Limbaugh Lies About NY Times Changing Wiretap Headline

The President doesn't have the power to authorize a wiretap. That must come from a federal judge. And if a federal judge authorized a wiretap, that means there must be some evidence of a crime. Either way, Trump is fucked. The choices are:
  1. Trump made a baseless accusation against a former President
  2. Trump and his staff committed a crime

He didn't say Obama ordered it. .

Are you a denial-bot. Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done.
Are you a denial-bot. Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done.

So you think Trump asserts that Obama personally went and wiretapped Trump Tower?

Gawd damn, you libtards sure are stupid ass retards.

The FBI under the Obama regime had Trump associates surveiled electronically which includes wire-taps and much more.

It is entirely BS for anyone to claim that Obama did not have himself informed of what was on any of these recordings that he though would be politically advantageous since he has a history of doing that.

AKA, you Dimmocrat political hacks are losing this one, baby.
“Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump Associates.”[/URL]
/---- Keep listening to Rush. You might actually learn somethings not found on CNN like the TRUTH. Thanks for promoting his show as well.
Your MessiahRushie is incapable of ever telling the TRUTH, he would choke to death on it![/QUOTE]
/---- Odd you don't post any of his lies with proof - after all it should be easy enough since you claim he never tells the truth.
The FBI under the Obama regime had Trump associates surveiled electronically which includes wire-taps and much more..

Actually the NSA had the Russians under surveillance. As with any recorded telephone conversation, both parties are recorded. So the NSA happened to record Trump associates because they called the Russians up.
It is entirely BS for anyone to claim that Obama did not have himself informed of what was on any of these recordings that he though would be politically advantageous since he has a history of doing that.

AKA, you Dimmocrat political hacks are losing this one, baby.

Actually it's highly unlikely that Obama had transcripts of the conversations when Flynn was making his denials. You must realize the vast amount of communications that the NSA collects. It is said that the NSA records 2% of all communications throughout the world. That pentabytes of data every day, 24/7 365.

It then takes time, from days to weeks, to go through all that data for the conversations they're looking for.
Are you a denial-bot. Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done.

So you think Trump asserts that Obama personally went and wiretapped Trump Tower?-

Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done
No, it does not necessarily mean that Obama personally ordered it done,but that it was ordered as part of an ongoing investigation and he was kept current with events.
It is entirely BS for anyone to claim that Obama did not have himself informed of what was on any of these recordings that he though would be politically advantageous since he has a history of doing that.

AKA, you Dimmocrat political hacks are losing this one, baby.

Actually it's highly unlikely that Obama had transcripts of the conversations when Flynn was making his denials. You must realize the vast amount of communications that the NSA collects. It is said that the NSA records 2% of all communications throughout the world. That pentabytes of data every day, 24/7 365.

It then takes time, from days to weeks, to go through all that data for the conversations they're looking for.
No, it does not when one is talking only about high profile cases like a US Presidential candidate and his associates.

But let’s face it: From the day Trump won election, his foes have waged a by-any-means-necessary campaign to overturn the results.

Officials (likely Obama-era holdovers) have broken the law and leaked what they hoped would be damaging info. Groups tied to Obama have stirred up angry protests against Trump and other Republicans.

The New York Times reported Obama’s staff purposely spread information throughout the administration that could hurt Trump, though they said the goal was to make sure the info wasn’t buried.

Critics say Trump’s wiretap claim is baseless, but what is truly lacking in solid evidence is the claim that there was some sort of collusion between Trump or his aides and Russian officials to hijack the election. Yet that’s all Trump’s foes (and much of the press) want to talk about.

Remember, too: Team Obama has a record of abusing power for political gain, as when the IRS targeted conservative groups.

At this point, it’s hard to know for sure if Trump Tower was actually bugged, and if so, who authorized the tapping and why. But given Team Obama’s record — and the never-ending bid to overturn the election — there’s little doubt why Trump might think the worst.
Donald Trump wiretapped? FBI did gain Russia-related Trump Tower FISA warrant in October

However, we believe we know what Trump is (inaccurately) referring to: the FBI was indeed granted a Russia-related FISA warrant which involved Donald Trump and Trump Tower in October.

Back on November 7th, the night before the election, a political news outlet named Heat Street reported that a judge had granted the FBI a FISA warrant in October to investigate the Russian ties of Donald Trump and his associates. The story specifically mentioned that the intelligence community believed the infamous Trump Tower “Russian email server” (first reported by Slate on October 31st) had a nefarious purpose. The Heat Street story did not make specific mention of any wiretaps, but such authority would likely have been included in the FISA warrant, as it appeared to be aimed specifically at things taking place inside Trump Tower.

The report went barely noticed at the time, both because Heat Street was still an up and coming news outlet, and because the next day Donald Trump’s shocking election win ended up more or less burying every other existing storyline. But since that time Heat Street has gone on to prove itself, and in hindsight its report about the FISA warrant was almost certainly correct. So where does that leave us?

This story has nothing to do with Barack Obama, no matter how desperately Donald Trump tries to drag him into it. FISA warrants against United States citizens can only be issued to an agency like the FBI by the Judicial Branch, and then only when there’s strong evidence that the target of the warrant is committing serious crimes. Even if Obama had been made aware of the warrant, he would have had no say in the matter.

