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List of those wiretapped by obama released.

Spying on foreign whomevers is normal for a government to do. Spying on Trump? Never happened.
We already KNOW it happened. The only question, was How involved was the "most transparent government"?
Lefties are often surprised by or not capable of believing the truth. Probably because their media lies to them and they like being lied to.
how is it CLEAR that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump and his people in trump tower and all their phones?
Whether "ordered" or not, it was his administration. They do his bidding. Remember the corrupt Lois Lerner
The Trump voters are going to learn over the next 4 years is, it isn't the cover up that gets you, "Its the Lies"!!!! Red State Trumpeteers will be calling "uncle" over the next 4 years, as the noose tightens around the Trump Presidency!. T

trump and his gang (those willing to stick it out) must find away from being implicated with treason, espionage, etc, over the next 4 years.. The question is how many of the Trump crooks will be willing to sacrifice their careers and freedoms all for the fat ass 70 year old Dementia PRICK known as Trump.

Time will tell over the next 4 years. Here's an idea, lets end the division and polarization in this country by IMPEACHING Trump as soon as legally possible.
Spying on foreign whomevers is normal for a government to do. Spying on Trump? Never happened.
We already KNOW it happened. The only question, was How involved was the "most transparent government"?
Lefties are often surprised by or not capable of believing the truth. Probably because their media lies to them and they like being lied to.
The next 4 years (Trump last that long) are going to be interesting.
The DNC media and D Party is in an uproar over Trump's allegation of Obama's surveillance. Why are they, when it is clear Obama did surveil Trump and numerous others?

The really interesting thing is how many dumb Americans (like Jake) believe the D Party and DNC media. They live in Orwell's 1984.
how is it CLEAR that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump and his people in trump tower and all their phones?

Can you NOT be stupid and disingenuous? (rhetorical)

Your beloved Messiah surveilled Trump and numerous others. Accept it.
The FBI, and Justice Department, and maybe th CIA most certainly wiretapped Russian operatives! If they had not, they would be derelict of their duties!

This captures all phone calls the Russians made or received, and unless Trumpettes decided to contact these Russian operatives, or the Russian operatives decided to contact the Trumpettes, there would be no transcripts of their conversations.

If by any chance there was a surveillance issued on any individual Trumpettes or Trump's computer, then it would have a WARRANT for such surveillance issued by a Court, and there WOULD BE PROBABLE cause of a crime being committed or a possibility of being a foreign agent or working with a foreign agent, or espionage....

That's a fact, jack!
The FACT is EVERYONE in the Trump campaign, from the first day they were hired from the top advisors to the fucking floor sweeper were told: "Assume that every fucking word you say, everything you do anywhere, including buying your groceries will be recorded and videotaped from this day forward by someone".
EVERY employee, for the past few decades who has worked for Trump in ANY capacity in ANY part of the world has been repeatedly reminded of this fact.
You are once again underestimating President Trump.
I hope you are enjoying licking the egg off your face.
Spying on foreign whomevers is normal for a government to do. Spying on Trump? Never happened.
We already KNOW it happened. The only question, was How involved was the "most transparent government"?
Lefties are often surprised by or not capable of believing the truth. Probably because their media lies to them and they like being lied to.
The next 4 years (Trump last that long) are going to be interesting.

he's spot on with this...
The DNC media and D Party is in an uproar over Trump's allegation of Obama's surveillance. Why are they, when it is clear Obama did surveil Trump and numerous others?

The really interesting thing is how many dumb Americans (like Jake) believe the D Party and DNC media. They live in Orwell's 1984.
how is it CLEAR that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump and his people in trump tower and all their phones?

The DNC media and D Party is in an uproar over Trump's allegation of Obama's surveillance. Why are they, when it is clear Obama did surveil Trump and numerous others?

The really interesting thing is how many dumb Americans (like Jake) believe the D Party and DNC media. They live in Orwell's 1984.
how is it CLEAR that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump and his people in trump tower and all their phones?

Can you NOT be stupid and disingenuous? (rhetorical)

Your beloved Messiah surveilled Trump and numerous others. Accept it.
The FBI, and Justice Department, and maybe th CIA most certainly wiretapped Russian operatives! If they had not, they would be derelict of their duties!

This captures all phone calls the Russians made or received, and unless Trumpettes decided to contact these Russian operatives, or the Russian operatives decided to contact the Trumpettes, there would be no transcripts of their conversations.

If by any chance there was a surveillance issued on any individual Trumpettes or Trump's computer, then it would have a WARRANT for such surveillance issued by a Court, and there WOULD BE PROBABLE cause of a crime being committed or a possibility of being a foreign agent or working with a foreign agent, or espionage....

That's a fact, jack!
The FACT is EVERYONE in the Trump campaign, from the first day they were hired from the top advisors to the fucking floor sweeper were told: "Assume that every fucking word you say, everything you do anywhere, including buying your groceries will be recorded and videotaped from this day forward by someone".
EVERY employee, for the past few decades who has worked for Trump in ANY capacity in ANY part of the world has been repeatedly reminded of this fact.
You are once again underestimating President Trump.
I hope you are enjoying licking the egg off your face.


