List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.
If the US is the only country imposing sanctions then they're going to be of limited effect.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.
If the US is the only country imposing sanctions then they're going to be of limited effect.

I would like a written explanation from any country not sanctioning Iran why they want Iran to have nukes.....

Ought to be pretty funny
Face it people. It's a great deal because Obama said so. :D That is all it takes for the dems. He told them it was a good idea. They don't need to use any critical thinking skills ever because their party tells them how to feel, what to do, what is okay to say and what is not. Lol.

What the fuck is the matter with you Trump cult members??

It wasn't JUST Obama who thought it was a good deal......How many other countries signed on? Are they all stupid and your orange clown, charlatan is the only "wise" one?....IDIOTS !!!

View attachment 192664

Who in their right mind would think making a deal with a murderous psychotic mullah is a good idea? You would have to be stupid. That is the only possible explanation.
Yeah but he was OUR murderous psychotic Mullah.



I think your second picture is Saddam Hussein.

Who is Roland Reagan?

Yeah, meeting with and speaking with people is different than making deals that you already know will be ignored. Lol.
He was a crackpot who he and his glassy eyed bimbo wife made all their important decisions via psychic in Holiweirdo Kaliforniastan. His real name may have been Maury Gimelfarber but we'll never really know. He had a Hat AND a Horse. Shoe in for a US pResidency.
List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Numero Uno: Trump gets to stick his finger right back into the black eye of Barack Nobody Obama with zero sum gain legacy now. Nobel Prize for Nothing. Obama, our first total blackout president. Nothing now but a kneejerk jerkoff wet-stain gay fantasy of the Left.

First Black-Out President.png
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.

Didn’t take Obama seriously?
Russia, China, France, UK and Germany were in on the agreement

Who is Trump going to get to agree with him now after he unilaterally destroyed the last agreement?
List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

Numero Uno: Trump gets to stick his finger right back into the black eye of Barack Nobody Obama with zero sum gain legacy now. Nobel Prize for Nothing. Obama, our first total blackout president. Nothing now but a kneejerk jerkoff wet-stain gay fantasy of the Left.

View attachment 192770
Damn Goofy
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

Trump kept another dumb campaign promise and got more revenge against Obama for ripping him a new one at White House Correspondents Dinner.

That's it - NOTHING in it for the country .. only for Trumptards.

Do we have a winner yet? Because I went through first 10 pages and can't find a single positive for this country.

Save me time - surely someone thought of SOMETHING .. No? :)
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.

Didn’t take Obama seriously?
Russia, China, France, UK and Germany were in on the agreement

Who is Trump going to get to agree with him now after he unilaterally destroyed the last agreement?

Which one of those countries has the balls to stop Trump from destroying Iran's nuke refineries................
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
Third, what did you hope to accomplish with this? you are siding with Iran?...consider your lefty credentials confirmed

Seems as if the leftists love everything that is anti American. :D
Anyone with a brain hates American govt policy. The two ENORMOUS parties that cost a fortune and NONE of us are invited to. You can cheerlead but keep your hands off the food and drink. It's NOT for you.
BRB. I need to review the tick up in food aid to our newfound friends in North Korea and IsNtReal (our greatest ally) said the check bounced

I will assume that is some kind of nasty way to refer to Israel. This must be the fault of the evil Jews, yet again. Hell, why get in the way of Iran and the other arab countries committing another genocide?
Jews arent " evil" they are in hiding and damn near non existent in duhmerka or Tel a lie IsNtReal (zona bancario). Those are Bolsh that claim to be, yet are not. Seed of Satan.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.
If the US is the only country imposing sanctions then they're going to be of limited effect.
No they won't. Any large company or bank that violates US sanctions will lose access to the US market, which means they will lose money if they do business with Iran.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.

Didn’t take Obama seriously?
Russia, China, France, UK and Germany were in on the agreement

Who is Trump going to get to agree with him now after he unilaterally destroyed the last agreement?
The goal is not to get people to agree with him but to pressure Iran into submitting to a more comprehensive and rigorous agreement that will make it impossible for Iran to become even a nuclear threshold state let alone acquire nukes and to pressure Iran into giving up its imperialist wars across the ME and its sponsorship of terrorism. This was the US position before Obama begged Rohani to talk to him and then crumbled to every Iranian demand so that he could have a deal before he had to leave office. A more responsible president would have continued the sanctions for another year or two or more until Iran was forced to ask the US for talks, but then Obama would have been long out of office and it wouldn't have been his legacy.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.
If the US is the only country imposing sanctions then they're going to be of limited effect.

I would like a written explanation from any country not sanctioning Iran why they want Iran to have nukes.....

Ought to be pretty funny
Can you name a country that wants Iran to have nukes?
I'll send them a request for an explanation on your behalf.
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Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.
Well, it's not like the USA actually makes anything any more. Besides, Iran likely hasn't gotten much from us since the Shah was toppled.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
We had no leverage before because after Obama, no one, especially Iran, took the US seriously. Now the US has enormous leverage because the sanctions will be destroying the Iranian economy. If you recall, it was Obama who said it was the sanctions that gave him the leverage to get Iran to the table before.
If the US is the only country imposing sanctions then they're going to be of limited effect.
No they won't. Any large company or bank that violates US sanctions will lose access to the US market, which means they will lose money if they do business with Iran.
It's going to be interesting to see the reaction of the other signatory countries.
If they choose to defy Trump then they could lend directly to Iran through their central banks for example.
After all...the signatories to the agreement are countries, not private companies or banks.
There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

There is no gain - just loss.

There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.

There is no gain - just loss.

Guess Iran will just have to restock their commercial air fleet with Airbus instead.
It is just shocking how many libtards are bedding down with terrorists against America.

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