Lindsey Graham calls Trump a liar on Fox n' Friends this morning

Blaine Sweeter

Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2019
Good for him. John McCain would be proud.

I saw the clip of this a little while ago and now it's hitting the msm:

Lindsey Graham slams Trump for Syria withdrawal

'Biggest Lie by This Admin'
Lindsey Graham Slams Trump for Syria Withdrawal

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham calls Trump claim that ISIS has been defeated 'the biggest lie told by this administration'"""""
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.


He might be, but that's not the point and you know it.

More Republicans need to grow a spine and stand up to this sociopathic, spoiled attention addict who is running this country off the rails.
Lindsey has been in touch with the ghost of fake war hero and Republican turncoat, John McCain
Graham got almost another year of our boys sitting in a hornet's nest with no goal or end in sight....and that's enough. The Kurds can beat feet into northern Iraq where their brothers are firmly in control and Turkey can't get them. What the President got in return is Turkey will now take the ISIS cavemen taken captive off our hands...thousands of them. I'd say he got the better of the deal. And remember, Turkey whipping the Kurds isn't a given...they are tough, ruthless fighters who will send thousands of body bags back to Turkey if attacked.
Lindsey has been in touch with the ghost of fake war hero and Republican turncoat, John McCain

Says the idiot who voted for a guy who got 4 deferments for a fake foot problem during Viet Nam.
The same guy who told Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases during the 1980s was his "personal Viet Nam".
I don't know how you fucking stand to look at yourself in the mirror. Maybe you took them all down.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.


He might be, but that's not the point and you know it.

More Republicans need to grow a spine and stand up to this sociopathic, spoiled attention addict who is running this country off the rails.

How so?

Please be specific in your mental delusion that trump is running this country off the rails?

Good for him. John McCain would be proud.

I saw the clip of this a little while ago and now it's hitting the msm:

Lindsey Graham slams Trump for Syria withdrawal

'Biggest Lie by This Admin'
Lindsey Graham Slams Trump for Syria Withdrawal

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham calls Trump claim that ISIS has been defeated 'the biggest lie told by this administration'"""""

Isn't there only 150 or so troops there? I don't see that it matters.
Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.


He might be, but that's not the point and you know it.

More Republicans need to grow a spine and stand up to this sociopathic, spoiled attention addict who is running this country off the rails.

How so?

Please be specific in your mental delusion that trump is running this country off the rails?

oh shit, here we go. all we're going to see is blah, blah, blah, blah, russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine. biden is untouchable, untouchable. oh no. The hell with the lowest unemployment in 50 years, that's not important, whistle blowers with lime disease is.
Lindsey has been in touch with the ghost of fake war hero and Republican turncoat, John McCain

Says the idiot who voted for a guy who got 4 deferments for a fake foot problem during Viet Nam.
The same guy who told Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases during the 1980s was his "personal Viet Nam".
I don't know how you fucking stand to look at yourself in the mirror. Maybe you took them all down.

Vietnam is one word, nosebleed. Trump got student 2-S deferments as did millions of other guys and one deferment for bone spurs. You don't know anything about the Military but suffice to say, nobody can train in combat boots with bone spurs.
ROFLMAO @ Lindsey Graham calling someone else a liar, lying is Lindsey Graham's first language.

Good for him. John McCain would be proud.

I saw the clip of this a little while ago and now it's hitting the msm:

Lindsey Graham slams Trump for Syria withdrawal

'Biggest Lie by This Admin'
Lindsey Graham Slams Trump for Syria Withdrawal

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham calls Trump claim that ISIS has been defeated 'the biggest lie told by this administration'"""""
Swampers come in all colors. You can call me Ray, you can call me Jay, you cam call me Ray Jay....butz you don't haves to call me can take their whole families and turn them into cannibal food. Baby Back Ribs on the grill from the Congo Bull Chip! Won't do a thing either.
Swampers come in all colors. You can call me Ray, you can call me Jay, you cam call me Ray Jay....butz you don't haves to call me can take their whole families and turn them into cannibal food. Baby Back Ribs on the grill from the Congo Bull Chip! Won't do a thing either.

Lindsey is a stooge of the Military/Industrial Complex, just like McCain was. Just like Romney is.

And so is Trump

How big is Trump’s 10 percent defense increase? It’s three times Canada’s annual military budget, for one.
...More Republicans need to grow a spine and stand up to this sociopathic, spoiled attention addict who is running this country off the rails.

Only if they’re looking for an early retirement offer from their constituents.
Why are Democrats so against diversity it’s like if you don’t agree with me 100% you are a Nazi ..

Republicans have different views .. Diversity baby
Why are Democrats so against diversity it’s like if you don’t agree with me 100% you are a Nazi ..

Republicans have different views .. Diversity baby
it's like they use that word and don't understand what it means. just saying.

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