List the good thing about Obama care...

Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

And all of that is free, Free, FREE! Right?

Nope, it isn't free and it isn't perfect. I think it's a good start but more can be done to improve it. I wish they would of included a public option or expanded Medicare availability for everyone to buy into depending on income.

I think that would of helped bring down cost-more options for folks.

It isn't free. It isn't close to free. It is very expensive and will deliver sub-par results. That is guaranteed.
Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

And all of that is free, Free, FREE! Right?

It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The legislation is so good that everyone is under penalty if the dont participate.
You are a jerk.
List the good thing about Obama care...I wish to hear your case. ;) Argue on why it is good.

How will it strengthen medical innovation?
Will it give people cheaper medical insurance?
Will the quality of health care remain or increase???

The republicans got control of the house in 2010 and held it in 2012.... stupid retarded Democrats.
And all of that is free, Free, FREE! Right?

Nope, it isn't free and it isn't perfect. I think it's a good start but more can be done to improve it. I wish they would of included a public option or expanded Medicare availability for everyone to buy into depending on income.

I think that would of helped bring down cost-more options for folks.

It isn't free. It isn't close to free. It is very expensive and will deliver sub-par results. That is guaranteed.

Is this your opinion or a fact? I think it will actually increase the quality of healthcare for people because more preventative services will be available at no charge and more people are likely to go in for testing for things that will actually save money as they can be caught earlier.

I also think the cost of the uninsured that go to the ER for care will drop.
The best thing about Obamacare that I have seen is that it drives you right wing whack jobs bat shit crazy.

Maybe those crazy rethugs in the House can vote it down........again.

I really don't see how this is a good thing. Trying to repeal it 37 times and wasting 55 million dollars doing so is not a good thing.

They are doing their job dorrk.
Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

The fund for providing care for those with pre existing conditions was exhausted within two days and only 1% of those with pre existing conditions are covered by anyone.
GAO: HHS Already Rationing Enrollment in Obamacare?s Pre-Existing Condition Plan | CNS News

You won't get to keep your insurance if you like it, obamacare triggers cancellations.
?If you like it, you can keep it?: ObamaCare set to trigger insurance policy cancellations « Hot Air

Seniors are hurt most of all.
Obamacare's Negative Impact on Medicare Will Hurt Seniors

As far as preventative care goes, it's free! But obamacare says you don't need it any way. Prostate tests, mammograms, pap tests, have been all but eliminated under obamacare.
Nope, it isn't free and it isn't perfect. I think it's a good start but more can be done to improve it. I wish they would of included a public option or expanded Medicare availability for everyone to buy into depending on income.

I think that would of helped bring down cost-more options for folks.

It isn't free. It isn't close to free. It is very expensive and will deliver sub-par results. That is guaranteed.

Is this your opinion or a fact? I think it will actually increase the quality of healthcare for people because more preventative services will be available at no charge and more people are likely to go in for testing for things that will actually save money as they can be caught earlier.

I also think the cost of the uninsured that go to the ER for care will drop.

It has already been shown that preventative care costs more money than it saves.
As for the ER, why would costs drop? There will be more uninsured people because it will be cheaper to pay the penalty than buy insurance, which can always be purchased when the need arises because insurers cannot deny policies because of pre existing conditions. This is exactly what has happened in MA.
The best thing about Obamacare that I have seen is that it drives you right wing whack jobs bat shit crazy.

Maybe those crazy rethugs in the House can vote it down........again.

I really don't see how this is a good thing. Trying to repeal it 37 times and wasting 55 million dollars doing so is not a good thing.

They are doing their job dorrk.

No they aren't because they knew it wouldn't pass. They even admitted they did it to get some people on record as voting against it that didn't get a chance to vote against it-so they can go home to their districts and tell them they voted against it.

This isn't doing their job, it's wasting money.
Nope, it isn't free and it isn't perfect. I think it's a good start but more can be done to improve it. I wish they would of included a public option or expanded Medicare availability for everyone to buy into depending on income.

I think that would of helped bring down cost-more options for folks.

It isn't free. It isn't close to free. It is very expensive and will deliver sub-par results. That is guaranteed.

Is this your opinion or a fact? I think it will actually increase the quality of healthcare for people because more preventative services will be available at no charge and more people are likely to go in for testing for things that will actually save money as they can be caught earlier.

I also think the cost of the uninsured that go to the ER for care will drop.

if its so great why has congress and the administration exempted themselves from it? why have unions requested waivers? why have corporations that supported obama been given waivers?

its the worst piece of legislation in the history of the USA, and there have been some really bad ones.
You can see what's good about it just by looking at things that are already happening.

