List Of Charges Against Manafort and Gates Linking Orange Campaign To Russia

Oh you mean like the bitches campaign and the DNC giving money to a lawyer, who in turn gave it to Fusion GPS, who in turn paid Steele for the Russian Dossier? That kind of money laundering?

You've got to turn off Propaganda TV, dude. The ultra-conservative Washington Free Beacon has already admitted that they paid Fusion GPS.

Google them, since FOX won't tell you the truth.

Their contract ended before Steel was engaged by Fusion and they only requested domestic open source research. You folks can keep lying, but it won't change the facts.

You have to supply links. You blew your credibility long ago.

All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign.

Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon - Washington Free Beacon

Do you care whether the Steele Dossier is true? Or are you fixated only on who paid for it, which is irrelevent?

You questioned my credibility and asked for a link, I provided it and you do nothing but deflect, proving you're a true partisan HACK. You regressives had Trump Jr convicted of treason for taking a free meeting that bore no fruits and now you're dismissing a foreign agent being paid to glean mostly fraudulent information from a foreign adversary, to the tune of 12 million dollars. Remember that fraudulent dossier was used to get the second FISA warrant on Manafort, which could ultimately wind'up voiding that warrant and disallow all evidence gathered pursuant to it.

So yeah, who paid for it and why is totally relevant.

Oh and I also disproved your lie about the Free Beacon paying for the dossier.

Really, I'm sure you have proof of that, right?

Mueller does.

Mueller isn't the one making the unsubstantiated claim, you are, now back it up, or admit you lied.

Manafort was arrested today, wasn't he? Is a $10 million bond evidence that he's innocent?

Then there's this:

Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain

This happened in 2014.

And had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign or Jr's meeting. So I guess you lied.

It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO

Big Breaking Update!

Mueller makes critical error in indictments.

An indictment filed by special counsel Robert Mueller Monday incorrectly identifies Ukrainian politician Yulia Tymoshenko as a former Ukrainian president when she is in fact a former prime minister.

Mueller Makes Key Error In Manafort Indictment
It's a detailed 31 page, 12 count incitement. I would be surprised if there wasn't at least one error somewhere. If the error does not require amending the substance of the charge, then it can be amended at any time without a vote of the grand jury otherwise the grand jury would have to vote on the changed indictment. BTW, it is common to alter indictments before the grand jury. This is nitpicking and is a trivial matter.
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(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.

really? the campaign manager isn't connected to the campaign? pappadopolis wasn't connected the campaign, snooks? this is only the first indictment and there will be more against manafort. they only had to do this one sooner because of statute of limitations issues.

but keep telling yourself that the orange loon wasn't tweeting like an insane psycho because he's in a panic-stricken tizzy.
Mueller does.

Mueller isn't the one making the unsubstantiated claim, you are, now back it up, or admit you lied.

Manafort was arrested today, wasn't he? Is a $10 million bond evidence that he's innocent?

Then there's this:

Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain

This happened in 2014.

And had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign or Jr's meeting. So I guess you lied.

It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO


you should probably take that advice/
Mueller isn't the one making the unsubstantiated claim, you are, now back it up, or admit you lied.

Manafort was arrested today, wasn't he? Is a $10 million bond evidence that he's innocent?

Then there's this:

Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain

This happened in 2014.

And had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign or Jr's meeting. So I guess you lied.

It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO


you should probably take that advice/

He claimed criminal acts were revealed in Trump Jr's meeting on wire taps, he can provide no evidence to substantiate that claim. Would you care to try? If not but out.

Trump hires only the best people. Trump has the best judgement.

Trump is the master of extreme vetting to keep out foreign agents.

Extreme vetting. No one will be vetted like I can. I pick the best money launderers and foreign agents.
You've got to turn off Propaganda TV, dude. The ultra-conservative Washington Free Beacon has already admitted that they paid Fusion GPS.

Google them, since FOX won't tell you the truth.

Their contract ended before Steel was engaged by Fusion and they only requested domestic open source research. You folks can keep lying, but it won't change the facts.

You have to supply links. You blew your credibility long ago.

All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign.

Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon - Washington Free Beacon

Do you care whether the Steele Dossier is true? Or are you fixated only on who paid for it, which is irrelevent?

