List of Fake Scandals In The Last 30 Days

But it is imaginary. Unless you can tell me when Hillary Clinton had presidential powers to abuse.
She was Secretary of state.

Still a crime.
What is a crime? Asking a foreign leader to investigate your rival under a thread of no funding?

Who is the rival you are talking about here?

Is Hunter Biden running for president?
Wow, you can't be this fucking stupid? oh wait.....
Do not underestimate the power of stupid people to say dumb things.
Or stupid people to believe what stupid people say. (Democrats)
So, was she or wasn't she president? The post I originally quoted claimed she was.
She might have been the President of area 51 but nothing else.
So then why did you jump in a defend the idiot who claimed she was?
The "idiot"? Who the hell are you talking about dumbass?

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Whoever it was who originally claimed Hillary Clinton abused her presidential powers.

Was that you? You tRumplings all look alike on the internet.
"Whoever it was who originally claimed Hillary Clinton abused her Presidential powers". AYFKM? That sounds exactly like one of those made up accusations the NYT is becoming famous for. You guys are all starting to sound like Biden, your guy.
Words have meanings son, learn the before you use them.
She might have been the President of area 51 but nothing else.
So then why did you jump in a defend the idiot who claimed she was?
The "idiot"? Who the hell are you talking about dumbass?

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Whoever it was who originally claimed Hillary Clinton abused her presidential powers.

Was that you? You tRumplings all look alike on the internet.
"Whoever it was who originally claimed Hillary Clinton abused her Presidential powers". AYFKM? That sounds exactly like one of those made up accusations the NYT is becoming famous for. You guys are all starting to sound like Biden, your guy.
Words have meanings son, learn the before you use them.
You come around here with your monkey see monkey do observations and don't expect me to call you on it? Fat chance, Qdog. I can't let you run wild with your NYTimes like jive. You're like a bug flying toward the pretty purple light amigo. If you don't turn around soon, you'll be mental toast.
It's not imaginary, it was reported.

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But it is imaginary. Unless you can tell me when Hillary Clinton had presidential powers to abuse.
She was Secretary of state.

Still a crime.
What is a crime? Asking a foreign leader to investigate your rival under a thread of no funding?

Who is the rival you are talking about here?

Is Hunter Biden running for president?
Wow, you can't be this fucking stupid? oh wait.....

You claim Trump is asking to investigate Joe Biden, while media claim that Trump ask to investigate Hunter Biden. Which one it is? Hunter Biden is not a rival.
He doesn't have to release the transcripts. Even if he asked Ukrainians to look into Hunter Biden business in Ukraine, which he's denying, he's done nothing illegal. Beside, I don't have a problem with sitting president trying to find out that former vice president is corrupt.

Biden bragged how he obstructed the investigation into his son and his business, he demanded firing of the prosecutor that was doing the investigation and threaten to block American billion dollar funding to Ukraine.

Why did Trump withhold Congressionally-authorized aid from Ukraine? Why did he subsequently release it, after the administration learned of the whistleblower complaint?

Actually there were two aid packages that he was holding, one passed by the Congress, and another one by the state department. Both of them are put on hold since Ukraine elected new president whose allegiance to the U.S. was in question. Holding funds has nothing to do with Biden or his son, just as previous president resisted and slow-walk to send aid to Ukraine.
Oh, so either Biden lied or you're lying.
Biden said he withheld funds....but......but.....but you say.... he had nothing to do with it.

One of you dumbasses is lying.

I think it's you.

What I am talking about is current funds that were held by Trump.

During Barry's presidency, Biden held the funds in order to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son's business.

Those are two different cases.
Yes they are different.

1) It was not his son's business . It was an Ukrainian Company & Biden son was just a board member.

2) Other countries were also pushing to get this prosecutor removed

3) That investigation into that Ukrainian company had been dormant for months,

Now, quit your fucking lying.

1. "Just a board member" where he gets paid $83k a month plus consulting fees.

All that after Joe became Barry's point man for Ukraine.

Not to mention, Hunter flying with Joe on AF2 to China where he get private equity from Chinese government worth $1B... but it's just his business, nothing to see here.

2. How many other countries were bragging about getting prosecutor removed and taking a credit for it?

3. That is not that fired prosecutor is saying.
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.
Fake? Which one is fake? They all seem to be easily verifiable as true.

Which one has been verified?
I asked first kiddo.

All fake.

Now... Which one has been verified? Who verified it?
Prove it.

Prove what? That is fake?