Quality is on the rise:

Obamacare Shows Hospital Savings as Patients Make Gains
Less than five months before the Affordable Care Act fully kicks in, hospitals are improving care and saving millions of dollars with one of the least touted but potentially most effective provisions of the law.

While much of the focus on Obamacare has been on the government rush to open insurance exchanges by Oct. 1, 252 hospitals and physician groups across the U.S. have signed up to join the administration’s accountable care program, in which they share the financial risk of keeping patients healthy.

Under the program, hospitals and physician practices take responsibility for tracking and maintaining the health of elderly and disabled patients. If costs rise beyond an agreed upon level, hospitals may become responsible for reimbursing the government. If they cut the cost of care while maintaining quality, hospitals share in the savings. The government expects the savings may be as much as $1.9 billion from 2012 to 2015. Early indications suggest they are starting to add up.

In other areas where the ACA's quality improvement provisions have launched, they're starting to show some results. For instance, unnecessary hospital readmissions are dropping and the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program is working (incidentally, contrary to speculation a few years ago that Obamacare would destroy Medicare Advantage, enrollment in that privatized bit of Medicare this year is at an all time high):
This year [2012] we saw significant improvement in measures included in the Medicare Star rating pay-for-performance program for health plans that participate in Medicare Advantage. Although Medicare Advantage plans have reported on quality and results have been reported to consumers for many years, the Affordable Care Act required the Medicare program to make higher payments to health plans with better quality performance, starting in 2012. In addition to this new program, the Department of Health and Human Services established a demonstration program to complement it, making even higher payments to plans with better performance.

Competition is growing:

Health Law Is Fostering Competition, U.S. Says

This, of course, isn't just true of the marketplaces being run by the federal government, but of those being run by states, as well.

Two Oregon insurers rethink 2014 premiums as state posts first-ever rate comparison

Costs are currently in check--and there are some glimmers of hope that this can persist:

To go with the news that we're enjoying the slowest health care price inflation and the lowest group health insurance premium increases since the late '90s, as well as the slowest health spending growth and the slowest per beneficiary Medicare cost growth ever recorded, next year's exchange premium numbers have been trickling out for the past month or so and the news is generally good.

In some states, costs for a standardized set of benefits is actually going to be lower next year than they cost this year (in comparison to the small group market, where comparable protections and benefits exist today), suggesting that competitive insurance markets can actually work.

States like Washington: Premiums drop, coverage expands in Washington's exchange.

And Montana. Insurance commissioner: Price of policies offered on `Obamacare’ exchange in Montana relatively less expensive

In fact, premiums for next year have been coming in lower than expected in states across the country. In Oregon. And California. And D.C. And Colorado. And Vermont. Competitive marketplaces are good.

Capacity to meet folks' needs is growing:

We're seeing big investments in construction and renovation of community health centers in underserved areas (even anti-ACA GOP Congressfolks have caught heat recently for taking advantage--rightly, I think!--of Obamacare's investment in new health centers) and indications that retail medical clinic capacity is going to double over the next three years.

Last fall saw more medical school applicants than ever:
A record number of students applied to medical school in 2012 according to new data from the Association of American Medical Colleges. Applications have risen over the past decade, growing more quickly over the past few years than they did in the mid-2000s.

This year will see more folks being trained to become doctors than ever before: the residency match that just took place a few weeks ago saw more matches and a record-high match rate:
The 2013 residency program match hit an all-time high of more than 29,000 positions due to a new "all-in" policy that requires programs to register all their available slots, according to final data from the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP).

The 29,171 positions offered in 2013 marked a 9% increase from the 26,772 offered the year before, and 96.4% were filled -- resulting in the "highest fill rate in NRMP history," with match rates rising for "nearly every applicant group," Mona Signer, executive director of NRMP, said in a statement.

If you want to know what's good about the ACA, recall what's been bad about our system for a long time. Insurance markets have been broken and anticompetitive all around the country. Our public health infrastructure and our workforce have been struggling to keep pace with the demands of the 21st century all around the country. Our health care delivery systems have been underperforming on efficiency, quality, safety, you name it all around the country. People are strapped by medical bills and rising insurance costs all around the country.

These things are finally getting the attention they deserve and the reforms and investments they need to change and thrive. The good stuff above is just the beginning. There's still a very long way to go but for the first time, perhaps ever, this country is putting a foundation in place on which to build a health system that works better, serves all, and does it without unsustainable spending growth. That's very good and if we commit to success it's only going to get better.

lol, the NySlimes, the Washintoncompost, Bloomberg, and on and on...what a joke
do you have all those on quick reply or what?
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It isn't free. It isn't close to free. It is very expensive and will deliver sub-par results. That is guaranteed.

