List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
I just want to watch the fight ! Orange Jesus vs Sheet Boi (pbuh) with Judge/Rabbi Bibi da Bozo as referee and cheerleader. I wonder if they'll pull Ahmaneedinajob out of retirement to announce it in Arabic?

What ever happened to Baghdad Bob ? Is he at TMZ now ?
What exactly did the U.S. gain from entering into the Iran deal? We spent about a billion in hard earned taxpayer dollars in an extortion scheme and financed terrorist organizations with boxcar loads of cash and euros.

First, it was Iran's money, that had been frozen in the US. Not US taxpayer money.

Most important, what is gained by the deal is the 10 year delay. Attitudes and demographics are not in favour of the hardliners in Iran. The young people, and they are rapidly becoming a majority, are moderate and pro-west. Delay The whack jobs from getting the bomb for 10 years, and by that time you may very well be dealing with a true democratic, pro-west Iran.

And then maybe the Iranians can take democracy to the US too.
Inspections. Limits on what they do.

Inspections that have to give at least 24 days prior notice are a joke Coyote.

But better than nothing - such as is with NK. And the 24 days is only on some sites, not all or even most.

NOT better than nothing. obama gave them enough cash to keep their country going for at least another four years. Instead of allowing them to collapse, he made it possible for them to foment more terror throughout the region.
How beneficial is ANOTHER failed state ina region full of failed states creating lawless regions to support groups like ISIS?

Coyote, the deal that obama gave Iran GUARANTEED THEM A NUKE IN 12 years. How can you possibly think that that is ok?

Because , TRUUUUUUUUUUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bolton and his nutcases are happy. This is nearly as exact replay of the Iraq war. In a few weeks the hawks will start grumbling and trump and his minions will come up with a reason to attack Iran....that is the plan.

Halliburton is Hiring.....

Halliburton was hired by the failed administration of former President Barack Hussein Obama all during his regime. No bids of course. They are one of the few companies of the size able to handle those contracts. Another is located in Russia.

You are very slow. It was the W Regime that enriched Haliburton. The Orange Liar will make the richer. We will have war in Iran son. Bolton just peed his pants with excitement.
Inspections are now off. Iran can start their nuke program tomorrow

What is to stop them?
They have been doing so the entire time. Wank wank wank!

The same thing happened in North Korea. They were secretly making enough nuclear material to fill a thimble. As soon as the shackles came off, they started making nuclear material faster than we did in WW II.

Food for thought.

We had an agreement with Iran, and no bomb yet.

No agreement with NK. They have bombs now.
We did have an agreement with N. Korea. A agreement that Bill said would prevent N. Korea from getting them. It didn't work.

Appeasement doesn't work.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
This is not about economics. It is about trying to ensure they don't get Nukes. It is about applying continuous pressure to get them to stop supporting terror. The deal gave them money on a promise they would suddenly be good little Mullahs. A deal made by a Fool and by very Naive people.
The plan as it exists allowed iran to further their ballistic missile development, didn't prevent them from engaging in State sponsored terrorism, and gave them permission to build a nuke in 10 years. What exactly do you think iran is going to do when they have that missile and nuke? .

Trump just did the same thing Bush did with North Korea. Breaking the deal, taking off all the shackles, allowing them to build a nuke NOW.

Inspections are now off. Iran can start their nuke program tomorrow

What is to stop them?
They have been doing so the entire time. Wank wank wank!
Even Trump admits they haven’t.

We had strict verification in we don’t

What is Trump going to negotiate?
Sanctions on Iran (which soon will be imposed just by us if Trump unilaterally pulls out of the deal) have NOT worked nor will they work in the future..........All that Trump will"accomplish" is the unification of all Iranians against the U.S..

Iran is a leading oil exporters to Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India and China.

Conversely, Iran will import much more from such countries as China, the UAE, India and, of course, Russia.

