Lindsey Graham 'amazed at how badly' Biden's first six months have been

Biden is much worse than even I thought he would be. And I thought it would be....bad.
Predicated upon all the empirical data I can find, most Americans recognize they made the right choice.

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The percentage of Americans who evaluate their lives well enough to be considered "thriving" on Gallup's Live Evaluation Index reached 59.2% in June, the highest in over 13 years of ongoing measurement and exceeding the previous high of 57.3% from September 2017.

I do not believe one single thing operations like "Gallup" put out, and neither do most Americans. Hat tip: trust of MSM, and their polling outfits, is less than 30%. So there it is.

Pathetic. Racists' attempts to convince decent Americans, Black Americans included, that the President is a racist failed.

Get over it.

You poor deluded soul

Most American approve of their President. Lindsey is pissy. So it goes.

Screen Shot 2021-07-07 at 9.42.40 AM.png

Pathetic. Racists' attempts to convince decent Americans, Black Americans included, that the President is a racist failed.

Get over it.

You poor deluded soul

Most American approve of their President. Lindsey is pissy. So it goes.

With his partisan flip-flopping, Lindsey has lost all credibility

According to the 2015 version of Sen. Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump is “a race baiting, xenophobic religious bigot,” while Joe Biden is “as good a man as God ever created.”
These stupid uneducated Moon Bats were absolute morons voting for Joe Dufus and then ignoring the fact he stole the election.

I don't really care for Graham but he's spot on with this one
In other words, if you watch his violent mood swings long enough, you may find that something he spouts reflects your prejudices.

That's an odd basis for citing him as a credible authority.

You make shit up constantly. It's past tiresome
He just continually repeats himself as well. If he had anything of substance to offer he wouldn't keep repeating himself.

You make shit up constantly. It's past tiresome
I cite documented quotations and empirical data that, apparently, have you in a tizzy.

If you cannot find any credible sources to prop up your hyper-partisan biases, don't sulk because of it.

You can't contrive anything to suggest Americans prefer the Cry Baby Sore Loser to the President that most voters chose in November, and that was before the Loser's goons swallowed his Big Lie and attacked Congress in a fizzled attempt to thwart the will of the People.
Just because YOU were too stupid to get her implied message doesn't mean the rest of us were.
And lofuckingl at "fact checking"
Gotcha. She didn’t say it but she did actually say it.
"i believe them" LOL gramps is so stupid. That obviously means she actually DOESNT believe the women accusing him of sexual assault; FORCED entry into the inside of her body.
Yes, "i believe them" actually means "i dont believe them" I mean, its 2021. Every other word has lost it meaning. Why not those 3?
Exactly. For example:

In fact, in one instance, Harris specifically said to Biden, “I do not believe you are a racist.” That was in the June 27, 2019, debate during which moderators asked a question about racial inequities in policing. The question grew into a wider discussion of race among the 10 candidates on stage, and Harris directed her remarks to Biden, who was leading in the polls at the time.

If you remove " I do not" from the bolded lines above, what do you get? Yup. Harris calls Biden a racist. It is so clear. How come the Libs don't see it?
Kamala called Biden a racist and a rapist before joining his team.
That's a lie. Why do you feel that you need to?

Harris Hasn’t Called Biden a ‘Racist’ or a ‘Rapist’​

Fact check? Bless your heart.
Just because YOU were too stupid to get her implied message doesn't mean the rest of us were.
And lofuckingl at "fact checking"
If you need it lie, you need to lie.

You should at least be capable of making up your own lies instead of needing to parrot those of others.
It's no lie Biden's son Hunter is a white supremacist. Ole Joe can raise them. Lol, his daughter is a sex addict. Wonder if it's from all the showers he took with her.
rightwinger attack the messenger when you don't like the truth of the message?
What message?

That he supported Biden until it was his partisan duty to say he is the worst President?
That he warned America about Trump until he won then kissed the ring and supported anything he did?
That he blocked the confirmation of Merrick Garland and swore he would NEVER a support a Supreme Court Justice appointment in an election year, then he voted for Amy Barrett a week before the election
Kamala called Biden a racist and a rapist before joining his team.
That's a lie. Why do you feel that you need to?

Harris Hasn’t Called Biden a ‘Racist’ or a ‘Rapist’​

Fact check? Bless your heart.
You may need to rage against truth that you don't like.

Why not have a fling at credible reality and cite sources of exact, documented quotations, or an alternative consensus of independent polls showing that the American People preferred the Cry Baby Sore Loser to the President?

Facts are tenacious, even if they upset you.

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