List EXACTLY what the U.S. gains in pulling out of Iran deal.

If we don't face the reasons for their dislike, correction will be difficult or impossible. As it is, Americans appear to think Iran (meaning the régime, because the Iranian people are not like this) hates America for no reason.
American business competitors may be put in a more difficult situation, so that may be a 'gain' for the U.S. economically (in the short term).
So far, no real positives for America are in view. Re-enforcing the hard-liners in Tehran isn't one.
"The Saudis get a great Muslim War Victory Dance once again."

Hit it, Fellas!

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The agreement wasn't "helping" them with a nuclear program. It was specifically designed to stop them developing nukes.

Are you kidding me? By signing an agreement? OMG. Lol. You can't be this naive, can you? Iran is now going to be a good little boy, is that right? Come on. Lol.
Iran Was a good little boy. They felt not having sanctions imposed was worth them giving up their nuclear program. Nobody, not even Trump is suggesting otherwise.

BS. They haven't been good little boys since the mullahs took over. That country actually REGRESSED. Sad for them, but not our problem to deal with. Let's let the other douchebag countries deal with the ME for a change. All of your efforts to make "friends" are just going to backfire. It is a stupid and ridiculous thing to get involved at all in any way whatsoever.
But Trump wants to stay involved by imposing harsher sanctions.
What is he actually trying to achieve?
If you think an agreement isn't enough...what would Iran have to do for you to agree that Trump has achieved what he set out to do?

Well, see, unlike leftists, I can disagree with Trump, no problem. However, while I don't want sanctions, I also don't really think we should have anything to do with them until they come join us in this current era of time. Until that time (if it ever occurs), then we would probably be much better off not dealing with these kinds of nations at all. Let's just stick to the sane people, please!
Oh...I can disagree with Trump as well.
However, I don't understand what you need Iran to do.
How will you judge if they've joined you in this era of time?
If we don't face the reasons for their dislike, correction will be difficult or impossible. As it is, Americans appear to think Iran (meaning the régime, because the Iranian people are not like this) hates America for no reason.

I don't care WHY they hate us. The fact of the matter is, they hate us and they regularly hold "death to America" parades and such. Lol. That is all I need to know.
Are you kidding me? By signing an agreement? OMG. Lol. You can't be this naive, can you? Iran is now going to be a good little boy, is that right? Come on. Lol.
Iran Was a good little boy. They felt not having sanctions imposed was worth them giving up their nuclear program. Nobody, not even Trump is suggesting otherwise.

BS. They haven't been good little boys since the mullahs took over. That country actually REGRESSED. Sad for them, but not our problem to deal with. Let's let the other douchebag countries deal with the ME for a change. All of your efforts to make "friends" are just going to backfire. It is a stupid and ridiculous thing to get involved at all in any way whatsoever.
But Trump wants to stay involved by imposing harsher sanctions.
What is he actually trying to achieve?
If you think an agreement isn't enough...what would Iran have to do for you to agree that Trump has achieved what he set out to do?

Well, see, unlike leftists, I can disagree with Trump, no problem. However, while I don't want sanctions, I also don't really think we should have anything to do with them until they come join us in this current era of time. Until that time (if it ever occurs), then we would probably be much better off not dealing with these kinds of nations at all. Let's just stick to the sane people, please!
Oh...I can disagree with Trump as well.
However, I don't understand what you need Iran to do.
How will you judge if they've joined you in this era of time?

I don't want them to do anything except leave us alone. We leave them alone. They leave us alone. Sounds like the best plan yet. I don't understand why we would be catering to these loons?
Does it mean that one is 'leftist' because of disagreeing with the current U.S. President and not wanting wars?
The Jews will get an additional $11B Supplement to take on Iran and Saudi Arabia, they get our military equipment....missiles, planes, know war stuff.

"'The Jews Will Not Replace Us' crowd is going to have to deal with it; Cause my broke azz needs the money, STAT!"

There is absolutely NO gains to be had for our country, if the buffoon-in-chief unilaterally pulls the U.S. out of the Iran deal........with 2 "notable" exception,of course.

First, Trump's jealousy and his cult followers hatred of Obama gains some solace....and

Second, we are (once again) acting like the "tail" wagging, to the "dog" that is Israel's current junta.
The US steps a bit closer to the self-imposed isolation it craves.
Trump can bluster and tweet and wave his tiny hands about but the Rest Of The World (TM) will just get on with doing the right thing.

The USA is one of the very few country's on this planet that can close its borders completely and do better than it is with all of the entanglements going on. We give away boatloads of cash that could be better used in this country.

I say bring it on. Let's go full isolationist. In 100 years we'll open the borders and see who's left.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
Thanks for a calm, civilized response. They are not so common here.
If this results in true dialog, so much the better. The régime in Tehran is lamentable and progress in such an avenue will be problematic. Caution and prudence will be needed in order to achieve positive results and avoid making matters worse.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
Thanks for a calm, civilized response. They are not so common here.
If this results in true dialog, so much the better. The régime in Tehran is lamentable and progress in such an avenue will be problematic. Caution and prudence will be needed in order to achieve positive results and avoid making matters worse.
Caution and prudence are advisable in all endeavors, but there will be no progress unless the US demonstrates a strong resolve, and sanctions backed by a credible threat of military action if necessary is the way to show such resolve.
Where, again, is that list of what the U.S. gains from unilateral withdrawal? Economic gains? Influence gains? Reputation?
What did Iran do to the U.S. before the intervention in 1953? What has the U.S. done since then to demonstrate change from that kind of intervention? What reason would Iran have to not prepare to defend itself, as any nation would and does?
No one wants Iran to have nuclear weapons. Most people probably don't want anyone to have them. Some nations that we have little confidence in already have them, too. Is it truly sensible to push toward war in this one case, instead of engaging in firm, yet rational discussion and negotiation?
No one is pushing toward war. The US is pushing toward negotiations and is using economic sanctions to push.
Unfortunately though, Iran has as little reason to trust the US administration as the US has to trust Iran.
Especially when you have members of that administration that have advocated the bombing of Iran and regime change in the past.
Iran Was a good little boy. They felt not having sanctions imposed was worth them giving up their nuclear program. Nobody, not even Trump is suggesting otherwise.

BS. They haven't been good little boys since the mullahs took over. That country actually REGRESSED. Sad for them, but not our problem to deal with. Let's let the other douchebag countries deal with the ME for a change. All of your efforts to make "friends" are just going to backfire. It is a stupid and ridiculous thing to get involved at all in any way whatsoever.
But Trump wants to stay involved by imposing harsher sanctions.
What is he actually trying to achieve?
If you think an agreement isn't enough...what would Iran have to do for you to agree that Trump has achieved what he set out to do?

Well, see, unlike leftists, I can disagree with Trump, no problem. However, while I don't want sanctions, I also don't really think we should have anything to do with them until they come join us in this current era of time. Until that time (if it ever occurs), then we would probably be much better off not dealing with these kinds of nations at all. Let's just stick to the sane people, please!
Oh...I can disagree with Trump as well.
However, I don't understand what you need Iran to do.
How will you judge if they've joined you in this era of time?

I don't want them to do anything except leave us alone. We leave them alone. They leave us alone. Sounds like the best plan yet. I don't understand why we would be catering to these loons?
Like I said, you don't know what this is about. Before Obama's deal, Iran had sanctions imposed. In exchange for lifting those sanctions Iran would stop the development of nuclear weapons. Trump has now decided to reimpose sanctions. Doesn't seem that's just leaving them alone now does it?

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