Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

No elected Democrat has spoken out about this, which can only lead to the assumption that they approve of it.

Not only were the quotes Senator Kennedy read extremely disturbing to be included in a school library for ANY age and certainly 100% disgusting and unacceptable for prepubescent kids, before the video ended he was saying that 'random' parents should not be allowed to object to it. That is even more alarming, reprehensible and unacceptable.

What in the hell is a random parent? I guarantee you the interpretation will be that ANY parent who objects to that will be 'random' and therefore will have no voice to object.
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YOu can't answer any other the questions, can you.

You've got yet another republican "leader" out there telling you what to hate and you just do it, not one single original thought of your own.


Kennedy is a Democrat you fckn god damn dumbass

Stop your fckn flaming
Dude seems to be getting all hot and bothered.

Maybe we need to keep him away from schools.
He is getting hot and bothered because he is being forced to speak in specifics.
He is scared to fucking death that he says something that upsets the LGBQT madcatters and could result in his losing his job. Which is a stone cold fact. He upsets the LGBQT on social media - he will lose his job.
You see him using his words carefully...pausing, carefully considering what he says - when he says he is disturbed by what the Senator read - he quickly changed that to "really disturbing hearing it from you" - his out. He needed to make sure he didn't want to be saying a description of gay sex is disturbing. He wouldn't even address that the book is in school libraries.
These are not adult books with adults in situations. These are children in adult situations. Books written for children about children.
No elected Democrat has spoken out about this, which can only lead to the assumption that they approve of it.
We can't have sensitive subjects like this addressed in books selected by professionals and made available to kids. Let them kids stumble through the internet, I'm sure they'll only find good wholesome stuff there.
There's always been a % of humans who are depraved animals...they formed a party, the Democratic party.

No, the Dems were pretty OK when I was a kid, they were for the little guy, social benefits, freedom of speech, and were against business, war and big government.

Then the Left took them over. Now democrats are for the Big Guy, want to kill all your benefits, violate all your rights, crush diversity of view and opinion, and are behind every mega-corporation (Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, et al.), support war and ARE big government.
We can't have sensitive subjects like this addressed in books selected by professionals and made available to kids. Let them kids stumble through the internet, I'm sure they'll only find good wholesome stuff there.

We can't have sensitive subjects like this addressed in books selected by professionals and made available to kids. Let them kids stumble through the internet, I'm sure they'll only find good wholesome stuff there.

Did you listen to the clip, and do you approve of those books being in public school libraries?

Just answer that question, so we can see what kind of groomer you are.

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