List of companies exempted from Obamacare - Must be over 1000!!!

Thanks for the link but Breitbart? Really? I'm not doubting the story but I can't reasonably trust anything that is produced by that site.

then find your own cite. there are plenty of places to find the Hoffa quotes.

(1) Hoffman wants the law altered to protect union health packages; he does not want ACA ended.

(2) The reactionaries should be delighted that the union membership will be eligible for the same type of coverages as the rest of us, unless

(3) The reactionaries now are union supporters.

Please read the entire letter posted above.
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Dear Leader Reid and Leader Pelosi:

When you and the President sought our support for the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat. Right now, unless you and the Obama Administration enact an equitable fix, the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.

Like millions of other Americans, our members are front-line workers in the American economy. We have been strong supporters of the notion that all Americans should have access to quality, affordable health care. We have also been strong supporters of you. In campaign after campaign we have put boots on the ground, gone door-to-door to get out the vote, run phone banks and raised money to secure this vision.

Now this vision has come back to haunt us.

Since the ACA was enacted, we have been bringing our deep concerns to the Administration, seeking reasonable regulatory interpretations to the statute that would help prevent the destruction of non-profit health plans. As you both know first-hand, our persuasive arguments have been disregarded and met with a stone wall by the White House and the pertinent agencies. This is especially stinging because other stakeholders have repeatedly received successful interpretations for their respective grievances. Most disconcerting of course is last week’s huge accommodation for the employer community—extending the statutorily mandated “December 31, 2013” deadline for the employer mandate and penalties.

Time is running out: Congress wrote this law; we voted for you. We have a problem; you need to fix it. The unintended consequences of the ACA are severe. Perverse incentives are already creating nightmare scenarios:

First, the law creates an incentive for employers to keep employees’ work hours below 30 hours a week. Numerous employers have begun to cut workers’ hours to avoid this obligation, and many of them are doing so openly. The impact is two-fold: fewer hours means less pay while also losing our current health benefits.

Second, millions of Americans are covered by non-profit health insurance plans like the ones in which most of our members participate. These non-profit plans are governed jointly by unions and companies under the Taft-Hartley Act. Our health plans have been built over decades by working men and women. Under the ACA as interpreted by the Administration, our employees will treated differently and not be eligible for subsidies afforded other citizens. As such, many employees will be relegated to second-class status and shut out of the help the law offers to for-profit insurance plans.

And finally, even though non-profit plans like ours won’t receive the same subsidies as for-profit plans, they’ll be taxed to pay for those subsidies. Taken together, these restrictions will make non-profit plans like ours unsustainable, and will undermine the health-care market of viable alternatives to the big health insurance companies.

On behalf of the millions of working men and women we represent and the families they support, we can no longer stand silent in the face of elements of the Affordable Care Act that will destroy the very health and wellbeing of our members along with millions of other hardworking Americans.

We believe that there are common-sense corrections that can be made within the existing statute that will allow our members to continue to keep their current health plans and benefits just as you and the President pledged. Unless changes are made, however, that promise is hollow.

We continue to stand behind real health care reform, but the law as it stands will hurt millions of Americans including the members of our respective unions.

We are looking to you to make sure these changes are made.

James P. Hoffa
General President
International Brotherhood of Teamsters

Joseph Hansen
International President

D. Taylor
Hoffman wants the law altered to protect union health packages; he does not want ACA ended. The reactionaries should be delighted that the union membership will be eligible for the same type of coverages as the rest of us, unless (3) The reactionaries now are union supporters.

Please read the entire letter posted above.
Those are waivers that run out next year, so they can keep their crummy health plans that nobody actually uses. Duping the ignorant again.

So if they are crummy plans that no one uses, why would the government let them continue to dupe the policyholders?

must help some people, and of course to shut up the bs ppropagandamachine...

You are the one that stated they are crummy plans and nobody uses them, isn't the intent of Obamacare to provide affordable, good health care?

So if the plans are crummy, why are they granting waivers for these plans? Why is Obama making them stay with crummy plans?
So if they are crummy plans that no one uses, why would the government let them continue to dupe the policyholders?

must help some people, and of course to shut up the bs ppropagandamachine...

