Lindsay Graham Calls Mueller's Bluff

Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

You're the 2nd poster that thought that a Senate Hearing could possibly restrict Democrats from asking questions and restrict what Mueller could say.

I see how Haters fell for the Trump Russia Collusion lie when any 3rd Grader could tell it never happened.

Those of us who made it well past the 3rd Grade watched in play out on TV in public: Trump telling Americans that he'll have a good relationship with Russia because he "knows Putin", and Putin likes him; Talk from Don Jr. about how they've made a LOT of money selling expensive real estate; to the FBI claim that the Russians have hacked the DNC, and suddenly Donald Trump doesn't know any Russians and they didn't do it anyway.

Trump has publically gone from "no collusion", to "well yes, there was collusion but collusion isn't a crime", and back to "no collusion" even though the Mueller Report makes a point of stating that they weren't looking for "collusion", they were looking for "criminal conspiracy", and they didn't find "sufficient evidence" to prosecute:

As for Obstruction of Justice: Here is what Mueller said:

View attachment 259528

And here's the important part of Mueller's conclusion, when you take out the qualifications and the limitations of his office: "if we had confidence . . . that the President did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. . . . . we are unable to reach that judgment. . . . . this report . . . does not exonerate him."
This is called, spin and it cherry pick specific partial sentences to make it read something it does not.

Good grief.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

You're the 2nd poster that thought that a Senate Hearing could possibly restrict Democrats from asking questions and restrict what Mueller could say.

I see how Haters fell for the Trump Russia Collusion lie when any 3rd Grader could tell it never happened.

Those of us who made it well past the 3rd Grade watched in play out on TV in public: Trump telling Americans that he'll have a good relationship with Russia because he "knows Putin", and Putin likes him; Talk from Don Jr. about how they've made a LOT of money selling expensive real estate; to the FBI claim that the Russians have hacked the DNC, and suddenly Donald Trump doesn't know any Russians and they didn't do it anyway.

Trump has publically gone from "no collusion", to "well yes, there was collusion but collusion isn't a crime", and back to "no collusion" even though the Mueller Report makes a point of stating that they weren't looking for "collusion", they were looking for "criminal conspiracy", and they didn't find "sufficient evidence" to prosecute:

As for Obstruction of Justice: Here is what Mueller said:

View attachment 259528

And here's the important part of Mueller's conclusion, when you take out the qualifications and the limitations of his office: "if we had confidence . . . that the President did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. . . . . we are unable to reach that judgment. . . . . this report . . . does not exonerate him."
This is called, spin and it cherry pick specific partial sentences to make it read something it does not.

Good grief.

This is called high treason by mueller !!
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
Stop reading Soros and read the report, moron liar.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

Only one question is needed to be proven guilty of high treason

But there are several that proves mueller guilty of high treason
You've reported your evidence to the Authorities, right?
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
You idiot. The Mueller Report clearly states NO member of the Trump campaign interfered with the election. In fact it also states NO American colluded with Russians to affect the outcome. Get your damn facts straight!

It says NOTHING of the kind, and it's obvious you haven't read a word of it.

What it says is that "collusion" is not illegal and the investigation didn't even look for elements of collusion, it looked for "conspiracy", which is illegal. While Mueller found lots of evidence of cooperation between the campaign and the Russians, they didn't find SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE to file conspiracy charges. So the "no collusion" lie is a total lie.

As for the Trump Campaign "interfering" with the election, it's not even something that was being asked. Of course the Trump Campaign interfered with the election. That's what campaigns are SUPPOSED to do.
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
Stop reading Soros and read the report, moron liar.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

Only one question is needed to be proven guilty of high treason

But there are several that proves mueller guilty of high treason
Maybe in your native Russia but that ain't how it works here
You know...there was a time, in America, where Slavs from places like Russia were not considered white.
All a waste of time. Are democrats saying if Bernie is approached by Russians in 2020 we can spy on him?? So dumb
zero balls and zero convictions. What a pathetic human being..
McCains relevance was when he dumped his principals and ethics in order to be praised by Democrats.

Gramnesty did much of the same until Democrats went too far even for Grahmnesty in their Fascist treatment of Kavanaugh.

Now that your party's corruption is about to be uncovered of course you have to slander Barr, Gramnesty and anyone else takes part in justice.

