Lindsay Graham Calls Mueller's Bluff

Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.

How many Republicans did he hire?
There are times when I think Graham is McConnel's doppelganger...

The phrasing of the invitation here is designed to limit or suppress a response by Mueller...

Far better, for the Republic, and our form of democratic representative government if the invitation is changed to read:

"Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding:

  • any aspect of your Report
  • or its underlying evidence
  • or its interpretation by any ranking member of the present Government
  • or any process or interactions experienced during the investigation
  • or other information which you may believe to be relevant
Go ahead, Lindsay... revise the wording on your invitation.. I triple-dog dare ya... :21:
I'm just trying to decide whether it's possibly you are so clueless and so ignorant that you really think there is any possibility at all that Mueller would come to a Senate hearing and think he was only permitted to answer questions about Barr's statement.

Although did say Triple Dog Dare.. Maybe you are that ignorant.

Are you in Elementary school or what?
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

You're the 2nd poster that thought that a Senate Hearing could possibly restrict Democrats from asking questions and restrict what Mueller could say.

I see how Haters fell for the Trump Russia Collusion lie when any 3rd Grader could tell it never happened.
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I'm just trying to decide whether it's possibly you are so clueless and so ignorant that you really think there is any possibility at all that Mueller would come to a Senate hearing and think he was only permitted to answer questions about Barr's statement.

Are you in Elementary school or whatever?

Rumor has it that its "whatever"...
In response to questions by Senator Blumenthal, the Attorney General testified in essence that you told him in a phone call that you did not challenge the accuracy of the Attorney General’s summary of your report’s principal conclusions, but rather you wanted more of the report, particularly the executive summaries concerning obstruction of justice, to be released promptly. In particular, Attorney General Barr testified that you believed media coverage of your investigation was unfair without the public release of those summaries.

Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding any misrepresentation by the Attorney General of the substance of that phone call.

Lindsey Graham sends letter to Mueller seeking info, rather than political points
There are times when I think Graham is McConnel's doppelganger...

The phrasing of the invitation here is designed to limit or suppress a response by Mueller...

Far better, for the Republic, and our form of democratic representative government if the invitation is changed to read:

"Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding:

  • any aspect of your Report
  • or its underlying evidence
  • or its interpretation by any ranking member of the present Government
  • or any process or interactions experienced during the investigation
  • or other information which you may believe to be relevant
Go ahead, Lindsay... revise the wording on your invitation.. I triple-dog dare ya... :21:
Since McCain died, Graham is trying to find himself.

He's simply found a new coattail to ride in search of relevance.

First Graham was John McCain's shadow in his quest to be relevant, McCain dies. So Graham does a complete 180 to be relevant, he starts to be a Trump hand-puppet to be relevant. Graham has zero balls and zero convictions. What a pathetic human being..
In response to questions by Senator Blumenthal, the Attorney General testified in essence that you told him in a phone call that you did not challenge the accuracy of the Attorney General’s summary of your report’s principal conclusions, but rather you wanted more of the report, particularly the executive summaries concerning obstruction of justice, to be released promptly. In particular, Attorney General Barr testified that you believed media coverage of your investigation was unfair without the public release of those summaries.

Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding any misrepresentation by the Attorney General of the substance of that phone call.

Lindsey Graham sends letter to Mueller seeking info, rather than political points

Lindsey got one thing right during the hearings...

zero balls and zero convictions. What a pathetic human being..
McCains relevance was when he dumped his principals and ethics in order to be praised by Democrats.

Gramnesty did much of the same until Democrats went too far even for Grahmnesty in their Fascist treatment of Kavanaugh.

Now that your party's corruption is about to be uncovered of course you have to slander Barr, Gramnesty and anyone else takes part in justice.

Have your Leftist Slander Sites started trashing Horowitz yet, or are they going to wait for the IG Report?
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.

How many Republicans did he hire?

Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

You're the 2nd poster that thought that a Senate Hearing could possibly restrict Democrats from asking questions and restrict what Mueller could say.

I see how Haters fell for the Trump Russia Collusion lie when any 3rd Grader could tell it never happened.
Great. Let's get him in front of Congress.

Think Barr/Cohen/Trump will allow that?

Not if they can help it.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

You're the 2nd poster that thought that a Senate Hearing could possibly restrict Democrats from asking questions and restrict what Mueller could say.

I see how Haters fell for the Trump Russia Collusion lie when any 3rd Grader could tell it never happened.

Those of us who made it well past the 3rd Grade watched in play out on TV in public: Trump telling Americans that he'll have a good relationship with Russia because he "knows Putin", and Putin likes him; Talk from Don Jr. about how they've made a LOT of money selling expensive real estate; to the FBI claim that the Russians have hacked the DNC, and suddenly Donald Trump doesn't know any Russians and they didn't do it anyway.

Trump has publically gone from "no collusion", to "well yes, there was collusion but collusion isn't a crime", and back to "no collusion" even though the Mueller Report makes a point of stating that they weren't looking for "collusion", they were looking for "criminal conspiracy", and they didn't find "sufficient evidence" to prosecute:

As for Obstruction of Justice: Here is what Mueller said:


And here's the important part of Mueller's conclusion, when you take out the qualifications and the limitations of his office: "if we had confidence . . . that the President did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. . . . . we are unable to reach that judgment. . . . . this report . . . does not exonerate him."
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
Stop reading Soros and read the report, moron liar.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

Only one question is needed to be proven guilty of high treason

But there are several that proves mueller guilty of high treason
Maybe in your native Russia but that ain't how it works here
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
Stop reading Soros and read the report, moron liar.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

Only one question is needed to be proven guilty of high treason

But there are several that proves mueller guilty of high treason
Maybe in your native Russia but that ain't how it works here

Logic shows what proves what

And the highest logics. White men has proven mueller and democrats as traitors
Mueller will get roasted if he comes to testify

Mueller would be proven to commit high treason himself

Mueller would be asked if investigations are seen to be fair by the people would it not be best to have equal democrat and republican prosecutors ??

