List of Biden's observable, provable failures

The main ones right now are..

- Afghanistan debacle going on right now.
- Highest inflation in decades
- Highest Crime rates in decades (post defund the police, BLM pressure)
- Highest illegal border crossings in decades, with many unvaccinated coming in.
- A lackluster economic response to an artificially created crash.

Anyone else?
And yet, given all this failure, Biden remains a far better president than Trump.

Given all this failure, no one regrets having voted Trump out of office.

We’ll vote Biden out of office in 2024 the consequence of his failure.
In yer wet wild dreams, why did Trump sign an agreement with the enemy?

The May 1 timetable is part of an agreement the Trump administration forged with the Taliban in February 2020. Under that deal, the U.S. agreed to withdraw all its forces; in exchange, the Taliban promised to sever its ties with al-Qaeda and end its attacks on American forces. The Trump administration began a drawdown of U.S. forces, and about 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan now.

Did your echo chamber masters not tell you what Trump did to make this all possible?
Biden turned the US into a liar when he reneged on that agreement, so why are you blaiming Trump for the current fiasco?
The main ones right now are..

- Afghanistan debacle going on right now.
- Highest inflation in decades
- Highest Crime rates in decades (post defund the police, BLM pressure)
- Highest illegal border crossings in decades, with many unvaccinated coming in.
- A lackluster economic response to an artificially created crash.

Anyone else?

This is how the "adults," of the democrat party do things.....
Maybe it would be far easier just to point out his successes! Has there been a single one? Then everything else left over must be a failure, and it is. Joe can't even get the country vaccinated and the whole Covid thing is now falling apart on his watch.

Yeah.....of course.........he has so far managed to negotiate the stairs in the White House without an incident that would be reported to the press....
Biden turned the US into a liar when he reneged on that agreement, so why are you blaiming Trump for the current fiasco?
I am not blaming Trump I am blaming both parties and all that have been in power since the US went into Afghanistan. I am not like you people who need to play party politics.
You hate the use of stats I can tell because it blows yer narrative all to hell, but keep using the word "progs" someday it may fit the bill.

Why make pretend Moonglow? I SAID TRUMP'S NUMBERS WERE HISTPORICALLY BEST BEFORE YOUR KIND FUCKED US OVER ON COVID. Why pretend you disputed that? You didn't, and BTW, Clinton had a Republican congress and they fucked us with internet, Chinese & world elite for short term gain, long term pain.
I am not blaming Trump I am blaming both parties and all that have been in power since the US went into Afghanistan. I am not like you people who need to play party politics.
Trump isn't responsible in any way.
Yeah.....of course.........he has so far managed to negotiate the stairs in the White House without an incident that would be reported to the press....

Yes but aside from falling over the dog and getting hurt, that is hardly any surprise, and Joe can hardly
take credit for it, that was Jill's department and she was right on top of the problem.

The main ones right now are..

- Afghanistan debacle going on right now.
- Highest inflation in decades
- Highest Crime rates in decades (post defund the police, BLM pressure)
- Highest illegal border crossings in decades, with many unvaccinated coming in.
- A lackluster economic response to an artificially created crash.

Anyone else?
Most of that is the fault of the right-wing; especially regarding the pandemic. Why are right-wingers so anti-mask and anti-vax but still trying to blame Biden and the democrats?
The main ones right now are..

- Afghanistan debacle going on right now.
- Highest inflation in decades
- Highest Crime rates in decades (post defund the police, BLM pressure)
- Highest illegal border crossings in decades, with many unvaccinated coming in.
- A lackluster economic response to an artificially created crash.

Anyone else?

Even if our media looks the other way Biden has been taped wandering around the White House grounds
and ignoring Secret Service directions to get him back into the White House itself.

This is how you frequently get nursing home patients simply walking off grounds and winding
up miles away from their facilities.

Our allies know Biden is riddled with dementia and in retrospect it's funny how Pelosi and the
party of socialist cretins were trying to float another impeachment on the grounds Donald
Trump should be replaced due to the 25th Amendment.