Have your Leftist Slander Sites started trashing Horowitz yet, or are they going to wait for the IG Report?

I hate to burst your bubble, but I am a consistent Independent voter. Thus, I am capable to think pragmatically, unlike ideological goose-steppers, who rely on the ideology they are married to, to think for them.
The health plan McCain gave a thumbs down to, was a wildly unpopular plan, less than 20% of Americans approved of this plan.
McCain, voted on that plan with Americans in mind, not some hurriedly plan the Repugs put together, so they could keep their campaign promise. Every healthcare organization in the country was against the plan, that has never happened before. Considering that most of Trump's base is in rural America, it's crazy to think that that base would be happy with the plan as it would of have decimated rural healthcare.
15 Questions The SWenate should Ask Dirty Bob Mueller:

1) You didn’t charge President Donald Trump with “collusion,” obstruction, or any other new crime. Tell us why. If the answer is “the evidence did not support it,” please say so.

2) Your Report did not refer any crimes to Congress, the SDNY, or anyone else. Again, tell us why. If the answer is “the evidence did not support it,” please say so again.

3) Despite making no specific referrals, the Report does state, “The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of the office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.” Why did you include such a restating of a known fact?

4) When did you conclude there was no collusion, conspiracy, or coordination between Trump and the Russians such that you would make no indictments? You must have closed at least some of the subplots—the Trump Tower meeting, the Moscow Hotel project—months ago. Did you consider announcing key findings as they occurred? You were clearly aware that there was inaccurate reporting, damaging to the public trust. Yet you allowed that to happen. Why?

5) But before you answer that question, answer this one. You made a pre-Report public statement saying Buzzfeed’s story that claimed Trump ordered Michael Cohen to lie to Congress was false. You restated that in the Report, where you also mentioned that you privately told Jeff Sessions’ lawyer in March 2018 that Sessions would not be charged. Since your work confirmed that nearly all bombshell reporting on Russiagate was wrong (Cohen was never in Prague, nothing criminal happened in the Seychelles, and so on), why was it only that single instance that caused you to speak out publicly? And as with Sessions, did you privately inform any others prior to the release of the Report that they would not be charged? What standard did you apply to those decisions?

6) A cardinal rule for prosecutors is to not publicize negative information that does not lead them to indict someone—”the decision does the talking.” James Comey was criticized for doing this to Hillary Clinton during the campaign. Yet most of your Report’s Volume II is just that, descriptions of actions by Trump that contain elements of obstruction but that you ultimately did not charge. Why did you include this information so prominently?

7) There is a lot of lying documented in the Report. But you seemed to only charge people with perjury (traps) early in your investigation. Was that aimed more at pressuring them to “flip” than at justice per se? Is one of the reasons several of the people in the Report who lied did not get charged with perjury later in the investigation because by then you knew they had nothing to flip on?

8) In regard to the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, where derogatory information on Hillary Clinton was offered (but never given), you declined prosecution. You cited in part questions over whether such information constituted the necessary “thing of value” that would have to exist, inter alia, to make its proffering a campaign finance violation. You don’t answer the question in the Report, but you do believe information could be a “thing of value” (the thing of value must exceed $2,000 for a misdemeanor and $25,000 for a felony). What about withholding information? Could someone saying they would not offer information publicly be a “thing of value” and thus potentially part of a campaign finance law violation? Of course I’m talking about Stormy Daniels, who received money not to offer information. Would you make the claim that silence itself, non-information, is a “thing” of value?

9) You spend the entire first half of your Report, Volume I, explaining that “the Russians” sought to manipulate our 2016 election via social media and by hacking the Democratic National Committee. Though there is a lot of redacted material, at no point in the clear text is there information on whether the Russians actually did influence the election. Even trying was a crime, but given the importance of all this (some still claim the president is illegitimate) and the potential impact on future elections, did you look into the actual effects of Russian meddling? If not, why not?

10) Everything the Russians did, according to Volume I, they did on Obama’s watch. Did you investigate anyone in the Obama administration in regard to Russian meddling? Did you look at what they did, what was missed, whether it could have been stopped, and how the response was formed? Given that Trump’s actions towards Russia followed on steps Obama took, this seems relevant. Did you look? If not, why not?

