Listen to the exact words in the exact books Democrats want in our public school libraries

How so? Explain.
Better yet allow me to let the author explain. This is the passage of their book that comes right after the anal sex.

I can't say I didn't enjoy it, because I did. But it was painful for sure. In those few minutes though, I can say that he was gentle. His aim wasn't to hurt me, and my aim was for him to be pleasured, too. He didn't last long inside of me, thankfully. He gave me a kiss before he pulled out. I didn't stay long, nor did I masturbate after. I was in a state of shock. I just wanted to get back home.

The next morning, me and my line brothers were planning to travel to Jersey for my birthday and I had to drive. But, I was in pain. I told them what I had done before getting on the road, they picked up some Tylenol for me and explained, "It will take time to get used to it." They were proud though. I had earned another gay badge of honor like it was the Boy Scouts or something.

I was in pain for nearly three weeks following that encounter and too afraid to go to the doctor for help because I would have had to tell them I had been having anal sex. So, like most trauma in my life, I sucked it up and dealt with the pain until my body healed. I didn't have sex for several months following that encounter.

But after a while, I got the courage to try it again, but this time I went into it much more prepared. With each time I learned more about my body and the power to say, "No, that hurts." Sex should be pleasurable. And there are safe ways to ensure that. Like they say, Practice makes perfect, and I eventually got a lot of practice.

I often imagine what my first sexual experiences would have been like had I been given the ability to learn about what queer sex was when all my straight friends and classmates got to learn about what it looked like for them. My queer sexuality was one big, risky crash course, much like other aspects of my queer existence.

There is so much danger in not providing proper education about sex to kids, especially for those who are having sex outside of the heteronormative boxes.

Now does that seem like an entry into penthouse forum or a young man sharing an experience that he wishes he had been better prepared for?
Are you crazy? What would make you twist yourself into a pretzel on this topic, other than your own perverted thought process on the matter?

Uh, not really. The problem is that you are finding that your sexual hangups are less and less accepted in the discourse, so you keep trying to find new lines in the sand to draw.

I was horny, but the schools were not a part of grooming my potential partners. That is exactly the difference Moron.
So you didn't get sex ed in School? that explains much.
Who gives a shit? A child's education shouldn't be limited to what their Bingo parents are comfortable with.

No you dumb Bingo. I'm arguing that comprehensive sex education improves the odds of teenagers actually practicing safe sex. And not just in terms of condoms and birth control but also in regards to consent and agency.
Wait just a minute here…they’re not your kids.

The parents should have the final say in ALL matters until they are adults.
Better yet allow me to let the author explain. This is the passage of their book that comes right after the anal sex.

I can't say I didn't enjoy it, because I did. But it was painful for sure. In those few minutes though, I can say that he was gentle. His aim wasn't to hurt me, and my aim was for him to be pleasured, too. He didn't last long inside of me, thankfully. He gave me a kiss before he pulled out. I didn't stay long, nor did I masturbate after. I was in a state of shock. I just wanted to get back home.

The next morning, me and my line brothers were planning to travel to Jersey for my birthday and I had to drive. But, I was in pain. I told them what I had done before getting on the road, they picked up some Tylenol for me and explained, "It will take time to get used to it." They were proud though. I had earned another gay badge of honor like it was the Boy Scouts or something.

I was in pain for nearly three weeks following that encounter and too afraid to go to the doctor for help because I would have had to tell them I had been having anal sex. So, like most trauma in my life, I sucked it up and dealt with the pain until my body healed. I didn't have sex for several months following that encounter.

But after a while, I got the courage to try it again, but this time I went into it much more prepared. With each time I learned more about my body and the power to say, "No, that hurts." Sex should be pleasurable. And there are safe ways to ensure that. Like they say, Practice makes perfect, and I eventually got a lot of practice.

I often imagine what my first sexual experiences would have been like had I been given the ability to learn about what queer sex was when all my straight friends and classmates got to learn about what it looked like for them. My queer sexuality was one big, risky crash course, much like other aspects of my queer existence.

There is so much danger in not providing proper education about sex to kids, especially for those who are having sex outside of the heteronormative boxes.

