List the good thing about Obama care...

It isn't free. It isn't close to free. It is very expensive and will deliver sub-par results. That is guaranteed.

Is this your opinion or a fact? I think it will actually increase the quality of healthcare for people because more preventative services will be available at no charge and more people are likely to go in for testing for things that will actually save money as they can be caught earlier.

I also think the cost of the uninsured that go to the ER for care will drop.

if its so great why has congress and the administration exempted themselves from it? why have unions requested waivers? why have corporations that supported obama been given waivers?

its the worst piece of legislation in the history of the USA, and there have been some really bad ones.

It's so bad, no one, other than the author of the bill, even dared read it before passing. And now even he, Senator Max Baucus calls it a train-wreck...

[ame=]Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It" - YouTube[/ame]
Is this your opinion or a fact? I think it will actually increase the quality of healthcare for people because more preventative services will be available at no charge and more people are likely to go in for testing for things that will actually save money as they can be caught earlier.

I also think the cost of the uninsured that go to the ER for care will drop.

It has already been shown that preventative care costs more money than it saves.
As for the ER, why would costs drop? There will be more uninsured people because it will be cheaper to pay the penalty than buy insurance, which can always be purchased when the need arises because insurers cannot deny policies because of pre existing conditions. This is exactly what has happened in MA.

I'm sure you can show me where preventative care costs more money than it saves and more people insured will mean less uninsured will go to the ER which is much more expensive due that just going to your regular Dr.


No metric anywhere that I have ever seen has mad that claim. That is nuts. It is general knowledge that early detection is the NUMBER ONE way to prevent massive medical costs unless of course you wait until death. That saves a lot of money but is not really a solution worth getting into…
List the good thing about Obama care...I wish to hear your case. ;) Argue on why it is good.

How will it strengthen medical innovation?
Will it give people cheaper medical insurance?
Will the quality of health care remain or increase???

More people will have insurance than before. Duh. Why is that a problem?

What is the GOP solution? There is none. That's why they lost, and deserved to lose.
List the good thing about Obama care...I wish to hear your case. ;) Argue on why it is good.

How will it strengthen medical innovation?
Will it give people cheaper medical insurance?
Will the quality of health care remain or increase???

More people will have insurance than before. Duh. Why is that a problem?

What is the GOP solution? There is none. That's why they lost, and deserved to lose.

I believe you meant, more people will be FORCED to have insurance or be fined by the wonderful government..ObamaNation will be a utopia..yea
From a financial standpoint, I don't think anyone can question that there will be less unpaid E.R. bills...

And from a moral standpoint, I think it's peachy that an insurance company is no longer allowed to drop you, if they find themselves in the awkward position of having to do their job. :thup:
Is this your opinion or a fact? I think it will actually increase the quality of healthcare for people because more preventative services will be available at no charge and more people are likely to go in for testing for things that will actually save money as they can be caught earlier.

I also think the cost of the uninsured that go to the ER for care will drop.

It has already been shown that preventative care costs more money than it saves.
As for the ER, why would costs drop? There will be more uninsured people because it will be cheaper to pay the penalty than buy insurance, which can always be purchased when the need arises because insurers cannot deny policies because of pre existing conditions. This is exactly what has happened in MA.

I'm sure you can show me where preventative care costs more money than it saves and more people insured will mean less uninsured will go to the ER which is much more expensive due that just going to your regular Dr.
Gee that took all of 20 seconds to find:
Why preventive-medicine services aren't lowering health-care costs | MinnPost

More people will not be insured. More sick people will be insured because Obamacare encourages people not buy expensive health insurance until they actually are sick.
One of the good things about Obama-Care is first the name, but the biggest thing is that it is a beginning. In 100 years or so Obama-Care will be smoothed out to work as it should have worked in the original bill. In a democracy our representatives have to represent their political party first so these laws often take time to achieve what they are capable of achieving. We're still working on Social Security.
List the good thing about Obama care...I wish to hear your case. ;) Argue on why it is good.

How will it strengthen medical innovation?
Will it give people cheaper medical insurance?
Will the quality of health care remain or increase???

More people will have insurance than before. Duh. Why is that a problem?

What is the GOP solution? There is none. That's why they lost, and deserved to lose.

I believe you meant, more people will be FORCED to have insurance or be fined by the wonderful government..ObamaNation will be a utopia..yea

That's right. Forced. They'll be better off too. Cry me a river.
Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

And all of that is free, Free, FREE! Right?

No imbecile, it's not free. That's why the arguments from dullards like you are so easy to defeat.
One of the good things about Obama-Care is first the name, but the biggest thing is that it is a beginning. In 100 years or so Obama-Care will be smoothed out to work as it should have worked in the original bill. In a democracy our representatives have to represent their political party first so these laws often take time to achieve what they are capable of achieving. We're still working on Social Security.

should we all be bowing to Obama and kissing the ground he walks on?
Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

And all of that is free, Free, FREE! Right?

