Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

Sorry you think I am obligated to defend allegations you've not substantiated.
I proved that your MessiahRushie lied about the NY Times changing their Jan 20th headline on March 9th by removing the word wiretap. The online headline never changed. It did not have the word wiretap when it was first published on Jan 19th. Only the Jan 20th print edition had the word wiretap. Pathological liar Limpboy lied to try to discredit the NY Times to try to lend credibility to Tramp's lies about wiretapping and the Times.

Here is your MessiahRushie's lie again:

RUSH: We’ve got a revised New York Times headline — sneaky, sneaky, sneaky — as they postdate change the headline wiping out the word “wiretaps” and “wiretapped” from their headline on a story January 20th.
All I see is you making this CLAIM! I don't see any kind of PROOF to support it.
The proof has already been posted in this thread. Why do you pretend you can't read???
Here is the Jan 19th NY Times article with the only title it ever had. Your lying MessiahRushie claimed the title was sneakily changed on March 9th removing the word wiretap that was never there. Only the Jan 20th PRINT edition had the word wiretap in the title, and you can't change the print edition after its been printed!
Also the article proves Tramp a liar because he claims it says his phones in Tramp Tower were tapped, but it actually says Russian business contacts were wiretapped in Ukraine and Russia. So the one article nails America's two biggest liars, which is why you keep playing dumb.
Funny how that news report on the FRONT PAGE ABOVE THE FOLD in the nation's newspaper of record, is entirely ignored by the DNC media. Not only is this report ignored, but many other news sources who also reported Obama's surveillance, are ignored, we have leftists everywhere including the very same MSM who reported the surveillance, demanding Trump provide proof...the really funny thing is how easy the DNC MSM can dupe millions of Jake.

It's ignored because it means nothing other than the word wiretapped is in the headline.

Post the article and show us all that it reflects wiretapping at Trump Tower rather than on Russian officials.
I'm looking at the new one. They changed it alright.
What is the DATE of the "new" headline that you are "looking" at????

Compare the print edition Front Page title (in TinyDancer's post to the electronic version of the story filed on the 19th..


Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.

The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.

It's the same story hothead.. . And SOMEONE decided to place the keyword "WIRETAP" into the print edition.
I COULD go on the Internet Way Back Machine and check how the ELECTRONIC version looked. But I already know the NY Times is trusted LESS than your fact-checkers.

So the truth PROBABLY IS that all those "leaked" intel products were NOT from a wiretap. They are a product of that massive domestic spying operation that BOTH PARTIES want to keep in that huge new NSA building in Utah. That's WHY -- everyone is dancing about the LEGALITY of tapping that awesome resource for political pranks. THAT'S the story I AM interested. The NYTimes is totally fucked at this point anyway.

So I ask YOU ----- WHY are all you leftists whining that Trump has NO PROOF of a wiretap -- if the "PROOF" was on the front page of the NY Times? Were they lying THEN -- or are they lying NOW?

No wonder the media and politicians that have TAKEN those powerful tools to ABUSE THEM --- want you to be confused...

What does this mean to you?

Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates

You even posted it in big red font.

Why do you guys argue that this was somehow a "domestic spying operation" when the article you cite says nothing of the sort?
Funny how that news report on the FRONT PAGE ABOVE THE FOLD in the nation's newspaper of record, is entirely ignored by the DNC media. Not only is this report ignored, but many other news sources who also reported Obama's surveillance, are ignored, we have leftists everywhere including the very same MSM who reported the surveillance, demanding Trump provide proof...the really funny thing is how easy the DNC MSM can dupe millions of Jake.
Probably because BELOW THE FOLD it says this below and the MSM are not lying scum like CON$ervofascist Trump media is.

"The counterintelligence investigation centers at least in part on the business dealings that some of the president-elect’s past and present advisers have had with Russia. Mr. Manafort has done business in Ukraine and Russia. Some of his contacts there were under surveillance by the National Security Agency for suspected links to Russia’s Federal Security Service, one of the officials said."