This captures all phone calls the Russians made or received, and unless Trumpettes decided to contact these Russian operatives, or the Russian operatives decided to contact the Trumpettes, there would be no transcripts of their conversations.

If by any chance there was a surveillance issued on any individual Trumpettes or Trump's computer, then it would have a WARRANT for such surveillance issued by a Court, and there WOULD BE PROBABLE cause of a crime being committed or a possibility of being a foreign agent or working with a foreign agent, or espionage....

That's a fact, jack!
The FACT is EVERYONE in the Trump campaign, from the first day they were hired from the top advisors to the fucking floor sweeper were told: "Assume that every fucking word you say, everything you do anywhere, including buying your groceries will be recorded and videotaped from this day forward by someone".
EVERY employee, for the past few decades who has worked for Trump in ANY capacity in ANY part of the world has been repeatedly reminded of this fact.
You are once again underestimating President Trump.
I hope you are enjoying licking the egg off your face.
Obama wiretapping Trump is a scandal of Watergate dimensions a presidential administration conducting national-security surveillance against the presidential candidate of the opposition party in order to help hillary. Such activity amounts to a pretextual use of national-security power for political purposes. That is the kind of abuse that led to Richard Nixon’s resignation in lieu of impeachment.

Moreover, it cannot be glossed over that, at the very time it appears the Obama Justice Department was seeking to surveil Trump and/or his associates on the pretext that they were Russian agents, the Obama Justice Department was also actively undermining and ultimately closing without charges the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton despite significant evidence of felony misconduct that threatened national security.

This appears to be extraordinary, politically motivated abuse of presidential power.

Dummies like Matt Dowd are seeing Watergate in this story. I’m seeing Rathergate–where Dan Rather peddles made up information to try to change the election outcome to the Democrats’ favor.

Would theAmerican people believe the Washington Post, if their writers reported that an anonymous government source, “Deep Throat,” said Obama is guilty?
Pssssst.........Trump is digging his own grave and Putin can't help him!!!!

The wiretapping of Trump by obama was just one of many.

WikiLeaks: The List of Obama Wiretaps Extends Beyond Trump
Do you believe this kind of thing is unprecedented?

Your apologetics for the fascist pig Obama is noted, wiretapping the major opposition political parties Presidential nominee is unprecedented, go on show me a precedent in US history.

Watergate: The Scandal That Brought Down Richard Nixon Well,maybe not wiretapping but tape recorders.
The DNC media and D Party is in an uproar over Trump's allegation of Obama's surveillance. Why are they, when it is clear Obama did surveil Trump and numerous others?

The really interesting thing is how many dumb Americans (like Jake) believe the D Party and DNC media. They live in Orwell's 1984.
how is it CLEAR that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump and his people in trump tower and all their phones?

Can you NOT be stupid and disingenuous? (rhetorical)

Your beloved Messiah surveilled Trump and numerous others. Accept it.
The FBI, and Justice Department, and maybe th CIA most certainly wiretapped Russian operatives! If they had not, they would be derelict of their duties!

This captures all phone calls the Russians made or received, and unless Trumpettes decided to contact these Russian operatives, or the Russian operatives decided to contact the Trumpettes, there would be no transcripts of their conversations.

If by any chance there was a surveillance issued on any individual Trumpettes or Trump's computer, then it would have a WARRANT for such surveillance issued by a Court, and there WOULD BE PROBABLE cause of a crime being committed or a possibility of being a foreign agent or working with a foreign agent, or espionage....

That's a fact, jack!
The FACT is EVERYONE in the Trump campaign, from the first day they were hired from the top advisors to the fucking floor sweeper were told: "Assume that every fucking word you say, everything you do anywhere, including buying your groceries will be recorded and videotaped from this day forward by someone".
EVERY employee, for the past few decades who has worked for Trump in ANY capacity in ANY part of the world has been repeatedly reminded of this fact.
You are once again underestimating President Trump.
I hope you are enjoying licking the egg off your face.
First, lt me thank you Dannyboy, for your response! You were somewhat cordial, (extremely cordial for you! :) ), not lewd and rude, yet still got your point across! Thank you!
I truly do believe something nefarious is going on between pres trump, the Russian friendly team on his campaign that he picked and then Russian friendly team put in his administration, coupled with all the lies and denials and secrets regarding those Russian connections, and hiding his financial connections around the world by not releasing his taxes, and so many other things that do not sit well in my gut!

I hope I am wrong, and do end up with egg in my face! Seriously, I truly do!

But from where I am sitting, and what I have been viewing, something just ain't right with all of this....
The wiretapping of Trump by obama was just one of many.

WikiLeaks: The List of Obama Wiretaps Extends Beyond Trump
Do you believe this kind of thing is unprecedented?

Your apologetics for the fascist pig Obama is noted, wiretapping the major opposition political parties Presidential nominee is unprecedented, go on show me a precedent in US history.
Since that never happened, why would I be obliged to chase down a precedent?

