Lindsay Graham Calls Mueller's Bluff

There’s your problem

You started off with “Lindsey knows”
In response to questions by Senator Blumenthal, the Attorney General testified in essence that you told him in a phone call that you did not challenge the accuracy of the Attorney General’s summary of your report’s principal conclusions, but rather you wanted more of the report, particularly the executive summaries concerning obstruction of justice, to be released promptly. In particular, Attorney General Barr testified that you believed media coverage of your investigation was unfair without the public release of those summaries.

Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding any misrepresentation by the Attorney General of the substance of that phone call.

Lindsey Graham sends letter to Mueller seeking info, rather than political points
There are times when I think Graham is McConnel's doppelganger...

The phrasing of the invitation here is designed to limit or suppress a response by Mueller...

Far better, for the Republic, and our form of democratic representative government if the invitation is changed to read:

"Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding:

  • any aspect of your Report
  • or its underlying evidence
  • or its interpretation by any ranking member of the present Government
  • or any process or interactions experienced during the investigation
  • or other information which you may believe to be relevant
Go ahead, Lindsay... revise the wording on your invitation.. I triple-dog dare ya... :21:

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