I've seen the articles "Investigating Donald Trump FBI sees no clear link to Russia" - New York Times, the belief of Trump communications with Russia's Afta bank, then there's these Trump communications with Russian officials, yet all these lack any great detail. I read only speculations, assumptions, interpretive possibilities of what they believe might have "hopefully" taken place. Yet no documents, no transcripts, in fact the details of any provided evidence is not forthcoming in any of the articles I've tried to follow. It reads more like a national inquirer piece, than actual journalistic provided supportive evidence leading to a clear conclusion. Even in following the connect the dots "opinion" the paper has tried to piece together. Now if the evidence was that clear, damming and overwhelming, don't you think the FBI has enough resources to be able to have figured it out for themselves by now? In conclusion we see why the left demands SO MUCH the release of Trump's tax records, because there is norhing factual they've obtained that shows guilt ... as the editor desperately wants there to be. The FBI hasn't found anything to conclude Trump's involvement with Russia beyond the drama the liberal media has created for themselves over the sting of election results.

Yet the left wing media quickly discredits and denounces Trump's wiretapping claims based on the same lack of facts they themselves are guilty of spewing. Sounds like the left can't handle the same conspiracy theories being thrown back, when it invokves their beloved prior president.
Even though the rhetoric from Limbaugh gets strong sometimes there is always a FACT behind his REPORTING.
A lie is NOT a fact, and spreading gossip is NOT reporting. It is a LIE that the NY Times changed their headline. And since the NY Times DIDN'T change their headline, then Your MessiahRushie DIDN'T shame them into changing their headline as the lying blowhard claims!!!!

The headline on their website for that date did change.

I was linking it in various threads, it had the title with "wiretap" in it. Then it changed a few days ago to "intercepted communications".

As usual, Rush was telling the truth and you're lying your ass of.
Even though the rhetoric from Limbaugh gets strong sometimes there is always a FACT behind his REPORTING.
A lie is NOT a fact, and spreading gossip is NOT reporting. It is a LIE that the NY Times changed their headline. And since the NY Times DIDN'T change their headline, then Your MessiahRushie DIDN'T shame them into changing their headline as the lying blowhard claims!!!!

The headline on their website for that date did change.

I was linking it in various threads, it had the title with "wiretap" in it. Then it changed a few days ago to "intercepted communications".

As usual, Rush was telling the truth and you're lying your ass of.
As usual you are lying to defend the lies of your MessiahRushie. The online title NEVER changed.
Internet Archive Wayback Machine
Even though the rhetoric from Limbaugh gets strong sometimes there is always a FACT behind his REPORTING.
A lie is NOT a fact, and spreading gossip is NOT reporting. It is a LIE that the NY Times changed their headline. And since the NY Times DIDN'T change their headline, then Your MessiahRushie DIDN'T shame them into changing their headline as the lying blowhard claims!!!!

The headline on their website for that date did change.

I was linking it in various threads, it had the title with "wiretap" in it. Then it changed a few days ago to "intercepted communications".

As usual, Rush was telling the truth and you're lying your ass of.

It means the same thing. The article always stated that the Russians were being monitored and never stated that Trump was.

The headline is irrelevant.
whitehall, post: 16759564
Why is a voice on the radio such a threat to the radical left?

It not the radical left. Limbaugh promotes lies and ignorance which is destructive to our system of self-government and the consent to be governed.

Ignorance and lies are the biggest enemy to our way of life.

Trump is a diitohead himself. Ignorant and a liar.
whitehall, post: 16759564
Why is a voice on the radio such a threat to the radical left?

It not the radical left. Limbaugh promotes lies and ignorance which is destructive to our system of self-government and the consent to be governed.

Ignorance and lies are the biggest enemy to our way of life.

Trump is a diitohead himself. Ignorant and a liar.
You sound pussy whipped
whitehall, post: 16759564
Why is a voice on the radio such a threat to the radical left?

It not the radical left. Limbaugh promotes lies and ignorance which is destructive to our system of self-government and the consent to be governed.

Ignorance and lies are the biggest enemy to our way of life.

Trump is a diitohead himself. Ignorant and a liar.


We are deplorables. We are stupid. We are horrid.

