Listen, Linda! Listen! Toddler Negotiations Over a Cupcake

He'd better bulk up as he gets older. With that attitude he's cruisin' for a bruisin' and he needs to learn how to defend himself. If you look up the word "obnoxious" in a dictionary you will find his picture. If he has so little respect for adults now, when he gets older he will be uncontrollable. If he were my son as soon as he was old enough to join the military I'd sent his arrogant, argumentative, disrespectful ass to Parris Island. I can see him spitting out his teeth after telling his drill instructor, “Listen, honey, just listen, listen, listen.”

He is a little asshole; kinda cute in some mysterious way but an asshole nonetheless. His most likely future: prison, mental institution or drug-dependent, welfare dependent ward of the state. It's not all gloom and gloom. He might have a very successful career as a liberal politician.

His mother is an enabling idiot.
. Uh, you are talking about a small child here.. A year from now, he might become the best little feller you could imagine. You're sort of jumping the gun here, and you sound like these parents that think if a little 4 year old boy helps his sister cook something in the easy bake oven, then what next (run him down for and evaluation, and start hormone therapy immediately).. ???????????
I'm amazed that at 3 years old he is so argumentative with his own mother and calling her Linda and Honey! I'm wondering if perhaps he is mimicking his father? He had to have learned this from somewhere.....
She might not be his natural mother
What leads you to think that?

Why do you want to beat a 3 year old?
Just because he is smarter than you are and you can't win a simple argument?
Where did you see me say I wanted to beat him? He isn't my child. He needs discipline and consistency from his parents. His grandmother shouldn't be overruling what his mother has said (no cupcake).

He has never been to my house or met me. If he had he would know that in my house he would not win. He is a darling child but he needs to know the difference between the roles -His Grandma / Mother / Father - Child. He's the child. Not the adult.
. Uh, you are talking about a small child here.. A year from now, he might become the best little feller you could imagine. You're sort of jumping the gun here, and you sound like these parents that think if a little 4 year old boy helps his sister cook something in the easy bake oven, then what next (run him down for and evaluation, and start hormone therapy immediately).. ???????????
I'm amazed that at 3 years old he is so argumentative with his own mother and calling her Linda and Honey! I'm wondering if perhaps he is mimicking his father? He had to have learned this from somewhere.....
She might not be his natural mother
What leads you to think that?

Why do you want to beat a 3 year old?
Just because he is smarter than you are and you can't win a simple argument?
Where did you see me say I wanted to beat him? He isn't my child. He needs discipline and consistency from his parents. His grandmother shouldn't be overruling what his mother has said (no cupcake).

He has never been to my house or met me. If he had he would know that in my house he would not win. He is a darling child but he needs to know the difference between the roles -His Grandma / Mother / Father - Child. He's the child. Not the adult.
Listen to me honey
Why don't you just pray for him?
I'm amazed that at 3 years old he is so argumentative with his own mother and calling her Linda and Honey! I'm wondering if perhaps he is mimicking his father? He had to have learned this from somewhere.....
She might not be his natural mother
What leads you to think that?

Why do you want to beat a 3 year old?
Just because he is smarter than you are and you can't win a simple argument?
Where did you see me say I wanted to beat him? He isn't my child. He needs discipline and consistency from his parents. His grandmother shouldn't be overruling what his mother has said (no cupcake).

He has never been to my house or met me. If he had he would know that in my house he would not win. He is a darling child but he needs to know the difference between the roles -His Grandma / Mother / Father - Child. He's the child. Not the adult.
Listen to me honey
Why don't you just pray for him?
My name is not Honey.

You can be sure that I am putting Mateo on my prayer list. He's a precious child. He needs a good church family and a good Sunday School teacher. Someone has to help him learn right from wrong!
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She might not be his natural mother
What leads you to think that?

Why do you want to beat a 3 year old?
Just because he is smarter than you are and you can't win a simple argument?
Where did you see me say I wanted to beat him? He isn't my child. He needs discipline and consistency from his parents. His grandmother shouldn't be overruling what his mother has said (no cupcake).

He has never been to my house or met me. If he had he would know that in my house he would not win. He is a darling child but he needs to know the difference between the roles -His Grandma / Mother / Father - Child. He's the child. Not the adult.
Listen to me honey
Why don't you just pray for him?
You can be sure that I am putting Mateo on my prayer list. He's a precious child. He needs a good church family and a good Sunday School teacher. Someone has to help him learn right from wrong!
Kid keeps it up, he may grow up to me a USMB Moderator
He'd better bulk up as he gets older. With that attitude he's cruisin' for a bruisin' and he needs to learn how to defend himself. If you look up the word "obnoxious" in a dictionary you will find his picture. If he has so little respect for adults now, when he gets older he will be uncontrollable. If he were my son as soon as he was old enough to join the military I'd sent his arrogant, argumentative, disrespectful ass to Parris Island. I can see him spitting out his teeth after telling his drill instructor, “Listen, honey, just listen, listen, listen.”

He is a little asshole; kinda cute in some mysterious way but an asshole nonetheless. His most likely future: prison, mental institution or drug-dependent, welfare dependent ward of the state. It's not all gloom and gloom. He might have a very successful career as a liberal politician.

His mother is an enabling idiot.
. Uh, you are talking about a small child here.. A year from now, he might become the best little feller you could imagine. You're sort of jumping the gun here, and you sound like these parents that think if a little 4 year old boy helps his sister cook something in the easy bake oven, then what next (run him down for and evaluation, and start hormone therapy immediately).. ???????????

What I see is a problem that needs correcting. I have never heard a child talk to his parents like that and there is a reason: the child's behavior is abnormal. The sooner his behavior is corrected, the better for everyone - including the child - and you should know that. I am not jumping the gun. If you wait until he is older, do you think his conduct will improve without some type of intervention or correction? I don't. Without proper guidance little assholes grow up to be big assholes.

My child would never talk to me like that. Period. Your child obviously could talk to you like that and get away with it. That is a fundamental difference between us.

You have the last word. I am done with you and all those who find the conduct of the child acceptable and unworthy of criticism and immediate correction.

Edited to add: The child obviously did not get this way overnight. His insolent disrespect developed over a period of time because the parents condoned and therefore encouraged this behavior.
He definitely didn't get this way overnight. I'm glad to hear you say that you never saw a 3 yr. old do this before because it is a first for me too.

The liberal comment was spot on. He and his mother were invited on the Ellen Degeneres show because of his behavior.

This could potentially turn into a nightmare. Hopefully the mother will wake up.
Ellen is stuck in Liberal lala land. She gave the woman a $10,000.00 check and a week end spa voucher and the boy got what looks like a rolling monument of him surrounded by superhero figures and cupcakes. Not kidding.
. Ellen the enabler.

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