List of Fake Scandals In The Last 30 Days

The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

You forgot Greta von Thunhoaxer and the end of the world.
And that's another one.
The whistleblower was a Trump selection
As were the people who provided the damning information

Trumps own people are aghast at what he does

You need to provide proof of this....Seems to me that the identity of this so called "whistleblower" remains a huge secret, protected by Democrats....Hmmmm...I wonder why that is?

Anyway, you have no idea who this person is so why are you lying here?
He is working in the White House
Trump can pick who he wants around him

The leak was entirely by Trumps own carefully selected staff
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

Yeah, this is one of the baffling aspects of the entire ordeal.

I see Democrats prancing and skipping around like they just won the lottery three times in a row.

But I'm not seeing it in the evidence.
Everything I've seen suggests there is nothing here to impeach over.

Now I'm open to changing my mind if new evidence is presented........

But Biden did openly claim he got the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine, over a clear and concise example of quid pro quo. He literally said, no money unless you get rid of that guy. And they fired him, and they gave him the money. That is as clear quid pro quo as you can get.

Trump mentioned corruption generally for 90% of the phone call, then in only one sentence, said hey you might want to check this out, it sounds bad. And then he released the money, without any investigation into anything.

No quid pro quo, at all.

So what exactly are the democrats having a seizure over? I don't get it.

Left-winger "We found something on Trump!... That makes us look terrible!"....

Am I missing something?
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

Yeah, this is one of the baffling aspects of the entire ordeal.

I see Democrats prancing and skipping around like they just won the lottery three times in a row.

But I'm not seeing it in the evidence.
Everything I've seen suggests there is nothing here to impeach over.

Now I'm open to changing my mind if new evidence is presented........

But Biden did openly claim he got the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine, over a clear and concise example of quid pro quo. He literally said, no money unless you get rid of that guy. And they fired him, and they gave him the money. That is as clear quid pro quo as you can get.

Trump mentioned corruption generally for 90% of the phone call, then in only one sentence, said hey you might want to check this out, it sounds bad. And then he released the money, without any investigation into anything.

No quid pro quo, at all.

So what exactly are the democrats having a seizure over? I don't get it.

Left-winger "We found something on Trump!... That makes us look terrible!"....

Am I missing something?
Here's the point......the Democrats are liars.....and they've decided being honest is a road block to their they create one hoax after another.....and the only thing that happens is a bunch of new investigations till it blows up in their faces........then they create another hoax and call for impeachment.
You's not what Trump is doing's their false accusations that matter.
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

Yeah, this is one of the baffling aspects of the entire ordeal.

I see Democrats prancing and skipping around like they just won the lottery three times in a row.

But I'm not seeing it in the evidence.
Everything I've seen suggests there is nothing here to impeach over.

Now I'm open to changing my mind if new evidence is presented........

But Biden did openly claim he got the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine, over a clear and concise example of quid pro quo. He literally said, no money unless you get rid of that guy. And they fired him, and they gave him the money. That is as clear quid pro quo as you can get.

Trump mentioned corruption generally for 90% of the phone call, then in only one sentence, said hey you might want to check this out, it sounds bad. And then he released the money, without any investigation into anything.

No quid pro quo, at all.

So what exactly are the democrats having a seizure over? I don't get it.

Left-winger "We found something on Trump!... That makes us look terrible!"....

Am I missing something?
Here's the point......the Democrats are liars.....and they've decided being honest is a road block to their they create one hoax after another.....and the only thing that happens is a bunch of new investigations till it blows up in their faces........then they create another hoax and call for impeachment.
You's not what Trump is doing's their false accusations that matter.
What is the hoax?

Trump has admitted it
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

That picture tho...they completely messed up Biden Jr but only reddened Sr's eye...which is somehow even funnier
The Bullshit just keeps rolling after day....non-stop.....the load of excrement that the media and the Democrats keep producing gets more and more ridiculous by the day. Each one of these hoaxes has literally blown up in their faces. But then the next one comes down the poop-shoot. Who needs facts because every mofo in the Democrat party wants to talk about impeachment. Impeachment is the number one campaign platform.

There's so many of these bogus and lame stories it's difficult to keep track of them all. As soon as the REAL facts start coming out about them....they drop it like a bad habit and create another one to waste our time.

Let's make a list of all of the fake scandals that have been used to attack Trump this month, shall we?

  • Trump knew Esptein, but so did the Clintons, the Prince, and half of congress, then Epstein is arrested and murdered in his jail cell in New York City
  • Trump used a Sharpie dare Trump lie about the weather
  • Trump's justice Kavanaugh put his pecker in some woman's hand....yet she can't remember when or if it even happened
  • Trump said something terrible during a phone call...even though they claim he was asking the Ukrainians to do their jobs and investigate corruption.....but this whistleblower didn't even hear the conversation.....just heard about it.


Someone explain to me why any of these bullshit stories even matter.

Yeah, this is one of the baffling aspects of the entire ordeal.

I see Democrats prancing and skipping around like they just won the lottery three times in a row.

But I'm not seeing it in the evidence.
Everything I've seen suggests there is nothing here to impeach over.

Now I'm open to changing my mind if new evidence is presented........

But Biden did openly claim he got the prosecutor fired in the Ukraine, over a clear and concise example of quid pro quo. He literally said, no money unless you get rid of that guy. And they fired him, and they gave him the money. That is as clear quid pro quo as you can get.

Trump mentioned corruption generally for 90% of the phone call, then in only one sentence, said hey you might want to check this out, it sounds bad. And then he released the money, without any investigation into anything.

No quid pro quo, at all.

So what exactly are the democrats having a seizure over? I don't get it.

Left-winger "We found something on Trump!... That makes us look terrible!"....

Am I missing something?
Here's the point......the Democrats are liars.....and they've decided being honest is a road block to their they create one hoax after another.....and the only thing that happens is a bunch of new investigations till it blows up in their faces........then they create another hoax and call for impeachment.
You's not what Trump is doing's their false accusations that matter.
What is the hoax?

Trump has admitted it
No....Biden has admitted it.
Trump has said....AND PROVED.....that the accusations by corrupt Democrats are hogwash. Totally false.

Russian Collusion was a Democrat fabrication.........and this BS is an even more obvious fabrication. The chairman of the intelligence committee actually fabricated testimony on national television and then claimed it was "sort of a parody" of what they claim Trump said during a phone conversation. WTF???

Psalm 69: 4 Those who hate me without reason
outnumber the hairs of my head;
many are my enemies without cause,
those who seek to destroy me.
I am forced to restore
what I did not steal.

Matthew 10:22 You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

John 15:18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.

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