Lindell has 5 Million

What stolen election? You still havent shown anyone the proof.
I have already explained the proof is in the censorship, the political persecution and the lawfare against investigations and audits. Such a strong reaction costing millions in legal fees for something that did not happen? Give it up you people couldn't act more guilty if you tried.
I have already explained the proof is in the censorship, the political persecution and the lawfare against investigations and audits. Such a strong reaction costing millions in legal fees for something that did not happen? Give it up you people couldn't act more guilty if you tried.
IOW you are depending on a conspiracy theory for you proof? Please explain why.
Yeah unprovable claims are called conspiracy theories for a reason. They are not based on facts.
Either is the narrative. The claims were never baseless. The FBI and DOJ investigated nothing. Seven states symbolically picked alternative electors. Counterfeit ballots have been found in AZ. Duplicate ballots without serial numbers. People registering after the legal cutoff. All of those things are fact.

In short, enough illegal ballots to give Trump a victory.
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Oh no, you losers say it is fake but refuse to prove it. Why is that if you are so sure? You realize it is not fake and pray it never gets anywhere near a courtroom.

Moron, if his "data" was valid and could be presented in a courtroom, he would have done so prior to 12.14.20, when it would have mattered and could have kept Trump in office. That he didn't reveals he couldn't and that this is all for show.
The wait is almost over. You could be first in line to collect the 5 million. What are you waiting for?

You keep saying that and you keep eating crow. Here's the last time you shoved your own foot into your own mouth...

Evidence does not provide a verdict. Courts do. Wait for it.
We've been waiting 8 months so far, how many more years you reckon you're gonna need? Keep in mind, we heard the same "wait for it" regarding WMD's in Iraq from rightards like you and it's been 18 years so far, and counting, and the right still hasn't delivered on that yet either.
Oh oh!
Yes Oh oh! They are rated pants on fire.

"Overall, we rate The Liberty Loft Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency with ownership as well as the promotion of unproven claims."
Oh oh!

Dumbfuck, those machines were already audited. By a bullshit firm like cyber ninjas. <-- THAT was the tampering which caused the equipment to be decertified.

You're such a fucking moron and sooooo desperate to glom onto any news possible, even bullshit news like which got that story completely backwards, that you prove yet again you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Yes Oh oh! They are rated pants on fire.

"Overall, we rate The Liberty Loft Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency with ownership as well as the promotion of unproven claims."

I'd say I can't believe that idiot fell for that garbage but I'd be lying if I did.
Yes Oh oh! They are rated pants on fire.

"Overall, we rate The Liberty Loft Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to a lack of transparency with ownership as well as the promotion of unproven claims."
Attack the information. People are quoted. The source has nothing to do with the facts reported.

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