Lindsey Graham: We're Calling in All Officials Who Signed Carter Page FISA Warrant to Testify

FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics

Don't read your own links, do ya. From your article in the very first paragraph:

Washington (CNN)Top intelligence officials indicated on Tuesday that the GOP was also a Russian hacking target but that none of the information obtained was leaked.

FBI director James Comey told a Senate panel that there was "penetration on the Republican side of the aisle and old Republican National Committee domains" no longer in use. Republicans have previously denied their organizations were hacked.

Comey said there was no sign "that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."

House GOP Campaign Arm Says It Was Hacked During The 2018 Election Cycle

Again, from your article:

It wasn't immediately clear who might be responsible for the cyberattack, but the news followed months of increased preparations by the government to defend against foreign influence in America's democracy.

Prosecutors say Russian military intelligence officers pilfered sensitive material with the aim of releasing it to embarrass Democrats. So far, there doesn't appear to have been any release of data taken in this year's intrusion of Republicans' campaign operation.
<psssst> uh.... ray ray? don't know who's been giving you that line of bullshit you are now regurgitating, but the report has not been released. only a 4 page summary by a flying monkey has.

Correct, and it hasn't been challenged by anybody, especially Mueller.

From what I heard today, Mueller and Barr are working side by side on the redactions in the report so it can be made public. It seems that Barr and Mueller have worked together before, and Barr has the highest respect for him. So don't set yourself up for too big of a disappointment like all the other times you thought your people had Trump.

i heard the same thing & i certainly hope mueller is involved all the way. i trust bob mueller. i do not trust the person who made iran/CONtra go away, who auditioned for the current AG gig by writing an 18 page essay on why he should get it. do you think barr would have gone as far as he has, if the american people didn't demand it?

AND, there is absolutely NO reason why the gang of 8 can't view the unredacted report. there are precedents already in place with both watergate & bill clinton's grand jury info. not allowing those members of congress to view for themselves what they need to, just reeks of acover up.

No, nobody sees the un-redacted version. There are too many leakers especially on the Democrat side, and no, Clinton and Nixon's wasn't seen un-redacted either.

bullshit. barr can request it being unredacted & given to the very people who have the same TOP SECRET security clearance as he does. there was plenty of unredacted info that starr quoted from the grand jury that was for public consumption alright - let alone the persons who constitutionally are allowed to see.

Excerpts From Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony as Quoted in Starr's Report to Congress

And you have no idea what un-redacted parts Congress would see. You're making assumptions.

But what I said is that the Clinton and Nixon investigations were redacted to whatever degree. Very few have seen a totally un-redacted version. In this case, there are second, third and probably fourth parties that need not be revealed. And let's be honest for once. The only reason Congress wants an un-redacted version is to make false claims against Barr and Trump that can't be proven.
Awwwwww! Donnie tell his cult it's not good for you to see the report? Thoughts & prayers! Thoughts & prayers for the cult who live in La La land hoping & praying that Trumps hatchetmen can get him out of a shitstorm of his own doing!
<psssst> uh.... ray ray? don't know who's been giving you that line of bullshit you are now regurgitating, but the report has not been released. only a 4 page summary by a flying monkey has.

Correct, and it hasn't been challenged by anybody, especially Mueller.

From what I heard today, Mueller and Barr are working side by side on the redactions in the report so it can be made public. It seems that Barr and Mueller have worked together before, and Barr has the highest respect for him. So don't set yourself up for too big of a disappointment like all the other times you thought your people had Trump.

i heard the same thing & i certainly hope mueller is involved all the way. i trust bob mueller. i do not trust the person who made iran/CONtra go away, who auditioned for the current AG gig by writing an 18 page essay on why he should get it. do you think barr would have gone as far as he has, if the american people didn't demand it?

AND, there is absolutely NO reason why the gang of 8 can't view the unredacted report. there are precedents already in place with both watergate & bill clinton's grand jury info. not allowing those members of congress to view for themselves what they need to, just reeks of acover up.

