Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

You'd be wise to start providing links to the crap you spam about.
You'd be wise to read the thread - numerous references, cites and links.

Or read the Bible.

Or just Google.
You've been asked repeatedly.
See above.
You're just flaming and I have no use for your childish game
Good - more time for you to do the above, though these actions would be based on your false premise...
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And who's pushed that issue over the last 40 years that we are where we are today? You. And others like you. You want to claim that because you've been successful in the complete degradation of society, that we should now not draw a line and should be willing to just let absolutely anything go? What isn't acceptable to you? Is sex in public in front of everyone okay? Is walking around nude acceptable to you? Is adult sex with children acceptable to you? Do you have any morals or values whatsoever? How is any of this healthy for children? All you care about is your 'agenda', and I don't think you even know what that is anymore? Can you even tell us what the end goal is in all of this?

That's a lot of straw...

OF must want the Bible banned.
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Have you read any of these books in question? I have not and I'd bet few, if any USMB posters have. So I think what we're talking about is banning books based on the cherry-picked lines read by a politician. I'd guess that these books have been reviewed and selected by librarians because they are NOT pornographic but educational.
The agenda here is clear, and it's driven by extreme conservative homophobia.
So you support the banning of the Bible?

I'm both surprised and disappointed.
In high schools that have a course in comparative religion, the school library should have books on many religions. The Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon and Scientology included. For younger children no.

Having Bibles unavailable in elementary school libraries isn't banning them. They are available all over the place.
Ummmm, consensual teenage sex, in graphic detail is still child porn.
You have quite the imagination.
And you are justifying it.

Guess we can all assume why, can’t we?
I support free speech, yes.

Do you want the Constitution banned along with the Bible?

There will be nothing left.

And you're salivating for that Taliban-like outcome.

Guess we can all see why.
In high schools that have a course in comparative religion, the school library should have books on many religions. The Bible, Koran, Book of Mormon and Scientology included.
For younger children no.
Under 12s?

What's your proposed cutoff?
Having Bibles unavailable in elementary school libraries isn't banning them.
It's banning them from the libraries - what we're discussing.
They are available all over the place.
Not the topic - see above.

Under 12s?

What's your proposed cutoff?

It's banning them from the libraries - what we're discussing.

Not the topic - see above.
Not all libraries. Just from elementary school libraries. If a child wants to go further, or parents want explicit books available to younger children, the public library has posted hours.
Not all libraries. Just from elementary school libraries. If a child wants to go further, or parents want explicit books available to younger children, the public library has posted hours.

Porn is not allowed in any store. Why is it allowed in ANY grade of school library?

The real agenda of the extremist left is the normalization of pedophelia. That is what you need to be aware of.

Democrats now call them "minor attracted persons" and are removing penalties against them.
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Porn is not allowed in any store. Why is it allowed in ANT grade of school library?

The real agenda of the extremist left is the normalization of pedophelia. That is what you need to be aware of.

Democrats now call them "minor attracted persons" and are removing penalties against them.
California law removes all abuse charges for an adult raping a child of the same sex. They are considered the same as an opposite sex assault.

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