I'm Dutch (European), and it's actually much much worse than that.

we here in Europe "imported" a fair number of Muslims back in the 1960s to do jobs that whites were no longer willing to do at reasonable wages for such jobs (office cleaning for instance). These muslim populations in the EU got spread out into every village, town, and city, every suburb. In most cases it's a mix in each such village or suburb of whites living right next to Muslims.

currently, due to the war on terror and the many grave mistakes leading to hundreds of thousands of Muslim lives already lost due to poorly executed regime changes and sanctions programs, whites and Muslims in the EU just try to ignore eachother.

but i, as a peace activist who is active on multiple forums internationally, one who actually talks to Muslim hardlines and Muslim moderates, know,
that this peace between whites and Muslims in the EU is fairly fragile.
in fact it's a combustible mix just lacking a primer charge (attacks on Mosques or Synagogues for instance, or insults of the Prophet Mohammed that enjoy state protection {Hebdo, France}) to blow up into actual violent ethnic tensions.
we already saw some of that some years ago in France where they decided to put Muslims together with eachother in very underfunded housing blocks. Eventually the Muslims held a campaign of firebombing cars in white-mans suburbs of their cities.

on the political level, because of the European desire to keep NATO as healthy as possible, you won't find our goverments too critical of the US because they simply can't.

but. the case made by Trump and Netanyahu against Iran is as full of lies as the entire Iraq-WMD story was. And that cost so many (over a million by my count) Iraqi lives that it still and for decades to come serves as a very powerful recruitment tool for Muslim terrorists and their supporters.

then there's the fact Trump made the huge mistake today of telling the world that any country that does not follow the new and apparently ultra-strong sanctions program against Iran, would become subject to US sanctions themselves.
YOU JUST THREATENED ALL OF YOUR ALLY COUNTRIES, AMERICAN GOVERMENT. that is crossing the line so much i'm here to inform you we will be taking decisive counter-measures.

i am a civilian using free speech and common sense and truth. i do not use lies, half-truths, or almost-truths. i focus on facts that are confirmed by sources from all around the world, facts that wise Americans and Europeans and Russians and Asians and Arabs all at least sort-of-agree on.


I *strongly* recommend you don't fall into replying as if you're under attack. Because you're not *just yet*. Your only option is to stay VERY polite and patient with me, because i as a European have much more right to be pissed off about this than you have about the way i started with this firm warning.
You need to ask a person like me what specifically is wrong with Trump's approach while staying polite. If you do, you get polite answers. If you don't, then i use other means to curtail the means of the US to project such lunatic arrogance onto the world.

i spent this morning making some photographs of random citizens in my city, to provide clear evidence of the fact that Europe these days is populated not just by whites, but as least as much by blacks and Muslims too.

by the way, don't try this on a whim, a lot of people do not like being photographed, and some might turn aggressive if you photograph them.
i've found today, without getting into any trouble by the way, that especially Muslims rather not have their picture taken by strangers.
even if it's legal (as it is over here) when outside.

i like to travel, so i'll be adding more evidence shots of different towns in my country The Netherlands, and different suburbs of Amsterdam.NL, in a few days, in a few weeks, to the following google drive cloud hosted photo-album, which can be viewed wihout a google account. all you need is the following link :

2018 evidence of multicultural nature of EU countries - Google Drive
which points to : 2018 evidence of multicultural nature of EU countries - Google Drive
Why we are doing lists I wonder if any of these stupid Moon Bats could list exactly what the Iranians spent those billion of dollars on that those nitwits Obama and Kerry gave them.

Dumbest deal ever!
Hmmmmmmm....excuses for war even though Iran has no nuclear energy program.

Of course...the Saudis say, "Well Played Filthy Don"!


The plan was constructed as it was because obama and kerry are crap negotiators, they were desperate to do a deal to further their legacy, and they gave away the farm because of that desperation. iran ABSOLUTELY will use a nuke when they get it. I grant you that the PEOPLE of iran don't want war, but the mullahs do.. They want the final war, they have Paradise waiting for them.