But it turns out Donald Trump may be right when he claims that he was wiretapped in Trump Tower by the federal government shortly before the election. He just has the story entirely wrong.
Obama Audited Billy Graham, So Wiretapping Trump Tower is Not a Stretch

In 2013 President Obama's minions sent IRS agents to bully the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

"I believe that someone in the administration was targeting and attempting to intimidate us," Franklin Graham wrote in a letter to the White House. "This is morally wrong and unethical - indeed some would call it 'un-American.'"

The BGEA's only crime against Obama was to urge voters to back candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles. They also supported an effort to support traditional marriage in the state of North Carolina.

I believe the government used the power of the IRS to silence dissent and punish those who refused to comply.

They targeted Billy Graham, America's pastor. Just let that sink in, folks.

So if the Obama Administration went after Billy Graham, it's not out of the realm of possibility they wiretapped Donald Trump.

The Mainstream Media believes such a charge is absurd, but is it really?

My Fox News colleague James Rosen was secretly designated by the administration as a criminal co-conspirator. A federal judge gave the government permission to rifle through his private emails.

That kind of behavior is beyond nefarious; it's a clear abuse of power.

Is it possible that the Obama Administration wiretapped Trump Tower? Is it possible that government workers loyal to the previous president have been leaking sensitive information to the media? Is it possible there is an active plot to take down the Trump presidency?

For the record, we do not know for certain if anyone was wiretapped. And it's for that reason we need a thorough congressional investigation.

President Donald Trump is "absolutely right" to claim he was wiretapped and monitored, a former NSA official claimed Monday, adding that the administration risks falling victim to further leaks if it continues to run afoul of the intelligence community.

"I think the president is absolutely right. His phone calls, everything he did electronically, was being monitored," Bill Binney, a 36-year veteran of the National Security Agency who resigned in protest from the organization in 2001, told Fox Business on Monday. Everyone's conversations are being monitored and stored, Binney said.

Binney resigned from NSA shortly after the U.S. approach to intelligence changed following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. He "became a whistleblower after discovering that elements of a data-monitoring program he had helped develop -- nicknamed ThinThread -- were being used to spy on Americans," PBS reported.


Binney seemed to go further than the assessment of former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, a George W. Bush administration official, who offered a tacit defense of Trump to ABC on Sunday.

"This is the difference between being correct and right," Mukasey said. "The president was not correct in saying President Obama ordered a tap on a server in Trump Tower. However, I think he's right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general – at the Justice Department through the FISA court."

But Binney told Sean Hannity's radio show earlier Monday, "I think the FISA court's basically totally irrelevant."

The judges on the FISA court are "not even concerned, nor are they involved in any way with the Executive Order 12333 collection," Binney said during the radio interview. "That's all done outside of the courts. And outside of the Congress."...

But Binney did say events such as publication of details of private calls between President Trump and the Australian prime minister, as well as with the Mexican president, are evidence the intelligence community is playing hardball with the White House.

"I think that's what happened here," Binney told Fox. "The evidence of the conversation of the president of the U.S., President Trump, and the [prime minister] of Australia and the president of Mexico. Releasing those conversations. Those are conversations that are picked up by the FAIRVIEW program, primarily, by NSA."

Are you a denial-bot. Trump said that Obama tapped the phones in Trump Tower, meaning that Obama ordered it done.

No, it doesn't "mean" that and he also didn't say "phones" ...he said "wires". According to numerous media sources he is correct.
He didn't say Obama ordered it.
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my “wires tapped” in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!
Donald J Trump

At this point, you are arguing semantics. The president can't "order" wiretaps. He can certainly have them requested. "Wires tapped" doesn't necessarily mean telephone wires. Computer servers are also connected to wires. In any event, it's not a federal crime or unethical abuse of executive power to post an ambiguous tweet. It is a federal crime to leak classified intelligence information to the media and it's highly unethical to use national security tools to spy on political opponents.
JimBowie1958, post: 16781146
Lets not loose sight of Obama's long history of spying on his opponents and his use of LE to eavesdrop on his rivals too.

There is no history of that except in Humpty Trumpty Fableland.

How long do you plan on living there?
Boss, post: 16786671
. In any event, it's not a federal crime or unethical abuse of executive power to post an ambiguous tweet.

It's an impeachable offense to use the power of the presidency to falsely accuse any American of such a high crime without one lick of evidence that a crime was committed. And then use the power of the Presidency to insist that Congress waste its time investigating a crime that Trump has been forced to admit he cannot provide evidence or a probable cause that Obama committed a crime worse than Watergate.
Boss, post: 16786671
It is a federal crime to leak classified intelligence information to the media and it's highly unethical to use national security tools to spy on political opponents.

And of course Obama has done none of that. Trump is an accuser on a witch hunt because his first weeks as President have sucked.

He needed to do what got him there. Kick the Black guy who was President who is a much better man than Trump could ever be.

That's what Trump's tweet storm was about. Stirring up his bigot base.
And then use the power of the Presidency to insist that Congress waste its time investigating a crime that Trump has been forced to admit he cannot provide evidence or a probable cause that Obama committed a crime worse than Watergate.

LMAO... Where was Trump forced to admit anything? The evidence is printed in the NY Times, reported by the BBC and The Guardian as well as several other media outlets. The evidence is the contents of phone conversations leaked to the media the past three months.

And hey... YOU were the ones who were screaming for an investigation into Trump's ties to Russia. Well now you're going to get that! Along with an investigation into possible criminal activity by the Obama administration. What's the matter? I thought you'd all be happy about that... it's what you've wanted all along.

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