NYTimes called their source for approval or the merry band of TREASONOUS LEAKERS called the NY Times. It was decided to "soft-peddle" the emphasis on collections and INSTEAD use the more nebulous term of wiretap to IMPLY there an investigation and an approved separate WARRANT for this action.

Because the one thing the politicians on both sides DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW -- is that the bulk collection at NSA designed to catch TERRORISTS is being being misused for political purposes.

If I didn't just give you something much more important to worry about --- you're stuck on stupid...
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.

That's a pretty trivial problem since those 2 different headlines have the SAME FUCKING ARTICLE in them.
They wrote it on the 19th. It went into the STREET edition on the 20th. You're being a bean counter with a bad case of the runs and ignoring the HUMONGOUS cluster fuck result of such UNRELIABLE journalism from the NYT on the MOST serious abuse of Intel powers in your lifetime.

If you're gonna nit-pick -- I'm not interested princess.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????
Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..
It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
Thank you for proving that your MessiahRushie is a LIAR, although you are too stupid to realize that is what YOU just did!!!! :rofl::lmao:
Mar 9, 2017
RUSH: I’m gonna tell you why, ’cause we had a major role in this I am convinced right here on the EIB Network yesterday ’cause we nailed ’em.
RUSH: Have you seen any stories about the Russians hacking the elections? It’s gone, and so is the New York Times headline from the January 20th story with “wiretaps.” They have gone back and they have changed it. “Wiretaps” is not in that headline anymore.
That's a pretty trivial problem since those 2 different headlines have the SAME FUCKING ARTICLE in them.
They wrote it on the 19th. It went into the STREET edition on the 20th.
And now the dumb act rather than admit your MessiahRushie is a pathological lying blowhard even after I reposted his quote from his own website links!!!

The non-wiretap headline was from the 19th of JANUARY and the wiretap headline was from the 20th of JANUARY, so obviously the non-wiretap headline cane FIRST. But your lying scum MessiahRushie said that his rant from MARCH 8th shamed the NY Times into changing the wiretap headline by removing the word wiretap from the headline and falsely accusing the Times of being "sneaky, sneaky, sneaky" for changing it.
March 9, 2017
RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.

You're so focused on Limbaugh -- you didn't hear a word I said about the SIGNIFICANCE of the leaks being from "wiretaps" or NSA collection. You're bitching about the messenger getting it RIGHT but not explaining it as well as I just did for you..

I'll tell you what happened. Maybe you'll drop Limbaugh and start worrying about COUNTRY !!!!

On the 19th, the article was written describing these leaks as coming from COLLECTIONS -- not wiretap. Either the NYTimes called their source for approval or the merry band of TREASONOUS LEAKERS called the NY Times. It was decided to "soft-peddle" the emphasis on collections and INSTEAD use the more nebulous term of wiretap to IMPLY there an investigation and an approved separate WARRANT for this action.

Because the one thing the politicians on both sides DONT WANT YOU TO KNOW -- is that the bulk collection at NSA designed to catch TERRORISTS is being being misused for political purposes.

If I didn't just give you something much more important to worry about --- you're stuck on stupid...
You are doing the same dishonest thing your MessiahRushie did, trying to deflect from Trump's lie that the NY Times article proves that Obama wiretapped Trump's phones.

And the NY Times clearly says the foreign conversations were eavesdropped on, implying a wiretap. Nothing "nebulous" about it!

"Counterintelligence investigations examine the connections between American citizens and foreign governments. Those connections can involve efforts to steal state or corporate secrets, curry favor with American government leaders or influence policy. It is unclear which Russian officials are under investigation, or what particular conversations caught the attention of American eavesdroppers."
WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times?

Has the story changed? It was foreign intercepts that captured the Trump associates talking with the target(s) of foreign surveillance.

I guess for people who draw conclusions from headlines a subtle change from WireTap to Intercepted Russian Communication, must be huge blow to the fantastical story they were feed that Obama tapped Trumps wires.

To a lot of people wire tapping is like what Nixon's CREEP operatives did by physically placing bug in the phones......
Especially when the Times story clearly says that the wiretaps were on business contacts in Russia and Ukraine. They need to focus attention on the headline only and away from the content of the article itself in order to defend Trump who is using the NY Times article as proof that Obama tapped his wires.

From the NY Times article:
The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-elect’s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said.

So now you're concerned about WHAT'S IN the article. Good for you.. You're making progress. I'll have Limbaugh Derangement Syndrome (LDS) cured by tomorrow if you keep this up.
Rush Limbaugh is the intellectual voice of the Right. He keeps his fans undated on what to think.

Mr. Talent on loan from GAAAAWWDDD really hasn't been correct in his assessments of the political scene for quite some time to come now. He appeals to the half brain crowd only.

The entire point is: If there really was a FISA warrant issued on the Trump Tower then it's very serious.

The second possibility is that Trump is correct, and the Obama administration did in fact tap his phones. But if this was the case, before the tap could occur it’s highly likely Trump committed a very serious crime, including treason. No president can order a wiretap on his own. For federal agents to obtain a wiretap on Trump, or anyone else, the Justice Department would first have had to convince a federal judge that it had gathered sufficient evidence of probable cause to believe Trump had committed a serious crime or was an agent of a foreign power, depending on whether it was a criminal or foreign intelligence wiretap.
3 Terrifying Reasons For Trump's Latest Rant | The Huffington Post

Lindsey Graham explains it:
"If it is true, it would be the biggest political scandal since Watergate," Graham said, to shouting. He added that if the Obama administration was able to obtain a warrant lawfully to investigate Trump's ties to Russia, then that would be the biggest scandal since Watergate.
Lindsey Graham offers two ways Trump Tower wiretapping could be bigger than Watergate

People seem to forget that OBAMA ordered this investigation to be done BEFORE he left office. And several sources have stated that he PRESERVED INTELLIGENCE that is damming. Meaning he's not going to turn this evidence over to FBI director James Comey who is also under investigation for his interference into this election, and he's certainly not going to turn it over to Republicans who would have squashed it. I doubt that Obama even used the FBI in this investigation. More likely the CIA or someone within the DOJ that could be trusted. You'll note that the DOJ has NOT denied there was no wiretapping done on the Trump tower, even though James Comey requested that they publicly deny it.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
FBI Director Comey Asks DOJ to Deny Trump Wiretapping Claim

So this Senate investigation is the 2nd investigation for show only.

So what Obama is doing is waiting for one of them to lie under oath (Flynn--Sessions) and then another leak pops out proving they were lying. He'll continue to do this until Democrats take over in 2018 and then the Kracken on the Trump administration will be released.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia


And it's clear that Mr. Talent on Loan from GAWWWWDDD still hasn't figured it out--LOL
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