No, nobody sees the un-redacted version. There are too many leakers especially on the Democrat side, and no, Clinton and Nixon's wasn't seen un-redacted either.

bullshit. barr can request it being unredacted & given to the very people who have the same TOP SECRET security clearance as he does. there was plenty of unredacted info that starr quoted from the grand jury that was for public consumption alright - let alone the persons who constitutionally are allowed to see.

Excerpts From Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony as Quoted in Starr's Report to Congress

And you have no idea what un-redacted parts Congress would see. You're making assumptions.

But what I said is that the Clinton and Nixon investigations were redacted to whatever degree. Very few have seen a totally un-redacted version. In this case, there are second, third and probably fourth parties that need not be revealed. And let's be honest for once. The only reason Congress wants an un-redacted version is to make false claims against Barr and Trump that can't be proven.

nobody is saying to release the entire unredacted report to those that have a lesse security clearance than the gang of 8 & AG; let alone the general public, ray ray.

nice try. now the cracks are starting to show from within. remember the pentagon papers? history might just repeat itself.
FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics

Don't read your own links, do ya. From your article in the very first paragraph:

Washington (CNN)Top intelligence officials indicated on Tuesday that the GOP was also a Russian hacking target but that none of the information obtained was leaked.

FBI director James Comey told a Senate panel that there was "penetration on the Republican side of the aisle and old Republican National Committee domains" no longer in use. Republicans have previously denied their organizations were hacked.

Comey said there was no sign "that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."

House GOP Campaign Arm Says It Was Hacked During The 2018 Election Cycle

Again, from your article:

It wasn't immediately clear who might be responsible for the cyberattack, but the news followed months of increased preparations by the government to defend against foreign influence in America's democracy.

Prosecutors say Russian military intelligence officers pilfered sensitive material with the aim of releasing it to embarrass Democrats. So far, there doesn't appear to have been any release of data taken in this year's intrusion of Republicans' campaign operation.

it's crystal clear they got into the system in 2016, ray ray.... people are woke & it's not like they tried bigley. even our intel has sounded the alarm... remember them?
FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics

Don't read your own links, do ya. From your article in the very first paragraph:

Washington (CNN)Top intelligence officials indicated on Tuesday that the GOP was also a Russian hacking target but that none of the information obtained was leaked.

FBI director James Comey told a Senate panel that there was "penetration on the Republican side of the aisle and old Republican National Committee domains" no longer in use. Republicans have previously denied their organizations were hacked.

Comey said there was no sign "that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."

House GOP Campaign Arm Says It Was Hacked During The 2018 Election Cycle

Again, from your article:

It wasn't immediately clear who might be responsible for the cyberattack, but the news followed months of increased preparations by the government to defend against foreign influence in America's democracy.

Prosecutors say Russian military intelligence officers pilfered sensitive material with the aim of releasing it to embarrass Democrats. So far, there doesn't appear to have been any release of data taken in this year's intrusion of Republicans' campaign operation.

it's crystal clear they got into the system in 2016, ray ray.... people are woke & it's not like they tried bigley. even our intel has sounded the alarm... remember them?

I totally agree with that, but as the article points out, they don't know exactly who was responsible. It could have been some computer high school geek in Brazil somewhere that was just seeing if he could do it.

Even though we foil many attempts (and I'm sure we get them just about every day) our government doesn't do enough in regards to cyber security. We need to hire the top computer people no matter what friendly country they are from, and spare no expense at maintaining their service.

No matter what security system you come out with, there is always somebody somewhere that's trying to figure out a way to break it. It reminds me of that iPhone situation a few years ago. I forget which terrorist attack it was now, perhaps the Vegas attack, but the FBI couldn't get into the attackers iPhone because of it's impossible security features. Apple refused to help. But nobody could get into this thing. Finally, after a year or so, some genius figured out how to crack the feature and eventually got into that phone.