No moron, you have to prove your claims are real. I can't prove something that's fake to be real.
They all seem to be true

Trump knew Epstein well

Only as well as a cop knows a criminal.....
You forgot to mention he Kicked him the fuck out of his club for solicitation

& still had some +/- different contact numbers of trump & his filthy family for years after.
So? Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the lolita express... I'd say that is worse.

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the flight log actually says otherwise. he was on the plane a few times, but as written - the frequent stops etc are combos. but hey, i say if slick willy (whom i didn't vote for btw ) is guilty of anything nasty - i would like him nailed to the wall.

can you say the same about the pussy grabbing prez?
Sure, why wouldn't I?

So, you say "if" in Clinton's case, then make excuses for him being on the plane, but condemn Trump for far less...

Hmmmm....not adding up buddy.

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lol - you ask as if there isn't a chance that you would say bubba is guilty & president tinkles isn't.... its been done b4 by some rw whacjkjobs, & it's on this very thread; so why not you too? anyhoo, i'm making no excuses - it's been reported. trump has been accused by one woman who puts him AND jeffery epstein in the same house when she was 13. not to mention some 20+ other females have claimed that donny has either raped or assaulted them in some manner. you think THAT'S far less? that NONE of it could possibly be true? silly you.
Only as well as a cop knows a criminal.....
You forgot to mention he Kicked him the fuck out of his club for solicitation

& still had some +/- different contact numbers of trump & his filthy family for years after.
So? Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on the lolita express... I'd say that is worse.

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the flight log actually says otherwise. he was on the plane a few times, but as written - the frequent stops etc are combos. but hey, i say if slick willy (whom i didn't vote for btw ) is guilty of anything nasty - i would like him nailed to the wall.

can you say the same about the pussy grabbing prez?
Sure, why wouldn't I?

So, you say "if" in Clinton's case, then make excuses for him being on the plane, but condemn Trump for far less...

Hmmmm....not adding up buddy.

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lol - you ask as if there isn't a chance that you would say bubba is guilty & president tinkles isn't.... its been done b4 by some rw whacjkjobs, & it's on this very thread; so why not you too? anyhoo, i'm making no excuses - it's been reported. trump has been accused by one woman who puts him AND jeffery epstein in the same house when she was 13. not to mention some 20+ other females have claimed that donny has either raped or assaulted them in some manner. you think THAT'S far less? that NONE of it could possibly be true? silly you.

In this day and age where everything, and anything would be alleged by people being pressured by forces much larger than they are I believe nothing....You seem to because you want to.
So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting


Biden isn't president.

And never will be!


Trump is the one abusing his powers as President
So much so that a whistleblower felt the need to report what is going on

Trump is in full obstruction mode

LMAO Whistle blower?? More like gossip monger. He repeated what someone else told him. He never heard shit. Hearsay.

Oh and if you actually read the transcript Trump never mentioned Biden or his son.

All you are is a biased bull shitter.
So, how did our President use his Presidential Power with Ukraine?

Did he offer military aid in return for information about a political opponent?
If he did, it is impeachable

Maybe that is what the whistleblower thought was worth reporting


Biden isn't president.

And never will be!


Trump is the one abusing his powers as President
So much so that a whistleblower felt the need to report what is going on

Trump is in full obstruction mode

LMAO Whistle blower?? More like gossip monger. He repeated what someone else told him. He never heard shit. Hearsay.

Oh and if you actually read the transcript Trump never mentioned Biden or his son.

All you are is a biased bull shitter.

He said that "Trump is in full on obstruction mode"... Yeh, so much so that he actually declassified the transcript of the phone call, which no president has ever done in the name of transparency....Now that is some real obstruction right
Nothing! Trump is going to show us how "pitch perfect" the call was:

Grisham: Trump 'willing' to release Ukraine call transcript, but it could set 'bad precedent'

I'm just kidding. I couldn't resist. Trump will never release the transcript. Not a true, complete one, anyway.

He doesn't have to release the transcripts. Even if he asked Ukrainians to look into Hunter Biden business in Ukraine, which he's denying, he's done nothing illegal. Beside, I don't have a problem with sitting president trying to find out that former vice president is corrupt.

Biden bragged how he obstructed the investigation into his son and his business, he demanded firing of the prosecutor that was doing the investigation and threaten to block American billion dollar funding to Ukraine.

Why did Trump withhold Congressionally-authorized aid from Ukraine? Why did he subsequently release it, after the administration learned of the whistleblower complaint?

Actually there were two aid packages that he was holding, one passed by the Congress, and another one by the state department. Both of them are put on hold since Ukraine elected new president whose allegiance to the U.S. was in question. Holding funds has nothing to do with Biden or his son, just as previous president resisted and slow-walk to send aid to Ukraine.
Oh, so either Biden lied or you're lying.
Biden said he withheld funds....but......but.....but you say.... he had nothing to do with it.

