List of top 20 things destroying America


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
last stop for sanity before reaching the south
This is stemming off of another thread. I want to ask all of you... what are the top 20 obstacles facing this country right now?

I'm posting this to hopefully prove a point to someone else on this site but I'm sure it will go terribly wrong :razz:

I'll start:

The deficit
threat of terrorism
rise of China
weakening of europe
partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
the state of the media

Carry on.

And don't just say "Obama" you can do better than that.


The shift away from Constitutionalism.

The shift away from federalism towards unitary governance.

The shift away from the founders vision towards the mess we have today.

Exactly what I was going to post: LIBERALISM-
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The shift away from Constitutionalism.

The shift away from federalism towards unitary governance.

The shift away from the founders vision towards the mess we have today.

Can you be more specific? What policies would you like to see enacted RIGHT NOW or stopped right now? I want to be able to make a working list of the TOP 20 SPECIFIC THINGS this country needs to address RIGHT NOW.

Edit: Reps for anyone who posts! 20 things dammit!
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1) Under-representation (there should 10,000 + Representatives)

2) The 17th Amendment, state legislatures should choose the Senators.

3) The Pussification of America by making the new generations afraid of firearms

4) Federal control of Education, should be local only.

5) Destruction of the family - gaydom, transsexualism, gender identity, sexual music, baby-killing, IN SCHOOL TOO MANY HOURS + TOO MUCH HOMEWORK

6) Related to Number 5: Women HAVE to work full-time in order for family to make enough money

7) INFLATION, which causes #6.

8) Lack of Gold/silver currency, which causes #7, which then causes #6

9) The War on Black People (the war on drugs)

10) Academia ---> self proclaimed intellectuals that need to be hung or guillotined.

11) Political Correctness, it basically cock-blocks Libertarians from communicating with the black and latino communities to educate them about Jury Nullification, Firearm Ownership and Self-Reliance (Independence from government)

12) Public Unions

13) Impossible to fire bureaucrats.

14) The Supreme Court

15) The Supreme Court

16) Did I forget to mention the Supreme Court?

17) Destruction of the Jury's role to be the sole Arbiter of the Constitution, which was deliberately usruped by the:

18) Supreme Court

19) Supreme Court, which is the American enforcer of the

20) Federal Reserve
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TemplarKormac has added wasteful spending and clueless electorate to the list. So far:

1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate

12 more!

edit: I could stem this out into 20 individual threads about what should happen with each item on the list. But we need a DEFINITIVE 20! Come on everyone you can post in the freakin "tavern" some other time :cool:
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Holding Washington accountable..

Taking their extra-constitutional power away that they've grabbed.

Vetting political polls with a test of subject knowledge before asking the questions.

A citizenship quiz administered to renew your citizenship every 10 years.

(((the last 2 fall under "clueless citizenry". But also give some suggestions for motivating them and nullifying their opinion when it's not based on a command of the basics.))

Doing those things doesn't solve 20 problems -- It solves MILLIONS of problems.. So I'll stop there.
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Holding Washington accountable..

Taking their extra-constitutional power away that they've grabbed.

Vetting political polls with a test of subject knowledge before asking the questions.

A citizenship quiz administered to renew your citizenship every 10 years.

Doing those things doesn't solve 20 problems -- It solves MILLIONS of problems.. So I'll stop there.

Wow, so specific and practical! Way to go, champ!

Unemployment, religious intolerance, secrecy, obesity, devaluing dollar, the war on drugs

1. The deficit
2. threat of terrorism
3. rise of China
4. weakening of europe
5. partisanship between Democrats and Republicans
6. the state of the media
7. wasteful spending
8. clueless electorate
9. unemployment
10. religious intolerance
11. secrecy
12. obesity
13. devaluing dollar
14. war on drugs

6 more people. Then I can start a thread debating the merit of each item. Come on people so far only me and (mostly) the good Templar have contributed. What better shit do you guys have to do. The fuckin constitutional convention thread? :cool:
Did some fool actually list "Too much homework"?

.................... :rolleyes:

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