No imbecile, it's not free. That's why the arguments from dullards like you are so easy to defeat.
Yes, dumbshit. It isn't free. It's very expensive in fact. And for the grand prize,who do you think gets to pay for it all?
From a financial standpoint, I don't think anyone can question that there will be less unpaid E.R. bills...

And from a moral standpoint, I think it's peachy that an insurance company is no longer allowed to drop you, if they find themselves in the awkward position of having to do their job. :thup:

Their jjob is to make a proffit what dont you get? and we are forced to buy into their game.
More people will have insurance than before. Duh. Why is that a problem?

What is the GOP solution? There is none. That's why they lost, and deserved to lose.

I believe you meant, more people will be FORCED to have insurance or be fined by the wonderful government..ObamaNation will be a utopia..yea

That's right. Forced. They'll be better off too. Cry me a river.

well ok, I hope this lovely government passes a bill to FORCE all you people to have colonoscopies every week, it will be for your own good and you willl be better off..
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From a financial standpoint, I don't think anyone can question that there will be less unpaid E.R. bills...

And from a moral standpoint, I think it's peachy that an insurance company is no longer allowed to drop you, if they find themselves in the awkward position of having to do their job. :thup:

Their jjob is to make a proffit what dont you get? and we are forced to buy into their game.

Do you not have insurance now?
From a financial standpoint, I don't think anyone can question that there will be less unpaid E.R. bills...

And from a moral standpoint, I think it's peachy that an insurance company is no longer allowed to drop you, if they find themselves in the awkward position of having to do their job. :thup:

Obviously YOU"VE NO KNOWLEDGE of how Medicare works much less how insurance works dummy!
A) congress passed EMTALA again being so ignorant I have to explain to you... again please before you write:
In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) that if a hospital takes Medicare, they have to regardless of an individual's ability to pay. provide stabilizing treatment for patients.."
As a result as I've stated several times I've access to a database of 6,000 hospitals and specifically WHAT the hospitals BILL Medicare.. sometimes billing 6,000% above
the cost of providing the service! WHY???
To cover the EMTALA requirement! Medicare is OK because they know hospitals are recouping their uncompensated expenses that way!
SO first EMTALA won't go away! Hospitals will continue to Over charge Medicare and any people that pay the bills to make up for the uninsured!

B) There never were 46 million "uninsured"... 4 million after you subtract 18 million that don't need ,can afford but don't NEED health insurance, 14 million already covered by Medicaid and only need to register and 10 million that aren't citizens... LEAVING 4 million!

C) Again being the ignoramus you are YOU never obviously knew that $850 billion a year according the doctors are spent needlessly out of fear of lawsuits!
How would you (if you have a job..!!) like to be constantly 2nd guessed with a lawsuit hanging over EVERY decision you make? $850 billion because of that!
D) Being the idiot you are you don't know Obamacare is taxing tanning salons.. Yup those big cancer generators is why!
E) So why didn't he tax 10% of lawyers $200 billion? Use that money and buy a $5,000 premium for every single one of the 4 million uninsured?

DO you have any clue as to what I'm suggesting? I am sure you don't!
Taxing the lawyers solves several problems but you being a lawyer lover, ambulance chasing "Enabler" like Obama you won't understand...
With the $20 billion in taxes paying premiums for uninsured that visit the hospitals will cut 90% of hospitals costs and will require hospitals submit to audits to verify they
are not padding and passing on sometimes at 6,000% markups as they do now!
The $850 billion costs will drop. The bogus padded and passed claims costs will drop!
Medicare will pay out less as will the other payers.

THAT simple but Obamacare has completed destroyed the system that has worked best WITHOUT government interference.
GEEZ they can't even subtract 42 million people that don't want, or do have or are not citizens from the 46 million they say are uninsured so how can the run 1/6th of the economy????
I really don't get it. Do the people that object to everyone having health and preventative care, regardless of their economic status, also object to these same people having National Defense, education, police forces, firefighters to put out their house, etc. regardless of economic status?
It has already been shown that preventative care costs more money than it saves.
As for the ER, why would costs drop? There will be more uninsured people because it will be cheaper to pay the penalty than buy insurance, which can always be purchased when the need arises because insurers cannot deny policies because of pre existing conditions. This is exactly what has happened in MA.

I'm sure you can show me where preventative care costs more money than it saves and more people insured will mean less uninsured will go to the ER which is much more expensive due that just going to your regular Dr.
Gee that took all of 20 seconds to find:
Why preventive-medicine services aren't lowering health-care costs | MinnPost

More people will not be insured. More sick people will be insured because Obamacare encourages people not buy expensive health insurance until they actually are sick.

Yes, and that opinion piece admits that certain preventative services lower healthcare costs. I also have another article that talks about preventive services lowering costs. And this is just talking about costs. Not to mention the lives saved as well.

If you don't like the above link, I can find many, many others that show preventative care saves money and lives

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