Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

Porn is not allowed in any store. Why is it allowed in ANY grade of school library?

The real agenda of the extremist left is the normalization of pedophelia. That is what you need to be aware of.

Democrats now call them "minor attracted persons" and are removing penalties against them.

California law removes all abuse charges for an adult raping a child of the same sex. They are considered the same as an opposite sex assault.

Bingo! Thank you.
Porn is not allowed in any store.
What are you raving about?
Why is it allowed in ANY grade of school library?
It isn't.
The real agenda of the extremist left is the normalization of pedophelia, including child trafficking, murder and rape.

Your Bible not only normalizes, but glamorizes and glorifies pedophilia, including child trafficking, rape and murder.
That is what you need to be aware of.
One would require a break from reality to share this "awareness."
Democrats now call them "minor attracted persons" and are removing penalties against them.
A few insane Democrats may be saying this, but I don't think the party supports it, criminal as both major parties are.
You'd be wise to read the thread - numerous references, cites and links.

Or read the Bible.

Or just Google.

See above.

Good - more time for you to do the above, though these actions would be based on your false premise...

Either back up your claims with links or stfu already. You're just annoying and probably better off ignored
Sorry but I don't blindly accept your view that these books are hard-core porn and I certainly don't trust a politician to give me a fair and unbiased review.

Did you hear the excerpt that was read aloud? It was cringe worthy. You believe that is ok for a child to read?
Um, the Bible advocates murdering girls for not being virgins on their wedding nights, murdering people for being witches, murdering people for working on Sunday, genociding your neighbors, buying your neighbors as slaves, etc.

Provide verses and context.
No one's advocating for that.

Yes, you are.

So this isn't about "protecting" children but about indoctrinating them. Don't you dare let little Timmy see that it's okay to be gay.

It is one thing to have a book about it being ok to be gay, which is another disusstion, it is another to have book describing in graphic detail the sexual activities of a gay couple or a straight couple in a public school library.

It's about their profound homophobia, and they're using this insane argument to justify that homophobia.

Nothing to do with homophobia. If these books were describing a sex act in the same manner between a boy and a girl most people would agree it is inappropriate for a school library.

You and Joe need to get a room.
You're insane, incompetent, and/or trolling.

Read the thread - everything you ask for is already on it.

Or read the Bible.

Or Google.


Please do put me on ignore; your lunatic/incompetent trolling is a waste of time.

As you wish, Moonbat
Did you hear the excerpt that was read aloud?
It constitutes approximately 0.3% or less of the entire work, and describes a consensual encounter.

It's MUCH less troubling than the kidnapping, trafficking, rape and murder of children advocated in the Bible.
It was cringe worthy.
To a homophobe, no doubt.

Did it arouse you?

Is that the problem?
You believe that is ok for a child to read?
What age?

The Bible is DEFINITELY not okay for under 12s in my view.
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Provide verses and context.
Already done in multiple replies - read the thread.

Or the Bible.

Or Google.

Or continue pretending that the Bible is appropriate for school libraries/anyone under 12.

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It constitutes approximately 0.3% or less of the entire work, and describes a consensual encounter.

It's MUCH less troubling than the kidnapping, trafficking, rape and murder of children advocated in the Bible.

To a homophobe, no doubt.

Did it arouse you?

Is that the problem?

What age?

The Bible is DEFINITELY not okay for under 12s in my view.

Again, it has nothing to do in my mind with it being a gay act, that is a different topic. The explcity of hte act is beyond what a child should be reading.

I have a feeling that you are gay, which is why you have a bee in your bonnet about the subject and are so unreasonable, to the point of absurdity. 95%+ of American people would NOT be ok with this book being in their child’s school library. Unfortunately, a high percentage don’t know that this kind of stuff that is being pushed by the left, thanks to the national media. Ignorance is bliss and the Democratic politicians along with the MSM take full advantage.
Yes, you are.

It is one thing to have a book about it being ok to be gay, which is another disusstion, it is another to have book describing in graphic detail the sexual activities of a gay couple or a straight couple in a public school library.

Nothing to do with homophobia. If these books were describing a sex act in the same manner between a boy and a girl most people would agree it is inappropriate for a school library.

You and Joe need to get a room.
So you DO want to ban the Bible - thanks for clarifying.

And good luck with addressing the homophobia that led you to this bizarre panic over a few sentences in a book meant to help young people.
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Already done in multiple replies - read the thread.

Or the Bible.

Or Google.

Or continue pretending that the Bible is appropriate for school libraries/anyone under 12.


My children read the Bible. I can assure you they have never gotten any ideas even remotely close to what is portrayed in these books. Most people who make claims about the Bible don’t have clue what they are reading and take things out of context and are incapable of understanding the underlying meaning behind the multitude of parables.
Again, it has nothing to do in my mind with it being a gay act, that is a different topic.
I don't think so.
The explcity of hte act is beyond what a child should be reading.
But the Bible is okay?
I have a feeling that you are gay,
I have that feeling about YOU!

But I'm sorry - I'm spoken for.
which is why you have a bee in your bonnet about the subject and are so unreasonable, to the point of absurdity.
You're describing yourself, not me.
95%+ of American people would NOT be ok with this book being in their child’s school library.
What age level?
Unfortunately, a high percentage don’t know that this kind of stuff that is being pushed by the left, thanks to the national media.
^ Homophobia...
Ignorance is bliss and the Democratic politicians along with the MSM take full advantage.
See above.
So you DO want to ban the Bible - thanks for clarifying.

And good luck with addressing the homophobia that led you to this bizarre panic over a few sentences in a book meant to help young people.

Why are you harping so much on the homosexual aspect of these books? It is the sexual encounters that are described in explicit detail that is the main focus of my disagreement.
My children read the Bible.
At what age?
I can assure you they have never gotten any ideas even remotely close to what is portrayed in these books.
You know what your children are thinking? :eek:
Most people who make claims about the Bible don’t have clue what they are reading and take things out of context and are incapable of understanding the underlying meaning behind the multitude of parables.
Not parables - the Law of Moses.

Among a mountain of additional INCREDIBLY disturbing content.

A masterpiece, but definitely not suitable for under 12s.

Like Lawn Boy.
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Why are you harping so much on the homosexual aspect of these books?
I'm not.

I'm simply responding to the real issue that drives conservative outrage on this - homophobia.
It is the sexual encounters that are described in explicit detail that is the main focus of my disagreement.
Less than 0.3% of the book's content.

Like the Bible, not suitable for under 12s.
I don't think so.

But the Bible is okay?

I have that feeling about YOU!

But I'm sorry - I'm spoken for.

You're describing yourself, not me.

What age level?

^ Homophobia...

See above.

I give up. You just aren’t worth my time. You think porn is ok to have in public school libraries and equate it to the Bible, as if the Bible should be placed on the sheves at the corner mart next to the Hustlers and sold at XXX stores, which, ironically, have an 18+ age requirement. That is an utterly absurd position. You are in some rare air. It must be lonely.

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