Link to 409k.

He has not become a god like figure to so many people.

You need to pay more attention to what people on this forum is clear worship

After spending a couple of hours on here, constantly exposed to the hysteria of the Left, it is likely that nuance would be lost.

DId you watch the video? YOu should. It is quite funny and makes a very valid point.

Isn’t this the part where Trump minions explain there really are 409k’s and get their sharpies out to prove it?
‘How are your 409K’s doing?’: Trump tweets about nonexistent retirement plan

trump might have been talking to a group in Texas, but 1 is nowhere near 9 on the keyboard.
fucking idiot. No excuses.

90% increase in your 409k??????, lol at this idiot, so removed from society.

Defend This, should be fun without any deflection.
Can you defend this, without deflection.

Possible Deflections:

That's Not what he meant
I actually got 90% on my 40?K, for Real.

My Favorite,
He is just baiting the media, and they bought it, trump is a stable genius. Playing 3D or 4D+ Chess. lol.

Wow. He failed to accurately remember the name for a type of stock plan!


For a stable genius who majored in Economics at The Wharton School of Business?


The 401k plan came into being after Trump graduated from college.
I posted vids of Trump discussing 401Ks. There are several out there.

He knows what they are.
‘How are your 409K’s doing?’: Trump tweets about nonexistent retirement plan

trump might have been talking to a group in Texas, but 1 is nowhere near 9 on the keyboard.
fucking idiot. No excuses.

90% increase in your 409k??????, lol at this idiot, so removed from society.

Defend This, should be fun without any deflection.
Can you defend this, without deflection.

Possible Deflections:

That's Not what he meant
I actually got 90% on my 40?K, for Real.

My Favorite,
He is just baiting the media, and they bought it, trump is a stable genius. Playing 3D or 4D+ Chess. lol.

Wow. He failed to accurately remember the name for a type of stock plan!


For a stable genius who majored in Economics at The Wharton School of Business?


IF by shocking, you mean completely uninteresting, I agree.

College was how long ago for this guy? Did they even them when he studied? I doubt he has such funds himself, why would he pay much attention to them?

THe primary take away from this thread is how desperate you lefties are, to try to find something, anything, not matter how utterly absurd, to throw at this guy.

Nice try
But we are not talking about a typical graduate. We are talking about a man with a Yuge IQ. Much higher than any other president
A man widely respected for his intellect. A stable genius.
A man who knows more than the Generals.

He would not know what a 401k is?
He does know, moron.
After spending a couple of hours on here, constantly exposed to the hysteria of the Left, it is likely that nuance would be lost.

DId you watch the video? YOu should. It is quite funny and makes a very valid point.

the hysteria of the Left is about 1/4 of the the hysteria of the Trump faithful. To blame it on the left is very disingenuous.

We have people on this forum calling him the greatest president in the history of the country, people compared his little 15 minute speech about Iran where he spent 10 minutes talking about himself to Reagan's' speech.

These are not reactions to the left, these are acts of worship...and the fact you cannot see it leads me to believe you have now drank the kool aid
Last edited:
This is what TDS taking over one's life looks like.

It's amazing Trump has done this to enemies of America. Best president of the USA.

What? Making fun of stupid crap presidents say and do. It has been a time honored tradition to lampoon the stupid things Presidents has said and done, at least as far back as Johnson. I don't remember much politics before that. To be sure, if many of his tweets were on this site without you knowing it was him, many of you guys would eat his ass alive for stupid mistakes, spelling, punctuation and crackpot ideas, such as the fumes coming of wind turbines and wind turbines causing cancer for example. This isn't new. You can scorn people for noticing and laughing, but it would be better if your side could convince him to knock that crap off. Nobody is that stupid, not even Big Don. I think he does it just to start crap and change the subject from things that might actually effect him.

