Lindell has 5 Million

Attack the information. People are quoted. The source has nothing to do with the facts reported.
You're such a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

Dumbfuck, Wake TSI, an information technology company that has predominantly worked with clients in the health care sector and like Cyber Ninjas, had no election auditing experience .... audited voting equipment in Pennsylvania earlier this year. And unlike Cyber Ninjas who was denied access to some parts of the election equipment, Wake TSI was granted that access.

Doing so compromised the security of the election equipment for the entire state using it. The led to the state having to de-certify their voting equipment and now Pennsylvania taxpayers have to flip the bill to purchase all new equipment and to pay to have it certified; despite already paying for the equipment they already had but spoiled.

Oh, and Wake TSI found nothing wrong with the voting equipment they checked.

So yeah, Asclepias is spot on pointing out is a tin foil website and you're a flaming imbecile for falling for their spin on the story. Also noted... you didn't even bother to research that story to see if it was true or not. You liked what it said so you bought into 150% for one reason only -- you like what it said.
You're such a fucking retard. :cuckoo:

Dumbfuck, Wake TSI, an information technology company that has predominantly worked with clients in the health care sector and like Cyber Ninjas, had no election auditing experience .... audited voting equipment in Pennsylvania earlier this year. And unlike Cyber Ninjas who was denied access to some parts of the election equipment, Wake TSI was granted that access.

Doing so compromised the security of the election equipment for the entire state using it. The led to the state having to de-certify their voting equipment and now Pennsylvania taxpayers have to flip the bill to purchase all new equipment and to pay to have it certified; despite already paying for the equipment they already had but spoiled.

Oh, and Wake TSI found nothing wrong with the voting equipment they checked.

So yeah, Asclepias is spot on pointing out is a tin foil website and you're a flaming imbecile for falling for their spin on the story. Also noted... you didn't even bother to research that story to see if it was true or not. You liked what it said so you bought into 150% for one reason only -- you like what it said.
You do not have the intellectual capacity to call anyone a moron. You are just a piss poor troll.
The lie is the election was not stolen.
You do not have the intellectual capacity to call anyone a moron.

Drools the fucking moron who fell hook, line & sinker for that bullshit article. Here's the real story...

Department Of State Decertifies Fulton County’s Voting System


Harrisburg, PA – Acting Secretary of State Veronica W. Degraffenreid has informed the Fulton County Board of Elections that she has decertified the county's voting system for future elections because it was subjected to a post-election review by a third party in violation of Pennsylvania's Election Code.

"I have a statutory obligation to examine, evaluate and certify electronic voting systems," Secretary Degraffenreid said in a July 20, 2021, letter to the county. "These reviews include verifying that the voting system conforms to federal and state law and any regulations or standards regarding confidentiality, security, accuracy, safety, reliability, usability, accessibility, durability, resiliency, and auditability."

Earlier this year, Fulton County officials allowed Wake TSI, a company with no knowledge or expertise in election technology, to access certain key components of its certified system, including the county's election database, results files, and Windows systems logs. The county officials also allowed the company to use a system imaging tool to take complete hard drive images of these computers and other digital equipment.

"These actions were taken in a manner that was not transparent," the Secretary said in her letter. "As a result of the access granted to Wake TSI, Fulton County's certified system has been compromised and neither Fulton County, the vendor, Dominion Voting Systems, nor the Department of State can verify that the impacted components of Fulton County's leased voting system are safe to use in future elections."

The third-party access to Fulton County's voting system undermined the chain of custody requirements and strict access limitations necessary to prevent both intentional and inadvertent tampering with electronic voting systems. The unauthorized access prevents the vendor from affirming that the system continues to meet state and federal certification standards.

Are you ever not a boil on the ass of society?


We've been waiting 8 months so far, how many more years you reckon you're gonna need? Keep in mind, we heard the same "wait for it" regarding WMD's in Iraq from rightards like you and it's been 18 years so far, and counting, and the right still hasn't delivered on that yet either.
We have to wait until the courts agree to the cases. There is already one case ongoing in Michigan based on this forensic evidence. If you had watched the video and paid attention about 51 minutes into it, you would have been aware of this.

The judge in this case has denied a motion to dismiss the suit.

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...the clock is ticking!
We have to wait until the courts agree to the cases. There is already one case ongoing in Michigan based on this forensic evidence. If you had watched the video and paid attention about 51 minutes into it, you would have been aware of this.

The judge in this case has denied a motion to dismiss the suit.

tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...the clock is ticking!
What happened to the Kraken? I was expecting something huge but evidently it got out of its thimble and ran into a crack in the floor never to be seen again.
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