Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

We can't have sensitive subjects like this addressed in books selected by professionals and made available to kids. Let them kids stumble through the internet, I'm sure they'll only find good wholesome stuff there.
There are certain subjects, topics, material that are not suitable for kids who should be allowed to grow up as kids until they achieve the kind of maturity that can evaluate and intellectually process mature concepts. Those children who are allowed to grow up in the innocence of childhood will almost always be more well adjusted, more mature, make better choices, enjoy more success as adults.
We can't have sensitive subjects like this addressed in books selected by professionals and made available to kids. Let them kids stumble through the internet, I'm sure they'll only find good wholesome stuff there.
Your belief that "professionals" can be trusted to make decisions that are in the best interest of our kids is idiotic.
No, the Dems were pretty OK when I was a kid, they were for the little guy, social benefits, and were against business, war and big government.

Then the Left took them over. Now democrats are for the Big Guy, want to kill all your benefits, violate all your rights, and are behind every mega-corporation (Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, et al.), support war and ARE big government.
I watched the transformation of the Dem party the past 50 years. Dems used to tell the left to sit down and shut their stupid pie holes. Gradually the left drove all of the moderates out of the party and took over. Their party went downhill fast after that.

The old Dem party won on the issues important to the poor and working class. That's why they controlled congress for 40 years. That's back when I was a registered Democrat. After the left took over the party it's been a shit show.
What children? He's certainly isn't a child. Who has access to that book? What libraries is it in? Who is the author? what is the title?

There's a whole lotta missing information here.
If you had bothered to watch/listen to the video you wouldn't be asking questions that so clearly illustrate that you didn't and are just trolling here.
Did you listen to the clip, and do you approve of those books being in public school libraries?

Just answer that question, so we can see what kind of groomer you are.
Yes he does because he's just another Dim trying to placate the queers, or he is one himself.
I watched the transformation of the Dem party the past 50 years. Dems used to tell the left to sit down and shut their stupid pie holes. Gradually the left drove all of the moderates out of the party and took over. Their party went downhill fast after that.

The old Dem party won on the issues important to the poor and working class. That's why they controlled congress for 40 years. That's back when I was a registered Democrat. After the left took over the party it's been a shit show.
Ditto. There was a time when Democrats were patriotic Americans and both Democrats and GOP shared basic values, appreciated American traditions, agreed on most things that were good for America and Americans.

The difference between the two parties then mirrored those of the original federalists and anti-federalists, i.e. stronger central government with more authority vs strictly limited federal government authorized to do a few specific basic functions. Ironically the Democrat Party originally evolved out of the anti-federalist group. The two parties more or less began switching much of their individual platforms in the chaos leading up to the Civil War and its immediate aftermath. But for the most part Republicans and Democrats continued to share basic American values, morals, traditions, principles until the 'woke' movement beginning in the 1960's evolved into supporting the counter culture depravity and political authoritarianism that the Democrat Party has become.

In fairness to the Democrats, I fully acknowledge there are some old guard Republicans who are almost as bad. But I don't think even the RINOS such as Murkowski or Collins or Romney would condone the content in those school library books that Kennedy quoted.
They're not even trying to defend it... they're reading the thread.

earlier this year, a certain one-legged British faggot started a thread specifically to defend one of the pornographic works from which Senator Kennedy read a portion in the video in the OP.

Tainted Tommy is not American, so he does not represent any part of the American left wrong, but he certainly does exhibit the same sort of fucked up madness and evil that we are seeing here, from our Democraps.

This book seems to be the most banned book in America at the moment. It is cited on every thread about book burning or jailing dangerous librarians.

I must confess that I havent read it. But the Amazon page shows some sample pages and there are several online reviews. It is aimed at teens and young adults. People who might be questioning their gender or sexuality.

It wont be for everybody but I can see that it might help youngsters in better understanding themselves. On that basis it should not be banned. I certainly think that a cartoon book is unlikely to encourage tolk to change their sex. [/B]

Another book banned in florida is called "Dave has two Dads" or similar. Again this seems to have educational value. There are kids with two Dads. Should they not be catered for.? Should they not receive reassurance that this is normal

Trying to cancel all mention of alternate lifestyles does a dissrvice to kids. The kids are

notat risk in any way.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003
The pages shown on this review seem pretty bland and not nearly as graphic as the porn hub videos that the kids are watching on their phones.

But as I say I havent read it. I know that concerned posters on here have studied every word closely. Why is this book so much worse than the graphic pornhub output that is available to all kids?

Similar threads have been hotly debated and I must warn posters to keep their comments clean or risk sanctions.
You see him using his words carefully...pausing, carefully considering what he says - when he says he is disturbed by what the Senator read - he quickly changed that to "really disturbing hearing it from you" - his out. He needed to make sure he didn't want to be saying a description of gay sex is disturbing. He wouldn't even address that the book is in school libraries.

It's something that rather vividly jumped out at me.

The other guy (I didn't catch who it was) said that it was “disturbing” to be hearing this sick from Senator Kennedy.

Kennedy was merely pointing out that this sick shit is being made available to children, in school libraries.

Any sane, decent person ought to find it extremely disturbing that this material is specifically crafted for children, and being made available thereto.
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These are not adult books with adults in situations. These are children in adult situations. Books written for children about children.

About children engaging in deviant sexual behavior with other children, an with adults.

What kind of fucked-up degenerate thinks that it is in any way acceptable to be presenting this sort of fucked-up shit to children?
Did you listen to the clip, and do you approve of those books being in public school libraries?

Just answer that question, so we can see what kind of groomer you are.
They're probably inappropriate for kindergarten but seniors in high school are probably already doing similar things.
There are certain subjects, topics, material that are not suitable for kids who should be allowed to grow up as kids until they achieve the kind of maturity that can evaluate and intellectually process mature concepts. Those children who are allowed to grow up in the innocence of childhood will almost always be more well adjusted, more mature, make better choices, enjoy more success as adults.
What is that based on? When a 'kid' turns 18, he is magically an adult and wouldn't engage in any sexual activity until then? You should talk to people who live near high schools and hear their complaints about having to clean up condoms.
What is that based on? When a 'kid' turns 18, he is magically an adult and wouldn't engage in any sexual activity until then? You should talk to people who live near high schools and hear their complaints about having to clean up condoms.
And more reading dysfunction noted among leftists. It's pretty alarming actually.

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