List of Biden's observable, provable failures

After 20 years, getting our asses out of Afghanistan off Trump's goal and Xiden fucked it up.

Highest Stock Market Ever Which has everything to do with wealthy global megacorps while the communists choke-off small business, middle class and poor too. Neat, let's have minimum wage speak while we sell off to Amazon, China and the like, makes so much sense.

Millions of jobs added A result of a pandemic the left entertained and then lifted restrictions while the number of cases doubled.

6.5 GDP Same as above and below economic forecasts, and despite splashing the system with printed cash. Wrong idea and Xiden proves an underachiever like his Democrack predecessor.

300 million doses of COVID Vaccine Making people sick while megacorp pharmaceuticals & other achieve wealth, control and power.
Sooner or later we were going to have to admit getting bogged down in Afghanistan was a mistake and we would have to leave. Whoever was in the White House when that happened was going to catch hell. Maybe that's why the actual date of withdrawal was kicked down the road for the last 15 years. Seems like Biden is the one who decided to take the hit.

You missed the part 24/7 misinformation access covers for the Xiden while they make up stories about Trump & such, and most of all, planning and how something is carried out is more better than an excuse. Planning is everything.
The main ones right now are..

- Afghanistan debacle going on right now.
- Highest inflation in decades
- Highest Crime rates in decades (post defund the police, BLM pressure)
- Highest illegal border crossings in decades, with many unvaccinated coming in.
- A lackluster economic response to an artificially created crash.

Anyone else?
xiden, harris and the dems in washington…nothing but disasters and crisis
After 20 years, getting our asses out of Afghanistan off Trump's goal and Xiden fucked it up.

Highest Stock Market Ever Which has everything to do with wealthy global megacorps while the communists choke-off small business, middle class and poor too. Neat, let's have minimum wage speak while we sell off to Amazon, China and the like, makes so much sense.

Millions of jobs added A result of a pandemic the left entertained and then lifted restrictions while the number of cases doubled.

6.5 GDP Same as above and below economic forecasts, and despite splashing the system with printed cash. Wrong idea and Xiden proves an underachiever like his Democrack predecessor.

300 million doses of COVID Vaccine Making people sick while megacorp pharmaceuticals & other achieve wealth, control and power.
ALL attributable to Bidens greatness in fixing this country

That's from lack of oxygen to the brain due reality comes as a shock to PROGS. That lack of oxygen is probably ongoing, I can only think of 1-2 more reasons PROGS prefer to live in the abstract. Might be something to it.
Fun facts:

The Democrats controlled both houses under Ford and Carter, where the economy was in shambles with stagflation & recession., the worst of which occurred on Carter's watch.

The Democrats controlled both houses when we entered the housing crash, and the recession grew deeper with Obama and both houses controlled by Democrats.

The Democrats were worthy participants in the economic crash under the disguise of COVID, on Trump's watch following the best numbers in our history. Now the wealthiest among us are becoming rapidly more rich while the middle class and small business are under assault with the Democrats in control of both houses and the puppet POTUS office too, how's that going so far with underperformance, rapid inflation and so forth?
The main ones right now are..

- Afghanistan debacle going on right now.
- Highest inflation in decades
- Highest Crime rates in decades (post defund the police, BLM pressure)
- Highest illegal border crossings in decades, with many unvaccinated coming in.
- A lackluster economic response to an artificially created crash.

Anyone else?

Well, he didn't start Afghanistan. Bush did. Everyone knew it'd be a disaster, and it played out exactly as could be expected. The US either left now or some time in the future.

Inflation has gone up, did the same under Obama, and then pinged down massively soon after. Too soon to judge this one.

I doubt crime rate statistics are out yet.

His policy on illegal immigration is weird.

The economy goes up and down all the time. Trump had an economy that boomed, then he also has the privilege of having the WORST unemployment rate post WW2.
After 20 years, getting our asses out of Afghanistan
Highest Stock Market Ever
Millions of jobs added
6.5 GDP
300 million doses of COVID Vaccine
People going back to jobs that were shut down are not jobs added dipshit.

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