11) Some of the information gathered about Michael Flynn was picked up inadvertently under existing surveillance of the Russian ambassador. As an American, Flynn’s name would have been routinely masked in the reporting on those intercepts in order to protect his privacy. The number of people with access to those intercepts is small, and the number inside the Obama White House with the authority to unmask names is even smaller. Yet details were leaked to the press and ended Flynn’s career. Given that the leak may have exposed U.S. intelligence methods, that it had to have been done at a very high level inside the Obama White House, and that the leak violated Flynn’s constitutional rights, did you investigate? If not, why not?

12) The New York Times wrote that “some of the most sensational claims in the [Steele] dossier appeared to be false, and others were impossible to prove. Your report contained over a dozen passing references to the document’s claims but no overall assessment of why so much did not check out.” Given the central role the Steele Dossier played in your work, and certainly in the investigation that commenced as Crossfire Hurricane in summer 2016, why did you not include any overall assessment of why so much did not check out inside such a key document?

13) Prosecutors do not issue certificates of exoneration. The job is to charge or drop a case. That’s what constitutes exoneration in any practical sense. Yet you have as your final line that “while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.” Why did you include that, and so prominently?

14) You also wrote, “if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.” You argue elsewhere in the Report that because Trump is a sitting president, he cannot be indicted, so therefore it would be unjust to accuse him of something he could not go to court and defend himself over. But didn’t you do just that? Why did you leave the taint of guilt without giving Trump the means of defending himself in court? You must have understood that such wording would be raw meat to Democrats, and would force Trump to defend himself not in a court with legal protections, but in an often hostile media. Was that your intention?

15 Questions Robert Mueller Must Answer
In response to questions by Senator Blumenthal, the Attorney General testified in essence that you told him in a phone call that you did not challenge the accuracy of the Attorney General’s summary of your report’s principal conclusions, but rather you wanted more of the report, particularly the executive summaries concerning obstruction of justice, to be released promptly. In particular, Attorney General Barr testified that you believed media coverage of your investigation was unfair without the public release of those summaries.

Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding any misrepresentation by the Attorney General of the substance of that phone call.

Lindsey Graham sends letter to Mueller seeking info, rather than political points

You don’t understand poker.
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.

How many Republicans did he hire?


How is stacking a so called Investigative team with 100% partisan hacks who makes comments like "Fuck Trump" and "He'll never be President, We'll make sure of it, and "It's like an Insurance Policy to Keep Trump out of The White House" Not Relevant?

You had the most biased investigative team in history, investigating a NON CRIME based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton and Obama.

And they could not Seal the Deal to Frame The President. They couldn't find shit, because the whole thing was based on a Partisan Lie.

And it was a partisan lie EVERYBODY KNEW was Russian Propaganda, Unverified, and Untrue.

Nothing like launching a Fake Investigation based on Material that was used to try to Rig an Election...

How is Half of Mueller's Team having to be fired and Now Under Criminal Investigation

Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

You're the 2nd poster that thought that a Senate Hearing could possibly restrict Democrats from asking questions and restrict what Mueller could say.

I see how Haters fell for the Trump Russia Collusion lie when any 3rd Grader could tell it never happened.

Those of us who made it well past the 3rd Grade watched in play out on TV in public: Trump telling Americans that he'll have a good relationship with Russia because he "knows Putin", and Putin likes him; Talk from Don Jr. about how they've made a LOT of money selling expensive real estate; to the FBI claim that the Russians have hacked the DNC, and suddenly Donald Trump doesn't know any Russians and they didn't do it anyway.

Trump has publically gone from "no collusion", to "well yes, there was collusion but collusion isn't a crime", and back to "no collusion" even though the Mueller Report makes a point of stating that they weren't looking for "collusion", they were looking for "criminal conspiracy", and they didn't find "sufficient evidence" to prosecute:

As for Obstruction of Justice: Here is what Mueller said:

View attachment 259528

And here's the important part of Mueller's conclusion, when you take out the qualifications and the limitations of his office: "if we had confidence . . . that the President did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. . . . . we are unable to reach that judgment. . . . . this report . . . does not exonerate him."
Mueller was a Coward and Punted because he did not want to be Tarred and Feathered by his Leftist Masters
You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
Stop reading Soros and read the report, moron liar.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

Only one question is needed to be proven guilty of high treason

But there are several that proves mueller guilty of high treason
Maybe in your native Russia but that ain't how it works here

I love how these Russian posters think that a claim of treason is reasonable. The crime of treason can only be charged if someone is caught giving aid or comfort to an enemy of the Republic with whom a state of war has been declared. Is Mueller giving war information to the Talliban?