Is this your opinion or a fact? I think it will actually increase the quality of healthcare for people because more preventative services will be available at no charge and more people are likely to go in for testing for things that will actually save money as they can be caught earlier.

I also think the cost of the uninsured that go to the ER for care will drop.

It has already been shown that preventative care costs more money than it saves.
As for the ER, why would costs drop? There will be more uninsured people because it will be cheaper to pay the penalty than buy insurance, which can always be purchased when the need arises because insurers cannot deny policies because of pre existing conditions. This is exactly what has happened in MA.

I'm sure you can show me where preventative care costs more money than it saves and more people insured will mean less uninsured will go to the ER which is much more expensive due that just going to your regular Dr.
It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The growing desperation in their anti-ACA tirades in recent months suggests to me that the realities of what it's doing are sinking in: better care, slower cost growth, more access.

Most folks in the real world are going to find those to be good things, not cause for incoherent anger.
It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The growing desperation in their anti-ACA tirades in recent months suggests to me that the realities of what it's doing are sinking in: better care, slower cost growth, more access.

Most folks in the real world are going to find those to be good things, not cause for incoherent anger.

lol, better care, slower cost growth, MORE ACCESS?
I guess you people hope no one has heard anything about Europe's Socialist health care..
Oh boy:eusa_hand:
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Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

The fund for providing care for those with pre existing conditions was exhausted within two days and only 1% of those with pre existing conditions are covered by anyone.
GAO: HHS Already Rationing Enrollment in Obamacare?s Pre-Existing Condition Plan | CNS News

You won't get to keep your insurance if you like it, obamacare triggers cancellations.
?If you like it, you can keep it?: ObamaCare set to trigger insurance policy cancellations « Hot Air

Seniors are hurt most of all.
Obamacare's Negative Impact on Medicare Will Hurt Seniors

As far as preventative care goes, it's free! But obamacare says you don't need it any way. Prostate tests, mammograms, pap tests, have been all but eliminated under obamacare.

The first thing you are talking about is a program that was set up for covering pre-existing conditions and isn't the same thing as being covered for pre-existing conditions under your health plan.

You will not be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition under Obamacare rules.

And no, preventative services are still available-all the ones you listed and more. It's an outright lie that those services are cancelled. Not true at all.

And yes, if you like the current insurance plan you have, you will be able to keep it. That is another incorrect statement.

Please try to stay truthful and use sources that are also truthful.
It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The growing desperation in their anti-ACA tirades in recent months suggests to me that the realities of what it's doing are sinking in: better care, slower cost growth, more access.

Most folks in the real world are going to find those to be good things, not cause for incoherent anger.

I really have to wonder why so many are working so hard to bring down the ACA before it is even fully implemented yet.

How about a wait and see attitude because it's coming, like it or not.

I think there are some folks that are scared to death this might be a successful program because it might actually make Obama look good and there is a huge anti-Obama element to all this bashing of a healthcare program that will give more people health insurance and more access to care.

Really sad.
It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The growing desperation in their anti-ACA tirades in recent months suggests to me that the realities of what it's doing are sinking in: better care, slower cost growth, more access.

Most folks in the real world are going to find those to be good things, not cause for incoherent anger.

So what are you going to tell us next that people will live to 800 years old under Obozo care? your nose is growing Pinocchio and you run around on other forums dry humping Obozo care. your a paid hack...
It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The growing desperation in their anti-ACA tirades in recent months suggests to me that the realities of what it's doing are sinking in: better care, slower cost growth, more access.

Most folks in the real world are going to find those to be good things, not cause for incoherent anger.

I really have to wonder why so many are working so hard to bring down the ACA before it is even fully implemented yet.

How about a wait and see attitude because it's coming, like it or not.

I think there are some folks that are scared to death this might be a successful program because it might actually make Obama look good and there is a huge anti-Obama element to all this bashing of a healthcare program that will give more people health insurance and more access to care.

Really sad.

yeah that must be it...forget how you are FINED by the government if you don't have insurance or that the IRS will be in charge of doing that..forget it's already having a impact on business and jobs for the people...that couldn't have a factor in anything..I hope you enjoy your new master in the Irs
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It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The growing desperation in their anti-ACA tirades in recent months suggests to me that the realities of what it's doing are sinking in: better care, slower cost growth, more access.

Most folks in the real world are going to find those to be good things, not cause for incoherent anger.

tell us again, what planet are you posting from?

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