One of you dumbasses is lying.

I think it's you.

What I am talking about is current funds that were held by Trump.

During Barry's presidency, Biden held the funds in order to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son's business.

Those are two different cases.
Actually, the prosecutor wasn’t investigating anyone’s business and corruption was rampant

Why would the EU care about Bidens son?
He doesn't have to release the transcripts. Even if he asked Ukrainians to look into Hunter Biden business in Ukraine, which he's denying, he's done nothing illegal. Beside, I don't have a problem with sitting president trying to find out that former vice president is corrupt.

Biden bragged how he obstructed the investigation into his son and his business, he demanded firing of the prosecutor that was doing the investigation and threaten to block American billion dollar funding to Ukraine.

Why did Trump withhold Congressionally-authorized aid from Ukraine? Why did he subsequently release it, after the administration learned of the whistleblower complaint?

Actually there were two aid packages that he was holding, one passed by the Congress, and another one by the state department. Both of them are put on hold since Ukraine elected new president whose allegiance to the U.S. was in question. Holding funds has nothing to do with Biden or his son, just as previous president resisted and slow-walk to send aid to Ukraine.
Oh, so either Biden lied or you're lying.
Biden said he withheld funds....but......but.....but you say.... he had nothing to do with it.

One of you dumbasses is lying.

I think it's you.

What I am talking about is current funds that were held by Trump.

During Barry's presidency, Biden held the funds in order to pressure Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating his son's business.

Those are two different cases.
Actually, the prosecutor wasn’t investigating anyone’s business and corruption was rampant

Why would the EU care about Bidens son?

Oh, he sure was....

Maybe you should read up on some of this from a real journalist....

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story
Actually, the prosecutor wasn’t investigating anyone’s business and corruption was rampant

Why would the EU care about Bidens son?

Victor Shokin who was Ukrainian prosecutor at the time said he was investigating Burisma.

Tell me, what is the prosecutor job? Creating country policy, or investigating crimes?

Why would EU, or US, care about Ukrainian prosecutor?
This "whistle blower" is nothing but Democrat dirty tricks to take the heat off that corrupt asshole Biden and him illegally using his office of VP to keep his filthy ass son out of jail.
The whistleblower was a plant by Brennan and Schiff. John Brennan is a long time communist and convert to Islam.
John Brennan’s Useful Idiocy For Stalinism and Sharia - Center for Security Policy

That's who we are fighting.

The problem is your weaponry is wingnut conspiracy theories from far-right websites. Impeachment will be fought with sworn testimony on the floor of the House. There's a difference.
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

You forgot Greta von Thunhoaxer and the end of the world.
Actually, the prosecutor wasn’t investigating anyone’s business and corruption was rampant

Why would the EU care about Bidens son?

Victor Shokin who was Ukrainian prosecutor at the time said he was investigating Burisma.

Tell me, what is the prosecutor job? Creating country policy, or investigating crimes?

Why would EU, or US, care about Ukrainian prosecutor?

Shokin was corrupt and inept

What he says now is just covering his ass
This "whistle blower" is nothing but Democrat dirty tricks to take the heat off that corrupt asshole Biden and him illegally using his office of VP to keep his filthy ass son out of jail.
The whistleblower was a plant by Brennan and Schiff. John Brennan is a long time communist and convert to Islam.
John Brennan’s Useful Idiocy For Stalinism and Sharia - Center for Security Policy

That's who we are fighting.
The whistleblower was a Trump selection
As were the people who provided the damning information

Trumps own people are aghast at what he does
Actually, the prosecutor wasn’t investigating anyone’s business and corruption was rampant

Why would the EU care about Bidens son?

Victor Shokin who was Ukrainian prosecutor at the time said he was investigating Burisma.

Tell me, what is the prosecutor job? Creating country policy, or investigating crimes?

Why would EU, or US, care about Ukrainian prosecutor?

Shokin was corrupt and inept

What he says now is just covering his ass

"If the Ukraine prosecutor’s firing involved only his alleged corruption and ineptitude, why did Burisma's American legal team refer to those allegations as “false information?"

Solomon: These once-secret memos cast doubt on Joe Biden's Ukraine story
The whistleblower was a Trump selection
As were the people who provided the damning information

Trumps own people are aghast at what he does

You need to provide proof of this....Seems to me that the identity of this so called "whistleblower" remains a huge secret, protected by Democrats....Hmmmm...I wonder why that is?

Anyway, you have no idea who this person is so why are you lying here?

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