You questioned my credibility and asked for a link, I provided it and you do nothing but deflect, proving you're a true partisan HACK. You regressives had Trump Jr convicted of treason for taking a free meeting that bore no fruits and now you're dismissing a foreign agent being paid to glean mostly fraudulent information from a foreign adversary, to the tune of 12 million dollars. Remember that fraudulent dossier was used to get the second FISA warrant on Manafort, which could ultimately wind'up voiding that warrant and disallow all evidence gathered pursuant to it.

So yeah, who paid for it and why is totally relevant.

Oh and I also disproved your lie about the Free Beacon paying for the dossier.

If you watched a real news program you would know that Mueller has all the emails. From Manafort, from Don, Jr., from everyone.

Free Beacon DID pay for the Fusion GPS. They admitted it.

Steele hasn't gleaned any fraudulent information. It's been corroborated.
Mueller isn't the one making the unsubstantiated claim, you are, now back it up, or admit you lied.

Manafort was arrested today, wasn't he? Is a $10 million bond evidence that he's innocent?

Then there's this:

Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain

This happened in 2014.

And had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign or Jr's meeting. So I guess you lied.

It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO


you should probably take that advice/
This is why I rarely show up here any more. Willful ignorance from these wingnuts. They refuse to even look at any evidence.

Popodopoulos has now pleaded guilty, and has turned over all of his emails, too.

It's quite ironic that emails may be the thing that takes Trump and his crime family down.
Manafort was arrested today, wasn't he? Is a $10 million bond evidence that he's innocent?

Then there's this:

Hacked text messages allegedly sent by Paul Manafort's daughter discuss 'blood money' and killings, and a Ukrainian lawyer wants him to explain

This happened in 2014.

And had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign or Jr's meeting. So I guess you lied.

It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO


you should probably take that advice/

He claimed criminal acts were revealed in Trump Jr's meeting on wire taps, he can provide no evidence to substantiate that claim. Would you care to try? If not but out.

I didn't claim that, liar! I never mentioned Don, Jr's meeting.
And had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign or Jr's meeting. So I guess you lied.

It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO


you should probably take that advice/

He claimed criminal acts were revealed in Trump Jr's meeting on wire taps, he can provide no evidence to substantiate that claim. Would you care to try? If not but out.

I didn't claim that, liar! I never mentioned Don, Jr's meeting.
Once he (OKTEXAS) gets you denying his lies he has successfully deflected.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.
Not on day one. If you knew ANYTHING and obviously you don’t they work up to the big fish..
I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.

Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

It's illegal to meet with Russians?

I bet you believe collusion is illegal.
yes it is illegal. You have to disclose meetings with a foreign power during a campaign. Funny you’re still sticking up for these criminals.
Trump first then America for you.
you're wrong, but that isn't anything new. collusion is not illegal. you should learn the law before posting about what is and isn't legal.
It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO


you should probably take that advice/

He claimed criminal acts were revealed in Trump Jr's meeting on wire taps, he can provide no evidence to substantiate that claim. Would you care to try? If not but out.

I didn't claim that, liar! I never mentioned Don, Jr's meeting.
Once he (OKTEXAS) gets you denying his lies he has successfully deflected.
Momentarily. I'm not going to let his blatant lies stand unchallenged. Especially about what I've said or not said.
(Conspiracy Against The United States)

(Conspiracy To Launder Money)


3 2011 June 29, 2012
4 2012 June 30, 2013
5 2013 June 30, 2014
6 2014 June 30, 2015
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 2011-2014)

7 June 29, 2012
8 2012 June 30, 2013
9 2013 June 30, 2014
(Failure To File Reports Of Foreign Bank And Financial
Accounts For Calendar Years 201 1-2013)

(Unregistered Agent Of A Foreign Principal)

(False and Misleading FARA Statements)
{FARA = Foreign Agents Registration Act}

(False Statements)
~~ Manafort Gates Indictment Special Counsel ~~

For all you folks that will respond with crap claiming that the charges don't include a foundation linking Russia to the Orange campaign, especially Charge One, then God have mercy on you dumb asses, because you were too fucked to listen to the news for the last 16 months.

I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.
Not on day one. If you knew ANYTHING and obviously you don’t they work up to the big fish..
Trump fan boys not being able to see things really dosent matter and overplayed. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty today and was inside the campaign meeting with Russians. Because you can't "see it" you thinks that's cool.