You are the one that stated they are crummy plans and nobody uses them, isn't the intent of Obamacare to provide affordable, good health care?

So if the plans are crummy, why are they granting waivers for these plans? Why is Obama making them stay with crummy plans?

It's not the plans, it's the lead time and paper work that are the issues and reasons for delay.
Hoffman wants the law altered to protect union health packages; he does not want ACA ended. The reactionaries should be delighted that the union membership will be eligible for the same type of coverages as the rest of us, unless (3) The reactionaries now are union supporters.

Please read the entire letter posted above.


Wants the LAW ALTERED..................................

Anymore questions.
must help some people, and of course to shut up the bs ppropagandamachine...

You are the one that stated they are crummy plans and nobody uses them, isn't the intent of Obamacare to provide affordable, good health care?

So if the plans are crummy, why are they granting waivers for these plans? Why is Obama making them stay with crummy plans?

It's not the plans, it's the lead time and paper work that are the issues and reasons for delay.

Franco said, they were crummy plans and not used. Talk to him, he is the one making stupid statements, I'm asking him, not you, why he is making such statements.

this one line from the Hoffa letter says it all:

"We continue to stand behind real health care reform, but the law as it stands will hurt millions of Americans including the members of our respective unions."
I don't care how long.

It doesn't matter how long

If one person or business gets a pass then everyone should.

Try getting an exemption if you're a self employed carpenter. I bet you can't but if your a rich enough ass to pay Obambam's exorbitant per plate costs at a fundraiser you can buy a pass.

I don't get what's so hard to understand about applying a mandate equally to all including our scum sucking politicians who btw will be exempt as well.

Depends on where you live and your income. If you are self employed, hire a tax advisor.
People exempt:
Certain low-income individuals: Those who cannot afford coverage, or live in states that have opted out of the Medicaid expansion;
People who have no plan options in their state's health insurance exchange.
Other individuals who meet certain criteria: Specifically, individuals who have suffered a hardship or a coverage gap of three or fewer months.
: Specifically, individuals who have suffered a hardship or a coverage gap of three or fewer months.

Yes, but this is a different type of exemption than what the OP is referring to. This deals with the exemption for individuals primarily based upon income and the whole reason ACA was enacted to help get coverage for everyone. But then again, you people wouldn't understand the difference anyway. Obama! Communism! Bad!

Finally! Something we can agree on.

CBO report. Please look at page 28

Notice the percent of income......................

Under Obamacare, individuals who have to pay over 8% of their income for insurance can apply for a Waiver..............................

The Individual Mandate | ObamaCare Watch

Limited “Hardship” Exemption

The hardship exemption to the mandate is extremely limited. To be exempt from the insurance requirement, someone would have to be facing insurance premiums at least equal to 8 percent of his or her income.

Does anybody else understand the problem I'm referring to here...............................

This using a CBO report and a user site friendly to Obama........................

You can't fix stupid.
It's not the plans, it's the lead time and paper work that are the issues and reasons for delay.

Oh stop with the pathetic spin. Your god obozo promised it would apply to everyone and now he's giving exemptions to millions of people!!!
Here's a nifty little story on Congress and how they have exempted themselves.

Seems the dumbasses who passed this POS bill didn't read it. Color me shocked. Now they are finding that they actually fucked themselves as well as the rest of us.

Of course being Congress, they can correct that mistake for themselves but don't think they will admitt the mistake that they made for the rest of us.

Review & Outlook: Congress's ObamaCare Exemption -

The lesson for Americans is that the Democrats who passed Obamacare didn't even understand what they were doing to themselves, much less to every one else. But you can bet Democrats will never extend to ordinary Americans the same fixes that they are now claiming for themselves. The real class divide in President Obama's America is between the political class and everyone else.

Wonder how long all those exemptions are really gonna last. Any bets on forever??
It's not the plans, it's the lead time and paper work that are the issues and reasons for delay.

Oh stop with the pathetic spin. Your god obozo promised it would apply to everyone and now he's giving exemptions to millions of people!!!

