Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

I don't think so.

I think you've just mistaken a book with a brief passage describing a gay sexual encounter - less than 0.3% of its content - with porn.

Why you've done this...

Does the Bible and it's incredibly disturbing contents and directives define this norm?

Away from glorifying child rape and murder as the Bible does?

I certainly hope so. :)

My agenda of free speech?

You find that objectionable?

Actually, it's wildly uneven in its application, and quite a mysterious process.

Idiotic and arbitrary.

See above.

See above.

But it's a book.

They don't have ratings.

If they did however, the Bible would be NC-17.

It's a book.


Numerous examples already provided - read the thread, the Bible or Google.

100% straw.
There are few humans lower than the Taliban and ISIS. Those promoting child porn are one of those.

Keep justifying this and keep showing how evil you are.
Are you suggesting it is ok then simply because it is describing a homosexual act vs a heterosexual act?
People have been having sex for tens of thousands of years, including anal sex.

There are a bunch of books that talk about sex, but anal sex makes a lot of people squeamish for various reasons.

In this case, the issue is clearly homophobia.

So what's happening is that YOU are the one with the problem because the sex is anal - and gay - and not heterosexual.
That’s even more illogical than you previous positions.
Your homophobia, and its many illogical aspects, is the problem.
I have read the Bible from cover to cover
Just the one time?
, many times.
Oh my - time to dig in again.
How about you?
I'm fine - thanks for asking. :)
People have been having sex for tens of thousands of years, including anal sex.

There are a bunch of books that talk about sex, but anal sex makes a lot of people squeamish for various reasons.

In this case, the issue is clearly homophobia.

So what's happening is that YOU are the one with the problem because the sex is anal - and gay - and not heterosexual.

Your homophobia, and its many illogical aspects, is the problem.

Just the one time?

Oh my - time to dig in again.

I'm fine - thanks for asking. :)

It’s homophobic to want child porn removed from schools?

You realize the admission you just made?
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Yes, anything that tells adolescents that it's OK to be gay, must be removed from the shelves. Children must NEVER learn that homosexuality is normal for a small subset of people. It might give them ideas that they're not crazy, or going to hell forever.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003

The book bannings aren't protecting children from pornography. They're keeping them from learning that being gay isn't wrong.
These books are disgusting, and to make them available to kids in school libraries is borderline criminal behavior under the child corruption acts, and statutes....
Of course Bingos like this dipshit think we should ban things he finds disgusting. He's a sensitive little bitch. 😄
Yes, anything that tells adolescents that it's OK to be gay, must be removed from the shelves. Children must NEVER learn that homosexuality is normal for a small subset of people. It might give them ideas that they're not crazy, or going to hell forever.

Amazon product ASIN 1549304003

The book bannings aren't protecting children from pornography. They're keeping them from learning that being gay isn't wrong.
You teach your children to take it up the ass, not mine...
These books are disgusting, and to make them available to kids in school libraries is borderline criminal behavior under the child corruption acts, and statutes....

Again, kids can find far more explicit stuff online.

Do right wingers suffer from some sort of amnesia where they forget how horny they were as teenagers.
Again, kids can find far more explicit stuff online.

Do right wingers suffer from some sort of amnesia where they forget how horny they were as teenagers.
That’s a bs argument. Maybe YOU didn’t give a shit what your kids were exposed to, others do. What makes you think YOU can make the choices for them?
Did you hear the excerpt that was read aloud? It was cringe worthy. You believe that is ok for a child to read?
It certainly was cringe worthy but many things are cringe worthy but there may be children that need to here it. If a child asks about the subject what should our reaction be?
There is movement by the Right to limit what children can read about slavery. That period was cringe worthy but that knowledge is valuable. The Holocaust was cringe worthy but that knowledge too is valuable. Where is the line? Violence is OK but sex is not?
That’s a bs argument. Maybe YOU didn’t give a shit what your kids were exposed to, others do. What makes you think YOU can make the choices for them?
Society has a right to protect your children from your own neglect.

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