And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

It's illegal to meet with Russians?

I bet you believe collusion is illegal.
yes it is illegal. You have to disclose meetings with a foreign power during a campaign. Funny you’re still sticking up for these criminals.
Trump first then America for you.
you're wrong, but that isn't anything new. collusion is not illegal. you should learn the law before posting about what is and isn't legal.

There is no crime called collusion. It would be conspiracy to commit a criminal act. Does that help you?
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I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.
Not on day one. If you knew ANYTHING and obviously you don’t they work up to the big fish..
And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

It's illegal to meet with Russians?

I bet you believe collusion is illegal.
yes it is illegal. You have to disclose meetings with a foreign power during a campaign. Funny you’re still sticking up for these criminals.
Trump first then America for you.
you're wrong, but that isn't anything new. collusion is not illegal. you should learn the law before posting about what is and isn't legal.

There is no crime called collusion. It would be conspiracy. Does that help you?
well why are all your news source always saying it?
Their contract ended before Steel was engaged by Fusion and they only requested domestic open source research. You folks can keep lying, but it won't change the facts.

You have to supply links. You blew your credibility long ago.

All of the work that Fusion GPS provided to the Free Beacon was based on public sources, and none of the work product that the Free Beacon received appears in the Steele dossier. The Free Beacon had no knowledge of or connection to the Steele dossier, did not pay for the dossier, and never had contact with, knowledge of, or provided payment for any work performed by Christopher Steele. Nor did we have any knowledge of the relationship between Fusion GPS and the Democratic National Committee, Perkins Coie, and the Clinton campaign.

Fusion GPS and the Washington Free Beacon - Washington Free Beacon

Do you care whether the Steele Dossier is true? Or are you fixated only on who paid for it, which is irrelevent?

You questioned my credibility and asked for a link, I provided it and you do nothing but deflect, proving you're a true partisan HACK. You regressives had Trump Jr convicted of treason for taking a free meeting that bore no fruits and now you're dismissing a foreign agent being paid to glean mostly fraudulent information from a foreign adversary, to the tune of 12 million dollars. Remember that fraudulent dossier was used to get the second FISA warrant on Manafort, which could ultimately wind'up voiding that warrant and disallow all evidence gathered pursuant to it.

So yeah, who paid for it and why is totally relevant.

Oh and I also disproved your lie about the Free Beacon paying for the dossier.

If you watched a real news program you would know that Mueller has all the emails. From Manafort, from Don, Jr., from everyone.

Free Beacon DID pay for the Fusion GPS. They admitted it.

Steele hasn't gleaned any fraudulent information. It's been corroborated.

BS, it has largely been disproved.

And had absolutely nothing to do with the campaign or Jr's meeting. So I guess you lied.

It has to do with the reason for wiretapping Manafort. That wiretapping has revealed other criminal acts.

Repeating your lie doesn't make it any more true. LMAO


you should probably take that advice/

He claimed criminal acts were revealed in Trump Jr's meeting on wire taps, he can provide no evidence to substantiate that claim. Would you care to try? If not but out.

I didn't claim that, liar! I never mentioned Don, Jr's meeting.

OK, I guess I'll have to dismantle your lie one step at a time, Reasonable said:

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it.

Name the five.

You injected wire taps immediately after that.

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I read the entire indictment. I didn't see a single connection to the Trump campaign.

All the news you've been watching must have been fake news.
Not on day one. If you knew ANYTHING and obviously you don’t they work up to the big fish..
And the campaign rejected everything he proposed. So your point would be?

5 members of trump’s campaign illegally met with Russians and lied about it. And you think trump didn’t know about it nor directed them? Lol
If Hillary did this would you feel the same way?

It's illegal to meet with Russians?

I bet you believe collusion is illegal.
yes it is illegal. You have to disclose meetings with a foreign power during a campaign. Funny you’re still sticking up for these criminals.
Trump first then America for you.
you're wrong, but that isn't anything new. collusion is not illegal. you should learn the law before posting about what is and isn't legal.

There is no crime called collusion. It would be conspiracy. Does that help you?

Conspiracy to what end, winning an election? Every politician is guilty of that.


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