You're right. Millions of people don't have to have any healthcare insurance, but they are automatically going to have all of their medical bills covered anyway...just because. They also will receive $1000 Best Buy Gift Cards and free chicken sandwiches for life from Chic-fil-A.
Here's a nifty little story on Congress and how they have exempted themselves.

Seems the dumbasses who passed this POS bill didn't read it. Color me shocked. Now they are finding that they actually fucked themselves as well as the rest of us.

Of course being Congress, they can correct that mistake for themselves but don't think they will admitt the mistake that they made for the rest of us.

Review & Outlook: Congress's ObamaCare Exemption -

The lesson for Americans is that the Democrats who passed Obamacare didn't even understand what they were doing to themselves, much less to every one else. But you can bet Democrats will never extend to ordinary Americans the same fixes that they are now claiming for themselves. The real class divide in President Obama's America is between the political class and everyone else.

Wonder how long all those exemptions are really gonna last. Any bets on forever??

Not a chance I'd take that bet.

My last post was referring to the individual Mandate Waiver clause of 8%. The CBO data basically puts MOST INDIVIDUALS ABOVE THIS MARK. aka Pretty much millions can apply for the waiver by this rule.

The most inept wrote this Law. What will they do when the Flood Gates are opened for having to pay more than the 8% rule.
Here's a nifty little story on Congress and how they have exempted themselves.

Seems the dumbasses who passed this POS bill didn't read it. Color me shocked. Now they are finding that they actually fucked themselves as well as the rest of us.

Of course being Congress, they can correct that mistake for themselves but don't think they will admitt the mistake that they made for the rest of us.

Review & Outlook: Congress's ObamaCare Exemption -

The lesson for Americans is that the Democrats who passed Obamacare didn't even understand what they were doing to themselves, much less to every one else. But you can bet Democrats will never extend to ordinary Americans the same fixes that they are now claiming for themselves. The real class divide in President Obama's America is between the political class and everyone else.

Wonder how long all those exemptions are really gonna last. Any bets on forever??

Link is broken, which matches your knowledge of this situation.
Here's a nifty little story on Congress and how they have exempted themselves.

Seems the dumbasses who passed this POS bill didn't read it. Color me shocked. Now they are finding that they actually fucked themselves as well as the rest of us.

Of course being Congress, they can correct that mistake for themselves but don't think they will admitt the mistake that they made for the rest of us.

Review & Outlook: Congress's ObamaCare Exemption -

The lesson for Americans is that the Democrats who passed Obamacare didn't even understand what they were doing to themselves, much less to every one else. But you can bet Democrats will never extend to ordinary Americans the same fixes that they are now claiming for themselves. The real class divide in President Obama's America is between the political class and everyone else.

Wonder how long all those exemptions are really gonna last. Any bets on forever??

Link is broken, which matches your knowledge of this situation.

sorry RDD, but your lack of knowledge on this topic has been exposed several times already.

continue if you enjoy being laughed at.
this one line from the Hoffa letter says it all:

"We continue to stand behind real health care reform, but the law as it stands will hurt millions of Americans including the members of our respective unions."

Why do you think Unions should get special advantages over regular people?

Here's a nifty little story on Congress and how they have exempted themselves.

Seems the dumbasses who passed this POS bill didn't read it. Color me shocked. Now they are finding that they actually fucked themselves as well as the rest of us.

Of course being Congress, they can correct that mistake for themselves but don't think they will admitt the mistake that they made for the rest of us.

Review & Outlook: Congress's ObamaCare Exemption -

The lesson for Americans is that the Democrats who passed Obamacare didn't even understand what they were doing to themselves, much less to every one else. But you can bet Democrats will never extend to ordinary Americans the same fixes that they are now claiming for themselves. The real class divide in President Obama's America is between the political class and everyone else.

Wonder how long all those exemptions are really gonna last. Any bets on forever??

Link is broken, which matches your knowledge of this situation.

Link worked just fine for me.

My knowledge is as good as yours there boyo. Only difference is that I don't believe all the bs coming out of this administration and the Dem assholes who passed the ACA.

Get back to me when your paying through the nose for you "Affordable" HC and I will certainly get back to you when my HC costs are cheap, cheap, cheap.

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