No dude, he is actually seething in rage that Trump is winning for Americans and destroying his utopian ideals of socialism. You can tell, this is the second time he made the same thread. This is TDS, it is controlling his life completely. The amazing success of Trump has

Knock what crap off? Typos? You idiots have not yet even realized that the typos are INTENTIONAL so that you morons go on and report on how Trump won again. Guess what, the story here is not the typo, but the unreasonable effectiveness of the Trump economy. 4D chessed and owned again. Trump is playing you anti-American morons like Carlsen and it is a pleasure to see...

Cheer up kid. Everything's going to be alright. I spoke rationally and even said Saint down was not that stupid. Nobody is, not even you. By the way, I never posted that before, maybe I should have, just to trigger you little cry babies. "Unreasonable effectiveness" of the Trump economy? Interesting turn of phrase skippy. Glad I was debt free before retirement and before he came to office, so I don't have to worry about it. Now I'm bulletproof. Shouldn't you be going to bed so you can get up, go to work and pay your debts?

"said Saint down"

WTF does THAT mean?
oops. Saint Donn, not saint down. late night.

OK. One more time!

WTF does THAT mean?
Yeah, Trump has no idea what a 401K is.......

There are a ton more...



Left got played again. Now it's all over the news that Trump has increased 401Ks by 90%... and best of all the leftist scam artists are reporting it.

Figures lie and liars figure.
There was once a time my 401K had $1,000.
Now it has $500,000.

That is quite the % increase.
Who gets credit for that, Father Time I Guess!
Yeah, Trump has no idea what a 401K is.......

There are a ton more...



Left got played again. Now it's all over the news that Trump has increased 401Ks by 90%... and best of all the leftist scam artists are reporting it.

Figures lie and liars figure.
There was once a time my 401K had $1,000.
Now it has $500,000.

That is quite the % increase.
Who gets credit for that, Father Time I Guess!

Leftists lie, Americans are honest.

Is that what you meant?
Yeah, Trump has no idea what a 401K is.......

There are a ton more...



Left got played again. Now it's all over the news that Trump has increased 401Ks by 90%... and best of all the leftist scam artists are reporting it.

Figures lie and liars figure.
There was once a time my 401K had $1,000.
Now it has $500,000.

That is quite the % increase.
Who gets credit for that, Father Time I Guess!

If you have $500,000 in your 401K, it is because some gave the money to you because nobody as dumb as you appear to be could have possible done that.
THe primary take away from this thread is how desperate you lefties are, to try to find something, anything, not matter how utterly absurd, to throw at this guy.

Desperate. Hell No.

Just like laughing at the dotard.
Like RWI's didn't attack Obama, and still do.

Grow up dude, and take the ridicule that trump deserves.
If you have $500,000 in your 401K, it is because some gave the money to you because nobody as dumb as you appear to be could have possible done that.

Jealous much.
$500,000 is not all that much in this day.
Sure it's nice, but to suggest that I didn't earn that after 30 years of investing, that's just ignorant.

Putting away $500 a month for 30 years is $180,000, without any growth.
With the great growth of the market, $500,000 is not that difficult.

Got that Tory?
Americans doing awesome... leftists complaining, screeching and moaning.

What else is new?
If you have $500,000 in your 401K, it is because some gave the money to you because nobody as dumb as you appear to be could have possible done that.

Jealous much.
$500,000 is not all that much in this day.
Sure it's nice, but to suggest that I didn't earn that after 30 years of investing, that's just ignorant.

Putting away $500 a month for 30 years is $180,000, without any growth.
With the great growth of the market, $500,000 is not that difficult.

Got that Tory?

We all know you are a lying sack of shit, so why wouldn't you lie about this too?
‘How are your 409K’s doing?’: Trump tweets about nonexistent retirement plan

trump might have been talking to a group in Texas, but 1 is nowhere near 9 on the keyboard.
fucking idiot. No excuses.

90% increase in your 409k??????, lol at this idiot, so removed from society.

Defend This, should be fun without any deflection.
Can you defend this, without deflection.

Possible Deflections:

That's Not what he meant
I actually got 90% on my 40?K, for Real.

My Favorite,
He is just baiting the media, and they bought it, trump is a stable genius. Playing 3D or 4D+ Chess. lol.


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