Mueller could not answer that question in any way

If he tried He would be asked why didn't you recuse yourself by having unequal bias prosecutors

The next question is how and why did the news about the prosecutors being all Hillary supporters leak out ??

See that whole process was to scare trump to stop him going after the more serious democrat crimes

Mueller would never sit where he could be asked those questions

Mueller has already been proven guilty of high treason

Mueller will try to hide the rest of his life

You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
Stop reading Soros and read the report, moron liar.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

Only one question is needed to be proven guilty of high treason

But there are several that proves mueller guilty of high treason
Maybe in your native Russia but that ain't how it works here

I love how these Russian posters think that a claim of treason is reasonable. The crime of treason can only be charged if someone is caught giving aid or comfort to an enemy of the Republic with whom a state of war has been declared. Is Mueller giving war information to the Talliban?

Mueller was given the job of investigating:

1. Russian interference in the 2016 election;

2. Contacts between the Trump Campaign and Russian government agents working to assist in Trump's election, by discrediting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign; and

3. Donald Trump's very public attempts at obstructing the Russian investigation, including the firing of James Comey, attempts to fire Robert Mueller; and an ongoing public campaign to dangle pardons to witnesses who refused to cooperate, and to publically vilify and threaten witnesses who do cooperate.

One can hardly prosecute Mueller for completing a job he was hired to do by the Department of Justice, just because he refused to allow President Trump and William Barr to continue to lie about and misrepresent his Report and its findings.

Reality!!! What a concept.
In response to questions by Senator Blumenthal, the Attorney General testified in essence that you told him in a phone call that you did not challenge the accuracy of the Attorney General’s summary of your report’s principal conclusions, but rather you wanted more of the report, particularly the executive summaries concerning obstruction of justice, to be released promptly. In particular, Attorney General Barr testified that you believed media coverage of your investigation was unfair without the public release of those summaries.

Please inform the Committee if you would like to provide testimony regarding any misrepresentation by the Attorney General of the substance of that phone call.

Lindsey Graham sends letter to Mueller seeking info, rather than political points
Mueller does not want to talk because he knows what he has to say the libs don’t want to hear and then the shitstorm will come His way.
You are too stupid to be one person.

The question is easily answered.

1. Donald Trump fired all of the Democratic prosecutors from the Justice Department after he took office, and he replaced them with Republicans. So there were a lot MORE prosecutors who are registered Democrats available and looking for work, and far fewer Republicans.

2. Facts and law are not political. Evidence knows no political party and the prosecutors have all sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and the law. Most lawyers take that oath pretty seriously, especially those who work in criminal justice. Their training is to go after the evidence.

The whole process had to do with Russian interference into the 2016 election, and the Trump Campaign's use of that interference to help him get elected.

I'm sure Mueller will be happy to answer any and all questions about his Report, and he won't be hemming, hawing and lying about it like AG Barr did the other day.
Stop reading Soros and read the report, moron liar.
Better still...Graham should call Mueller before his Senate Committee and let him answer ALL questions asked.''

Why would Lindsey only want an answer to one question?

Only one question is needed to be proven guilty of high treason

But there are several that proves mueller guilty of high treason
Maybe in your native Russia but that ain't how it works here

I love how these Russian posters think that a claim of treason is reasonable. The crime of treason can only be charged if someone is caught giving aid or comfort to an enemy of the Republic with whom a state of war has been declared. Is Mueller giving war information to the Talliban?

Mueller was given the job of investigating:

1. Russian interference in the 2016 election;

2. Contacts between the Trump Campaign and Russian government agents working to assist in Trump's election, by discrediting Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Campaign; and

3. Donald Trump's very public attempts at obstructing the Russian investigation, including the firing of James Comey, attempts to fire Robert Mueller; and an ongoing public campaign to dangle pardons to witnesses who refused to cooperate, and to publically vilify and threaten witnesses who do cooperate.

One can hardly prosecute Mueller for completing a job he was hired to do by the Department of Justice, just because he refused to allow President Trump and William Barr to continue to lie about and misrepresent his Report and its findings.

Reality!!! What a concept.

Wrong Dead wrong

When a govt employee is intentionally weakening the nation


The whole deep state guilty of high treason !!

And guess what ??

They must be given the harhest penalty


Because all society will fall apart if not given the most harsh penalty

A society of total chaos. Everyone cheating everyone

Everyone cheating the govt

No patriots fighting for the nation

There is no choice but to charge high treason with the most harsh penalty to SAVE THE NATION !!
Mueller cannot be asked questions because he cannot answer a couple of questions in any way

Question would be

If you want an investigation of a president who is supported by a party and you bring in opposite party prosecutors... That proves you do
Not want a fair investigation

Why did you do that

And then why did you let that leak ??

Mueller will then be proven as working to scare trump to stop him from going after the democrat more serious crimes

Mueller is boxed in
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This below shows why Mueller is now trying to hide like a rat


Rep. Devin Nunes: We spent $30 million on this as taxpayers and they can’t even tell us who Joseph Mifsud is? So we’re getting to the bottom of this. We believe he has ties to the State Department. Actually, our State Department had him in the United States capital in 2017!

This is HUGE news!
It means Robert Mueller ABSOLUTELY LIED in his final report on the Trump-Russia investigation.

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