Now does that seem like an entry into penthouse forum or a young man sharing an experience that he wishes he had been better prepared for?
Nah, it sounds more like a grooming manual.
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Uh, not really. The problem is that you are finding that your sexual hangups are less and less accepted in the discourse, so you keep trying to find new lines in the sand to draw.

So you didn't get sex ed in School? that explains much.
So, you can’t overcome my argument rationally, so you resort to attack….typical from you.
Wait just a minute here…they’re not your kids.
Your kids don't belong to you either. They're independent beings who have the legal right to be protected from your neglect.
The parents should have the final say in ALL matters until they are adults.
Like abortion? Like deciding to feed your child candy rather than real food? Like denying your child life saving medical care? Sorry but there are limits to what you're allowed to do to your child and we should place those limits on Bingos like you stunting their social growth.
Your kids don't belong to you either. Their independent beings who have the legal right to be protected from your neglect.

Like abortion? Like deciding to feed your child candy rather than real food? Like denying your child life saving medical care? Sorry but their are limits to what you're allowed to do to your child and we should place those limits on Bingos like you stunting their social growth.
Do you have children?
When did you teach your kids about this sort of thing?
As soon as I thought she was capable of understanding. For my daughter that was fairly early on. She's a smart cookie. We spoke about inappropriate touching when she was pretty young. Also I had her at 19 so I wanted her to avoid following in my footsteps so I'd say we probably started having more nuanced conversations about sex around 13 or 14.
I'll address it.
Finally, thank you.

What factors make it a need for a child to hear:

"I pulled out of him and kissed him while he masturbated . . . he pushed inside me and it was the worst pain I ever felt. But gradually pleasure mixed in with he pain."

When does the need for a child to hear this arise?
Hard to say since this is one line from an entire book I haven't read but maybe it might be useful to a child who already engaging homosexual activity and is feeling suicidal because he thinks there is something wrong with him?

"our" reaction is not what is needed. The child's parents are responsible for answering questions like that, based on their own values and understanding of the topic.

When my children asked about "boys who like boys," I explained that the majority of people are attracted to members of the opposite sex, and that we are designed that way so that we can reproduce, but that there's always a ten-percent contrarian factor (a phrase I used a lot with them), and that some people are attracted to people of the same sex.

They never asked "what do they do with each other?" If they had, I would have explained it the same way I did when explaining heterosexual sex, giving them as much detail as they needed, but not dwelling on it.

You likely explained it much differently to your kids, and I am fine with that. That's what I don't get. Why the need to control how I talk to my kids, or to use the public schools to re-educate them from my own teaching?

It sure looks like being controlling out of lack of confidence in your own values.
I don't know that every father is at your level, I know mine wasn't. I suspect not every kid would be comfortable talking to their parent about sex either, I know I wasn't.

What are those people trying to limit about slavery and the holocaust? Do you have video of a Senator reading passages about slavery or the Holocaust that he objects to?
So no Bible or Lawn Boy under 12?

Do any elementary school libraries have Lawn Boy in them now?
I have not personally visited every elementary school library. Parent groups are complaining about the content of libraries in their children's school. So, go by that.
My children read the Bible. I can assure you they have never gotten any ideas even remotely close to what is portrayed in these books. Most people who make claims about the Bible don’t have clue what they are reading and take things out of context and are incapable of understanding the underlying meaning behind the multitude of parables.
I certainly have found that to be true. It's almost impossible to explain to people with made up minds. The Bible is not suitable reading for very young children. Bible stories that begin to introduce children to Biblical principles are. But not for a school library.
Finally, thank you.

Hard to say since this is one line from an entire book I haven't read but maybe it might be useful to a child who already engaging homosexual activity and is feeling suicidal because he thinks there is something wrong with him?

I don't know that every father is at your level, I know mine wasn't. I suspect not every kid would be comfortable talking to their parent about sex either, I know I wasn't.

The complaints are that these books are being directed to very young children. If a 3rd grader is engaging in sexual activity, particularly with an adult, there is no wondering if there is something wrong with them. There is.

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