Lindsey Graham Goes Full Handmaid's Tale

Actually that term refers to Lindsey Graham's repugnant statements.

You know, lying about the origin of the reference does not help your cause - it just makes you look like a LIAR ... AND an Anti-Religious, Anti-Catholic faith-discriminating bigot.

The only one who is lying is you. You are clearly the biggest LIAR on this board. You are the bigot as you want to turn this into a Christian theocracy. The Christian Taliban.
It’s so convenient to label anything you don’t like as fake news.

Too bad this was his actual statement
I'm confused as to whether the headline in the linked article means that graham (who has no right to opine about American women unless he is prepared for other people to make similar comments about men) is saying that female Americans must tow the "traditional" line if they want a "place" in the U.S., or whether he is saying that all Americans have equal opportunity in the U.S.

I don't think that anyone cares whom Barrett beds, how she conducts her personal life, or what religion she practices. What concerns me is that she has been outspoken in her efforts to screw over other Americans and imp. ose her religious choices on others and still was given one of the most powerful positions in the land. She seems to be opposed to preventing other Americans from exercising the freedoms that she herself has taken advantage of.
Cite which of her judicial opinions leads you to conclude how she would rule on future cases. Show which quote of Lindsay Graham uses the word must with regard to female behavior.
I'm confused as to whether the headline in the linked article means that graham (who has no right to opine about American women unless he is prepared for other people to make similar comments about men) is saying that female Americans must tow the "traditional" line if they want a "place" in the U.S., or whether he is saying that all Americans have equal opportunity in the U.S.

I don't think that anyone cares whom Barrett beds, how she conducts her personal life, or what religion she practices. What concerns me is that she has been outspoken in her efforts to screw over other Americans and impose her religious choices on others and still was given one of the most powerful positions in the land. She seems to be opposed to preventing other Americans from exercising the freedoms that she herself has taken advantage of.
Women have been put into peer pressure by other women pushing extreme feminism. Some women lie it, others are forced into it. Women have maybe 25 years or so to give birth to children. And a good percentage of them go for careers over motherhood and many become surly and sullen as they age. And to have extreme feminism we have to have a massive amount of of undereducated and unemployed males. Which will not last. It is a disgrace seeing every field being more and more dominated by women as males become more violent. Figure it out you azz. We will become ripe for despots from all sides at some point. And China set to be the world leader by around 2050.

There is no reason to single out something called "extreme feminism" for blame when dirty preachers have pushed this "traditional" crap on women for millennia and groomed girls for it from infancy on. Decent men and women can always have good, healthy relationships with each other, if this is what they both want, and support each other. It takes two. It is ridiculous to suggest that it is a "disgrace" for women to emerge in every field, particularly given the centuries during which women were denied entry. Men can enter any field that they wish, as long as they study and complete the requirements. If you want to be a doctor, lawyer, computer analyst, or anything else, put down the beer, park the pick-up, work hard, pull the grades, get the diploma.

As for "surly and sullen"? Have you seen the current crop of Republican men? All that they seem to be able to do is scream, swear, and have hissy fits in public.
This is not about keeping women down. This about extremism. Most people have children or relatives who are boys and girls. None want to see any of their own living as lower caste citizens. We are living now in denying males. White males are growing in the number of the undereducated and impoverished. All this to uplift females. It is time to change the quota systems. Before an enemy comes here with one battalion of men and takes over major swaths of the nation.

White males are growing in the undereducated and impovershed because it's in the best interests of the Republican Party to keep you broke, angry, and voting Republican. You want a fair chance in life, vote for the people who are all about giving everyone a fair chance.

In Canada, when manufacturing jobs were displaced by off-shoring and/or automation, our government launched a massive retraining program to train people like you for 21st Century jobs. We gave workers 9 months of unemployment insurance to get themselves resettled. We raised our minimum wage, so that one person could live on it. We gave grants and income supports to people wanting to start small businesses, and we provided this at no cost to the displaced workers.

In the "socialist hellholes" you fear the USA might turn into, we spent our tax dollars on healthcare, education and infrastructure for all of our people. Anyone making less than $35,000 per year, is entitled to an array of income supports and social programs to help provide low income families with the ability to give their families a decent life, and a chance for something better for themselves and their families.

All of us have done better than the dog eat dog hyper-capitalism and economic cruelty that American workers have been told is necessary for the success of your nation. How many times are you going to let these people crash your economy and tell you it's the minorities that are doing it to you?

Insanity is voting for Republican economic policies which have bankrupted ever single class of Americans except the super-rich, and you continuing to vote for them..

Proud Canadian: #1 country in the world to live in. Social hellhole, and damned grateful for it, at this moment in time.

#87 in the world in cases per million of population.
#40 in the world in deaths per million of population
Lower loss of GDP in the Q1 and Q2 were lower than the European Union, and less than half of the loss of GDP and gross domestic product of the USA. Our 3rd quarter growth numbers won't look anything like Trump's gaudy numbers because we our Q2 GDP was -11.2% versus your -32%.

We not only saved lives, but we also save the Canadian economy as well. And yes cases are rising again, but we learned from the nursing home deaths last year, and that shit will not be happening again.
'Handmaid's Tale'?


The term is a pathetic failed tactic by Democrats to stop SACB's confirmation onto the USSC, and the very use of the term now causes whoever hear it to understand the person using it is an Anti-Religious, Anti-Catholic faith-discriminating bigot!


You sure didn't read the book. It was anti-authoritarian, anti-theocratic, anti-patriarchy warning, that the freedoms and independence we were all taking for granted could disappear with the vote of the theocratic plotters. The story had nothing to do with Catholics, religion, or faith, and how people like the Falwells pervert religion to serve their own purposes of power and control.
We are living now in denying males. White males are growing in the number of the undereducated and impoverished. All this to uplift females. It is time to change the quota systems.

Proving the truth of your assertion that there is an effort to "uplift females" by keeping white men down is difficult absent any comparative evidence as to the efforts that women make and the efforts that white men make; i.e. hours spent studying, efforts to compete for scholarships, fellowships, and internships, high-school grades, scores on standardized tests, etc. I don't think that there are quota systems anymore, but back in the day, I tried to get into Georgetown and got put on a waiting list, since the school did have a quota system for admission: 90% men, 10% women.

Reading many of the comments on USMB, complete with atrocious grammatical and spelling mistakes and failure to back up arguments, I'd say that these writers simply didn't apply themselves and their parents didn't encourage them, presuming that they all had the opportunity to go to school. We do have free public education in this country.

BTW: While not all members of certain groups act out the stereotypes associated with their respective groups, many people of Asian and Jewish ethnic backgrounds do seem to succeed more than others, and I think that this is due in part to the emphasis that their cultures have traditionally placed on education.

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