With the iPhone, you can only enter your password so many times. After three or four times of being wrong, it starts adding time until you can try it again. So after the fifth time, you have to wait a minute. Get it wrong again, you have to wait six minutes and so on. After so many times, the phone just shuts down and won't accept any password attempt, even if it's the correct password. The phone is totally worthless at that point and you just throw it away.
FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics

Don't read your own links, do ya. From your article in the very first paragraph:

Washington (CNN)Top intelligence officials indicated on Tuesday that the GOP was also a Russian hacking target but that none of the information obtained was leaked.

FBI director James Comey told a Senate panel that there was "penetration on the Republican side of the aisle and old Republican National Committee domains" no longer in use. Republicans have previously denied their organizations were hacked.

Comey said there was no sign "that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."

House GOP Campaign Arm Says It Was Hacked During The 2018 Election Cycle

Again, from your article:

It wasn't immediately clear who might be responsible for the cyberattack, but the news followed months of increased preparations by the government to defend against foreign influence in America's democracy.

Prosecutors say Russian military intelligence officers pilfered sensitive material with the aim of releasing it to embarrass Democrats. So far, there doesn't appear to have been any release of data taken in this year's intrusion of Republicans' campaign operation.
Pointing out that Russia hacked the Republicans and chose NOT to release any of the results of those hacks doesn't make you guys look too good
Last edited:
Correct, and it hasn't been challenged by anybody, especially Mueller.

From what I heard today, Mueller and Barr are working side by side on the redactions in the report so it can be made public. It seems that Barr and Mueller have worked together before, and Barr has the highest respect for him. So don't set yourself up for too big of a disappointment like all the other times you thought your people had Trump.

i heard the same thing & i certainly hope mueller is involved all the way. i trust bob mueller. i do not trust the person who made iran/CONtra go away, who auditioned for the current AG gig by writing an 18 page essay on why he should get it. do you think barr would have gone as far as he has, if the american people didn't demand it?

AND, there is absolutely NO reason why the gang of 8 can't view the unredacted report. there are precedents already in place with both watergate & bill clinton's grand jury info. not allowing those members of congress to view for themselves what they need to, just reeks of acover up.

No, nobody sees the un-redacted version. There are too many leakers especially on the Democrat side, and no, Clinton and Nixon's wasn't seen un-redacted either.

bullshit. barr can request it being unredacted & given to the very people who have the same TOP SECRET security clearance as he does. there was plenty of unredacted info that starr quoted from the grand jury that was for public consumption alright - let alone the persons who constitutionally are allowed to see.

Excerpts From Clinton's Grand Jury Testimony as Quoted in Starr's Report to Congress

And you have no idea what un-redacted parts Congress would see. You're making assumptions.

But what I said is that the Clinton and Nixon investigations were redacted to whatever degree. Very few have seen a totally un-redacted version. In this case, there are second, third and probably fourth parties that need not be revealed. And let's be honest for once. The only reason Congress wants an un-redacted version is to make false claims against Barr and Trump that can't be proven.

nobody is saying to release the entire unredacted report to those that have a lesse security clearance than the gang of 8 & AG; let alone the general public, ray ray.

nice try. now the cracks are starting to show from within. remember the pentagon papers? history might just repeat itself.

Riddle me this: why does the Congress need to see any un-redacted reports? Can you give me one reason?

The only reason is they are trying to find anything suspicious about Trump for political purposes; to cast doubt on his innocence. It's not worth it. Quit playing politics with this already. We had the 2.5 year Mueller investigation, the IRS has seen Trump's tax returns dozens of times. There's nothing there. If there was ever an anti-Trump person, it's Mueller.

The Democrats should just get out of this with a smidgen of integrity and let it go. Give it up. Concentrate on 2020 instead of trying to change the past. It's not working.
Riddle me this: why does the Congress need to see any un-redacted reports? Can you give me one reason?

Just to piss you off.

