List of who voted incorrectly on gun bill

I have been looking to see who voted wich way on the gun bill that failed, please point me in the right direction or post them here.

Because it didn't pass, it was voted on correctly.

We do not put and keep these politicians in power to vote against our agenda ..........
................. pu ............ we are paying them ......................
A list of who voted against the bill should be politically punished.
A list of who voted for it should be rewarded, along with their families placed on the protected rolls.

Bills are not put forward to get voted against, so from now on, vote correctly and make the protected rolls.
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Justice Ginsburg accurately captured the natural meaning of “bear arms.” Although the phrase implies that the carrying of the weapon is for the purpose of “offensive or defensive action,” it in no way connotes participation in a structured military organization.

This is a UN gun grab backed by Obama. The only President willing to forfeit our rights for a shot at the UN Presidency.

Sir ................
The second amendment maybe will give you the right to wear a short sleeved shirt depending upon your situation.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, so if I wanted to make an example out of you for talking your nonsense, I can still have your gun caressing hands chopped off, but I would have to do so at the base of the wrist, thus preserving the arm, thus THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, it doesn't say anything about modern firearms or sophisticated weaponry.

It is Ma'am....................... :)
And, your shirt defense is pure stupidity.

So the next time my husband is out of town and 2 men show up to break into my house, I should, what, throw my bullets at them? Beg for mercy? Tell them to take whatever they want but please don't hurt me?
The difference between my safety or their safety was my rifle. Get your hands off of it.
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I have been looking to see who voted wich way on the gun bill that failed, please point me in the right direction or post them here.

Because it didn't pass, it was voted on correctly.

We do not put and keep these politicians in power to vote against our agenda ..........
................. pu ............ we are paying them ......................
A list of who voted against the bill should be politically punished.
A list of who voted for it should be rewarded, along with their families placed on the protected rolls.

Bills are not put forward to get voted against, so from now on, vote correctly and make the protected rolls.

You have got to be joking!!! more of that critical thinking???
A list of who voted for it should be rewarded, along with their families placed on the protected rolls.

And those who voted against? What would you have their families placed on? The dinner menu? Should they be open game?
Maybe North Korea would be a more appealing place for you to live.........
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Justice Ginsburg accurately captured the natural meaning of “bear arms.” Although the phrase implies that the carrying of the weapon is for the purpose of “offensive or defensive action,” it in no way connotes participation in a structured military organization.

This is a UN gun grab backed by Obama. The only President willing to forfeit our rights for a shot at the UN Presidency.

Sir ................
The second amendment maybe will give you the right to wear a short sleeved shirt depending upon your situation.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, so if I wanted to make an example out of you for talking your nonsense, I can still have your gun caressing hands chopped off, but I would have to do so at the base of the wrist, thus preserving the arm, thus THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, it doesn't say anything about modern firearms or sophisticated weaponry.

It is Ma'am....................... :)
And, your shirt defense is pure stupidity.

So the next time my husband is out of town and 2 men show up to break into my house, I should, what, throw my bullets at them? Beg for mercy? Tell them to take whatever they want but please don't hurt me?
The difference between my safety or their safety was my rifle. Get your hands off of it.

You should call 911, or even install a security monitoring system.
Nobody deserves to die to protect your silly nick-nacks.
The most they are looking for is something they can sell for crack or just want to get some sex, they don't deserve to die.
Sir ................
The second amendment maybe will give you the right to wear a short sleeved shirt depending upon your situation.
YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, so if I wanted to make an example out of you for talking your nonsense, I can still have your gun caressing hands chopped off, but I would have to do so at the base of the wrist, thus preserving the arm, thus THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, it doesn't say anything about modern firearms or sophisticated weaponry.

It is Ma'am....................... :)
And, your shirt defense is pure stupidity.

So the next time my husband is out of town and 2 men show up to break into my house, I should, what, throw my bullets at them? Beg for mercy? Tell them to take whatever they want but please don't hurt me?
The difference between my safety or their safety was my rifle. Get your hands off of it.

You should call 911, or even install a security monitoring system.
Nobody deserves to die to protect your silly nick-nacks.
The most they are looking for is something they can sell for crack or just want to get some sex, they don't deserve to die.

They do if they put my life in jeopardy to obtain their life goal of drugs and a little sex on the side.?. But by all means, help yourself to the things I worked for. Heaven forbid you should have to pay for your own drug addiction, or sex.......
Are you nuts?

I live deep in the woods. I'd be long dead before the sheriff arrived.
And, In lieu of shooting drug induced intruders, should I inquire first if they are honorable thieves, and what their intentions are regarding eye witnesses? Or maybe they can just combine the burglary and the sex, and rape me while they are robbing me.
Then they can tack my address up in the hood, as a willing contributor to the "cause". That way their friends can visit me too.

If they want to survive to have sex or drugs another day, breaking into my house will put a damper on their plans, not encourage their return.
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Guns are bad. Especially when they are assault weapons and unregistered. Our congress fails us.

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