Lindsey Graham Goes Full Handmaid's Tale

Women can have a "place" if they follow "traditional values"?

This guy has to go.
Ya'll are really reaching now. You can feel it coming, can't you? The polls lied again.
Code Red panic mode.
Level 5 meltdown imminent.

Women can have a "place" if they follow "traditional values"?

This guy has to go.

I guess his words don't apply to him or men.

If he followed traditional family values he would be married with some kids and grandchildren.

He's never been married.

While he supports a man who has 5 children with 3 different women all of whom he cheated on.

That's traditional family values?

So he expects women to follow "traditional family values" but men don't.
I'm confused as to whether the headline in the linked article means that graham (who has no right to opine about American women unless he is prepared for other people to make similar comments about men) is saying that female Americans must tow the "traditional" line if they want a "place" in the U.S., or whether he is saying that all Americans have equal opportunity in the U.S.

I don't think that anyone cares whom Barrett beds, how she conducts her personal life, or what religion she practices. What concerns me is that she has been outspoken in her efforts to screw over other Americans and impose her religious choices on others and still was given one of the most powerful positions in the land. She seems to be opposed to preventing other Americans from exercising the freedoms that she herself has taken advantage of.
I'm confused as to whether the headline in the linked article means that graham (who has no right to opine about American women unless he is prepared for other people to make similar comments about men) is saying that female Americans must tow the "traditional" line if they want a "place" in the U.S., or whether he is saying that all Americans have equal opportunity in the U.S.

I don't think that anyone cares whom Barrett beds, how she conducts her personal life, or what religion she practices. What concerns me is that she has been outspoken in her efforts to screw over other Americans and impose her religious choices on others and still was given one of the most powerful positions in the land. She seems to be opposed to preventing other Americans from exercising the freedoms that she herself has taken advantage of.
Women have been put into peer pressure by other women pushing extreme feminism. Some women lie it, others are forced into it. Women have maybe 25 years or so to give birth to children. And a good percentage of them go for careers over motherhood and many become surly and sullen as they age. And to have extreme feminism we have to have a massive amount of of undereducated and unemployed males. Which will not last. It is a disgrace seeing every field being more and more dominated by women as males become more violent. Figure it out you azz. We will become ripe for despots from all sides at some point. And China set to be the world leader by around 2050.

Women can have a "place" if they follow "traditional values"?

This guy has to go.
I'm an atheist that doesn't like Graham-----------------but what he said was not offensive no matter how much you insist on spinning it.
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It's pretty clear that Graham and a bunch of posters on this board have a "Handmaid's Tale" attitude about women
Its wanting real results and not replacing men because it is the thing to do. The real world is about conquering and being conquered. The Russians and the Chinese have no problem becoming the top dog. So I say to you. The Chinese are coming up fast. East Asia is a powerful high tech and production center of the world. The rise and fall of nations is natural. No matter how they fall, it does not end well.
...I guess his words don't apply to him or men. If he followed traditional family values he would be married with some kids and grandchildren. He's never been married. While he supports a man who has 5 children with 3 different women all of whom he cheated on. That's traditional family values? So he expects women to follow "traditional family values" but men don't.
Not at all...

He was saying that if you follow a traditional and faithful path, there is a place for you in America...

He did NOT say that if you did not follow such a path, that there was NO place for you in America...

That was a manufactured self-serving and intentionally and knowingly false articulation of a phony conjured interpretation...

Graham's was a reaction to just how badly women holding traditional and faithful perspectives have been ridiculed and denigrated by the Left in recent years...

Lindsey Graham SHOULD be voted out-of-officce...

But not for THIS...

Bull$hit Arti$t$ come in all colors... including BLUE... as we see in THIS article.
"I want every young woman to know that that there's a place for you in America if you're pro-life, if you embrace your religion and you follow traditional family structure," he added, "that you can go anywhere, young lady."

And if you don''re screwed in Lindsey's world...and in the world of a lot of Republicans
He was saying that if you follow a traditional and faithful path, there is a place for you in America...

He did NOT say that if you did not follow such a path, that there was NO place for you in America...

Oh I get it. There's a "place" for you...but it ain't a good place
He was saying that if you follow a traditional and faithful path, there is a place for you in America...

He did NOT say that if you did not follow such a path, that there was NO place for you in America...

Oh I get it. There's a "place" for you...but it ain't a good place
Incorrect. However, your insistence upon publicly 'mis-understanding' what was actually meant cannot be remedied without considerable psychiatric intervention.

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