Or more correctly because we have a right to know what the fuck happened when Russia attacked our election...all of it
FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia - CNNPolitics

Don't read your own links, do ya. From your article in the very first paragraph:

Washington (CNN)Top intelligence officials indicated on Tuesday that the GOP was also a Russian hacking target but that none of the information obtained was leaked.

FBI director James Comey told a Senate panel that there was "penetration on the Republican side of the aisle and old Republican National Committee domains" no longer in use. Republicans have previously denied their organizations were hacked.

Comey said there was no sign "that the Trump campaign or the current RNC was successfully hacked."

House GOP Campaign Arm Says It Was Hacked During The 2018 Election Cycle

Again, from your article:

It wasn't immediately clear who might be responsible for the cyberattack, but the news followed months of increased preparations by the government to defend against foreign influence in America's democracy.

Prosecutors say Russian military intelligence officers pilfered sensitive material with the aim of releasing it to embarrass Democrats. So far, there doesn't appear to have been any release of data taken in this year's intrusion of Republicans' campaign operation.
Pointing ut that Russia hacked the Republicans and chose NOT to release any of the results of those hacks doesn't make you guys look too good

It doesn't say the attack was successful, only that the RNC was a target. The second link says that it's unclear who was behind it. Furthermore after the attack was discovered, unlike the Democrats, the Republicans immediately contacted the FBI. The Democrats refused to LET the FBI see their server and hired a private firm (that they paid for) to keep information from our government.
Riddle me this: why does the Congress need to see any un-redacted reports? Can you give me one reason?

Just to piss you off.

Or more correctly because we have a right to know what the fuck happened when Russia attacked our election...all of it

But Trump had nothing to do with it. So how would reading an un-redacted report tell you anything? It's like saying you want to see what Trump had to do with the 911 attacks. NOTHING!
But Trump had nothing to do with it. So how would reading an un-redacted report tell you anything?

If that's true then why hide it?

Because they are not looking for anything with Russia, they are looking for anything to cast doubt on his innocence at the expense of innocent people that are mentioned in the report. That's why. Like everything with Democrats, they are only doing this to try to have a political advantage. It has nothing to do with the country.
They kept nothing from "our government"

The FBI Was Denied Access to the DNC’s Server. But, Does it Matter? - Roughly Explained

It is not unusual for organizations subject to hacks to not turn over the keys to their servers. “This is normal practice,” Matt Tate, a British cybersecurity and intelligence expert, explained. “In cases like this, the onus for digital forensics is on the third-party contracted by the company that’s calling in the incident response team, in this case CrowdStrike.”

The New York Times followed the same approach when it was hacked in 2013, bringing in Mandiant, another cybersecurity firm to do the analysis work and coordinate with the FBI.
They kept nothing from "our government"

The FBI Was Denied Access to the DNC’s Server. But, Does it Matter? - Roughly Explained

It is not unusual for organizations subject to hacks to not turn over the keys to their servers. “This is normal practice,” Matt Tate, a British cybersecurity and intelligence expert, explained. “In cases like this, the onus for digital forensics is on the third-party contracted by the company that’s calling in the incident response team, in this case CrowdStrike.”

The New York Times followed the same approach when it was hacked in 2013, bringing in Mandiant, another cybersecurity firm to do the analysis work and coordinate with the FBI.

apple: orange.jpeg

The NYT is a private entity and can hire whoever they like. The DNC deals with government information, so it's only fitting that a government investigative agency handle that breach...........unless of course they are hiding something.
They kept nothing from "our government"

The FBI Was Denied Access to the DNC’s Server. But, Does it Matter? - Roughly Explained

It is not unusual for organizations subject to hacks to not turn over the keys to their servers. “This is normal practice,” Matt Tate, a British cybersecurity and intelligence expert, explained. “In cases like this, the onus for digital forensics is on the third-party contracted by the company that’s calling in the incident response team, in this case CrowdStrike.”

The New York Times followed the same approach when it was hacked in 2013, bringing in Mandiant, another cybersecurity firm to do the analysis work and coordinate with the FBI.
Backtracking after you were proven wrong, hilarious.

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