List of elite American executives dining with genocidal communist “Guest of Honor” Xi Jinping last night for $40,000 in San Francisco.

Those companies make most of their money in China.

Trump makes a lot of money there, too.

So you approve 😄
he slapped trade tariff's on his commie ass .
Far left protectionist tariff's which increased our trade gap with China to record levels, cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers.

And I guess you have not been informed that Biden has kept those tariffs in place. Hail Biden!
Who has killed more people since 2013, China or the US?
2013 ? That's a weirdly specific date to start a count. Communist China has murdered millions more in it's short 74 year history than the US has in it's 246.

The US is not innocent by any stretch, but every Communist/Socialist country outpaces the USA by a lot when it comes to mass murder and they are experts at doing it in a very short amount of time.
And what happens when the price of a product goes up...dumbass.
What happens?

Trump's far left tariffs cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers.

And worth every penny.
g5000: you wonderful sarcastic bastard! Worth every penny? The democrats think so. Americans homeless and dying in the streets need that money? FUCK THAT! Biden to hands out $ to China, Iran and Ukraine. And what do what get in return? What?
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g5000: you wonderful sarcastic bastard! Worth every penny? The democrats think so. Americans homeless and dying in the streets need that money. Biden to hands out $ to China, Iran and Ukraine. And what do what get in return?
Our support for Ukraine is a national security issue in more ways than one.

KGB Putin has imperialist aims to reconstitute the Soviet Union. The Ukraine is only the most recent target of his various invasions of other countries to bring them under his iron grip.

Putin has no intention of stopping at Ukraine, any more than Hitler was going to stop after the Sudetenland followed by the entirety of Czechoslovakia.

Our support for Ukraine has helped to bring Putin's mad power drive to a grinding halt. It has exposed his weaknesses, vastly depleted his military strength, and perhaps placed his very survival in jeopardy.

All without shedding a drop of American blood.

What's more, Ukraine is the world's bread basket. If we allow a mass murdering dictator to control a significant portion of the world's food supply, we will all pay a cost at our kitchen tables.

rAs I said, our support for Ukraine is worth every penny.
Our support for Ukraine is a national security issue in more ways than one.

KGB Putin has imperialist aims to reconstitute the Soviet Union. The Ukraine is only the most recent target of his various invasions of other countries to bring them under his iron grip.

Putin has no intention of stopping at Ukraine, any more than Hitler was going to stop after the Sudetenland followed by the entirety of Czechoslovakia.

Our support for Ukraine has helped to bring Putin's mad power drive to a grinding halt. It has exposed his weaknesses, vastly depleted his military strength, and perhaps placed his very survival in jeopardy.

All without shedding a drop of American blood.

What's more, Ukraine is the world's bread basket. If we allow a mass murdering dictator to control a significant portion of the world's food supply, we will all pay a cost at our kitchen tables.

rAs I said, our support for Ukraine is worth every penny.
I misunderstood your post. Ukraine lost. And we STILL have poor homeless that needed that money a lot more. And America could have better spent that taxpayer's moneys on needy American FIRST. Damn, its our money!
$40K probably barely covered the wage of the dishwashers for the evening in San Fran Nan Land.
he slapped trade tariff's on his commie ass .

Yes, tariffs that we the people paid, and then he had to give billions to our farmers to make up for what he cost them.

China won that round.

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