And yes, the sunset clause gave them permission to develop their nuke after ten years.

i have been advising on the Iran nuclear deal ever since it was first instituted.
first of all, yes, Obama's team was nicer to the Iranians than Trump is at the moment.
that is NOT a bad thing, it's a good thing.

second, and more importantly : Iran's current leadership is not stupid enough nor (religiously or otherwise) insane, to actually use nukes once they have them.
they are using their willingness *not* to develop a nuke as international political leverage or bargaining-chips, much like the North-Koreans have done for decades.

that sunset clause, means the deal should periodically be updated. that is actually very practical and reasonable.

what the Trump team is doing at the moment, is the opposite of reasonable international politics. it's attempt to bully the entire world into accepting the US as effective ruler of the world. that is going to backfire on you Americans big-time.
you still have time to change the minds of Trump and his new attack dogs in foreign policy offices of the US. not a lot of time, until the 12th of May.

but since Trump has already gone before the world to announce his lunatic plans, we'll have to see how the world responds.

i have made my case now.

you Americans can lie like you did about the reasons to cripple-sanction Iraq into widespread deadly famine (over 500k Iraqis died as a result of those sanctions before the removal of Saddam), to invade Iraq based on WMDs that were never found, to do a half-assed job against Libya so that that country now is in a luke-warm civil war for a *still* unknown length of years more,

but the thing is peace-activists like me can no longer support the US on other forums that are frequented by people and intel agency members from all around the world.
nor would i want to.

i've made my case, i've explained all the risks clearly, i've provided photographic evidence of one of my bigger claims, and now i'm going back to my own civilian life in which i don't even read the news at all.

this is now in the hands of intel agencies, diplomats, politicians from all over the world, etc.

repeating myself is pointless. and annoying to have to do.
Filthy Don always makes the best deals. The biggest, the best! Believe me. Now for the Saudi Sword War Dance with the 9/11 terrorist group.

Inspections. Limits on what they do.

Inspections that have to give at least 24 days prior notice are a joke Coyote.

But better than nothing - such as is with NK. And the 24 days is only on some sites, not all or even most.

NOT better than nothing. obama gave them enough cash to keep their country going for at least another four years. Instead of allowing them to collapse, he made it possible for them to foment more terror throughout the region.
How beneficial is ANOTHER failed state ina region full of failed states creating lawless regions to support groups like ISIS?

Coyote, the deal that obama gave Iran GUARANTEED THEM A NUKE IN 12 years. How can you possibly think that that is ok?
No it did not.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
We have less leverage than we had before

Trump will have a difficult time rebuilding the terms he had before
Filthy Don always makes the best deals. The biggest, the best! Believe me. Now for the Saudi Sword War Dance with the 9/11 terrorist group.

Still waiting for Donnie Dealmaker to come up with a significant deal
Filthy Don always makes the best deals. The biggest, the best! Believe me. Now for the Saudi Sword War Dance with the 9/11 terrorist group.

Still waiting for Donnie Dealmaker to come up with a significant deal

Carrier? Oh wait...they let 800 employees go anyways after taking a $7M government pay out.

Steaks, casinos and Universities seemed to be legit gigs for this stable genius, right?

Wait, those payments to Stormy Daniels have to be a legit way to do business in America! What could go wrong there.:113:
The plan was constructed as it was because obama and kerry are crap negotiators, they were desperate to do a deal to further their legacy, and they gave away the farm because of that desperation. iran ABSOLUTELY will use a nuke when they get it. I grant you that the PEOPLE of iran don't want war, but the mullahs do.. They want the final war, they have Paradise waiting for them.

