Lindsey Graham is right.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2014
Lindsey Graham is offering legislation that would allow us to declare war on the Mexican cartels. The cartels are supplying fentinal to the US and the death toll is undeniable, and our military could quickly target and obliterate the cartel's facilities which would put them out of business almost over night. Ending something that causes that many deaths can easily be seen as an act of self defence. I only fear that Graham doesn't go far enough in defending our citizens from such a high death rate. Fentinal is currently the most dangerous enemy when it comes to unnecessary deaths, or is it? As bad as our drug death rate is, there is something that has been killing Americans much more often for a very long time. The #1 cause of death in this country is obesity and heart disease. Graham should revise his legislation to include McDonalds. They are killing more people than the cartels could ever kill. Think about it. It would be no problem targeting those big neon signs to bomb them out of existance. We could even announce when each store was scheduled to be bombed to avoid innocent people being caught in the destruction. I'm not sure what kind of defence they might be capable of, but it's known that they have no air support or big guns stationed at their locations. Hopefully Graham will notice his oversite in targeting McDonalds along with the cartels.
My younger brother is among the dead. We were told the Fentanyl killed him before he hit the floor. That's how dangerous that shit is, bam you're DEAD. The cartels are lacing pot and all kinds of shit with that drug.

Those cartel MF'ers should be wiped off the face of the earth!
Why? If the issue is just a matter of how many are dying, McDonalds is certainly responsible for more deaths than the cartels.
Also true ^^^ That shit they serve isn't even food. If all you have ever known is a McDonalds hamburger you don't know what real hamburger is.
Do both. Then start picking off every unoccupied McMansion supposedly worth more than $2 million.
My younger brother is among the dead. We were told the Fentanyl killed him before he hit the floor. That's how dangerous that shit is, bam you're DEAD. The cartels are lacing pot and all kinds of shit with that drug.

Those cartel MF'ers should be wiped off the face of the earth!
I'm truly sorry about your brother, but you have to admit there is more to it than just how many deaths can be attributed, and there are countless other efforts that could be made that are less destrctive than military attack.
The cartels should already be bombed to rubble. Several hundred thousand DEAD Americans, why isn't northern Mexico scorched earth??

Why has the US government done NOTHING meaningful to curb drug deaths in the USA? This isn't about allowing drugs into the country, it's the fact that MOST of these deaths are from legal opioids.

Drug addiction and deaths in this number is the sign of a sick society. Add to it the obesity epidemic and the American people are suffering while the government argues about the border. The southern border ISN'T the problem. You keep focusing on the symptom (drug abuse), and done nothing about the causes.
Why? If the issue is just a matter of how many are dying, McDonalds is certainly responsible for more deaths than the cartels.
Anybody that removes responsibly from the consumer when it comes to obesity and instead places the blame on a business is a fucking idiot.
Anybody that removes responsibly from the consumer when it comes to obesity and instead places the blame on a business is a fucking idiot.
Anybody who removes the responsibility from the illicit drug user, and instead places it only on the drug supplier is an idiot.
Anybody who removes the responsibility from the illicit drug user, and instead places it only on the drug supplier is an idiot.
If you think those are actually parallel situations and that you're making a point, you're an idiot. I understand the dance you're trying to dance, but you're comparing fast food to gang affiliated fentanyl dealers. These guys intimidate, attack and murder people. You're not being reasonable or allowing any kind of nuance into your thought process. I'm pretty sure you're a partisan hack though, so it's not too surprising.

Yes, drug users are responsible for themselves too, but your position is still ridiculous.
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My guess is that Cartel money makes it's way into the hands of American politicians so not much will be done.
Again, think JHS Children or HS. Peer pressure. Take one little pill. We all do it. They drop dead.

Yet its OK to float this stash around because Adults are old enough to choose?
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Chinese supply it to Mexicans who traffic it. Chinese gave us Obiden 2 thru voter fraud. All to weaken America.

LW loons assist this enemy. Case closed//
The #1 cause of death in this country is obesity and heart disease. Graham should revise his legislation to include McDonalds. They are killing more people than the cartels could ever kill. Think about it. It would be no problem targeting those big neon signs to bomb them out of existance. We could even announce when each store was scheduled to be bombed to avoid innocent people being caught in the destruction. I'm not sure what kind of defence they might be capable of, but it's known that they have no air support or big guns stationed at their locations. Hopefully Graham will notice his oversite in targeting McDonalds along with the cartels.
People have a choice to go to McDonald's.

People have a choice to use illicit drugs.

They know the risks.

The reason to go medieval on the Cartels is the terror campaigns, the murder, the kidnappings, the torture, the human trafficking, the corruption of the governments in Mexico, the police, and our own border towns and border guards.

When one of the Cartel bosses was arrested the foot soldiers destroyed a city, and threatened to shoot down civilians airliners.

These dudes gotta go.

When McDonald's does all that... I'll join you in your call for a scorched earth policy.

Until then, you're on your own in your fight to the death against a Big Mac. :rolleyes:
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