Lindsey Graham supports 'overwhelming military response'...

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Against 81 million people 6000 miles away.
Is that what the American people want and did anyone ask us ?


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has blamed Iran for "escalating tensions" in the Persian Gulf, accusing the country of threatening the US even while promising massive retaliation in response to vague "threat streams."

"The fault lies with the Iranians, not the United States or any other nation," the belligerent South Carolina congressman tweeted on Monday. "If the Iranian threats against American personnel and interests are activated we must deliver an overwhelming military response."

Lindsey Graham supports 'overwhelming military response' to Iran 'threat streams'
Good for Graham.
Naive democrat idiots, who live in insulated worlds and/or are too young and too indoctrinated to realize the truth about Iran, think Iran is just some country far away.
They are a terrorist state. They are a criminal gang. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans and westerners.
If Iran threatens our military people, they deserve nothing less than a comprehensive military response.
Couldn't find anything yet on the source link. However, LG has morphed into nothing more than a limp wristed J. Edgar Hoover wannabe. Hopefully his constituents in 2020 will tell him and other republicans to fuck off.
Against 81 million people 6000 miles away.
Is that what the American people want and did anyone ask us ?


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has blamed Iran for "escalating tensions" in the Persian Gulf, accusing the country of threatening the US even while promising massive retaliation in response to vague "threat streams."

"The fault lies with the Iranians, not the United States or any other nation," the belligerent South Carolina congressman tweeted on Monday. "If the Iranian threats against American personnel and interests are activated we must deliver an overwhelming military response."

Lindsey Graham supports 'overwhelming military response' to Iran 'threat streams'

Graham is just making the Iranians sweat.

Iran has already backed down.

President Trump keeps the world safe through strength. These savages only understand strength.
Lindsey Graham seems to have lost all sense of reality under the tutelage of 'Cadet Bone Spurs'. Graham is another privileged stooge, a tool for Trump, kinda sad as he used to have some integrity.

Opinion | Lindsey Graham’s Curious Military Career

For the war hawk reader may I suggest a book, you will be changed.

'Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century' by Jonathan Glover

"One of the strongest works of moral philosophy of the last two decades, Humanity presents deeply felt and disturbing meditations on the 20th century's most brutal historical episodes. Jonathan Glover ambitiously attempts a moral psychology, tracing the patterns of human psychology that breed violence. Shrewd case studies examine the intellectual follies and moral horrors..."

Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century by Jonathan Glover
Good for Graham.
Naive democrat idiots, who live in insulated worlds and/or are too young and too indoctrinated to realize the truth about Iran, think Iran is just some country far away.
They are a terrorist state. They are a criminal gang. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans and westerners.
If Iran threatens our military people, they deserve nothing less than a comprehensive military response.

They never attacked the US like SA. Also let Israel and SA fight them. We sell Israel and SA arms. Let them fight.
Good for Graham.
Naive democrat idiots, who live in insulated worlds and/or are too young and too indoctrinated to realize the truth about Iran, think Iran is just some country far away.
They are a terrorist state. They are a criminal gang. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans and westerners.
If Iran threatens our military people, they deserve nothing less than a comprehensive military response.

They never attacked the US like SA. Also let Israel and SA fight them. We sell Israel and SA arms. Let them fight.
Dayum, that is brutal.
Oh they never attack the US directly. They just fund every terrorist organization out there.

Iran will never go to war with the US. Its a war they would lose and they know it.
Good for Graham.
Naive democrat idiots, who live in insulated worlds and/or are too young and too indoctrinated to realize the truth about Iran, think Iran is just some country far away.
They are a terrorist state. They are a criminal gang. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans and westerners.
If Iran threatens our military people, they deserve nothing less than a comprehensive military response.

It would be a simple matter to drive their economy into the dirt....a sustained bombing sortie taking out economic infra-stucture. I'll pay ten dollars a gallon for gas for the next year or two just to see that bunch of raghead clerics taken out by their far more placid and intelligent SECULAR populous. While the bombers are still hot and ready to go after than there is the small matter of taking Mexico and Canda by force.
Good for Graham.
Naive democrat idiots, who live in insulated worlds and/or are too young and too indoctrinated to realize the truth about Iran, think Iran is just some country far away.
They are a terrorist state. They are a criminal gang. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans and westerners.
If Iran threatens our military people, they deserve nothing less than a comprehensive military response.

The US destabilized the ME, genius.
Against 81 million people 6000 miles away.
Is that what the American people want and did anyone ask us ?


Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has blamed Iran for "escalating tensions" in the Persian Gulf, accusing the country of threatening the US even while promising massive retaliation in response to vague "threat streams."

"The fault lies with the Iranians, not the United States or any other nation," the belligerent South Carolina congressman tweeted on Monday. "If the Iranian threats against American personnel and interests are activated we must deliver an overwhelming military response."

Lindsey Graham supports 'overwhelming military response' to Iran 'threat streams'
You first, Lindsey. You first.
It would be a simple matter to drive their economy into the dirt....a sustained bombing sortie taking out economic infra-stucture. I'll pay ten dollars a gallon for gas for the next year or two just to see that bunch of raghead clerics taken out by their far more placid and intelligent SECULAR populous. While the bombers are still hot and ready to go after than there is the small matter of taking Mexico and Canda by force.
I shouldn't dignify this post with a response
so I won't.
Good for Graham.
Naive democrat idiots, who live in insulated worlds and/or are too young and too indoctrinated to realize the truth about Iran, think Iran is just some country far away.
They are a terrorist state. They are a criminal gang. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans and westerners.
If Iran threatens our military people, they deserve nothing less than a comprehensive military response.

The US destabilized the ME, genius.

The ME has never been stable, moron. They've warred for centuries
The ME has never been stable, moron. They've warred for centuries
I'm sure that's a comforting fact for the 10's of millions of Iraqi, Afghan, Libyan and Syrian refugees fleeing to Europe and elsewhere right now.
-------------------------- 'refugee invaders' are going for a better life and to provide taxes to support the 'euros' pensions and to get jobs wiping the azz'es of the old feeble euros Angelo .
Good for Graham.
Naive democrat idiots, who live in insulated worlds and/or are too young and too indoctrinated to realize the truth about Iran, think Iran is just some country far away.
They are a terrorist state. They are a criminal gang. They have murdered tens of thousands of Americans and westerners.
If Iran threatens our military people, they deserve nothing less than a comprehensive military response.

The US destabilized the ME, genius.

The ME has never been stable, moron. They've warred for centuries

As did Europe...on a grander scale.
Most of the Iranian people are actually against liberalism. In pre-liberal Iran, Iranians were all sophisticated westernized people

Think of Bravos Shahs of Sunset.

The iranians support President Trump on this
If shitstain obama had not betrayed the Green Revolution Iran would now be a country free of the ayatollahs.

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