And yes, the sunset clause gave them permission to develop their nuke after ten years.

i have been advising on the Iran nuclear deal ever since it was first instituted.
first of all, yes, Obama's team was nicer to the Iranians than Trump is at the moment.
that is NOT a bad thing, it's a good thing.

second, and more importantly : Iran's current leadership is not stupid enough nor (religiously or otherwise) insane, to actually use nukes once they have them.
they are using their willingness *not* to develop a nuke as international political leverage or bargaining-chips, much like the North-Koreans have done for decades.

that sunset clause, means the deal should periodically be updated. that is actually very practical and reasonable.

what the Trump team is doing at the moment, is the opposite of reasonable international politics. it's attempt to bully the entire world into accepting the US as effective ruler of the world. that is going to backfire on you Americans big-time.
you still have time to change the minds of Trump and his new attack dogs in foreign policy offices of the US. not a lot of time, until the 12th of May.

but since Trump has already gone before the world to announce his lunatic plans, we'll have to see how the world responds.

i have made my case now.

you Americans can lie like you did about the reasons to cripple-sanction Iraq into widespread deadly famine (over 500k Iraqis died as a result of those sanctions before the removal of Saddam), to invade Iraq based on WMDs that were never found, to do a half-assed job against Libya so that that country now is in a luke-warm civil war for a *still* unknown length of years more,

but the thing is peace-activists like me can no longer support the US on other forums that are frequented by people and intel agency members from all around the world.
nor would i want to.

i've made my case, i've explained all the risks clearly, i've provided photographic evidence of one of my bigger claims, and now i'm going back to my own civilian life in which i don't even read the news at all.

this is now in the hands of intel agencies, diplomats, politicians from all over the world, etc.

repeating myself is pointless. and annoying to have to do.
Negates the food for oil program. During the War warehouses full of food was horded by the Government and not given to their people. Starvation there was by the government and not sanctions.

In making a deal with Iran they never demanded Iran stop supporting terrorism or aiding the enemies of the U.S. which they still are doing. It was a bad deal period and did not force proper concessions or allow nuke inspections unfettered.
i'm going to have to break a forum rule, but for a very good cause (the very health of the NATO alliance, the legacy and reputation of the Trump team, the amount of influence the US is about to lose or not if they change their course in time, not to mention the fates of millions of lives in the Middle East)
so please, moderators, allow a single exception for me linking up my other primary peace activism account, here.
cut-and-pasting content from one forum to another simply will not work, and becomes way too much work as well.
i promise i won't be doing this often or ever again maybe even.

you Americans need a different solution than Trump is currently pushing for, with regards to Iran.
i've outlined every aspect of such solutions on another forum, in a single thread.
and it will also prove i have had the US' idealogical back for years now, against fundamentalist Muslims who don't exactly debate in nice tones.

i strongly recommend you read the entire thread. it will give you a good sense of how the Muslim world feels about their "relationship" with the West and especially the US, and it also contains the smarter nicer and more effective solutions i have thought up to keep Iran a non-nuclear state, and how to start to decrease their militancy outside their borders, and the differences between a dumb, a stupid, and a smart sanctions program for a country like Iran.

Iran nuclear deal, 2018. on (.pk is Pakistan)
peacefan on (use 'recent activity' tab)
peacefan on (use 'recent activity' tab)
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List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal

The United States is no longer bound by the ridiculous (non-existing) 'checks and balances' that allows Iran to continue to not only advance their nuclear missile program but continues to develop and acquire Intercontinental Ballistic missiles.
- North Korea, under Barry, was allowed to further their nuclear weapons program and acquire missiles capable of carrying their payload in a strike against US targets. So WHY did Barry negotiate a treaty that opened the door for / allowed Iran to accomplish the same thing...and why hasn't the Lame Stream Media reported on THAT angle? (It's rhetorical, snowflakes - we ALL know why!)

Remaining in this Un-Constitutional Treaty handcuffs the United States, forcing us to comply with the restraints placed upon us while Iran reportedly began violating the terms of the agreement before the deal had even been signed.

The President just eliminated another illegal Obama 'Legacy' issue but is still left with Barry's mess to clean up / deal with.

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