Instead of showing up here and leading with Stupid, why don't you shut the fuck up and inform yourself? And I'm not talking about jamming your head up drudge's ass for another bite into tomorrow's turd, boy.
how is it CLEAR that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump and his people in trump tower and all their phones?
A FISA warrant was given on Trump associates that worked in Trump Tower, and since the FBI/NSA get these FISA warrants on (1)everyone that the subject/target talks to and (2)everyone who in turn talks to them, and then again (3) those who talk to those people, three degrees removed from the target, it is without a doubt that they recorded Trumps communications, all his associates and his family as well.
Skip to 12 in, It's glorious!

It is very interesting to see Reality crash in on the Young Turks echo chamber. To them Trump has never had a successful business, Melanie is a whore, Trump cannot win because he is a buffoon, etc, and then when Trump wins, it is all Hillary's fault and the DNC, lol.

At no point did they ever stop and say, 'Maybe we were wrong about Trump?'

This is a clear example of ideological group think and why ideology is merely a tool for conceptualizing systems of ideas and should never be used to form ones cosmology about the universe.
Skip to 12 in, It's glorious!

It is very interesting to see Reality crash in on the Young Turks echo chamber. To them Trump has never had a successful business, Melanie is a whore, Trump cannot win because he is a buffoon, etc, and then when Trump wins, it is all Hillary's fault and the DNC, lol.

At no point did they ever stop and say, 'Maybe we were wrong about Trump?'

This is a clear example of ideological group think and why ideology is merely a tool for conceptualizing systems of ideas and should never be used to form ones cosmology about the universe.

When will Red State Amerika realize they were wrong about trump????
how is it CLEAR that Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump and his people in trump tower and all their phones?
A FISA warrant was given on Trump associates that worked in Trump Tower, and since the FBI/NSA get these FISA warrants on (1)everyone that the subject/target talks to and (2)everyone who in turn talks to them, and then again (3) those who talk to those people, three degrees removed from the target, it is without a doubt that they recorded Trumps communications, all his associates and his family as well.

Exactly.....we need a congressional investigation.
BREAKING: Ex-Dem Rep Drops Bombshell… Says Obama Wiretapped HIM

When President Donald Trump met the liberal media’s months of unsubstantiated “Russia” allegations against him with an unsubstantiated allegation of his own against former President Barack Obama, Democrats and their “journalist” allies immediately lost their minds and took turns castigating and mocking Trump for daring to suggest that Obama had spied on his 2016 campaign.

The furiously over-the-top reaction to Trump’s allegation spurred a defense of the current president from a seemingly unlikely source — former Ohio Democrat Rep. Dennis Kucinich — who in an op-ed for Fox News revealed that he had been spied on by the Obama administration.

Kucinich recalled how a conversation he had held with a high-ranking Libyan official in 2011 about congressional efforts to deescalate the Obama administration’s military ventures in the North African nation had been recorded and eventually revealed to him by a reporter for The Washington Times in 2015.

Here’s Kucinich on Saturday’s edition of “Fox & Friends”:


BREAKING: Ex-Dem Rep Drops Bombshell... Obama DID Wiretap
The wiretapping of Trump by obama was just one of many.

WikiLeaks: The List of Obama Wiretaps Extends Beyond Trump
Do you believe this kind of thing is unprecedented?

Your apologetics for the fascist pig Obama is noted, wiretapping the major opposition political parties Presidential nominee is unprecedented, go on show me a precedent in US history.
Since that never happened, why would I be obliged to chase down a precedent?

Instead of showing up here and leading with Stupid, why don't you shut the fuck up and inform yourself? And I'm not talking about jamming your head up drudge's ass for another bite into tomorrow's turd, boy.

Kill yourself you flying faggot.

The Obama Camp’s Disingenuous Denials on FISA Surveillance of Trump

Obama used his intelligence agencies and resources to spy on the major parties presidential campaign, you fascist pig coup plotters along with your shadow government deep state will hang from the lightpoles for your crimes against the republic before this is over, watch your backs we're coming for you.
The wiretapping of Trump by obama was just one of many.

WikiLeaks: The List of Obama Wiretaps Extends Beyond Trump
Do you believe this kind of thing is unprecedented?

Your apologetics for the fascist pig Obama is noted, wiretapping the major opposition political parties Presidential nominee is unprecedented, go on show me a precedent in US history.
Since that never happened, why would I be obliged to chase down a precedent?

Instead of showing up here and leading with Stupid, why don't you shut the fuck up and inform yourself? And I'm not talking about jamming your head up drudge's ass for another bite into tomorrow's turd, boy.

Kill yourself you flying faggot.

The Obama Camp’s Disingenuous Denials on FISA Surveillance of Trump

Obama used his intelligence agencies and resources to spy on the major parties presidential campaign, you fascist pig coup plotters along with your shadow government deep state will hang from the lightpoles for your crimes against the republic before this is over, watch your backs we're coming for you.
Wait.......you held the trump card (no pun intended) of some douche speculating at the National Review, and you didn't tell me until now?

that's some mad ninja shit, right there.....

But if you're coming for me, I suggest you oil that squeaking axle on your cpap trolley......I can hear you crossing the state line....

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