Mueller was given the job of investigating:

1. Russian interference in the 2016 election;

2. Contacts between the Trump Campaign and Russian government agents working to assist in Trump's election, by discrediting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign; and

3. Donald Trump's very public attempts at obstructing the Russian investigation, including the firing of James Comey, attempts to fire Robert Mueller; and an ongoing public campaign to dangle pardons to witnesses who refused to cooperate, and to publically vilify and threaten witnesses who do cooperate.

One can hardly prosecute Mueller for completing a job he was hired to do by the Department of Justice, just because he refused to allow President Trump and William Barr to continue to lie about and misrepresent his Report and its findings.

Reality!!! What a concept.
Mueller was given the job of investigating Russian Collusion which he was told beforehand was non existent.

But that's not why I called.

His job was to make a determination on prosecution.

He failed on that, took the cowardly way out and punted on Obstruction.

Sucks to be him.

Left Tards will Tear Him Apart and ruin his life for not giving them what they wanted, A LYNCH MOB, and a LYNCHING of a MAN who WON AN ELECTION FAIR AND SQUARE.

Hillary should be shot. She said she would "ACCEPT THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION" and now she is crying like the Rich Old Corrupt Alcoholic She is.


STFU BITCH and go suck on a wrinkly soggy old pussy, you festering pustule of a carpet munching lesbo!

When Hillary Clinton dies, Most of America will treat it like a Holiday. The corrupt old hag will be burning in Hell so we are going to have Bonfires and Barbecues!
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.

How many Republicans did he hire?


How is stacking a so called Investigative team with 100% partisan hacks who makes comments like "Fuck Trump" and "He'll never be President, We'll make sure of it, and "It's like an Insurance Policy to Keep Trump out of The White House" Not Relevant?

You had the most biased investigative team in history, investigating a NON CRIME based on Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton and Obama.

And they could not Seal the Deal to Frame The President. They couldn't find shit, because the whole thing was based on a Partisan Lie.

And it was a partisan lie EVERYBODY KNEW was Russian Propaganda, Unverified, and Untrue.

Nothing like launching a Fake Investigation based on Material that was used to try to Rig an Election...

How is Half of Mueller's Team having to be fired and Now Under Criminal Investigation


Only not relevant to people with no brains
Mueller in trouble?

Not even close. Putin's minion above probably doesn't like him but hey...who cares what Russian trolls think.

Fact remains...Mueller is an employee of the DOJ currently and they are not allowing him to testify.

I wonder why Mueller doesn't just resign since his job is essentially over.
Is Barr threatening his pension or something?
Mueller was Comey's choice to destroy (not investigate) Trump. That's because Comey, Mueller and others are co conspirators in a number of felonies that Hillary would have buried. Trump wouldn't see it that way. Mueller was Comey's "insurance policy". He was expected to turn up the heat on Trump in order to divert attention away from the real criminals, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Lynch, Holder and Obama. It's easy to see which is the corrupt party that has undermined our government
Mueller was Comey's choice to destroy (not investigate) Trump. That's because Comey, Mueller and others are co conspirators in a number of felonies that Hillary would have buried. Trump wouldn't see it that way. Mueller was Comey's "insurance policy". He was expected to turn up the heat on Trump in order to divert attention away from the real criminals, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Lynch, Holder and Obama. It's easy to see which is the corrupt party that has undermined our government


Mueller and comey big time in trouble !!
Mueller was Comey's choice to destroy (not investigate) Trump. That's because Comey, Mueller and others are co conspirators in a number of felonies that Hillary would have buried. Trump wouldn't see it that way. Mueller was Comey's "insurance policy". He was expected to turn up the heat on Trump in order to divert attention away from the real criminals, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Clinton, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Lynch, Holder and Obama. It's easy to see which is the corrupt party that has undermined our government


Mueller and comey big time in trouble !!

Mueller guilty of many crimes and high treason is one

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