We whupped your ass. We won.
The proof has already been posted in this thread. Why do you pretend you can't read???
Here is the Jan 19th NY Times article with the only title it ever had. Your lying MessiahRushie claimed the title was sneakily changed on March 9th removing the word wiretap that was never there. Only the Jan 20th PRINT edition had the word wiretap in the title, and you can't change the print edition after its been printed!

Okay... So the street version DOES have wiretap in the title and you are here making a big deal out of Rush "lying" about the online version, which you claim has never had the word wiretap in the title and he claims has been changed.... Is that right?

So why does it make any difference? I mean, what IS the big deal? Is it that you caught Rush in a lie? Great.... Reward yourself with a cookie! This is the most pathetic fawning for attention I've ever seen. Good grief... is it really THIS bad in your world man?
The proof has already been posted in this thread. Why do you pretend you can't read???
Here is the Jan 19th NY Times article with the only title it ever had. Your lying MessiahRushie claimed the title was sneakily changed on March 9th removing the word wiretap that was never there. Only the Jan 20th PRINT edition had the word wiretap in the title, and you can't change the print edition after its been printed!
Okay... So the street version DOES have wiretap in the title and you are here making a big deal out of Rush "lying" about the online version, which you claim has never had the word wiretap in the title and he claims has been changed.... Is that right?

So why does it make any difference? I mean, what IS the big deal? Is it that you caught Rush in a lie? Great.... Reward yourself with a cookie! This is the most pathetic fawning for attention I've ever seen. Good grief... is it really THIS bad in your world man?
Your MessiahRushie fabricated his lie to attack the credibility of the NY Times in defense of Tramp's lie about the NY Times. It obviously makes a difference or your MessiahRushie would not have fabricated his lie in the first place!!!
And it obviously makes a difference to you or you wouldn't be trying to turn Limpboy's lie into an attack on me.
Your MessiahRushie fabricated his lie to attack the credibility of the NY Times in defense of Tramp's lie about the NY Times. It obviously makes a difference or your MessiahRushie would not have fabricated his lie in the first place!!!
And it obviously makes a difference to you or you wouldn't be trying to turn Limpboy's lie into an attack on me.

Trump didn't mention the NY Times. You've not proven anyone lied about the NY Times. Their street version, you admit, says wiretapping in the headline. The story about the FISA warrants and wiretaps has been around since October 2016. The NY Times wasn't even the first to report it. Nit picking over whether a stupid web page was changed or not at this point is kind of pathetic in my opinion.

The only reason I'm responding is because I'm worried about your mental health. I think you're losing your grasp on reality. If you're not already doing so, you might want to consider a therapist.
Even though the rhetoric from Limbaugh gets strong sometimes there is always a FACT behind his REPORTING. His delivery style is the part that makes him seem so far out with his statements. If he was a monotonic orator he would be less effective though. I like the fact that the liberal side made up another lie just for Rush, it gives him a great boost in my eyes. Lie some more accusers it is all you have lies, fantasy and BS.

Rush and his proto-types are the drivers of the severe polarization in this country.
Fuck him. He has hurt America with his years and years hate driven rhetoric.
Your MessiahRushie fabricated his lie to attack the credibility of the NY Times in defense of Tramp's lie about the NY Times. It obviously makes a difference or your MessiahRushie would not have fabricated his lie in the first place!!!
And it obviously makes a difference to you or you wouldn't be trying to turn Limpboy's lie into an attack on me.
Trump didn't mention the NY Times. You've not proven anyone lied about the NY Times. Their street version, you admit, says wiretapping in the headline. The story about the FISA warrants and wiretaps has been around since October 2016. The NY Times wasn't even the first to report it. Nit picking over whether a stupid web page was changed or not at this point is kind of pathetic in my opinion.
The only reason I'm responding is because I'm worried about your mental health. I think you're losing your grasp on reality. If you're not already doing so, you might want to consider a therapist.
When asked where he got his claim that HIS phones were wiretapped he said repeatedly through his spokesperson, Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, that it came from the NY Times article.
And the only reason you are replying is because you know Tramp's and Limpboy's lies expose them as the biggest purveyors of fake news and confirm the NY Times as being more trustworthy than anything from the Right.

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