Lindell has 5 Million

Because for five million any number of insiders might turn over and provide evidnce of election fraud. Obviously Lindell doesn't have irrefutable truth or he wouldn't have to put up five million dollars.
Well, he does have all the people who say there was no fraud in a lather.
Your link does not take you to what you posted. The rest of your post is bullshit.
The data Lindell posted is fabricated. The links prove it.

He posted several hundred MAC addresses whose values are completely randomized. That’s not mathematically possible.

Mikey is upset this challenge of his isn't getting enough attention....

He doesn't have much time left tho....Trump will be back in office on August 13th......

"Are they afraid of your data or are they afraid of your money?" Bannon wondered. "It's probably both," Lindell complained. "I think it scared the mainstream media because now they don't want to give it any publicity at all.

"The media is going to have to come around, Steve," he insisted. He's actually going to show the evidence we knew he had all along.'"

It's a fact there is only one audience this level of goofy shit can be played on......base republicans...
Think there will be any players? Maybe someone from the illegitimate administration. Just for the Hell of it this does not belong in conspiracy. The information is there and he has challenged people to prove it is not true.

He's taken it off the table!

He had offered $5 million to any in-person attendee who can disprove his claims. The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said.​

He's taken it off the table!

He had offered $5 million to any in-person attendee who can disprove his claims. The offer is no longer on the table, Mr. Merritt said.​


That means the offer was good for about one day... until he revealed his "evidence."
The wait is almost over. You could be first in line to collect the 5 million. What are you waiting for?

I wasn't eligible. But Robert Zeidman was...

Think there will be any players?

Looks like Lindell had one taker, who decided he had beaten Lindell, so Lindell sent it to arbitration and they agreed! The question is: what qualification did THEY have, and how many left wing democrats and chinese were on the panel?

Looks like Lindell will have a hard time not eventually paying. He made the bet.

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