  1. Paris Climate Agreement hamstrings US economy while letting China pollute doing nothing for the climate.
  2. Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equality and Support for Underserved Communities is reverse racism that will help no one.
  3. Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation merely shifts discrimination against straight people.
  4. Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) helped create the greatest border crisis we've ever had.
  5. Executive order to Provide an Effective Response to COVID-19 has utterly failed with more covid cases now than a year ago!
  6. Signed Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships. No one even knows what BS this is supposed to accomplish.
  7. Signed Memorandum Condemning Intolerance Against Asian Americans is a solution looking for a problem.
  8. Signing Executive Order Reversing Transgender Military Ban just weakened our military.
  9. Convened to Express Quadrilateral Cooperation another do nothing talk-much liberal thinktank on nothingness.
  10. Retraction of United States Withdrawal from the World Health Organization putting us right back in with an incompetent, corrupt, globalist entity.

Lessee: to sum Biddum all up, according to someone bragging about his greatest accomplishments, Joe:
  1. Crippled our economy for some alleged benefit we hope materializes decades down the road that assumes man is bad,
  2. Elevates another minority group of freaks, weirdos, illegals, and abnormals over mainstream America for another imagined problem,
  3. Made Covid worse,
  4. International butt-kissing.
  5. Weakened the military,
  6. Strengthened global socialism.

  1. Paris Climate Agreement hamstrings US economy while letting China pollute doing nothing for the climate.
  2. Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equality and Support for Underserved Communities is reverse racism that will help no one.
  3. Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation merely shifts discrimination against straight people.
  4. Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) helped create the greatest border crisis we've ever had.
  5. Executive order to Provide an Effective Response to COVID-19 has utterly failed with more covid cases now than a year ago!
  6. Signed Memorandum on Tribal Consultation and Strengthening Nation-to-Nation Relationships. No one even knows what BS this is supposed to accomplish.
  7. Signed Memorandum Condemning Intolerance Against Asian Americans is a solution looking for a problem.
  8. Signing Executive Order Reversing Transgender Military Ban just weakened our military.
  9. Convened to Express Quadrilateral Cooperation another do nothing talk-much liberal thinktank on nothingness.
  10. Retraction of United States Withdrawal from the World Health Organization putting us right back in with an incompetent, corrupt, globalist entity.

Lessee: to sum Biddum all up, according to someone bragging about his greatest accomplishments, Joe:
  1. Crippled our economy for some alleged benefit we hope materializes decades down the road that assumes man is bad,
  2. Elevates another minority group of freaks, weirdos, illegals, and abnormals over mainstream America for another imagined problem,
  3. Made Covid worse,
  4. International butt-kissing.
  5. Weakened the military,
  6. Strengthened global socialism.

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Thanks for giving us an insight on how things are looked at in the right wing universe of alternate facts.
Regardless of who is at fault - it's hard to rationalize the current Afghanistan clusterfuck. This may be even worse than our exit from Vietnam. I feel so sorry for Afghans who helped our soldiers. They and their families are all in grave danger. Major clusterfuck!!!!!
The main ones right now are..

- Afghanistan debacle going on right now.
- Highest inflation in decades
- Highest Crime rates in decades (post defund the police, BLM pressure)
- Highest illegal border crossings in decades, with many unvaccinated coming in.
- A lackluster economic response to an artificially created crash.

Anyone else?
Being sued by 35 states in Federal court for numerous matters
1)Violating border law
2)Cancelling XL pipeline and destroying 10,000 jobs
3)Banning oil and gas drilling on federal land- a judge already overruled him
4)Cancelling loans for nonwhite farmers only-overruled by judge
5)Violating Congressional sanctions on Russian pipeline
Sooner or later we were going to have to admit getting bogged down in Afghanistan was a mistake and we would have to leave. Whoever was in the White House when that happened was going to catch hell. Maybe that's why the actual date of withdrawal was kicked down the road for the last 15 years. Seems like Biden is the one who decided to take the hit.
After 20 years, getting our asses out of Afghanistan
Highest Stock Market Ever
Millions of jobs added
6.5 GDP
300 million doses of COVID Vaccine

After 20 years, getting our asses out of Afghanistan off Trump's goal and Xiden fucked it up.

Highest Stock Market Ever Which has everything to do with wealthy global megacorps while the communists choke-off small business, middle class and poor too. Neat, let's have minimum wage speak while we sell off to Amazon, China and the like, makes so much sense.

Millions of jobs added A result of a pandemic the left entertained and then lifted restrictions while the number of cases doubled.

6.5 GDP Same as above and below economic forecasts, and despite splashing the system with printed cash. Wrong idea and Xiden proves an underachiever like his Democrack predecessor.

300 million doses of COVID Vaccine Making people sick while megacorp pharmaceuticals & other achieve wealth, control and power.

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