Limit legal and control illegal immigration.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

We need to limit legal immigration and control illegal immigration and control population growth. And make higher education more affordable for American children. College and trade schools.
This is not 1900s but the 21 century and no longer in to nation building but nation survival. We are running out of natural resources and not able to sustain a population explosion of the magnitude of another amnesty and chain migration. More is not always better.
Granny says the `merican public deserves to know what's goin' on behind closed doors...
Senators hush-hush as they craft immigration bill
9 Mar.`13 WASHINGTON (AP) — The eight senators meet in private several times a week, alternating between Sen. John McCain's and Sen. Charles Schumer's offices. They sit in arm chairs arranged in a circle and sip water or soft drinks as they debate temporary workers and border security. In a capital riven by partisanship and gridlock, they are determined to be the exception and actually get something done.
This is immigration reform's "Gang of Eight." With them lies the best hope in years for overhauling the nation's byzantine immigration laws — and they know it. That's partly why they are, by all accounts, working amazingly well together as a self-imposed deadline approaches for their sweeping legislation to be released. The progress is happening even though the group includes some of the Senate's most outsized personalities, failed and prospective presidential candidates, one lawmaker dogged by scandal and another facing a potential re-election challenge that could be complicated by his stance on immigration.

"I tell you what, this is one of the best experiences I've had. Everybody's serious, everybody's knowledgeable, they've been around the issue," said Sen. Lindsey Graham-R-S.C., who's up for re-election next year and facing a potential GOP primary challenge from the right. He said it's "sort of what I came up here to do — sit down with serious people to solve serious and hard problems."

In addition to McCain, R-Ariz., Schumer, D-N.Y., and Graham, the gang includes Sens. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., a potential 2016 presidential candidate; Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; Jeff Flake, R-Ariz.; Michael Bennet, D-Colo.; and Robert Menendez, D-N.J., who's battling allegations related to his ties to one of his donors.

They meet for an hour or an hour-and-a-half at a time on days when the Senate is in session. No reporters stake out these meetings and aides stand or sit in the background, behind their bosses. They're assiduous about avoiding leaks and tight-lipped on the details of how their talks are going. "I'm guardedly optimistic," McCain almost invariably says when asked.

Senate’s Gang of 8: We’ll have immigration bill in April...
Senate’s Gang of 8: We’ll have bill in April
3/19/13 - Members of the Senate’s Gang of Eight say they are on track to reach a deal on immigration reform by the end of March, despite skepticism and sniping among outside groups.
Sources familiar with closed-door talks between the four Democratic and four Republican senators said members hope to unveil a bill when the Senate returns from a two-week recess in early April. “We’re still planning to finish this by the end of March,” said a source close to the negotiations. “The end of the month falls squarely in the middle of a recess. We wouldn’t announce anything in the middle of the recess, but wait until people get back at the beginning of April.” “I don’t think there’s anything fatal that’s emerged. People are in very much a posture of negotiating in good faith,” said another source close to the Gang of Eight.

Sources close to the talks say Republicans are eager to reach a deal, noting that a post-election report Monday by the Republican National Committee endorsed comprehensive immigration reform and called for outreach to minority groups. Several immigration reform advocates said they did not expect a deal to be announced before the Senate leaves for recess. “I think the immigration conclave is going to go on a bit longer given that they’re going into a recess,” said Angela Kelley, vice president for immigration policy at the Center for American Progress. “I don’t think immigration reform is going to give us a white puff of smoke this week.”

Clarissa Martínez, director of immigration and national campaigns at the National Council of La Raza, said the unveiling of legislation could fall later into April to give lawmakers more time to review language after returning to work the week of April 8. The talks appeared to hit a wall last week when business and labor groups opened fire on each other over disagreements about how to handle the future flow of workers. Randy Johnson, senior vice president for labor, immigration and employee benefits for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, told reporters Friday that the chances of a deal are only 50-50. “It’s been difficult,” Johnson said. “I think we are at a juncture where certainly the next week and a half will tell the tale, but we are going to continue to soldier on and hope that we get there.”

The AFL-CIO accused the Chamber of “negotiating through the press.” Some in the business community have questioned whether the AFL-CIO really wants a deal that would set up a guest-worker program to help employers fill jobs when they cannot find enough citizens who are interested in the positions. “They don’t really want a guest-worker program, that is my reading,” said Tamar Jacoby, president of ImmigrationWorks USA, a federation of small-business owners. “When they talk about how they would constrict and constrain a guest-worker program, it’s clear they’re not interested in a guest-worker program.”

Read more: Senate?s Gang of 8: We?ll have bill in April - The Hill

We need to limit legal immigration and control illegal immigration and control population growth. And make higher education more affordable for American children. College and trade schools.
This is not 1900s but the 21 century and no longer in to nation building but nation survival. We are running out of natural resources and not able to sustain a population explosion of the magnitude of another amnesty and chain migration. More is not always better.

You're an idiot, you crazy old broad. ILLEGAL immigration is necessarily a problem in and of itself, but population growth is absolutely NOT a problem we are facing. If you weren't such an ignorant old sack of dust you'd know that our population rate is just about flat, and set to decline in the not so distant future (well, distant for YOU I guess). We are not running out of room or natural resources. Quite the contrary.

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