Lindell has 5 Million

I got 5 million if you can prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist! :D
Again, you show your utter stupidity. He is not asking you for evidence of the existence of something that does not exist.

His evidence of election fraud exists and has been shown to you.

He is asking that you provide evidence that his evidence of election fraud is fake.

I could show you a human in a Bigfoot costume and claim that is evidence of the existence of Bigfoot, then challenge you to prove that my evidence is fake. All you would have to do to prove my evidence is fake would be to take off the costume, thus proving the fact that my evidence is fake.

Now apply that to Lindell's challenge. Prove that his evidence is fake.

By the way, Lindell did not come up with all that evidence on his own. Watch the 2-hour video and see the parade of cyber tech experts and what they presented.
Again, you show your utter stupidity. He is not asking you for evidence of the existence of something that does not exist.

His evidence of election fraud exists and has been shown to you.

He is asking that you provide evidence that his evidence of election fraud is fake.

I could show you a human in a Bigfoot costume and claim that is evidence of the existence of Bigfoot, then challenge you to prove that my evidence is fake. All you would have to do to prove my evidence is fake would be to take off the costume, thus proving the fact that my evidence is fake.

Now apply that to Lindell's challenge. Prove that his evidence is fake.

By the way, Lindell did not come up with all that evidence on his own. Watch the 2-hour video and see the parade of cyber tech experts and what they presented.
You are WAY over Dr. Love's head. He's a troll wanting to waste your time. These trolls latch on to each other like leeches. They don't bother to read content they just agree to spew leftist, Marxist talking points. I would put them ALL on 'ignore' but I enjoy outing them as well. At the risk of sounding paranoid, I seems some of them are bots.
You are WAY over Dr. Love's head. He's a troll wanting to waste your time. These trolls latch on to each other like leeches. They don't bother to read content they just agree to spew leftist, Marxist talking points. I would put them ALL on 'ignore' but I enjoy outing them as well. At the risk of sounding paranoid, I seems some of them are bots.
Quite true. At my age, I often welcome such things to occupy parts of my time. I am a firm believer in bell curves for all large samples of anything to which a metric can be applied. Wherever there is anonymity and freedom of speech on a social media site, trolls will inevitably practice their two major defining attributes; playing dumb and being dumber. They usually pride themselves in adulation of each other.
You are WAY over Dr. Love's head. He's a troll wanting to waste your time. These trolls latch on to each other like leeches. They don't bother to read content they just agree to spew leftist, Marxist talking points. I would put them ALL on 'ignore' but I enjoy outing them as well. At the risk of sounding paranoid, I seems some of them are bots.
You clowns hide behind words like.......
1) Communism
2) Socialism
3) Marxism
4) Anti whatever.

Fuck you RWI's

Karma awaits you.
You clowns hide behind words like.......
1) Communism
2) Socialism
3) Marxism
4) Anti whatever.

Fuck you RWI's

Karma awaits you.
Another one who can't address the OP. Yes we hate communsts, socialists, marxists and antifa. We love America. Fuck you. Shove your RWI up your ass too.
Again, you show your utter stupidity. He is not asking you for evidence of the existence of something that does not exist.

His evidence of election fraud exists and has been shown to you.

He is asking that you provide evidence that his evidence of election fraud is fake.

I could show you a human in a Bigfoot costume and claim that is evidence of the existence of Bigfoot, then challenge you to prove that my evidence is fake. All you would have to do to prove my evidence is fake would be to take off the costume, thus proving the fact that my evidence is fake.

Now apply that to Lindell's challenge. Prove that his evidence is fake.

By the way, Lindell did not come up with all that evidence on his own. Watch the 2-hour video and see the parade of cyber tech experts and what they presented.
Jesus, I can’t take that asshole for 60 seconds. Two hours?
MrPillow’s evidence is bullshit. His “experts” are Q-Kooks and conspiracy theorists just like the idiot in AZ with his UV lights and secret Trump watermarks.
Eyewitnesses? Please. Another judge just laughed Rudy’s affidavits out of court.
I have an expert who has mountains of Bigfoot evidence. His name is James “Bobo” Fay.
Prove him wrong and please ask Pillow Guy to take off the monkey suit! :lol:

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You clowns hide behind words like.......
1) Communism
2) Socialism
3) Marxism
4) Anti whatever.

Fuck you RWI's

Karma awaits you.
Karma for being Americans who want a real president, not an installed brain dead loser? If karma is in order it is coming your way.
Think there will be any players? Maybe someone from the illegitimate administration. Just for the Hell of it this does not belong in conspiracy. The information is there and he has challenged people to prove it is not true.


Dominion will be collecting that in their $1.3b suit against him.
He is not desperate, he is smart. Money talks. People listen. It will give all the people who say his information is false a chance to prove it.

Maybe our government can release their information too.
Yes, he knows a negative can't be proven. Sadly for him, he can't prove his own claims.
That is not what he said.

On Aug 10-12, Mike Lindell will be hosting a Cyber Symposium where he plans to release evidence of massive voter fraud that he and a team of forensic experts have amassed since the November 2020 election.

What's he waiting for? He says he's had this evidence for many months now.
Another one who can't address the OP. Yes we hate communsts, socialists, marxists and antifa. We love America. Fuck you. Shove your RWI up your ass too.
You know what’s missing from your list of things you hate?


But you did include hatred of anti-fascism.

Kinda tells ya what you need to know.

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