List of things that no longer apply in America


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
The list keeps growing, that's for certain. The list of things that simply no longer apply in the United States of America. Who would have ever dreamed that we would face such a day and time? Certainly not our Founding Fathers, who painstakingly formed an almost perfect governmental system, which we've picked apart since almost the very outset. The very first thing on the list of things that no longer apply, is Democracy itself.

In 1803, just 27 years after declaring independence, the SCOTUS appointed itself judicial powers not granted in Article III of the Constitution. This effectively takes "democracy" out of the hands of the people, and places it with the Supreme Court. So our list of things begins here, shortly after the founding of this great nation. Of course, we've managed to live with the consequences through the years, and haven't demanded a challenge, because enough people were convinced it was "the right thing to do" and so, life goes on.

The right of states to govern themselves, fell by the wayside after the Civil War, as the powers that be, decided it was in our best interests to only have Federal authority. For all intents and purposes, we should have dissolved all state governments at that time, because they effectively became obsolete and powerless entities. However, they still were used to select Senators to represent the state's interest in Congress. That didn't get added to the list of things that no longer apply, until 1913, when we ratified the 17th Amendment.

Along about the same time, the right to the fruits of your labor was added to the list, as the 16th Amendment authorized income taxation. At first, it was a very small and tiny amount, and people reasoned that it made sense, after all, the government had to be funded by something. Still, questions remain as to the legitimacy of the ratification, to this day. Over time, we have watched the IRS grow and expand in scope and power, to become one of the most feared governmental entities. Usurping the power to seize your property and assets for non compliance.

In 1954, we add to the list, the right to securely own your property. Amazingly enough, the 4th Amendment becomes completely irrelevant, as the SCOTUS decides government can take your property through eminent domain, for basically any reason they choose. Shortly to follow, in 1955, we add to the list, the freedom to exercise religion, as school prayer is determined unconstitutional. This would actually continue to be fought until 1962, before the current prohibitions went into effect. It has continued, as certain people argue that we have some kind of "wall of separation" which ostensibly makes us an Atheistic nation.

In the 1960s, we added some good things to the list, like not being able to discriminate against people on the basis of race, but we also added to the list of things that no longer apply. Namely, the ability to discipline children. From my perspective, this one little thing, is responsible for much of the problem we have today. Dr. Spock was embraced by an entire generation of "enlightened" young people, who thought they had discovered a better way. As it turns out, children raised without discipline are a hot mess as adults. Who knew?

In the 1970s, we add to the list, the freedom to determine what is good and bad for you to ingest, with Nixon's War on Drugs. Also add the EPA, FDA, USDA, ATF and DEA... agencies designed to prohibit us from making our own decisions, regarding our own bodies. Just like, with everything else on the list, at the time... seemed like a harmless enough idea, and made sense to a lot of people. Still, the list of things that no longer apply, continues to grow.

Now, there are a whole lot of things I have missed, and certainly, the list was added to tremendously in the 1980s, but the landscape really changed in the early 1990s, when President Bill Clinton was impeached for lying to a Grand Jury in a sex scandal case. It was here, the actual "rule of law" was added to the list of things that no longer apply. You see, if someone is popular enough, or has enough political support, we can suspend the rule of law for them, because it's more important to have them doing the work they do. So even though, Clinton violated the law and should have been sent to prison for perjury, he wasn't even removed from office. This is an important precedent, because once you've suspended the rule of law, pretty much anything goes.

Not surprisingly, what followed in the late 90s into the 00's, was challenges for our security. Add to the list, our rights to privacy and due process. When that goes, expect things to take a dramatic turn, as they have. Suddenly, long-standing traditions rooted in moral beliefs, become totally obsolete, we can redefine words to mean anything we please, including the time honored tradition of marriage. Courts can actively step in at any time, to add to the list of things that no longer apply, and we are powerless to stop them. We try to exercise our freedom to vote, but this is quickly overridden by the courts, and rendered invalid. So add to the list, our freedom to effectively vote. Of course, if voting now means absolutely nothing, it doesn't matter if anyone is identified when they vote, or if they are eligible to vote, or whether they might have already voted. We can just count all votes, and if the outcome isn't to our liking, we can have a judge or court overrule.

But now, what about, when a court ruling is not to our liking? As in the Zimmerman trial? Add to the list, the right to a fair trial and innocent until proven guilty. Those are antiquated ideas now, because we have the Internet and 24/7 news coverage. We The People can arbitrarily decide stuff on a case-by-case basis, on the consideration of our emotions alone. We can demand someone be convicted of murder, even though they acted in self defense, because who they killed was black, and it's more important to show the world that we're not prejudiced, than to actually have justice. Add to the list; Equal justice for all!

We now have a president and his regime he calls an administration, actively disregarding the Constitution and rule of law, and brazenly telling us that he intends to rule by executive order, in spite of the law or constitution. And we seem genuinely surprised by this?

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